Like I said. Not too harshly. *Sobs* Since your basically going to be handling Base almost fully, like you said, I just want to run some ideas to you before I have to leave for a while.
I'd hate to sound cruel here...but I do an average of 17 pages per sitting... But I suck at writing...just a little...soooo...don't take it too harshly...Then again...I don't have job exactly either... *Does sinister, high-pitched laugh*
Demi's drawing makes me feel like crap...ugh...-_-" I seriously need to get an art set so I can add color to my drawings, and have bolder lines and junk. I am quite personally awaiting the next update because I know one thing that happens! ^^
Also, since something has just been brought to my attention: Luxord must have had some kind of "friendly" (As far as Nobodies can manage) with Roxas. What proves this theory is "How could you,...Roxas." Xigbar obviously played around, picked on, or joked about Roxas. "That's right, he used to give me that same exact look!" And Saix said something about Roxas that I cannot remember, but I recall it didn't sound "pally". So in reality, I think Roxas brought some sort of friendly emotion to four or at least three members of the Organization. Demyx, Axel, and Luxord. Axel forthmost, then Demyx, then Luxord. It also stands to question though: If Demyx was really friendly to all? For we find Phil unconcious in the underworld after he allegedly chased down Demyx, looking for more heroes to help Hercules. But he was attacked by "Creatures in white jumpsuits." That doesn't sound like the usual Demyx, unless he retaliated out of "fear". Either that, or he simply had Dancer nobodies with him, and the Dancers decided to play soccer....with Phil as the ball.
Where is this quiz? Linkage please. I must see if I truly am Luxord.
Self-proclaimed Luxord of the board. Picture is proof.
I actually pwn'd Demyx whenever I fought him. Then again, he's still the hardest Organization member, I must admit. He's the only character in Pop-culture today to have a mullet. What does this tell you? He's eunich...I mean...unique. The whole science lesson pretty much took the fight out of me. I r now stuped from learning to muh....@_@ I can't even remember what I was going to say! >,< I imagine Demyx is in fact the one in the group who longs so much for a heart, he even tries to fool himself. "Oh, we do too have hearts. Don't be mad." "You can't fool us!" The reply I think really P'd him off. Demyx comes right before my favorite character, so that pretty much makes him very close to my concious. He didn't deserve to die! In fact, when I beat him, I felt like Donald in KH I. Spoiler You know, right where Sora commits suicide. (That's what I call it xP)"Nooo! Demyx! Come back, Demyx! I felt bad. It was quite possibly the second-most sentimental moment in my gaming life. The one that actually made me cry, no joke, was when Axel dies. Luxord wasn't my favorite yet, and Axel was my first favorite character in the second game. I think Demyx's biggest enemies are fangirls. "Let's draw the clown with everyone in the Organization! Sure Axel has those lines that pretty much said he loves Roxas, but Demyx just looks Gay!" Truth betold, I have a defense for both of them. Demyx is much like pretty much every funny Disney Character. He just has that care-free attitude. And Axel is much like a big brother to Roxas, not a butt buddy. A nobody hungers for a heart of their own, and Demyx and Axel deserve them most of all, because they want it more. Spoiler Nomura has stated we have not seen the last of Organization XIII. Expect Demyx's mad-hard heartless in a sequel. Then who knows, we may see original him yet. Maybe he'd have Billy Ray Cyrus's current cut. Then the two could sing "I want my mullet back". xDD
Stitch followed in suite of Tarzan. However, he licked the inside of his tank just as it began to fill. And at that moment, he saw the blue Genie who he had fought just the day before! Genie noticed Stitch, as he was headed to his own tube, and stuck his toungue out at the experiment. He got into his pod, and the water began to fill. It would be a while before he would wake up again. OOC: Ok, I'm going to be leaving for a couple of days. All my characters are in their pods.
Your RP. Also note: There's a city in the world that never was. Let's try to expand RP to there sometimes. IC: It was dark in the City that Never was. Especially for a hot-tempered teen who had never even been there before. Hayner stood just outside possibly the tallest sky-scraper in the entire city, face to face with the strangest creatures he had ever seen. They were long-limbed and muscular, with jet-black skin and glowing yellow eyes....Neoshadows. "Grrr...Leave me alone!" Hayner cursed as he jumped to evade an oncoming onslaught of claws. He had his struggle bat with him, but what good would that do him? Everytime he tried to strike them with it, the bat just phased through their skin like mist. Just then, one caught him by the legs, causing him to fall flat on his face, with at least six of them closing in. All was lost. But then, as Hayner shut his eyes tight, the bubbling of hot liquid was heard all around, and he opened his eyes. The Neoshadows were gone! Fading away as goop on the ground! When he was about to call out for whoever did this, a black gloved hand covered his mouth, a second grabbed him around the wasit, and he was lifted off his feet. Before he could give up a fight, he pulled through a dark portal, and disappeared. OOC: Question, can I also be DiZ?
I think that before this RP is closed by an admin for spam, I think all characters should be in one set place, as to keep from confusion. I strongly suggest Twilight Town or The World That Never Was. Then again, Traverse Town is all but forgotten and is rarely used nowadays.
What's the setting? My suggestions are either: The World that Never Was, both the city and The Castle that Never Was or Traverse Town or Twilight Town
To all, keep all mention of out of your comments. All comments that hint to kh-vids, even in the slightest way, they will be deleted. The video is now up.
You know what...I think I have enough pics....>> Thanks Vertigo! ^^ To all, my account on youtube is: Basesings. It will be on my account within the night.
Anyway I could ge the pic without having to download something? And just still-pictures. No moving images required. I mean "moving" as in: filling with emotion.
OOC: I will also be going. There's a video project I'm going to be wroking on, and I'm not going to be on tomorrow. If anyone wants to help me with the video project, go to General Discussion and click: Moving American pictures needed. BIC: Stitch stretched his short arms, and cracked his neck from side to side. He followed Tarzan up, for he himself was feeling quite tired. He'd have to stop at the second floor for a moment, but he needed rest. Genie, having no one to speak to, poofs out of the tactic room and into the isolation chamber. If EVE was going to go "sleep-mode" he may as well himself.
I need moving American pictures for a vid I'm going to do for youtube. I will be narrating the following poem: I wonder what she thought, As she stood there, strong and tall. She could not turn away, She was forced to watch it all. Did she long to offer comfort As her country hurt and bled? With her arm forever frozen, High above her head. She could not shield her eyes, She could not hide her face, She just stared across the water, Keeping Freedom's place. The smell of smoke and terror, Somehow reduced her size, So small within the harbor, But somehow we recognized... How dignified and beautiful, On a day so many died. I wonder what she thought, As she hung her head and cried. -Author unkown. It's a heartfelt poem I recited in the second grade, after 9/11, and it suddenly resurfaced in my life now. I feel I have to anounce it to the country, in this time when so many are depressed. Terror still lingers, some feel Obama's campaign was what really gave them life, and now that he's President, there's an empty feeling, and my countrie's patriotism has begun to fade since '01. I need pictures for the full time of the video, and the preffered topics are: Statue of Liberty Twin Towers The Flag Maybe pictures from Iraq of soldiers keeping peace 9/11 I would be grateful for any moving pictures received. Also, I'm thinking of doing different accents for each verse. So far I have: 1English, 2Southern, 3Louisianian African-American, 4German, 5Native American, 6New Yorker, 7Italian, 8Spanish, 9Russian, 10Scottish 6-I wonder what she thought, As she stood there, strong and tall. 7-She could not turn away, She was forced to watch it all. 5-Did she long to offer comfort As her country hurt and bled? 4-With her arm forever frozen, High above her head. 8-She could not shield her eyes, She could not hide her face, 9-She just stared across the water, Keeping Freedom's place. 10-The smell of smoke and terror, Somehow reduced her size, 3-So small within the harbor, But somehow we recognized... 1-How dignified and beautiful, On a day so many died. 2-I wonder what she thought, As she hung her head and cried.
Stitch grasped the ceiling with all his might as the pull of space pulled everything that wasn't bolted down, or extremly heavy. He snickered as the Leopard flew out and was hit in the tail with a speeding cabinet. Uncluching one hand from the ceiling, Stitch reconnected the right wires where they were supposed to go. The airlocks closed with a slam. He hopped down from the ceiling and smiled devilishly. "Problem, solved."
Stitch was stuck. If he got too close to the Leapord, it'd tear his fluffy head off. If he shot at it, he might hit Tarzan. If he just stood off to the sidelines, Tarzan would be a new contender for a lead character for a cartoon narrated by Bing Crosby! Though, being able to process thoughts like a super-computer, he had an idea within an instant. His face lighted up and he jumped for the ceiling, grabbing the metal with his claws and scattering all the way to a closed control pannel by the air-lock. He opend the panel and cut the blue and red wires, tying them together with his second pair of hands. "Congitibe, zzt, zzt!" he muttered with his signature sinsiter laugh, and shouted down to Tarzan as a strong woosh over came the entire hangar. "Ih! Hold onto something!" OOC: Can anyone name the cartoon narrated by the late crooner, Bing Crosby. Hint 1: Spoiler It's a Disney animated short based off a book. Hint 2: Spoiler It was made into a live-action film starring Johhny Depp. Hint 3: Spoiler It's on DVD and VHS alongside fellow Animated Short: Mr. Toad.
Seb bursts through the door, swriling a handgun on one finger and then sliding it onto his belt. "So...what'd I miss?" Seb spoke in a deep, almost raspy Irish accent. OOC: Seb's gonna be Clover Green..xD Tell me if there's anything wrong with this post, or something I should add. I'm assuming I'm in the same room as pretty much everyone else? I'm thinking of creating a enemy character...there doesn't seem to be many.
Paricially. I haven't shaved since Aughust, and the rest was deepend with make-up. I cropped out most of the picture because somebody else was in it and that would technically mean I would be doing something wrong by her.