This pleases me. c:
When you understand the fundamentals of equivalent exchange.
I don't know about you guys, but I hated Atlantica enough to where I didn't give two shits about the story, just getting past the world so I could do more fun worlds.
It's been a little while since I've shown my face. Spoiler Spoiler I understand they're basically the same picture, but they're the best two out of the whole photo shoot. It was a very windy day..
Good.. Feed your anger..
About a week. Oh, wait, you meant when you signed up? 7 years, 3 months and 16 days. I feel old. :c
This is the only day of the year it's my unbirthday.
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish. We do not know each other. But happy birthday. c:
Happy Birthday, Sforzato. Could you, uh, buy me a cold one for celebration? c:
I say we stand by and watch, and hope we do not become his victims.
None I care to mention. I did a google search of other forums to see what else there was around the internet, and none of them seemed interesting at all.
... How terrible other forums seem in comparison to this one.
That was my head, last night. I spent at least 20 minutes composing such a thread before I posted it.
.. On the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like, "I feel a bit light-headed, maybe you should drive." Suddenly, there was a terrible roar all around us, and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, and a voice was screaming, "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?"
This .
I suggest keeping pillows nearby. Chowder cannot surpass my pillow shields. Many of my friends thought he was named after that purple, furry creature whom loves to eat. Unfortunately, no. I wish I had a dog, though. Such beautiful animals*. *I'm talking about the larger, normal sized dogs. Not those miniature little shits that make all the noise.
This. Cat's are creative and agile creatures, eager to plot and execute whenever available. Do not let him win.