Where? Another Chapter you mean?
Oh ****. I just realized you are ****'in staff. Holy ****. I'll quit with ****'in politics if you let me ****'in get away with ****'in bagging on the ****headed Bill ****'in Maehrs, or however you spell his ****'in last name. +Puts all owed money into the jar.+ I'm gonna ****'in make this ****er overflow, just watch me ****'in do it.
1.) Why do you make it sound like I'm mentally ******ed? Oh...right. I'm not Aethists, moreover, I'm Catholic, therefor, I am ******ed. I so stupid me dun fergot. 2.) If yer so diehard Aethist, why'd you say "My god"? Esp is you don't worship one? 3.) Race doesn't have to be a big issue, and miscegenation, yes I am familiar with the term, Oh Mighty Smart Always-Right one, isn't the only way to push towards equality. All people are already part of one huge race, though it actually does sound like something from a Sci-fi, it's called the Human Race.
There has been more titles officially added to promote for female members. The following titles are now open: Shirely MacLaine Lauren Bacall ------------- This title has been removed to due apparent difficulty to use the last name. Marilyn Monroe Judy Garland Titles most likely to be taken first: Monroe and Garland. So girls, act now! (You can only apply for any of one these roles if you have a....have a......have.....Are a girl.)
I read it and caught up, but I should probably recap since it's been a while since the first chapter came out.
Saix lowered the gem. "Nothing for now." Saix explained breifly. "The Superior wil find out soon enough that one the Prisoners suddenly became a child." He goes on, he then gracefully turned to face the prisoners. "And if they want to be free, they will do exactly as they should, as to make sure the Captain does not find out."
Bit of what?
I am sorry, it is not a term I usually use. Most of the time, Jeus Christ is a phenomenal substitute. Either way, it's plain enough to see. With the way things are going, White people will be a miniority by the time everyone on this entire board is dead and gone of old age. Certain Black people, because every race has dumb people, being Black doesn't exclude a person from being anything but perfect, will try an uprising, and perhaps succeed. It is a but a theory, but one supported by many beyond just pessimistic White people. Equality will unfortunately be a thing of the past, as more Illegal immigrants from the Atlantic Isles and Mexico flock to America, not work, get money, while small bussinesses suffer. Either way, whether or not there is an uprising of any kind, Obama's plan for spreading the wealth will give money to the greedy, whatever race they may be. But why should I argue with the Mighty Cin? He who is always right? I bow before your self-proclaimed awesomeness.
Saix pointed the blue gem next at Kairi, after she came out into the open. "Do not make me girl." Then turned his attention back to Demyx. "I've been playing second fiddle for far too long." Saix explains. "The Captain is very distant with me and watches sports like I don't even exist, even though I do all the cooking, and the cleaning, and attempting to dominate the idiotic Lost Boys." Saix hissed. "But, with this gem, I will turn the tables." He pointed it at Demyx, keeping a steady grip on it. "If you do not accept my offer, I will have no choice but turn you into a five year old." Saix threatened darkly.
OOC: I can deal with this. BIC: A man in a black coat with the hood down walked into the room, flipping a deck of cards between his hands. "I am here." Came the voice of Luxord. He looked down at Roxas uncertainly. "He tried to attack the enemies, didn't he?" He asked to Vexen almost telepathecally, but his true power was actually over time. ** Sora hurumphed and threw his own keyblade into a corner. "D*** coward." He cursed, and sat back down. "If Madame large-posterier hadn't tried to speak to that freak of light, we porbably could have taken him down before an attack." Sora mumbled, pointing over his shoulder at Kairi at one point. OOC: yes, Sora just insulted Kairi, saying she has a big butt. It is after all, Dark Sora.
Don't ****'in tell me what ****'in do and not do ****er. What the ****, I can't stop ****'in cursing! Somebody ****'in give me some ****'in help! I'm sorry I metioned how much a dumb*** Bi(n La)den is! Just give me some ****'in help, mother****'ers.
OOC: Noob RP Godmod and say wha? No killing, and Roxas's throat was bit under pressure to think about escape.
Cid heard the last comment, and was filled with enough rage to get to his feet and yell at Demyx. "I'M NOT OLD! YOU SON-OF-A-" But Cid did not finish his sentence, as Saix had raised the blue gem in his hand to Cid's face, and before anyone could stop it, in a ray of blue, blinding light, Cid was but a mere child of 16. Saix lowered his arm and looked at Demyx. "That, is what it does." He said, sweeping one arm to Cid, who was looking himself over with shock. "it turns young into adults, and adults in young teenagers." Saix explained. "I retrieved it from a certain chest I found near the ship." Saix said with a glimmer in his eye, stareing down Demyx. "I wonder how it got there, consdering the fact is was being carried through the water by two formations of water that look exactly like you." Saix went on, and his hair stood on end, his yellow eyes expanding so that the pupil grew smaller. "I know you dug it up Demyx!" And he calmed down. "But, we can help each other by makeing the best use of this device." Saix finished, and offered his other hand, the one free, to Demyx. "Deal?"
Sora, seeing his chance, activates duel stance, and chooses the correct path the knock the keyblades out of Roxas's hands, which Roxas, unlike Sora, can't retreive by thought or the power of darkness nor light. Sora closed the Keyblade on Roxas's throater, barely giveing him enough room to breath. "Back to your Organization. Now. And bring them a message." Sora said darkly. "Tell them: Kairi has the hots for Saix." Sora ordered. Only if Roxas agreed, would he let the petty excuse for a being live. Riku watched with interest. He would use his own powers of portals to light to make sure Roxas didn't try to escape too fast. Riku had once btrayed his friends to the light, but now was different.
****, ****'in Joe Biden would join this forum for ****'in beer. The mother****'in pansy is a ****'in hypocryte and a drunk, why the **** wouldn't he? He ****'in swears to Drunk he's not God.
Xenmas stood alone in his cabin, thinking of what Demyx could have possibly done to the tresure chest, when suddenly, Saix came through the door, carrying quite the heavy load. It dripped with sea water. "I thought you might like to know I found this while bringing the Engineer back to the ship." Saix reported. "Place it by the bed, I will go through it later and thank you for your trouble." Xenmas ordered quiter than he usually would. After all, Saix had done him a great favor. Saix did as he was ordered, and left the room shutting the door behind him. Safe from earshot, Saix grinned maliciously, takeing a glistening jewel out of his pocket and casting it into the sunlight. It glistened magically. "Let's see how those miserable brats like growing up." Saix muttered to himself contentedly, and made his way for the brig. In so doing, he ran into Demyx, with the food tray. "Demyx, would you like to know a certain secret?" Saix asked almost kindly, showing the lower pirate the item in his hand. On the floor of his seperate cell, Cid could not see anything, but heard a rapture on the bars of his cell, and heard voices, but could not make them out enough. "What are they saying?" Cid whispered to Kairi.
OOC: Wait, where are we? BIC: Sebax chuckled lowly. "Okay, how about we leave the beastial girl by herself, so that she can escape? Or better yet, take her someplace so she can attack us all and still escape." Said Sebax ammusedly. "No. I say we lock this puppy up in a chamber where she can't open a portal to darkness."
You've got to be ****'in kidding me. There's no actual ****'in money to put in, you dumb***es. You're all dumb****ers like ****'in Bill Maehers. Now he's a ****er for the ****'in ages. Makes this dumb*** movie about religion and makes Jesus Christ look like a dumb*** because it's in the script ****'in Maehers wrote. Not to mention he talks about the Pope like a the same ****'in Nazis who just caught caught trying to ****'in assassinate Barrack ******(Mentioning his middle name is a ****'in raceist slur, right?) Obama. God, Maehers is a ****head. Wow, I feel better. *Puts a couple of dollars in the jar*
Norras emerged from his den, stretching on his front paws, feeling the fresh dirt beneath his paws. He closed his gapeing mouth and looked around cautiously. In looking, he spotted Kasha, and calmly walked up to the pup. "How goes the morning, young one?" He asked deeply. OOC: Tell me if there's something or anything wrong.
Agreement. I'm sick of everyone treating Obama like a Mesiah for people who think they've been tortured during their own lives. Everyone will make it a racesit deal, then whaddaya know, Black Supremency. No equality. Just White's going into resteraunts through the back doors only. I have a dream, that one day, the children of Slaves and the children of slave owners will sit together at a table of Brotherhood. MLK must be rolling around in his early grave because of the "yes We Can" T-Shirts with his face with Obama's face on the front.