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  1. W7F
    Only One - Yellowcard

    Holy flippin' nostalgia. . .
    Post by: W7F, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. W7F
    I almost feel bad...

    O Shi-

    I get re-addicted to Yellowcard (and now Ryan's new project Big If), and actually stop listening to Escape the Fate for a few months, and a new music video pops up on YouTube! Its been out for an entire damn month! Here it is, 10 Miles Wide, with the lead singer from Buckcherry in it (I always wondered who the other singer was while listening to the CD, and when I saw the video I face-palmed. How the hell did I not realize it was Joshua Todd?).

    Opinions? Sound, video quality, and the new looks?

    EDIT: Lol, in More From EpitaphRecords, click ETF Show when your done. Craig couldn't even finish singing the song. . . Stupid bouncers too.
    Post by: W7F, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Music
  3. W7F
    I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me) - Marilyn Manson
    Post by: W7F, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. W7F
    I've cried while reading a "Summer Reading List" book. Thoughts of suicide were creeping in. T'was terrible. Required reading ftl.
    Post by: W7F, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Literature
  5. W7F
    I've been in a relationship or twelve (lol?), but never with anyone I actually ended up caring too much about. Hell, most of them ended by the second week. Seems like everyone I've met only wants to hangout while the money is there, the beer is flowing, the bong warmed up, and while its sexy party time. No one I've met is willing to stick through all of the motions of that roller coaster called life. Bichez. . . D:

    Even so, I think I'd rather fall and lose. Better than being a 40 year old virgin.
    Post by: W7F, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  6. W7F
    Nice idea, and I guess it would give apple some more money, ya' know, 'cuz they need it so much. pirate4life

    This post and some replies remind me what kind of site i'm on. Must be careful. pirate4life

    >> iwonderwho'susingtheotherskin,andcantheyseethis? D:

    << pirate4life
    Post by: W7F, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. W7F
    The last thing I ate was Lucky Charms.

    12 hours, 37 minutes and 43 seconds ago - and my life has been magically delicious ever since.
    Post by: W7F, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. W7F
    Has anyone actually read The Satanic Bible? Or any other various supposedly satanic literature? Probably not, but I'm not going to go there on here.

    1. Possible?: My mommy always told me when I was young that anything was possible. She must've been drunk.

    2. Why or why not?: I've ****ing tried. doesn't work. D:

    3. If for some odd reason it would work, there's nothing I'm willing to trade my soul for. I'm a "linear" person, whenever I've remembered to take my pills. Meaning, I decide to do something, and I work at it until I get wutev, or do wutev, and then I go for the next thing. So, i trade my soul for this one thing, and then its like "Oh, ok. Next!" Then where I'd be? Probably trying to find a way to get my soul back for the rest of my life. Counter-productive ftl.

    Oh, and liek, hai to anyone who remembers me, and has noticed my absence. :D
    Post by: W7F, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. W7F
    ^ Hell yes.

    Killing In The Name - Rage Against the Machine
    Post by: W7F, May 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. W7F
    I feel like a nerd, but I bought the remastered version of the movie for myself on DVD last christmas. I've already watched it like a thousand times. Probably the best song in the movie, other than the intro and The Oogie Boogie Man song.
    Post by: W7F, May 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. W7F
    The Good Left Undone - Rise Against

    Oh shi- Nostalgia.
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. W7F
    O_O That actually makes sense.
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. W7F
    quoted for truth.
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. W7F
    Anyone ever send theirs in for a similar problem? How long did it take for Bill Gates and his lackeys to send it back fixed? I sent mine in yesterday.
    Thread by: W7F, May 2, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. W7F
    ^ Lol, just finished listening to the acoustic version of the song. I can almost play it on my guitar.

    Something - Escape the Fate
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. W7F
    Sorry, had to get it out of the way...

    Mine was over 9000.
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. W7F

    Pirating music feels moar better
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. W7F
    I recently stuck my big toe up my nose.
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. W7F
    I was supposed to take mine this year, but I was lazy and only took the ACT. Supposedly much easier. I guess its true, I got a 28 on it, and I didn't even have a calculator, and I bought a $20 practice test book and didn't even open it once -__-. I miss my twenty dollars.
    Post by: W7F, May 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. W7F


    I do not intend to offend anyone with this story. My political beliefs may be different from yours; my personal experiences may be different from yours. It doesn't matter. Don't like, don't read.



    The sky was...fitting. Red. The Sun. A beautiful, violent ball of fire sinking below the horizon, tingeing the clouds pink and purple, like bruises, and the rest red. Just red. Sitting by the window on the 50th floor of the Bank of America tower in New York City, I felt normal for just one painstaking moment.

    The office door twenty feet behind me shuddered as one of them struck it. The flimsy door wouldn't last long. I took one last look at the sun, and then one of the "pigs" burst in. He had used his head as a battering ram, and now congealed blood trickled down his face. His mouth was agape, and the blood ran in rivulets around his lips, met his puffy, purple lower lip, and washed over his teeth. He was covered in something that looked and smelled like ****, and he wore a janitor's uniform. I noticed the Bank of America ID somehow still attached to his shirt pocket, and remembered back to the night I burned mine. Can't believe that was only six months ago. Feels like a different lifetime.

    He charged, a guttural yell far from human ripping from his throat - as I swung my axe and removed his head from his shoulders. His body contined to fall towards me, and I stepped out of the way, careful to avoid looking at the blood. I hate blood. Sticky, hot blood. I'm entirely aware of why I don't like it, but it doesn't help the problem. Face your fears, right? Bullshit.

    I walked towards the open door, and carefully stuck my head out. Dark hallway in both directions. I was surprised. Those that are infected tend to stick together. I've never understood that, but its a fact. He must've been trapped on this hallway, the building automatically locked itself when the **** hit the fan. Me breaking in probably woke him up.

    Yeah, the ****ers sleep. That is the one thing that they have left that reminds me they were just like me not that long ago. The pigs like him still sleep.

    Him. ****, its not human. Not anymore. At least, not human in any sense I'm used to. I looked back over my shoulder, saw the dark pool under him. I then decided it was time to find a different room.


    A(H1N1) is a subtype of influenzavirus A and the most common cause of flu in humans. In 1918 50 - 100 million people died from strains of the flu virus. In 2006 half of all reported flu infections were of the H1N1 strain. The H1N1 strains are common in birds, pigs, and humans. In April and May of 2009, several laboratory confirmed cases of H1N1 related deaths were confirmed throughout Mexico, and then it went north to the US and Canada. No one died outside of Mexico from the virus. Not at first. For awhile, it even seemed like the flu was nothing to worry about, despite the initial hype brought about by the media. Then things changed. The virus mutated.


    Taking a break. My fingers are no longer used to typing. Guess its been a while.
    Thread by: W7F, May 2, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives