I beg your pardon?
Raxdyb looked her over and thought about her position. She was crouched, with her staff at eye level, in a defensive position, but able to retaliate as well. He thought about the best move. Finally he decided on it, and took the course of action. Raxdyb switched to his left hand. Then, he brought down the blade on her head. The expected move, but as she rose her staff to block it, she left her midsection wide open for a attack. As she brought the staff up to cover her head, he kicked her hard in the stomach, putting alot of force into his leg as his boot smashed into her stomach.
Very fun, and alright.
Uhm, what exactly should I do about the sheriff?
Saelis walked up to the Owl residence. He put inside the munny pouch a note that said "From R.H.", knocked on the door three times, then ran and hid to watch the people's delight.
Raxdyb stared at the ground, fully taking in the settings. Time seemed to slow down. He saw her right arm tense, and he could tell she would go for his side. He instinctively brought his right hand to his side, and in a flash of color, he held a gladius. It blocked the metal staff with a rather loud clang, and Raxdyb had to hold it strongly to keep his knees from knocking. He looked up at her with his blank eyes, nodded, and put his blade down.
Xamsdek nodded. "Carried through. Xelyk, Iahaxnuys, you have your orders. Divide it up between yourselves. This meeting is adjourned." Xamsdek disappeared. Iahaxnuys gave Xelyk a look that said "Meet you there." and also disappeared,
"Very well, would you like to suggest our next course of action?" He asked him. He was fairly interested in this boy's intellect.
Xamsdek nodded. "You take much responsibility, Lucrix. Know the penalties. Sold. To the man with the pink eyes. Anyways, our next point of business: The Keyblade Wielders. They are headed to Agrabah it seems. Any ideas?"
Xamsdek turned to Lucrix. "What, exactly, do you think you can mold him into?" He asked inquiringly.
Xamsdek called out to the group "Welcome, my colleagues, as we have important news to discuss. First off, our member, Xikru, has left and betrayed the Organization. He has joined the Keyblade Wielders, perhaps as a double agent, but more than likely as a traitor. He has, instead, been replaced by our newest member, one of the Keyblade Wielders himself. We have decided, though, after reviewing the RX-13 tapes section, that it is best we train him with a new weapon, as we all know what happened to the last Keyblade Wielder. Please welcome, Number XII, Raxdyb, Nobody of Brady." He called, gesturing to Raxdyb. "Any comments on this turn of events before we move to our next topic?"
That depends, there's a chance you might get caught and executed, and there's a chance you might achieve your goal, let me put it in to the factors real quick. EDIT: Rolls say if you attempt it this time you will be caught and executed. Sorry, I just relay the message.
I'm fine, and you?
The newest member, Raxdyb, walked straight into them. "Sorry." He murmured, then looked up at them. "Oh, Xamsdek has called a meeting." he said blankly to them. "Meet in the Round Room. He told me to tell people..." he trailed off. He walked past them and walked farther down the corridor, turned a corner, and was gone.
"Very well, I got the owls and the rooster then." Saelis said, and took off for them.
Uhm, actually, I screwed up with the darkness thing xD But that will work too.
Sorry, been off for a while myself.
Actually he started it by, oh, I don't know, TRYING TO MUG THE WIELDERS. Anyways, tired, want bed, may be on sunday, not at all tomorrow, and very...
Nope. The baby remark didn't help either.
I'm going to make it so B.N. doesn't remember his past life, but he starts remembering as the wielders breach the castle. I'm also gonna be sure...