Sora rubbed the sore side of his face and did not meet Kairi's face, but looked at her. "Yeah, but she probably is, so you'd have to do her because we don't have any other villainesses." Sora grumbled. "Who else thinks my plan is stupid??" Riku raised one hand in the air with a smirk. Sora got so made at Riku's remark that he accidentally snapped Kairi's figure in half. OOC: Also, try ""'s with dialouge, please? Just saying.
Omg. A one liner...and sooooooo untrue, unless you're being sarcastic...I can't tell with the ROFL's. "Excuse me, is this some kind of joke?" "No, it's a question alot of American's are afraid of. All you have to do is verify to the U.S and the world that Obama is not a communist." "Screw that, I'm never going in for another interview again unless I know the interviewer is in my pocket or in the campaign's over-crowded press-pocket."
Sora glared back at Kairi, first at her eyes, then at her chest. He then knocked the headless of the table with the "Super Pecs" Sora figurine of his own. Just in case, Sora then took his own keyblade, cast Fira!, and within moments the headless wanna-be was firewood. As the tip of the keyblade smoked, he blew on the smoke cooly, and sat back down. "'s what we're gonna do...." He took the Sora figure and wiped out all of the key members except for two. He then used the Riku figure to try and knockdown Demyx, then fail, get back up, fail, and get back up, and finally beat Demyx. Then useing the Kairi figure he began rubbing front ends together between the Kairi figure and the Larxene figure, moments later knocking down the Larxene figure. He then put the Riku figure down, faceplanted on the table, and left the Kairi figure by the Sora figure, all the other figures knocked down. "Any questions?" He figured the diagram was simple enough. OOC: I'm trying to make Sora a complete opposite of himself. His usual-self is kind, loyal, brave, and modertly polite. As you can see, Sora left the Riku figure knocked down, and the Kairi and Larxene figures rubbed front parts together. Obviously, Sora is a bit demented and perverted.
Those banks needed bailing before the war. Except they thought of themselves as such hotshots and didn't listen when Clinton, you know the p****-whooped Pres who did some good for the country when his wife wasn't looking?, told them to. Later: "Heeeelp us! HEEEEELP US!" -_- Let us blame George II. The stupid Texan guy...hmmm...doesn't he live near a Oil Field? Hey! We could use that! Wait, doesn't he also call the parents of young men and women missing in Iraq personally? Nah, use the Oil Field thing. You know, it's heard all the times Obama's plan for spreading the wealth around is either Marxist or Extreme welfare or both. It could be both, but it's definately, without a doubt, Extreme Welfare. If McCain gets Presidency, you'll hear alot of voices say: "Whazzat? I can't get my hair highlighted, shop at the finest clotheing stores, eat at the finest resteraunts, drive around in a huge gas-guzzler and have ten-thousand babies so I have the excuse to do so?? This is an outrage to the American dream!" Quoted-Reisen: But Obama still says that he is Afican American. But he's mix of course. Anybody who has hails from Africa, is African-American. Anyone who hails directly from Germany is a German-American. Anyone who hails from Italy is an Italian-American. etc.... Barrack Obama can't term-wise be anything but African-American, as his father hails from Africa.
Sora looked between the two, at one time looking not at Kairi's eyes, but lower. He then shrugged. "Simple. We have keyblades, the true powers of darkness. They have those stupid light weapons, which darkness always overcomes." Sora explained. "All we have to do is strike them down one by one." He said with a maliced grin, and brought out a collection of wooden figures, each one looking like a different organization member. "Sora, I had no idea you played with dolls." Riku said with a smirk. "Shuddup!" Sora spat, then laid out the Org figures standing up, and then takeing a group of three other figures from a sepearte chest. Oddly enough, the Riku figure had a huge chunk cut out where the crotch would be, the Sora figure had huge pectorial muscles, and the Kairi figure was more "proportioned" then the real Kairi actually was. He faced the three figurines at the org ones, and left them there for the moment. "So who wants to know how we're gonna do this?" Sora asked with a devilish grin. OOC: Oooh,....Sora would never actually be like that with Kairi. Stareing at her lower parts and makeing figurines of her more.....let's just cont with RP....
Right. It is what made Catholicism stronger even though they were tossed to Lions, ripped apart by wild horses, and other contemperary tortures. Notice how I say they. Well, imagine a 20'something year old black gangster wanna-be saying: "Whatchoo lookin' at cracker?? We had to work on your F**** ancestors fields for years!" When in reality most of todays white American's ancestors never owned slaves, and many of todays African-American's ancestors never were slaves in the states. Imiko, I'm pretty sure you'll live to see the first President in power. Times have changed so much, esp by this election, we're probably going to see White Candidates only rarely. Not a huge supremancy deal, but it's a possibility. There's very few colored Senate seats, in fact Obama was only the fifth to get as far as he did before Pres Candidate. But have a little patience, and I'm sure we'll see a better Black Pres who doesn't want to "Spread the wealth around". AKA: Revenge-Slavery. All working people work for illegal immgrants in a way they don't even know it, and lose they own money so that Illegal aliens can get driver's licenses and collect Social Security by the age of, I dunno, five.
OOC: it's cool. Just let me change the age a bit, and a few of the assets that better suite a wisened leader. Here's the redone template: User Name: BaseSebastian Name: Norras(Nor-ras) Age: 5 (35) Sex: Male History: He has stood beside the leader for many years. He is not one to plot or try to overthrow, and has defended many from dangers during his second-in-command position. Related To Any Pack Members?: Kasha. Maybe? I really don't know what I should put here. Rank: Pack Beta Appearance[picture/description]: will draw later Other Information[Optional]: Is remarkably strong and agile. His weakness, however, is the fact he can only battle for so long before loseing stamina dramtically. Text Colour: DarkSlateBlue And a Recap of what's going on so far, please?
So is voteing for Obama simply because he'd be the first Black President. And DO NOT say that is not an excuse many use. Hell, some morons even vote for him because they think he's going to bring about the End of the World, and a scary amount of people want it to end soon because they think they're holier than though...hehe....if Obama did somehow bring about the Apocolypse, though I doubt it since he's at least a decent guy, you'd see those people fall through big craters first out of anybody. Like I said. Obama's not a big problem, he's in fact a good speaker, and a good leader. Except...Bill Ayers....Bin Laden....and other such idgets like Biden for example, are going to try and use him as a "collect two hundred dollar" go.
It was currently dark on Destiny Islands, as the sun had set long ago. But in the deep underground base of Sora, Riku, and Kairi, Destiny Islands was always dark. Riku leaned against one wall opposite a wooden table, holding "Way to Dawn" outstretched in one arm. "Have an Itching Keyblade arm, Riku?" Sora asked chortling. Riku remained silent, but nodded in approvement. "All we need is a plan, and those goody-two no-hearts will all die out soon enough." Sora reassured. He did not look very much like the original Sora. His eyes were a sickly green instead of blue, deep purple impressions hung under them, and he was slightly more built than the lanky and humble Sora all knew in the other universe. Riku however, was much like his original, except for the fact half his face was hidden in a curtain of White hair, which hung around his shoulders in the back and reached the way to the bridge of his nose in the front. "Name the plan." Riku muttered breathily.
Answer to that is underlined in bold. I doubt Obama would personally lead such a movement, but certain Black people who are extremists will use him as an excuse in any way they can to overthrow equality. Any Black people who oppose them will be treated like the White people who defended equal rights 60 years ago. Hawaii, Aughust 4, 1961, Barrack Hussein Obama is born to Stanley Anne Dunham, a white woman. Skip ahead to 1992, his mother dies of Ovarian Cancer, 10 years after his father's death, his father seperated from Obama's life many many years prior, who came originally from Kenya, Africa. Obama once even visited his father's old home. Don't think I don't learn these things. Colonization. "The greed of White people", is what Jerimiah Wright speaks off, though you don't hear to much about the extremist these days, eh? African people sold their own people as slaves to Settlers in America and to other countries, and White people colonized Africa, therefor leading to a much lower number of Natives. Qoute: Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles: I don't get why people are racist it's just stupid and everyone in my class is always like "Obama is probably going to get shot and McCain is going to die from old age." I don't know about the McCain thing even though he is old....But ,I don't want to be mean or anything,Barack will most likey get shot.Alot of people like him but if I were able to vote I probably would vote for McCain because I don't want Obama to be shot.~ Probably the most sense I've heard in a long time.
That's weird, you'd think the Apostles(Practically the entire media) would try and defend Their Mesiah in anyway they can. Well, it happens. *Rolls eyes* Then I wonder, what will be the number for Black Sumpremancy once Obama is elected. Whether Obama leads that sort of movement or not, it'll happen...just can't wait for revenge-raceism.
OOC: Why do you always go for the lead? Shouldn't leaders be good ones? Also, it's a simple mistake. I saw the leader position was open, Hellkitten is a good friend of mine, so I though I'd help out, and it said you were already another character at least.
Bringing up an old thread "Will you watch Obama on Live TV", alot of people didn't think he was going to get shot while on television, which is almost always Live. Heck, some even doubted anybody would try to kill him. AHEM! Anyway, I'm glad they caught these freaks, generally because even though Barrack Obama isn't really a good candidate for Pres, he's still a life. *Cough, even though he doesn't think a similiar way with Abortions* Just watch, McCain's going to be blamed for this, because the media is the tank for the Mesiah we have here. Everyone's been putting the "KK" insignia on McCain since he began running against an African-American Man, and have stupidly continued through now. it'll be those same people who will say "McCain is a Neo-Nazi, and Masterminded this plot! By the way, where did my drug dealer move to again? I'm low on crack?" A terrorist-taught Candidate being killed by opponent terrorists is always a possibility. And since the whole factor of "voteing for Vice Presidents", who would you rather have: *Female Voice*We need to get the over-controlling Far-Left Liberals out, and save the economy, eh. Or *Drunken Voice*Whhhhhaaaat are you taaaaalking abbbbout....I zzssswear to Drunk I'm not....God.
Cid sighed. "Nope, for some reason can't feel any parts of my nervous system." Cid said with a grunt. "Only thing I can try to move is basic motor skills, but that's about it.....That G'darn pirate who got me musta slipped me somethin'." Cid cursed under his breath.
New pics are up in The Rat Pack. Ask around for people who might want a title. Please, I'm trying to get members for something I got planned in a...
"Yeah.." Cid grumbled, half-awake. "If ya could call it that." Cid didn't have the energy to luagh, but he would. "See, they don't trust me all that much." Cid said with regret. "'Cause I'm a grownup, a few of'em think I might just be a pirate. 'Cept look at where I am now, and tell me I'm a pirate."
"Name's Cid." Cid grumbled. The girl's name seemed familiar, then it clicked. "You're that new girl brought here, aren't ya?" Cid asked curiously, though in his usual gruff voice. "I'm on your side, 'cept you probably didn't see me much since I'm always working in my workshop in the Lost Boy's treehouse." Cid reassured.
Cid twitched at contact, slightly out of it at the moment. But luckily enough, only moments latter, his eyelids began to flitter just a bit, until they opened. He was still too tired to move anywhere though, as he couldn't even lift his own head to see who had just touched him. "Who...who's there?" Cid grumbled miserably in pain. ** Leon finally reached the door to Cid's workshop to find it locked, so he knocked a couple of times periodically on the door. A couple more times, and Leon began to shou through the door. "Cid, you in there?" He called casually. No answer. Having no choice, Leon unclipped his gunblade from his side and swung at the door, causing it to blow to bits before his eyes. Inside, it was totally dark...and eeirly quite. "C-Cid...?" Leon called out almost nervously. He was more concerned that something had had happened to Cid than afraid of what might happen to him. No answer. Leon turned-tail and ran to go get help. Something had had happened right under leon's nose, and he wasn't just going to stand by.
It is no longer a fanfiction. That is true. Perhaps Fan-doggerel? Except Doggerel's are usually at least out boring. I mean seriously, besides the fact they copied off of years of Final Fantasy work, there's not really alot of creativity in there.
Hair color: If you don't already have it, black. Sorta uncut. Desired clothing: White Hollister shirt, blue denim jeans, black Quicksilver shoes. Favorite Disneyworld ride: This I know you don't have. If I had to choose, it'd be between Stitch's Great Escape, or the Laugh Floor, Monsters Inc. Ironically, they are both in Tomorrowland..>>.....<<