I forgot to sleep again. :/gasp:
So i herd u liek cryoshell
...... .-.
Go find sum mudkipz to liek.
hi .
Strong Isntitpretty? theme.
Hey there.
Wow, rude.
Strong spoilers.
Wow rude .
'Sup .
yeah hi. I have been thinkin' bout leaving for quite a while now. if this is for good, or for a period of time, i am not sure. well, goodbye KHV. take care of yo'selves.
I sincerely apologize for such a delayed reply, but my winter shall conduct of mainly rest, and preparations for exams. Quite exhilerating.
Dude they suck now
oh my god, welcome back ;~;
Sorry for stalking you
Had to. Anyway, ugh.
Why, busy with anything in particular? Just wondering if I could partake in assistance.
Fix'd .