As Arthur comes down, Stitch and Genie are locked in mortal combat. With semi-sharp claws, Stitch then swipes at the Genie's face. And due to his being a toon, Genie's face slides of his neck in slices according to where Stitch's claws made contact. His face in different slices on the ground, Genie inhales deeply. "Of course you realize; this means war." He says in an impersanation of Bugs Bunny. He then poofs back to normal and turns into a G.I. Joe rip-off with an AK-47 in both hands. "Eat bullets, furbag!" Genie shoots as he cocks the gun and fires off like crazy, hitting walls, grazing the top of Stitch's skull and clearing some fur clean off, and making bullet holes on the wall all around Arthur, in the usual comical way. He then runs out of bullets and unclips a grenade from his belt. Biting the clip off, he gets ready to throw it. Stitch, not being stupid, tackles Arthur up against an oppsite wall and covers his large ears. "This is for Bill, Jeff, Tom, Frank, Joe, Henry, Alex, Steve, Pete, my Mother, my Father, Freedom, my country, tri-colored beagle puppies, President Washington down to President Obama, Bill, Jeff, and Walt Disn-" BOOM! The grenade goes off in a controlled explosion of black dust and smoke just as Genie was about to finish and throw the weapon. When the smoke clears, Genie is still standing in the same exact position he was when he was speaking, except totally black and crusted. Stitch gets up and tilts his head questioningly at the frozen Genie. Then taking a nearby Hair-dryer, he turns it on right in front of the Genie. Instantly, the Genie begins to blow away in ashes, bit by bit. Now a pile of ash with lips, Genie speaks. "You're on the list!" Genie shouts louder than loud, and poofs back into himself, and poofs away back to the top floor, probably to go back to sleep. Stitch grins and takes his seat back at the computer, and types away at the keyboard.
Played By: BaseSebastian Name: Seb Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: 6"4. 160 pounds of muscle. Slightly muscualr build. Wears blue denim jeans, white t-shirt, and a red beanie cap. Brown eyes, tanish skin, and jet-black, messy hair. Pug-nosed, square-jawed, near-set eyes, ears bent towards back of head, and long limb. Side(U.S./European nation that likes the U.S./Random American country or *insert country that hates the U.S. here*) : Irish. The IRA don't hate US does it? They're sorta flip-floppin' B*as*ards, aren't they...At least I got the Irish Punk lingo down..xP Weapon: Two hand guns, one AK-47, and a shotgun rifle. Carries hand guns on hip belt, and Rifle and AK on back straps. Power: Bulls-eye. Virtually never misses where he means to hit. That doesn't mean always kills, just means always hit where he wants. Specialty: Charmer when it comes to beautiful girls his age. Bio: Raised in a backwater valley village, he's a classic punk. A born Smart-alec and womanizer, he's earned himself a bad reputation. He's signed up for this mission for reasons he doesn't say. Other: Has a broad, devilish grin, and a toothpick is always in his teeth.
Already, Stitch had found the coconut cakes, and was munching them down like no tomorrow. Taking breathing breaks and time to chug down a mug of coffe, the mug with his face imprinted on the front, he soon finished both the coffee and the whole box of coconut cakes. Wipeing the excess creme off his face with his sleeve, Stitch gets down from his chair and starts up the computer in the corner. "OH-NO-YOU-DON'T!" Comes a shout from behind. And Genie's eyes are targeted on the computer. Stitch looks over his shoulder and sees his internet time jepordized. His tear-drop eyes turn to slits and he growls. "Naga! Computer mine!" Stitch exclaims. "Is that so?" Genie asks gruffly. Then his index fingers turn into gun barrels, pointed directly at Stitch. Stitch jumps up in the air with great agility when he hears gunshots with his super-sensitive hearing, and lands on the other side of the Genie. It however takes him a few seconds more to realize the only thing coming out of the barrles are drooping flags reading "bang" in cartoonic letters. Genie chuckles a bit, sounding more like his usual self, and turns his fingers back into fingers. "Gotcha." He taunts happily, and makes a run for the computer. ~~ Luxord shakes his head again as Axel's tank fully fills with water and the red-head goes into sleep-mode. His watchful eyes then notice young Roxas nearly tripping over his feet. Sighing heavily, thinking if there's any intelligent Nobody like him, he heads for the stairs.
Luxord's eyes open slightly, and he looks out his tank. floating, he gracefully moves his finger in the direction of the tank-opening button. Getting out, he looks at his fellow Nobodies. Seeing Axel's tank, he shakes his head pitifully, and walks up to the tank and raps gently on the tank window. "You are not dozing off that easily." Luxord shouted calmly through the thick glass. He stands in front of the window and crosses his arms, looking at Axel sternly.
Hey, sorry to bug you, but I'm trying to keep OOC to a min in RP. What color are you going to use for Vexe?
Xerch is ok. Just tell me how to pronounce it. That's a new rule I added. But no titles. It's pretty pointless, no offense.
How do you pronounce: Vexe? [Vehx-ie or Vehxe]?
Did I forget to mention: You can pretty much start as soon as you join. You just wake up in your Isolation tube, and anybody who hasn't woken up yet is around you. Try to keep things in real-time as well. Say you go up a level or down a level, and say which room you go to. For the sake of RP, you can only go down one level per post. And the anagrams are only used in conversation, just refer to your dis chars as their true names. IC: Tear-drop shaped, jet-black eyes open, and Stitch floats suspended in the liquid in his tank. Touching a button to the side, the liquid flushes out, before the glass front opens with a woosh, and Stitch steps out. He gets down on all fours and shakes himself much like a dog, making the walls and floor wet. He could have used the towel by his tank, but then again, he's him. He stands back on two legs and looks around. Everyone else was sleeping. He left the third floor for the second; maybe he'd have some coffee and coconut cake before they got up. As soon as Stitch leaves, Genie wakes up, not even bothering to press the button in his tube, he just poofs out in a puff of blueish-greyish smoke. He snaps his fingers and his tank is empty of liquid, and the tank's door is shut. He then transformed the trail of mist that was currently his lower half, and had legs with baggy pant and pointed shoes instantly. Using said legs, he also made his way down to the second floor.
OOC: I herby give up rights for Luxord. Pm me when you all get to PoC. I just can't do much RPing at the current moment.
I'm White....but not Obese. Does this make me a weightist?? Judging by a Tv show I watched of his once, he's overweight by choice, not by a disorder. There were more McDonald scenes then there are witty jokes in Scrubs. And where did I even mention he's a fat loafer who thinks he's right all the time?? Okay, albeit right there, right now, but that was it. >> << Not to mention it's virtual. Do you think I'd really toss a grenade at a Pacifist?? And yes, his weight is mentioned in the app. If you light him on fire, he yells: "My precious blubber is burning!" "Get some water! Or some soda, if you have it!" And when he's fallen on his head and can't get up because the system is a little flunky, he says: "Man, I need to get up so I can eat." But other than that, I don't really hate him 'cause he's fat. Just because he's too far-left. Too far Rights can be a little annoying too.
Yup....that's pretty much the term for conservatives and Republicans right now. It's idiotic, but whatev. And since when did this become the debate corner? I just said how much I enjoy beating the living snot out of a Far-left moronic Director who should have sticked to good films like Canadian Bacon. Michael Moore: Great Comedian; terrible polictician.
In memory of my beloved pair of sunglasses....*sniff* I brokeded dem, and now they are brokeded. I also have been meaning to find out. If I were to cosplay, which character from Kingdom hearts would I be best as, according to looks.
>>....<<.....Why is Only Time Will Tell on the fourth page of the Creativity Corner? I swear, I have the second chapter written, I just need to hand-write it all down and transfer the draft onto this computer. Then I can just copy and paste it onto the forum. But I'd still like some C&C...-_- Also, speaking of writing, I need good Rp'ers for a new RP I have running. It's desinged particulary for userse who can't get on very much to RP, and has a Nobody/Disney theme to it. Shades would esp find it interesting due to the leader of the Disney-ization XIII.
Funny buddy. You get to buy skins (With in-game money, of course) of several hated figures like Michael Moore, John Kerry, George W. Bush, etc... And you can buy certain things to either have fun with them, or make their virtual-self's life total hell. My favorite skin is Michael Moore, my favorite past time is to make the Gravity shifter, a special object that forces all objects to gravitate to one certain area, then dropping about six or seven infants on him and lighting them on fire with him covered in the bodies of the Aborted Infants Democrats think are right to kill by giving irresponsible sexaholics the right to "choose". Good times...gooood times. Okay, so that is a little demented but funny....sorta like the Director himself. (And come on, like a Democrat wouldn't immediatly buy the Bush skin, then a flamethrower and toss grenades on him while he's on fire?)
One of the characters supports Breast Cancer awareness...? My other guess is that the former singing sensation comes into the story and hits on Shades. It is, after all, his story....>>.....<<..xD Or maybe...That guy who doesn't like Rick is actually Gay! Ha! I knew it!...Somebody please tell me if that character is based of one the members of this group....because if he is...I'm so going to punch myself really hard in the face...-_-
Hey I used to play Brawl when it was a demo at Gamestops. Does that count? I made it to like, the level with Samus and Pikachu in Story mode, and played on almost ever map I think. I seriously wish I had a Wii. But, I do own Melee. Any die hard Melee fans out there? My favorite characters in Brawl are: Falco, Fox, Sonic, and Pit. In Melee it's: Falco, Link, Roy, and Kirby
Check Island of the forgotten. Jeez, it really has to be made an update whenever a social group your in has another message posted.
Hayner and Lexeaus please.
Pretty weird title, huh? Well, imagine if Organization had to fight a group of thirteen Disney characters? Soundinteresting? Back story:+ The Disney-ization has come together after Organization XIII has attacked their world. Among their numbers are: I. Captain Jack Sparrow (Hello! Captain Jack Sparrow? Perfect leader.) II. Stitch (The whole twin blaster thing. Plus he's meh favorite character..xP) III. Pocahontas (Can you paint with all the colors of the wind) VI. Ludwig Von Drake (Very unknown character these days. Search him on Wikipedia. I'm hoping the person who plays him is already familiar.) V. Hercules (Strenghth. A muscle-head, 'nuff said.) VI. Belle (Books. I couldn't think of anything else) VII. Tarzan. (Can go quite beserk.) VIII. Mushu (Second to shortest, but still has to ride on someone's shoulder.) IX. Billy Ray Cyrus. From Hannah Montana? about Sebastian from The Little Mermaid instead. (It's not easy being the smallest member of the entire group. Usually has to ride on the shoulder of other members. Usually Stitch) X. The Genie. (All powerful being. Has to have some kind of time powers, right?) XI. Flik (A Bug's Life. Like Marluxia, can make plants grow out of nowhere. Except Flik can make garden flora appear instead of what Marluxia does. Due to confusion that will likely appear, Flik is 5"8. Though still an ant.) XII. EVE (Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evalulator. Closest I could get to Larxene. Cute and bubbley one second; you're a crater in the ground the next if you P. her Off) XIII. Arthur (Sword in the Stone. Young, foolish, and has a weapon he doesn't really know how he earned. Roxas to a T.) Also note that all of the members of Disney-ization have also anagrammed their names and put X's in them. What their name is, the person who plays them decides. Just please make sure it's most likely the catchiest and easiest one to say that you can manage. Rules: 1.) No Killing. God-modding and powerplaying is allowed if it keeps other chars out of harm. 2.) This RP is perfect for those who don't get on often, but want to RP. You see, whenever you're not on, your character goes into an isolation tube in their base. (More on bases later.) Just make sure you put your character "in sleep mode" before you leave, and settle all afairs you'd like to settle first. As a consequence, you have to re-read all through the pages, no recaps, but at least you know where to resume your character from. 3.) There are two bases. Both are sort of warehouse-setups. One is the Organization, which is like a large factory complex with a nobody white and twsited design. There a three levels: The Isolation chamber on the topmost floor, which has reserved isolation tubes with their names and numbers on the ones reserved for them respectfully. The second is the Tactic room, where they plan to attack the Disney-ization. The bottom and first floor is the hangar bay. A place where a personalized spacecraft waits for them, each one very speedy, but with limited defense, but great attack power. Probably wondering why there are space crafts? Well, there's a huge gap of Space between the isolated rock the Organization are based on, and the isolated rock the Disney-ization are on. In the Disney-ization HQ, it's very similiar to the Organization's. A factory build with three floor, the floors functioning the same as the Organization's, it has a more Disney tone. Baby Blue walls and gold floors on the Isolation tube floor, Burgandy Red walls and Navvy Blue floors on the Tactic floor, and Light blue floors and black walls on the Hangar floor. The Disney-ization have personalized ships, which look very much like themselves in different manners e.g Genie's is his head, with a cockpit for eyes, and the beard is a laser cannon. The only exception being Stitch, who flies a red police craft. (From the movie, yes.) These ships are equally as speedy, but with much greater defense but lower attack power. 4.) As already made apparent, there will be space battles. The Org has speedy well-armed, but very lowly-armoured crafts, while the Dis have Equally as Speedy with lower attack and greater defense. Here's the rules for the battles, and how they go: a.) An Org and Dis must be out in space at the same time. b.) Whether an Org sights a Dis or a Dis sight an Org does not matter. But the attacker must announced OOC in bold, underlined, and size 4 letters, ex given: Xigbar is attacking Stitch c.) You fire shots by answering Kingdom hearts trivia correctly. Either I, the person who will be given second-in-command of this RP, or the Third in command who will be given permission to give these questions. If I'm on, second up can't do it until I log off. If Second is on, third can't do it until Second logs off. If none of the above mentioned are on, the Space is too trecherous a place for any craft to go into. d.) Three hits, and your craft goes down. But don't worry, you're not dead; just paralyzed in your Isolation tube for a maximum of 15 minutes in real time. e.) A craft can only enter an enemy base if they have more than one life left on their ship. If you only have two left at least, the security hits you, and you have one less point, don't worry, your ship automatically repairs whenver you dock anyway, But, if you only have one point, you must answer a trivia question. Get it right, you enter the base with no damage. Get it wrong, you're back in your isolation tube for 15 minutes in real-time. f.) You must actually enter space in order to attack someone. Also, you can't just attack them as soon as you get out either. There are three parts to the space. Post 1: You get in your ship and go into the first part of space. Next post: You're the middle part. Third Post: You're on the opposite side and at the enemy base. Only if you get out to space before the invader posts for the fourth time: Landing, you can save your base from an invasion. g.) No one can use somebody else's ship. Xigbar uses his ship, Mushu uses his, Xaldin uses his, Arthur uses his, etc... The person who plays the character decides what the ship looks like. However, it must be a related look to their character. 5.) No cussing or obscene language. 6.) No Yiffie, yuri, or yaoi. Hetero flirting on the Org side is fine. No flirting whatsoever on the Dis side. 7.) You may have one Org character, and a maximum of two Dis characters. This equals three characters. No OCs. Guest characters will be decided later. 8.) The Second in command and the Third in command have full rights to this RP. They oversee the space battle trivia on their shifts, and watch for rule-breaking any time they are on. Neither can boot or suspend a player or give away a character to some one without my consent. 9.) Rp in story-format. ex: The Genie walks onto the Hangar bay floor and takes a deep breath of air, more than what one could usually take in one gulp of air. Exhaling deeply, he jumps into his craft and launches it, hovering just above the ground. "Iiiiiii'm OUTTA HERE!" He shouts in a laughing maniac kind of way. Also please use color codeing that is easy to read. No Yellow or White coding. More than one person can use the same color for one fo their characters. But NO using the same color for more than one of their own characters. Use good grammar and good spelling as well. 10.) When you start, you wake up in your isolation chamber and are free to do what you wish. And whenever you log off, all you need to do is do a recap for yourself and restart from your isolation tube. The state the isolation tube gives is much like the sleep pods in COM and KH II, except other characters can see the one in the tube in a sleep-like status. These Tubes are unbreakable. 11.) Please include in []'s how to pronounce the given name for Dis characters. Ex: II. Hictsxt [Hicks-text]=Stitch 12.) Just refer to your character as their true name with Dis chars. The given names are for Conversation purposes only. 13.) Dis chars wear the signature trenchcots of Organization XII, but instead of black, their's are Deep Gold Nugget colored. 14.) You may start whenever you join. Just start on the third level of your base and in your tube. Use Stitch and Genie's exits as an example to how to get out. 15.) You can only go down one level per post. This done for RP sake. Say you go to a level and some other character catches you on the way down and speaks to you. 16.) Have fun. And tell me if I left anything out. ~~OOC-in-commands: First-in-command: BaseSebastian Second-in-command: Third-in-command: ~~Organization XIII I. Xenmas-Ventez II. Xigbar- III. Xaldin- IV. Vexen-nobodynerd100 V. Lexeaus- VI. Zexion-Firekeyblade VII. Saix-Roxas-Chick VIII. Axel-dman.sora IX. Demyx-Water mage X. Luxord-BaseSebastian XI. Marluxia-Xaale [Needs color! XII. Larxene-*TwilightNight* XIII. Roxas-Starkiller ~~Disney-ization I. Captain Jack Sparrow [Anagram coming soon]- Shades [Color was guessed] II. Hictsxt [Hicks-text]-BaseSebastian III. Pocahontas- IV. Ludwig Von Drake- V. Xerch [Zerck]-dman.sora VI. Belle- VII. Xanartz [Zann-Aretz]-Vetez VIII. Mushu- IX. Sebastian- X. Ginexe [Ginne-ecks]-BaseSebastian XI. Flik- XII. Vexe [Vehx-ie]-Vertigo Haven XIII. Xarthur [Sar-thur]-Starkiller
See post number 85 for Lex lines. EDIT: Here's a link to my dubs of Luxord, Mushu, and Cid. Rate and post comments there. Rate me on a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest. Based on closeness to original voice and delivery.