>calls himself noob >has more posts than me feelsbadman.jpg
The people have a right to know?
Happy birthday bestfriend
Emulators are illegal! Ban this user for the speaking of illegal thing- -shot-
...Andrew ****ing Jackson.
Gee, I don't remember where my name comes from...
10 times a day!? How preposterous.
That is indeed what she said.
..you are surprised? someone'sneww.
h8 u .
...let's hope this next year will be as fortunate.
Try not to go overboard on the effects . Overall, they were pretty enjoyable.
Well, I seem fine, what about yourself, old chum?
fix'd . :|
Why hello, kind sir.
Fearless is the listmaker. :|
I don't think it would be a hit game here, just a fan game. It's basically the same as KH2, just with more keyblades, cutscenes, and battles. Same story. That's m opinion, anyway.