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  1. Llave
  2. Llave
    Profile Post

    hey butt

    hey butt
    Profile Post by Llave for Fork, Jul 31, 2014
  3. Llave

    (We’re going by GMT time here calm down)

    Big huzzah to the birthday gal for being 22 years old today! On behalf of the rest of the community, here’s hopin’ it’s a fantastic day of birth. Much love sweet pea~








    @JK Rowley
    Thread by: Llave, Jul 31, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Llave
    Question Time with...

    . : tale_wind!

    A couple of guidelines before you begin..

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. This is still KHV, which means that you must not use this thread as an excuse to berate or harass the Question Time participant. That being said...

    2 - ...The Question Time participant does not have to answer all of the questions.

    3 - The Question Time participant must maintain some level of activity within this thread. Don't leave all of your questions unanswered. You're in the spotlight, baby, so shine!

    4 - Give the Question Time participant some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Remember that they are in the spotlight for at least one week, so do not feel the need to barrage him/her with a lengthy list of questions all at once.

    And now that you have read the rules, you may ask away!~

    @. : tale_wind
    Thread by: Llave, Jul 30, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: The Playground
  5. Llave
    Profile Post Comment by Llave, Jul 30, 2014
  6. Llave
  7. Llave
    Like say the last 3-4 years of your life? Where were you last year this time? Friends you miss, lost, still have? Family members you no longer talk to or cannot for various reasons? A lot happens in such a short amount of time it really does. All those good memories, all the bad ones. Things that make you sick to your stomach, and things that overwhelm you with joy. All of these things are not only a part of your past, they are the embodiment of your soul. You are unique through two aspects, your physical self, and your inner self. These experiences mold your inner self and make you who you are today.

    Take it for what it's worth. You have the choice to either let these things control you, or liberate you. You can never run away from who you once were, but these things are precious reminders that even though we move on, we all leave behind a little bit of ourselves in the fabric of time.

    I hope you realize that life is a scary set of amazing events.
    Thread by: Llave, Jul 30, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Llave
  9. Llave

    Nerds :)

    I've heard of wishful thinking before but dis was a lol'amatic 5000.
    Post by: Llave, Jul 29, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Llave
  11. Llave
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Llave, Jul 24, 2014
  12. Llave
    Profile Post Comment

    its great, im not on today

    its great, im not on today
    Profile Post Comment by Llave, Jul 23, 2014
  13. Llave
    bois jus remember the hottest girl on this poll is already taken.
    Post by: Llave, Jul 22, 2014 in forum: 2014
  14. Llave

    Most embarrassing phase you were in when you were growing up.
    Post by: Llave, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Llave
    holy crap actually posting in here, um still kinda all like wut with the posting thing but I suppose I'll take a truth?

    Post by: Llave, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Llave
    Implying I kiss girls.
    Post by: Llave, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Llave
    That's because I'm retired. (On everyone but one pers-*death*)
    Post by: Llave, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  18. Llave


    Post by: Llave, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Llave
    ticket to my hear- oh wait you already have that.

    (i seriously dont remember. food probably lol)
    Post by: Llave, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Llave


    I think catfishing is a problem that can happen to anyone, but it can be prevented on certain occasions. The first being, both parties being absolutely honest about themselves, and open. Having regular skype voice AND video chats will not only qualm any uncertainties, but it makes it harder to fake someone they are not. (i.e. Myself pretending to be a 14 year old girl, it wouldn't work out well if I were to skype vid chat lmfao being a 21 year old man.) The second thing is to do your research. It's not always 100% fool proof, but if you have that person on facebook, check their family members, pics, info and see if it lines up. Check birthdays, and to see if these people in their lives actually confirm age etc. (if lying about age is in question.) Also, if someone says they live with their parents and have 2 siblings, and there are pics and conversations between said members, it's harder to fake being someone else from that angle. Cross reference said photos of the person you are interested in with other social sites you may have them on, and of course, if you obviously face chatted before, you'll know if they are the same person. Personality is a different case, and whether or not that person is committed to you, but that is up to that person if they are going to be honest about it. But the same could be easily said about someone who lives in the same city as you.

    Even with identity in check, be careful of intentions as well. If someone wants to just get in your pants, it will be pretty obvious with the way they treat you or try to sweet talk you that rubs things the wrong way. Asking for money can also be a big issue, trying to scam people out of their hard earned pay could also be another motive for some. But again, these things could happen to you if you were interested in the person down the block.

    One should always be weary about others, but don't become paranoid. Be smart about your decisions, if you decide to seek TRUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEE LOOOOOOOOVEE via long distances. Never rush into anything, and of course the ultimate goal is to mutually agree to meet up at some point, once you feel comfortable doing so. Life is always a gamble, there are never guarantees, but I know so many people who have found someone who makes them absolutely content and happy and they met online. Trust your heart, but also your head. Don't get into anything without feeling absolutely certain that you are comfortable with that person, and just get to know them along the way can be a fun adventure as well.

    And in regards to if I've ever been catfished, I have been fooled once or twice, but they were not a serious incident and the people who were involved are still my friends and I care a lot about them. Like I said, you need to take every angle while getting to know someone. But every case is different.

    Post by: Llave, Jul 19, 2014 in forum: Discussion