Dammit, now I'm going to have to go watch every single episode of Spongebob Squarepants I've got on my "brick" (portable harddrive). Almost 10 gb worth of spongebob. Kinda sad, but kinda awesome at the same time.
I live like, 12 blocks from the beach. =D Its ok. Like, on your way there & while you're there. And then when you get home and you realize you have sand in places you didn't know sand could go... Its meh. So like, are you going to a beach with or without oil? :3 Either tanning oil or BP's oil. Whicheva.
Microsoft is going to take over the world. :/ And so like why just now?
Hah, nice. Have a lot of fun! I've heard that that area is very nice, but kinda expensive. Some people go to the beach for vacation. People who live at the beach go to cold places (I'm off to Illinos in 2 weeks). :/
Now I have to go clean my keyboard. Got the peach tea I was drinking all over it. Twice in one night, holy ****.
I think DTard likes Dream Theater. Because I Got High - Afroman
The weirdest part is, is that I remember La Sofa, and never knew that La Sofa was gone. Then again, I've been gone a while. I also remember La Sofa didn't like being called The Couch.
I stuck my big toe up my nose. Then, I drank some pool water. After that, I decapitated a Naruto cosplayer. Actually, I washed my car and went up to my college to get my new student ID. The lady who is supposed to do it wasn't even there. That's how my life works normally though. :/
Meh, I cleaned it up slightly. Now there's just some weird splotch on his forehead. If he ever says anything, I'll be like... Dad: "The F---!?!?! MY IDOL IS RUINNNNNED! NOOOOOO! Nooooooo! *whispers* nooooooo!" Me: "lolwut?" Dad: "Explain. Now." Me: "Well, don't you remember?" Dad: ". . .Explain." Me: "Like, the other night you were totally wasted, and passed out in your lazy chair. And the book was slipping off your lap. So I dove for it, not wanting its awesome-ness *cough* to touch the dirty floor. And I did, and caught it, but you like suddenly came out of your stupor and got up so fast you knocked your peach - I mean whatever it was you were drinking all over me and the book." Dad: "... Oh, ok. Here's a thousand dollars. Go buy yourself a new t.v. and Xbox 360." At least, that's how I think it would work out.
Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold
XD But then my dad would make me go to his funeral. D:
My dad is a total Glenn Beck freak (if you haven't at least heard of him, you've had your head up your ass for a while now. If you haven't heard of him. Realize I said that, not "if you don't like him. No political fights pl0x). Complete. Drooling. Zombie. I like some of the dudes points, but I'm not bowing in front of the t.v. when the dude's show comes on. However, I just managed to spill my peach tea all over my dad's book by Glenn Beck. The hell should I do? I thought about eating it to get rid of the evidence, but I now realize that won't work.
Burn - Against Me!
Life Changing. For Serious. House of Leaves. Will not sleep for a week. XD Well, maybe for five minutes. I've read it like, three times.
3rd time I've made an Escape The Fate thread. Weird. I make one, find a buncha people that appreciate their music, and then alluvasudden I end up taking a break from the site, and the thread goes way past the 3 months buried mark. So I can totally make this new thread without getting reprimanded. Yay me! However, Escape The Fate, you could say, has begun to earn the recognition and respect they deserve, and I'm probably wasting my time making this thread and trying to gain them followers. I'm sure most people have at least heard something or other about them or heard their name mentioned (as long as they listen to this genre of music, I'll make that assumption). Escape The Fate was one of THE bands that have made me the extremely varied music lover I am today. Due to my upbringing and where I lived (stuck in a small neighborhood in Mississippi sandwhiched between a neighborhood that was more like The Projects in front of me and another neighborhood of like, million dollar homes that were like right on a bayou a few blocks behind me) all I listened to was Country (million dollar home friends), some light classical music (million dollar home friends) and some of the dirtiest, underground rap (my 'hood friends. And I honestly mean that, I'm not slighting them/being racist.). After moving to Florida and meeting all sorts of new people, I now listen to pretty much every type of music created by mankind (even **** in languages I can't even understand. Kinda sad). Escape The Fate was one of the bands that opened the door to Rock & Metal (and every single one of its sub-genres). So, enough about me & why I almost worship these dudes (who have changed a lot since the last thread, and drastically since my first on this band). Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/escapethefate Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/escapethefate Twitter: http://twitter.com/escapethefate YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/EpitaphRecords#p/u/0/5vE6EWj6vLQ ^ Still don't have their own channel it seems, 'cuz they're rollin' with Epitaph. Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_the_fate ^ So you can check out their past history, learn Ronnie Radke's new band name if you don't like the "new" ETF, and see their discography.
Still on hiatus? I'm not, so you shouldn't be either. ;D
Reminds me when I first got my car. I got a speeding ticket that same day. Stupid cops always sit and wait on one side of a bridge, or at the end of an exit ramp, frikin' praying that you're going more than five miles over the speed limit so they can ruin your life. Bridge, in my case. Three hundred sixty effin' dollars. 110 in a 45 zone ain't THAT bad. . . at 3 a.m. D: Try not to run over any old ladies :3
Wallet: $130 (lol been saving $ all summer) 4 Guitar Picks (one is orange and has a turtle on it, another is tie-dye that I stole from my friend, the third is black, and the fourth is broken lol) Gamestop Edge Card Blockbuster Rewards Card Beaches Library Card Driver's License High School ID from like 2 years ago My receipt saying I pre-ordered Assassin's Creed II Something else I won't talk about on a children's website and some lint.
I would say Hollywood Undead, but I'm sure most would argue that they are rapcore, so I'll go with Wu-Tang Clan.
Lawl, I STILL watch Ed, Edd, and Eddy.