Yeah. course, Silver and the Pirate won't give a rat's ass, but to the others it will be like WTF.
Obviously And I was thinking about having the Organization tease them with him while their morale is down, as sort of a kick while your down type...
I'm still wondering on when to reveal him.
I wonder what the group's reaction will be during the first group/B.N. (Brady's Nobody) fight when he's hugely more powerful than before due to...
Yeah. I think Orias might try and get Robyn to ditch the group a few times as well, and morale will be down at times with no leads to go on and no...
Me neither. I'm thinkg Brady might make a return later in the Role-play. If you notice, Raxukan took both the Nobody and the Shadow Heartless of...
The pirate might try and duel you for it. Or if you lose the sparring match, Xikru could assume the role as he is better in skill terms.
Mmhmm . Also, when the group realizes Brady is gone (probably when they arrive at the North World and he isn't there, like he promised,) One...
Likewise, I won't be posting anyways for a while, as Brady is now a Nobody, so that the only posting is Xamsdek/Iahaxnuys/ the other Org XIII guy.
I won't be on tomorrow. or probably sunday.
Mhm .
Yeah .
Ah. I've dated over forums a few times, but it's a bit different then real dating.
lol .
Yeah, I prefer to have one, but oh well.
Nope .
Yeah, good point.
yeah .
Mkay then.