OOC: Goofy and Hercules, please! Too bad you didn't have Stitch...xD
OOC: Hey, sorry to interupt, but I just wanted to ask which characters aren't taken yet. I mean, I saw somebody took Goofy on the front page, but on the list it doesn't show his name. This lead to a bit of confusion. I've been wanting to join for a while, but never got to it.
Like Farting on their final resting places? I think that would qualify you for a dinner for one at an all-you-can-eat brain buffet. And now that I look at the picture carefully, he's sort of making this sort of pose: (taking pic)
Nobody thinks you're insane now. Maybe unsane....but not insane....sarcasm...unsane isn't even a word....or is it... Quoted for truth. This isn't Ghost hunters. That show sucks. This actually happened! 0-0"......No wonder Sandy's Pissed off! >,< Yeah, like the constant smell of beef stew in his nostrils or something...REVENGE OF THE SANDMAN! 0,0 Seriously though....Sandman's really freaking me out right now....I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight. WHY DID HE HAVE HAVE THE SAME SURNAME AS A IMAGINARY BEING!! >,<
What sort of an idiot wouldn't have the lines in by now.......0.o....This sort of idiot maybe? I'll do Donald today for the first floor. I'll have them done soon. EDIT: I have them all done. Problem: There's ten lines in total, and two more Donald sounds you'll need, like his surprised squak and him going crazy. I can't put them all in one post, so I'll give the first set first, then the next, and finally in a third post, I'll give you the sounds.
New story in Creativity corner. I plan on it being pretty short. Usual genre for me. Organization XIII. Generally around Luxord, Larxene, Axel, Demyx, and Marluixa, with some conflict from Zexion. Other members aren't focused on as much. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=67471
That last part is going in my sig. Even if I have to delete something. It did wonders for my self-esteem. xp Still, I guess you're right. I didn't really want to say Goodbye in anyway either, but I just needed this solice.
I'm not gone yet. Heck, I might even be a little too paranoid. Like I said, I'm going to try and hold out as long as I can. My best friend's Father got busted in a "sex-sting", where a cop posed as a seemingly 20 year-old woman, though apprently the 20 year-old woman was poseing as a 14 year old girl, or whatever, and now that cop has a fat pocket, and my friend's father is going to jail for ten years, and then lining somebodie's pocket for five years after that with "probation." But that's not the reason i got busted the first time. I joined without asking, so that's what really p'd my Mom off. I find it's better the beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
Okay, chances are anybody who was curious about who was going to be the voice of Tinkerbell, went out and bought the movie. I atually found it quite interesting to be honest. I'm a fan of Rob Paulsen, the voice of Bobble, and that's what pretty much kept me from hating the movie and being immature, and making sneerish reviews. Either way, I thought it would be quite interesting if Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Organization XIII found themselves in the place called pixie hollow. Back Story:+ Organization XIII is trying to take over Pixie Hollow. Only Sora, Donald, Goofy, and the help of Tinkerbell and her friends can stop them. The Fairies have divided into two sides: Good and Evil. Now it is begining to turn from Autum to Winter, and most of the Fairies are too against each other to prepare. Now Fairies of every talent must prepare for Winter, and defend themselves. Who will win? Character list: Organization XIII: (All bad, except for Roxas who has joined the Good side.) Xenmas- Xigbar- Xaldin- Vexen- Lexeaus- Zexion- Saix- Axel- BaseSebastian Demyx- Luxord- BaseSebastian Marluxia- Larxene- Roxas- Heroes: (All Good) Sora- Donald- Goofy- Tinkerbell- Bobble- BaseSebastian Clank- Terrence- Iradessa- Silvermist- Fawn- Rosette- Side Characters: (Still all Good) Cheese, the Mouse- Queen Clarine(?)- Minister of Spring- Minister of Autum- Minister of Winter- Minister of Summer- Fairy Mary- Original characters: (This part is up to you.) Username: BaseSebastian Character name: Bastian (nickname: Base) Appearence: Wears a green, short-sleeve leaf tunic, with lighter green leggings. Brown, plain shoes. Black, short hair, with a tuft of soul on his chin. Hazel eyes. Slight muscular build. 6 inches tall. Dialect: Irish Talent: Tinker Interests: Tinkering. Creating new devices and a weapons expert. Dislikes: snide remarks and people saying Tinkering is dumb talent Faction: Good Username: BaseSebastian Character name: Sebax Appearence: View attachment 2022 Dialect: American. Only due to his off-world position. Talent: Music Interests: Helping the Organization peronsally and closely with it's members. Dislikes: Anyone who gets in his way. Faction: Evil. Template: Username: Character name: (Try to think of something creative, but nothing that will embarrass you.) Appearence: (talents sometimes affects what a character wears. Also include hair color, style, eye color, build, and height. 4-8 inches at the tallest. No canned internet images if you choose to post a picture.) Dialect: (Irish, Welsh, Scottish, or English Fairy. How they speak as in accent.) Talent: (Tinker, Garden, Frost, Snow, Painter, Music, Fast-flying, Water, Light, and animal) Interests: Dislikes: Faction: (All fairies have joined the fight for or against Pixie Hollow. Choose your side. Good or Evil. Good and you use your talent to hinder Organization XIII's take over. Evil Fairies use their talents to destroy the balance of the seasons.) Rules: 1.) There are no weapons. Useable weapons and devices will be created only by Tinker Fairies. 2.) No God-modding, powerplaying, or auto-kills. No deaths at all, except for Organization XIII members. 3.) The main objective of each Good Fairy is to dispose of each Organization member. Organization members can use Fairy guards to protect them. 4.) Once you are on a side, it's permanent until the end of the RP when all Fairies are turned good. 5.) No Organization XIII deaths will occur in the first ten pages. 6.) OCs will be pre-existing in pixie hallow until after page 5. All OC applications after page 5 will result in a new fairy being born and brought to Pixie hallow. It is at this point in RP, the new Fairy decides their talent and faction as well. The only time the two sides see each other peacefully is at these gatherings. 7.) All characters have wings. But the need pixie dust to be able to fly for long periods of time. Organization XIII and Evil Fairies must steal this dust in order to aquire this ability, since Terrence is Good. 8.) Terrence and Roxas are both voiced by Jesse Mcartney(sp?). I imagine this would spark a confusion between the two of them. 9.) Sora fights with the Fairy Harp Keyblade, while Donald fights with the Shooting Star staff, and Goofy fights with the Dreamshield. 10.) Bobble and Clank are almost always together. Cheese comes every time the word "Cheese" is yelled. 11.) Try to keep in character. 12.) You can a total of six characters as a maximum. 2 Organization members is the limit for that category, 1 hero, 1 side character, and two OCs. The is a one character minimum if you join. 13.) No obscene language, actions, or suggestions of anything obscene. No Fairy is Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual. Fairy in this term does not mean a Gay Male who dresses up in Lengiere and dances about. Even marluxia can't be at all Gay. 14.) Whenever you go inactive, be sure to return to your house in the realm you live in. Garden, Light, and Music Fairies live in the Spring realm where it's always spring; Frost and Snow Fairies live in the Winter Realm, where it's always cold and snowing; Painter and Fast-flying Fairies live in the Autum Realm, where it's always Fall; Water and Animal Fairies live in the Summer Realm, where it's always summer; Tinker Fairies live by the river, sort of like a backwater Irish villiage. The large tree in the middle is where all Fairies are born, and it's also where the Queen and Ministers live and discuss problems. A war room has been built below ground, where all Good Fairies decide what to do next in the fight. Organization XIII has turned part of the Winter realm as their base. A large, white castle, where all Evil Fairies live and discuss the fight. 15.) No jumping between realms just like *snap* that. You must post you are somewhere far away from where you started. First, you say you are leaving your current position, then next post, your halfway there, at the Large Oak tree or inbetween seasons, and the third post, you're where you want to be. 16.) Have fun. And follow the rules.
Yeah it's sort of ackward not knowing your own fate. Yeah...I've pretty much given up on running that thread. If a certain Poke'mon fanatic would be willing to take it over officially, I'd be more than willing to give rights over. I'm afraid if I do leave, I'll have to hand over rights to all my running RPs to some people that I can trust them to. Even a new one I'm making in the Fantasy section that will be highly controversial.
Author Intro: I'm bored, I haven't been able to copy any new chapters for Only Time Will Tell or anything else to this computer, and I need to write. This is all I'm going to say about the story. Some feedback would be nice, and expect updates on my more advanced Fanfics soon. If it were an existing place, the Castle Oblivion might have seen the sunrise at this very hour. Though due to its not really being, there was no sun, only darkness engulfing the castle at dawn. It was at this hour, five of the thirteen Organization members found themselves awake and ready for breakfast. At the table, each was begining his or her own breakfast. Marluxia, The Graceful Assassin, Larxene, The Savage Nymph, Demyx, The Melodious Nocturne, Axel, The Flurry of Dancing Flames, and Luxord, The Gambler of Fate. "Of this room, I sum up three traitors, a failure, and one who completes nearly all of his assignments with grace." Luxord said with a sopisticated smirk. He was at this moment placing two English muffins in the toaster and preapring his morning tea. Axel shook his head. "Hey Luxord. You're not still holding a grudge that I killed myself so that Sora could kill you, are you?" Axel replied in his usual care-free, sarcastic tone. He was preparing eggs and grits for himself at the stove. "Wait----Failure?" Demyx added blankly. Just Orange juice, egg pizzas, and the daily funnies for him. "Ah, I think you burst Water Boy's bubble, Luxord." Larxene feigned pity for Demyx at Luxord. Ding "I cannot help it if he doesn't realize his incompetence. He was slaughtered by the keyblade master while Demyx was on a mission. No one else in this room has had that happen to them." Luxord huffed, placing the cooked English muffins on his plate and spreading peanut-butter on each of them genrously. "Not all of us are so quick to show that one is the obvious weaker. It tends to makes grudges." Marluxia warned in a smarmish, breezy tone. How ironic for the one with plant abilities to be eating a vegetarian breakfast. "Yeah!" Demyx sided with Marluxia and stood up facing Luxord confidently. But he froze and shrunk. "What's a grudge again?" "Grudge: A feeling of ill will or resentment. Also a horror movie that once again adds to the list of people who are too afraid to take showers in their own homes." Said a sneerish, dexterious voice, coming into the room. It was Zexion, The Cloaked Schemer, reading from his large lexicon as he walked into the room. "Show-off.." Demyx grumbled as he plopped back down into his seat grumpily. Zexion's almost-slits of eyes peered at his peers. "My, what an abnormally large breakfast for you, Larxene." Zexion said with dull shock. "The chicken coop of eggs, nearly the entire pig worth of bacon, four slices of toast, all lavished with butter, more grits than Chuck Norris, and a mug of... whole milk?" Zexion added, counting off each more-than-genrous amount of servings on Larxene's plate. He had used his sensitive sense of smell to determain the kind of milk in the glass. "I always eat breakfast this way. You know that." Larxene sneered, though attempted to appear unharried. She got up from her seat a turned around slowly. "Does it really look like it shows?" Larxene fought back, her curves on her side. Zexion watched Larxene turn uncaringly. "It doesn't show...but with the way you eat each meal, you shouldn't have been able to get up on your feet his morning." Larxene stopped turning, blinked, shocked. And she immeidatly grew furious, static pouring from around her. "What is that supposed to mean? With the way you flaunt your little book, Zexion, you should be in it!" Larxene spat back. "Yeah, and the way Luxord is always trying to showoff, he should be twice as much a failure as me!" Demyx added to the debacle. "And the manner Marluxia thinks he knows everything, his head should be ten times larger as to sustain such "wisdom"." Luxord added on from Demyx. The fight started! "Know-it-all!" "Burn-it-all! Why don't you go talk with your boyfriend, Roxas??" "Ummm....Fat cow!" "Demyx, you weasel! I just defended you, and now you're calling me names?? Why don't you and Billy Ray Cyrus start a band together? You could make a smash hit with "I want my mullet back!" I just wanted to be a part of the discussion. You're actually very pretty! Really!" Hey! Don't talk about my Girlfriend like that, Demyx!" And who said I'm your Girlfriend, Axel? Roxas would be crushed to find that out!" "Everyone that wants to keep themselves out of nothingness, stop now, or forever hold your peace." Came a familiar but new voice to the group. The voice gruff and surfer-like, and the one-eyed face of Xigbar walked into the room, and he looked not exactly like the happiest Nobody ever. Everyone at this point, became silent, as Xigbar had his sniper-guns ready for killing action, and the fight, they all realized, had gone way out of hand anyway. Everyone resumed as they had before, no longer speaking that entire morning until the same five as in the begining convened to the den hours later. It was starting to near lunch time at 12. "Axel..." Larxene's voice came unsure and unconfident. Axel was watching a football game with Luxord and Demyx at the same moment, and cautiously, Axel's head turned to face Larxene. "Do you really think it's all that bad I eat like a.....like a..." She appeared to be unable to find the right word. "Horse?" Luxord suggested while his eyes kept intent on the game. "Cow?" Demyx suggested more offensively than he he probably intended. "Starved Elephant?" Marluxia added third-wise from his chair, knitting a rose-colored beanie cap for himself. Larxene's eyes glared at all three of them, but she resumed only speaking with Axel. Meanwhile, Axel didn't look too sure of what he should answer. He was starting to trip over his words and stumble already. "You don't eat too much...you look just fine! I mean, not just fine, you look good...er...great...in other ways too...I mean the only place it really even sorta shows in the back, but...wait....oops..." Axel then gulped. "Man, he sounded like me." Demyx whispered into Luxord's left ear. "Worse yet, he's just killed himself again." Luxord said point-blankly, as harsh static began to fill the air. "YOU-SAID-WHAT???!" Larxene shrieked at the top of her lungs. Axel double gulped as a single bolt of lightening began to form above his head, and he paniced as it became a full-fledged thick bolt. Within three seconds, Axel's end of the couch was nothing but a burning black hole. The couch was sliced right next to Luxord, but the Nobody appeared not to care. As the crater smoked, Larxene calmed down. "That insulting....errrraaah!" Larxene fitted in frustration. "He probably walked into a corridor before I made that couch a loveseat." "Loveseat??" Demyx yelled freaked-out. He apprently realized only him and Luxord were still on what remained of the couch. "Do not even ponder of it." Luxord countered in a manner that implied he was annoyed of Demyx's simplicity. The hours passed, the day went by, and already, it was time for the moment every Nobody was forced to attend in the Grand Dining hall. As Zexion passed Larxene in the hall way, he smirked and spoke. "Try not to break your seat and leave nothing for the rest of us, large-bottom." Larxene responded with shock. She took out a piece of paper, and wrote down: People to kill: 1.) Zexion. 2.) Axel. Author: I'm actually going to do more for a first chapter. Just going to eat lunch and think of what's going to happen first. EDIT: I know I'm updating this for nothing. Simply because I almost never finish Fic I start that nobody will help to keep this thread alive? WHY DO YOU THINK I NEVER CONTINUE. All my threads eventually die. Bah, I'll update it later. As each Nobody took their seats, Xenmas stood up from the head of the table and grinned broadly, but wound up grinning in a way that looked like he was going to go on a homicide raid. 'Welcome again....all of you....to this marvelous dinner...-" And so he went on, pausing for about five seconds between each phrase. "I wonder if the Ham won't be rotted by the time he's finished." Xigbar whispered to Xaldin in the next seat. "If it is, I will release my anger for sure." Xaldin replied in a hushed voice. "-...In closing, let us all...... commence eating." Xenmas finished after nearly fifteen whole minutes. Never such a rush to grab food after those final words. As each member filled his or her plate, Larxene's already piled high, causing Zexion to stare and smirk, the eating indeed commence indeed. As did the conversation. "Hey Lexeaus, you catch the Steeler's game last night." "These greenbeans don't taste half-bad." "Marluxia, you should really eat some red meat. Seriously, man." "Anyone bought Hitchcock on DVD yet?" "Tom brady is back on his legs again. Now is the time to weep, people." "Donkey!" Said the voice of Eddie murphy from a CGI Long-earred equine from down the table. Everyone stared at the smiling Donkey that had shouted his species. That was until Larxene punched in the snout, making it go chair over head within moments. "Everyone was saying?" The night went on until about 9:00, and all members went back to their rooms. All except for Larxene, who stayed in the den, checking over her shoulder on the burnt couch, and turned the TV onto the Tai Chi channel for her nightly exercises until she fell asleep on the floor before the show was even finished. Not a Heckof an ending to the chapter, but it gets better.
History of BaseSebastian (Abridged for speed purposes): January 2008, Youtube user BamaSebastian starts getting interested in Kingdom Hearts again, and begins watching amvs, fmvs, etc... on youtube. Kh-vids.net naturally comes up alot due to its populairty with supplying videos for Kingdom Hearts. Febuary 2,After growing curious, BamaSebastian starts an account and begins speaking with members such as Destiny's Force(DestinyForce, Shades(Destined. At the time, neither of them Prems yet.), and reading and writing Fanfictions in creativity corner. Two weeks later, Bama meets many new people, and despite being sort of a newbie, increases quickly in popularity on the board. Unfortunately, his kh-vids.net account is discovered by his mother and he is forced to go off for a while. Awhile later, Bama returns, using prayers and internet tricks to use kh-vids.net. Random times, dates forgotten, Bamasebastian changes his name to BaseSebastian. He launches the begining of several Fanfictions, RPs, and starts in the Debate Zone. Later quiting the Debate Zone for the sake of his sanity. Today's monthly episode of drama: I think my Mom has once again started sneaking into kh-vids.net to see whatever I'm doing. Which may come to the point I will never be on kh-vids.net again. I would miss everyone that I've known these past, long-though-too-short months, and every user I would never meet. I came here because I'm homeschooled and rarely have people somewhere around my age to speak to. Kh-vids has made me a better writer, more sympathetic of those I once hated as much as Bill Maher hates... wait...too long a list... Still, kh-vids has really improved my life since I joined in Febuary, and I want to hold out as long as I can. But if one day, you find BaseSebastian has not been on for over six weeks, chances are I'm gone for good. I'll miss you all if this ever happens...I just wanted the solice to be able to say I said goodbye... And if I get the chance, I'm going to make it premium in Febuary. This user is not giving up just yet.
I know. I tend to notice these things quite easily. View attachment 2019 View attachment 2020 Notice the Wolf in Hoodwinked's sense of fashion, being an undercover reporter, Playing basketball in one scene, and his liking of disguises.
Yes, from the same user who brought you: "Cartoon character who looks alot like Obama", it's: View attachment 2017 Ron the Rent-a-cop is the Retail Operations Enforcer (mall security)" for the Galleria Mall. He sees an enemy in every person under twenty, and is a true nemesis of the gang. Try as they might, the group can't seem to get rid of Ron, who puts out tons of loitering and disruptiveness tickets. He's a Vietnam War veteran, and various flashbacks show him in some bizarre retrospections from the war. He gave himself a codename, “Viperâ€, although, in the episode The Slow and Even-Tempered, Jonesy refers to him by the codename “Smokeyâ€. He is an obvious homage to both Christopher Walken in both appearance and manner of speech and presumably R. Lee Ermey as his quotes seem to suggest. One episode showed that as a teenager, Ron was much like Jonesy, running around the mall playing pranks and greatly annoying the (then) mall security. Wyatt said that the tapes of Ron as a teenager are at least thirty years old, meaning they were recorded back in the 1970s, which would suggest that Ron is at least in his late forties. At the end, Ron was shown on a missed tape breaking into a spontaneous dance number in the empty mall after closing, parodying Walken's own performance when he appeared in the Fatboy Slim music video, "Weapon of Choice". In the episode Mr. & Mr. Perfect, Ron had a sudden crush on Yummy Mummy and wanted to learn the play the guitar from Wyatt so he can sing her a love song. Ron plays the guitar left-handed. And Christopher Walken, the actor: View attachment 2018 Obvious, right? Oh, and sorry about the cruddy picture of Ron. It took me Google and ask.com and pictures of death-metal band with no shirts, teenagers who are probably sixteen, and for some reason myspace avatars that make playmate look like an episode of Friends. If you can find a better picture, be my guest. *Scripting for Ron was taken from the wikipedia for "6teen characters".*
Parla vou Que Le Heck-o? Gah! I double posted!
Margaritaville, Sing along, and Why should I worry... Definatly three songs I must now add to mine playlist. >> << Can I join? I'm the annoying fourteen year old kid trying make a hostile take over of Chron. >>....<<....You all heard nothing. No really...can I join?
Yours was actually one of the harder ones to find that was perfect to fit the preset theme of the pictures. Another was Lauren Bacall.
This one is interested..>.> And this one freaked out when he read himself in something he didn't write...>,> YOU DO BASE A LITTLE TOO WELL!! DO YOU STALK ME ON A DAILY BASIS SHADES?? xD Just kidding--------No seriously....>>....<<
~Base, i'm not adding any new people into Chron.~ Ah yes. That's cool. It was just a thought...``_ DX But the story is soooooo awesome! I can't stop thinking of stuff about it! It's like Knowing Nomura and being a Square-enix junky! DX
*Pushes Fearless into the Volcano* Egads! I wonder who this mystery partner is for Base! Oh by the way, Spoiler I'll have to call my friend Chris while eating Colonel Sanders KFC. Bleakly, I'm befuddled. But honestly, this chapter made-a me Jump-a with-a joy! xD If no one caught the riddle Shades did, they deserve to be shot with a Spoiler plasma gun. Seriously though...I think I'm going to want to narrate Base's part...>>....<<... Generally because this is like the first time I haven't written Base.