just bbq, NOTHING ELSE. i like you already.
Well done, Dinny! ;u; What's your course/major/whatever they call it?
why is bbq weenie here. aka nate.
Icons larger than 100x100 are generally unappealing to me. Hi, Makaze.
Breath and Life ~ Audiomachine
He can be found mostly on tumblr now, lol. He doesn't really like coming on here.
we could have had it all, princess rice.
god friggin damn it princess
I've missed your avvies and your general presence on khv / weeps Adoring all of these, especially the swan princess one. Are they free to use with credit etc?
King of Carrot Flowers ~ Neutral Milk Hotel
clawsaken all the way
Playing The Witch and the Hundred Knight and omg
All I look forward to in life is Kitty's annual 'May the fourth be you' threads.
lol .
I'll do you proud, ChrissMctits.
bubblegum ***** ~ marina and the diamonds thinking of bubbeline