What?! Where the hell is my pot!?!?!
T.S.R. - Against Me!
Secured mine today. I'm white, she's black, and a lot of her friends (and mine) are giving us a lot of **** about it. =/ Ttly worth it though ;p
Most definitely. I'm going to go kill something.
I know, and I'm spazzing over that too (I have every single one of their CD's on my iPod. My friend's say I'm obsessive), but Lamb of God can't be touched by anyone.
The 3rd track, Set to Fail, has one of the best intros ever. Its like. . . the only word I can think of is s3x. . . And I luv u too? EDIT: CD: Wrath 1. The Passing (basically an intro to the CD) 2. In Your Words 3. Set To Fail (epicness, song-form) 4. Contractor (lol) 5. Fake Messiah 6. Grace 7. Broken Hands 8. Dead Seeds 9. Everything To Nothing 10. Choke Sermon 11. Reclamation
And it is totally worth the wait of about two years. I've listened to it so many friggin times. Best CD they've released so far, in my opinion. Anyone here planning on buying it when it hits the streets?
So, now it is known why DS left. Shame all the free time he has isn't being put to good use. How the hell can you play a game that much, and not gradually get better? XD Meh, not like I can talk that much. I phail at Halo 3. CoD4, though. . .
Seize the Day - Avenged Sevenfold
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=31162&highlight=Swordser Wow. XDDDD I was an even bigger noob back then.
^ B4MV Ownz. Two Weeks - All That Remains.
Time Is Runnin Out - Muse . . . heading towards last line, so. . . The Most Beautiful Girl (In The Room) - Flight of the Concords
Car Alarms - Dane Cook.
Holy ****. . . does that mean the 5 sistas are going to reunite? Waitamin. . . Apokalypse?
Hai. Fill'dbish.
That's What You Get - Paramore Lawl.
I'm actually having to use my fireplace in Florida. Fuxing ridiculous. Global Warming fails.
Misty IS mean. I was having a totally nice conversation about different music groups/bands we liked, and I suggested some random band (and how I liked their newer stuff better than the old), and she 'asploded! If we were in Chuck E. Cheese's instead of on the interwebz, she mighta ripped my face off! DX
**** a Dog - Blink 182. I kno all duh wurdz.