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  1. BaseSebastian
    Wahbin?? So that's that's the way you wanna play it, alright....I'll play your game! Genie thought himself and spoke, "Eeev-ahh." That should get on her nerves...

    Stitch summoned his other plasma blaster and went in as well after the leopard. He fired duel shots at the Feline, jumping through the air, and landing on the left wing of the craft.

    OOC: Ventez, you can only go down one level per post. Just saying from here on out.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. BaseSebastian
    Genie poofed back into himself and grinned. "Genie. But if you read the credits: Robin Williams." Genie broke the fourth wall. He had a knack for doing that.

    "Stitch friend too!" Stitch yelled down as Tarzan left. "Tarzan go, Stitch, go go." He muttered as he followed the ape-man down.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. BaseSebastian
    Ms. Lovette? Oh! I love her meat pies! They taste very good. There's a barber above her shop, I'll have to get my hair cut there sometime.
    Below is my Halloween outfit. What really got me is that nobody at my party knew what I was. I told them Mobster, and they were wondering where my chain and grill were! -_- No joke.

    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. BaseSebastian
    Stitch's growl slowed, and his slitted eyes opened slightly. He pointed his blaster towards the ground. "Cousin?" Stitch asked curiously.

    Only for a moment, Genie was caught off guard. But within a moment of his signature smoke, he turned into a Genie-form of Robocop. "Prime derective: Get funk." He spoke in a mechanized voice, and began to dance the robot. No one would know how EVE would actually respond to these antics and stereotyping.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. BaseSebastian
    Oh...I thought Cin was talking about me...>>...xP [Far-left: Democrat who thinks himself a God amogst mortals, Far-right: Republican who thinks every evil is to be condemnded, and bi-partisan: What Emmaneul isn't.]

    Cin hates me, so it's not like I was crazy for thinking it.

    Then I guess I win teh Interwebz also. I figured the same.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. BaseSebastian
    Stitch breathed a sigh of relief, but only having a moment to be relieved. A strange man in a loincloths was picking things out of Stitch's hair! He growled and summoned one of his plasma blasters in a burst of golden light. He pointed it at Tarzan, and growled threatingly.

    Before anyone would even notice, Genie's tank was empty, and he was on the second floor. How he loved being an all-powerful being...

    Luxord steps into his sleep-tube for a few moments of quite rest. A hologram projector was not the most comfortable resting spot in space.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. BaseSebastian
    You're not gonna treat me like some sort of jerk for my joke, are you...>>....<< (I mean you treating me like a jerk.)

    EDIT: The stalker below me did.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. BaseSebastian
    You posted this already.

    Okay, it is time for you all to know the drastic truth. I was talking to a friend on the street one day about Obama's childhood. Unfortunatly, I mentioned his white mother in a non-offensive way. Still, someone heard me, and did this to me. You think the "B" on that one girl's face is terrible, just take a look at this.

    Open this at your own risk, it's just too gruesome:
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. BaseSebastian
    Gamerben21 gets rep for the pic.

    Woa. That's weird. >>....<<....It was like some epi with Usher as a guest char I guess.

    >>....<< I only saw him like last night, so I'm unaffected since I'll probably never get to see the character ever again. (I watch Adult swim on the sly, and I usually only catch Family Guy or Robot Chicken.)

    Obama has been sen. of Ill. for.... since 1997(?) And he only really got famous when he made a speech for John "Kill-de-babies" Kerry. Truth betold, Obama spoke better at that rally than Kerry did. Who knows...maybe it's because Obama doesn't keep a Botox specialist at his side at alls time in case the treatment wears off...:silence:

    I have no clue when this character was introduced, but I'm guessing before Obama. Which makes it all the much weirder.

    So I'm not the only one who has randomly wanted to say this. weird.

    1.) That was random.

    2.) That actually does sound racist.

    3.) How gruesome was it?? Details, man! Details!

    We let you guess, and you made a complete @$$ of yourself. Try not to use the liberty so lightly ever again. xP

    I am in fact a unity two-side-seer Republican dove Pacifist Necro...doesn't that have to do with the dead?? I planted a tree once...

    Either way, I generally saw it in the basic face shape, direction of the ears, eyes, semi-light brown tone of skin, and the suit sold it. The only big diffs are the eyebrows and the mole/beauty mark, whatever you want to call it, by Barrack's nose on the left side. I'm an am artist, I pay attention to faces. Except when it came to Tom's wife. My instincts kept me from looking anywhere else but where my eyes were directed....>>...<<...No comment. Could we get a pic of Tom's wife so those who have not seen the show know what I talking about?
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. BaseSebastian
    OOC: Vexe is for conversational purposes only. When you're refering to the character, it's EVE. Sorry this took so long.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. BaseSebastian
    OOC: This dilema made me laugh. Rep for both of you. xP Also, Veritgo: Nice work already with EVE.


    Stitch's eyes blink open again, and he resumes to pushing the emptying button and gets out for another go at life. He shakes himself dry as before, except this time, many of the drips of water pelt EVE on her "face". He stand back on two feet and looks around, and seeing EVE. He grimaces and mutters, "Stitch, sorry. My bad."

    Luxord wakes up with a start on the hologrid table of the two HQs and the space between them. Had he forgotten to get back in his tube before falling asleep? He cursed himself silently with a grunt, and made his way back up a floor.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. BaseSebastian
    No, I'm not being a jerk and saying that weird guy with the bulging eye, I mean the dude....I dunno...I only watched one episode like five seconds ago....has a busty white his name Tom or something?

    Anyway, to me, he looks alot like Barrack Obama to some degree. Esp in the suit.

    Sorry, don't have any pics for comparison.
    Thread by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. BaseSebastian
    OOC: Where would Luxord be? And where would Sebax be?
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. BaseSebastian
    Saix re-emerges from out the shadows, even where there were not shadows a moment ago. He tosses his hair over his side and looks to Demyx, then to the soaking wet Axel. "Do I really want to know?" Saix asked in a devil-may-care attititude.

    Xenmas lay in his cabin. How long had it been since he left it?? He got up from his seat and put his hand on the doorknob. Open it, or don't......He finally gave up and sat back down in his chair.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. BaseSebastian
    Stitch steps into his tank and pushes the refill button. As the window closes with a quick woosh, he already begins to nod off as the liquid fills up the tank.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. BaseSebastian
    Quickly getting bored over the computer, though he had to fight with his life for it, Stitch heads back up to the isolation floor. With hopes he might be able to make conversation with other members of this group now found himself in. Stitch was an adapter, and so he always worked with what he had.

    OOC: I'm expecting someone else to join soon. Plus Xerch is still in the Isolation room, correct?
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. BaseSebastian
  18. BaseSebastian
    Profile Post

    It's what I'm viewing

    It's what I'm viewing
    Status Update by BaseSebastian, Nov 7, 2008
  19. BaseSebastian
  20. BaseSebastian
    New Rp. That's what's up.
    Profile Post by BaseSebastian for fireflame, Nov 7, 2008