Getting raped by Sephiroth over and over again ;~; No otger real disappointments.. Other than when i defeated Ice Titan to find no Diamond Dusk.. :(
Hmmmm... Beating riku in the race level and naming the gummi ship "Flyingpenis". Lawlz. But yeah, I've done the skateboard thing, and a lot more I cannot recall at the moment.
This and Kingdom Hearts II are the reason i bought another PS2. It's [obviously] one of the best games to hit the console, and I'm sure many, beyond this website are still playing.
I lost interest in your post after FMA brohood.
Halfway There by Rise Against.
Luxord. I haven't really known you all that long, but somehow, I know you'll get through this. Stay strong, bro, we're here for you.
I was gonna say that..
Harvard. If not, MIT.
Oh god dammit not again.
:lolface: :/gasp:
Well that's fantastic! I'm fine, I guess.
How might you be ?
Why hallo kind sir!