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  1. W7F
    I'd say what I'm thinking right now, but I might get banhammered. . .
    Post by: W7F, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. W7F
  3. W7F
    The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. W7F
    I suddenly wanna go play DDR...
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. W7F
    Hero of War - Rise Against

    I'm trying to play this song on my guitar. I've actually almost got it.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. W7F

    I've never talked to you, but I see your name around a lot.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. W7F
    XD! You've still got it. Come back or I'll make you. *holds up chains*
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Archives
  8. W7F
    Quoted for truth.

    To me, every other religion (or lack thereof) and every other race/ethnic group deserves to be respected/allowed equally to Christianity. But not MORE than Christianity/whites. If a Christian doesn't want to drive a "No God" bus, fine. Get someone who honestly believes that [a] God doesn't exist to drive it. Problems solved. No reason to ***** about it.

    At the risk of getting off topic, a woman was told that she wasn't allowed to wear a pin that said something or other about Jesus Christ and Christmas to her job. It would offend people who don't believe in Him. Fair enough. But another woman was allowed to wear her turban to work, and was given adequate time to do her daily prayers at the same chain of stores (not the exact same store, a store at a different location, mind you). Should we suppress one religion but allow others? America was originally inhabited by dudes trying to practice their own religion without getting persecuted. Christianity shouldn't be kicked to the curb so others can take over. There has to be some sort of balance.

    I was raised Catholic, but I don't consider myself Catholic. Hell, I'm not even sure if "God" exists. I do believe there is some sort of HigherBeing (:3), but whether or not its God... I dunno. I guess shlt like this will happen as long as there are people from different backgrounds. Maybe Obama will take over the world, and make us worship his ass. . .
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  9. W7F
    Supermassive Blackhole - Muse

    Lawl, I'm actually watching Twilight on my laptop (don't ask how), and the song came on. I was liek "ZOMFG NO WAI!" I knew Stephanie Meyer was a Muse fangirl, but shi- she even got one of their songs into the movie.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. W7F


    Its almost been a full year, but I finally got my 360 back! Of course, my Live subscription is expired, but I'm planning on getting it renewed with the month. Add me if you're bored. Here are the games I had when I got it taken away, and some new ones I just bought this afternoon:

    - Assassin's Creed
    - The Darkness
    - Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
    - Forza Motorsport 2
    - Halo 3
    - Call of Duty 4

    Just bought:

    Guitar Hero II
    Guitar Hero III
    Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
    Guitar Hero: World Tour (YAY!)
    GTA IV
    Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe
    Fable II
    The Last Remant
    Lost Odyssey
    Devil May Cry 4

    Whew... Yeah, I'm excited. I've got two cases of energy drinks (Lost & Monster FTW!), and the rest of this 4 day weekend is going to be ****ing awesome.

    Thread by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. W7F
  12. W7F
    Arch Enemy is like... hmm, s3x is the only word I can think of. meh.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Music
  13. W7F
    Spit It Out - Slipknot

    Since you never gave a damn in the first place,
    Maybe it's time you had the tables turned
    'Cause in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
    And the verdict is guilty...

    Steppin' where you fear to tread
    Stop, drop and roll
    You were dead from the git-go!
    Big mouth****er, stupid cocksucker
    And if you're scared of me now, then you're dumber than I thought
    Always is, and never was
    Foundation made of piss and vinegar
    Step to me, I'll smear ya
    Think I fear ya? Bullshit!
    Just another dumb punk chompin' at this tit
    Is there any way to break through the noise?
    Was it something that I said that got you bent?
    Gotta be that way if you want it
    Sanity, literal profanity hit me!

    Spit it out
    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out (x2)

    Maybe it's the way you gotta spread a lotta rumor fodder
    Keepin' all your little spies and leaving when you realize
    Step up, fairy
    I guess it's time to bury your ass with the chrome
    Straight to the dome
    You heard me right, *****, I didn't stutter
    And if you know what's good, just shut up and beg, brother
    Backstab - don't you know who you're dissin'?
    Side swipe,we know the Ass that your kissin'
    Bigity-biggidy ***** boy, halfway hauser
    Don't hear **** cuz It keeps gettin' louder
    Come on, and get a face full 'o tatic
    Lipping off hard, going home in a basket
    You got no pull, no power, no nothin
    Now you start ****?
    Well, ain't that something?
    Payoffs don't protect, and you can hide if you want
    But I'll find you, comin' up behind you!

    Spit it out
    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out (x2)

    'Bout time I set this record straight
    All the needlenose punchin' is making me irate
    Sick o' my *****in' fallin' on deaf ears
    Where you gonna be in the next five years?
    The crew and all the fools, and all the politix
    Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick
    You got **** when they passed out that good stuff
    Are you sick of me?
    Good enough, had enough!

    **** me! I'm all out of enemies! (x8)

    Spit it out
    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out (x2)

    Spit! (x4)
    Spit... it out!
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. W7F
    Knights of Cydonia - Muse, live at Wembley Stadium.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. W7F

    -fill'd bish-
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. W7F
    Profile Post

    'Ello. . .

    'Ello. . .
    Profile Post by W7F for Near, Jan 18, 2009
  17. W7F

    Need Snow!

    Lol, its a tiny bit cold now here in Florida. Well, wait, do you live like, in the Keys, or near northern Florida, like Jacksonville for instance? There's ****ing frost on my window right now. . . XDDD Not as cold as Michigan was when I lived there, but its kinda cold.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. W7F
    Yeah, I keep leaving, and then coming back, and then leaving and coming back again, and again, and again. . . Its getting old, so I think I'll stay awhile.

    Hmm... I'd say 2 outta 10? Dont see you all that often (again, I've been gone a lot).
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. W7F
    Dude, that shlt should be illegal. No way in hell that woman can keep the entire place sanitized (sp?) for herself/family and those cats. Video was funny as hell though. Made my morning, xD.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. W7F
    ****, that's hard. Murdertrain A Comin' or Bloodtrocuted or Awaken by Dethklok (haven't listened to any of these songs in a while, so I can't remember which is heaviest, XD!).


    O_O Dude, its been a while since I've found a fellow Lamb of God fan. ****, I didn't even think about Lamb of God. Now this IS really hard. I quit.
    Post by: W7F, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Music