naw cat i'm legit afraid someone will slit someone's neck open for this money p l e a se h u r ry
mac n cheese is the best.
Please wake up from your nap, Nate. We're going to die here.
i love you really. with all my heart.
does jaden yuki still eat feet cheese. these are the questions that plague my mind.
will homestuck ever update.
it all went downhill as soon as you left, bud. still on the ferry.
no. nobody missed you because you're a terrible, terrible human being.
jake we need more snail girl up in here.
brb brb guys. got a ***** i need to slap. / ferry to france
AAAAAAy enjoy it, cat!!
> dear > D E A R J A D
you are all lovely people and i hope you are happy.
let's aim for 5,000 c'mon guys.
are we there yet.
god ****ing. i. no. go away.
david cameron is a willy.
top gear is on tv and i don't know how to feel about that.
Don't look it up right now. We must endure and post till Nate tells us the winning number. Would telling you some of her work be more helpful? 'The Arrival of the Bee Box', 'You're', 'Lady Lazarus' etc? I hope you enjoy them if you do decide to look them up! ;U;
who are you? who are we? why are we here I like Poe. Do you like Sylvia Plath?