Bummer .
Ah, bummer. We've actually got some snow and such, just not enough to close school. No, usually it has to be ice.. at least 6 inches thick..
Close. Oklahoma.
It freaking snowed, FINALLY, for the first time this winter. And I still have to go to school. Goddamnit.
Hey guys wha-*shot*
I know, I thought it was hilarious.
boxerhockey.com I laugh every time I look at it. Well, that's where the original character and .gif came from, but the actual .gif in my...
Stop being such a Makaze.
Well, he does a have the right to critique, but he was rather rude about it.
Uninterested. I'm stuck on a straight path at the moment.
TOOTZ. Where are you? :c
Valentine's day isn't worth the trouble. /foreveralone
We're original. :x Spoiler
She's nearby where I live. In the same state and everything.
I had no idea I had even asked you a question on QT. Don't feel bad for not remembering. c: But thank you, kind sir! I tend to be an unstoppable...
Thanks. c: They're professional, but not big time professional. They're my Senior Pictures that were taken by my instructor at the Technology Center where I take a design class. I have a problem with taking pictures of myself. << But you're a handsome fellow, I must say! /nohomo Adorable. <3 YOU LIE. o:
I was Carl Jung (and before that, I was The Doktor) before. Don't worry, not too many people remember me because I kept leaving after I returned....