Well Kudos for Ctr. She gave me a lot of help when I lost my password to kh-vids and couldn't get on for over a month.
Ooooooh. That one thread that explained the problem just occured to me. Glad your were proven innocent. Who brought you back and for what reason?
They're on the voice thread.
Ok. Just let me put this out there: King is really hard to say with Donald's voice. I'll try, but it'll sound like "kink".
Problem is I don't know what I want to do. I need a little direction. I've never even viewed ReCOM before.
Tell me which Donald lines I should do from COM, then tell me which floor those lines are on.
Why does Donald's first line sound like A**hole?? Bah! I can't get it right! I'm going to load Donald's first three lines in this post. Check your profile messages. I don't want to spam here. Edit: Donald's done. If you need more lines, tell me.
Doing dubs now. I'll send some for Lex and Don in a bit. I can only get one scene with Lex in it to Download, and that's the scene I dubbed before; that cool? EDIT: Lex is up. Downloading COM lines for Donald now.
What'd you get banned for, if you don't mind me asking? I just remember you as one of the first people I pretty much "met" on the board...
Shades. I drew some facial pictures of Sebax and Base, not to mention another character in chron. Can I upload the formers to this group? The last one I won't upload until Sunday or whatever day. I could also draw pictures of others in the story, guys. Don't need to give me a picture, just tell me the basic shape of your face, including eyes, nose, jaw, cheeks, eyebrows, etc... and I can pretty much go on from there judging by the specs given in the template Shades set up. And besides, it's pretty much going to be bust-like statues and not full-bodied pictures. I know pictures aren't really neccesary, but it's always good to know exactly what the characters look like to some degree. Like, you'know,...eye-llestations. Example of my drawing abilities: http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp296/prtmcr/Sebax.jpg Not all that great, no. But compare it to these: http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp296/prtmcr/Sebax1.jpg http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp296/prtmcr/Sebax3.jpg My drawing is gradually getting better.
Then who was it that got banned then came back.... Sorry I got you messed up. Uh...still, nice to have you back.
Wow. How'd you get unbanned...again?
Dman. Trust me SHADES-IS-THE-BEST-JACK-EVER! I think I still have a voice sub he did a while back. Yea, I never delete anything..xP I'm going to try and do all the voices I said I can do and might be able to do, except for the ones you said you pretty much might have. I'm no Rob Paulson or Jim Cummings, so if one voice sounds way too much like another voice, tell me.
This is going to be my very last post in this section. I like Obama. I don't want to see anything bad happen to the guy, after all he's our President. Pope John Paul II got shot, as did several Presidents and other world leaders. Sometimes they have surived these fleeting fireings of stupidity, e.g: Pope John Paul II, Reagan, etc... Those Neo-nazis got caught trying to do something completely insane, but that's not always going to be the case. I pray for Obama's sake, and for the sake of our country. If Obama can save us, God bless him. If he can't before some whack-job with a quarter of their brain above water, then, still, God Bless him. I'm going to try and watch him on LIVE TV, but it's going to be something very skitish for me. I mean alot of Texans saw a bit too much blood and brains flying about after Some idiot shot JFK. Bush haters suck, and I'm not going to be an Obama hater and whine and complain since my candidate didn't win. God Bless America, God Bless Kh-vids, and God Bless Barrack Hussein Obama.
Okay, going to update title pictures in a second. And as Shades said: This picked up fast. I know, alot of the reason behind the sudden increase is because I pretty much invited you all myself, but at least this is a social group now. Welcome everyone! I'm so gald you came!
Woa. You do a good Axel. 0.o And Cupcake did really good with Larxene. Sweet! Just so you know, for future ref, I do voices of: Jack Skellington Oogie Boogie (Then again, I'm white...0.o) Xigbar Luxord and I might be able to do: Will Turner Leon or Cid. Either one, depending. Mushu (Again, I'm white soo...) Beast Hades or Auron. Scar and the Genie.
Yesterday 06:02 PM keybladeofdarkness4 where has this club been all my life? Well, most of the time it never actually existed, so there's your answer.
That's cool. I won't be on later, or for a week at the most after later, so don't expect a fast reply.
I'm going to be writing that scenario I was talking about in the Writer's family thread. Expect it soon or in a week. EDIT: I have it finished...
I think you should check out "Island of the Forgotten" when you log on...>>.....<<