C'mon, go ahead, guess! : D
I just stabbed the roasted chicken we were having for dinner with a butcher knife...while having the shower scene from "Psycho" play in the background.
So, yesterday, I went to go see Life of Pi, which is an amazing movie. It’s a movie that keeps you constantly thinking and has a movie that just makes you think about everything you had just seen. It was deep, emotional, and actually pretty violent for a PG movie. I’ll try to keep spoilers at a minimum, for my complaints are not about the movie. Before the movie started, my dad had me run back out to the concession stand to get a glass of water. Why we didn’t get it while ordering, I’ll never know. But in front of me were two guys, both of them obviously together, but they are ordering separately. Now, I could’ve just cutted into a random line and ask for a small glass, but I was a good movie goer and waited my turn. The first guy leaves, and then the next guy orders. It’s almost my turn to ask for my water, when the first guy comes back with his popcorn bag mostly empty. I’m pretty sure he just dumped it in the trash. The cashier turns around and sees the guy from before, and laughs, because he knew this crap was rediculous. What pissed me off though was that he refilled the guys popcorn before I could order. The rule should be that he has to wait in line, not use his friend’s spot to make people late for their movie. I was at least able to make it into the theater just as the studio credits rolled, so I didn’t miss anything. Of course, that was nothing compared to the hell I faced in the theater. It’s a given that you get at least one person who talks during the movie, but you hope they are on the other side of the theater so you can’t hear it. Well, this lady was right behind me. She wasn’t quiet at all; she was loud. She would talk to herself, recapping what had just happened two seconds ago on the screen. She was impossible to block out and made the enjoyment less enjoyable. There are rules for a reason, one of the big ones is not to talk. Thirty minutes in, I was tempted to yell at her “You need to shut the **** up because you are ruining the movie for everybody!” There seriously needs to be tighter restrictions on talking in the theater or just implement some kind of douchbag tax for these kinds of people.
Dedicated to a dear friend. Anyway, enjoy! Pretty Women (A KHV Fanfic) By tummer Spoiler He stared intimately at her, so much that it was almost creepy. The lovely looking blonde was sitting on the other side of the coffee shop, carefully sipping the hot cocoa as the winter weather gradually came upon the small town. Tummer couldn't understand his obsession with this lovely girl or how he had these feelings for her. Tummer had never said anything to her, fearing that this ritual would never happen again. "Tummer! Hey, earth to Tummer! It's your move!" Tummer quickly broke out of his trance, trying to make himself look natural in front of his friend, Rat. The two of them had been sitting in a small corner of the store, sipping on their drinks (Rat having a respectable dark coffe while Tummer had a smoothie) and playing their third game of chess. "Oh, sorry," Tummer said, quickly thinking on his feet and moved his knight. "Dude, if you keep staring at her like that, you're gonna get us kicked out of here," Rat told him, lazily moving his bishop, taking out one of his opponents pawns. "Do you even know the girl's name?" "It's Maka," Tummer responded almost immediately. He wasn't sure if that made him see more or less creepy. "Well, why don't you go over to dear ol' Maka and ask if you could take her picture," Rat joked. "That way you can look at her all you want." "You think she'd go for it," Tummer eagerly asked, clutching onto his rook. Rat let out a large sigh before checking his watch. He gulped down the rest of his coffee, slamming it on the table. "That's about enough weirdness I can handle for one day," Rat said before toppling his king. "Take my advice; get to know her before even asking for a picture." Rat was about to leave, looking as if he was on a train of thought. "That other girl really messed you up, didn't she?" Tummer pretended to not know what his friend was talking about as he waved goodbye. A cloud of depression now hovered over him. His ex; she wasn't his first girlfriend, so what he felt for her wasn't puppy love. They were together for years, always depending on each other. The best memories were of birthday celebrations, where they would just spend time with each other. Then, out of the blue, she left him. "I don't love you anymore. I never did. Leave me alone already; just disappear!" Those words nearly killed him, literally. He shut himself from the world, most days spending his entire time in bed. There were a number of times where he held onto a bottle of sleeping pills, ready to take her advice and just disappear. Then, something changed. Tummer was dragged to the coffee shop by another one of his friends, Cat. At that point, Cat was the only girl he could trust because he had know her since childhood. Every other girl in the world was just a lying, uncaring piece of trash, all thanks to his ex. He couldn't even trust the female cashier, so Cat had to order for the both of them. The two of them were waiting around for their drinks, Tummer eager and ready to leave such a public place. Then a girl approached the two of them, who also seemed to be waiting for whatever drink she had ordered. She cocked her neck towards him, humming a familiar song that had played on the radio, her eyes widening. "Where'd you get that hat," the random girl asked. It took Tummer a while to realize that she was talking to him. He had covered his body with long clothing to hide himself from the world. Wanting to hide his face, he had grabbed a Pokemon hat before leaving his house. "It was a present for his birthday a year back," Cat had answered for him. She was understanding about Tummer's current girl phobia. "Is that so," The girl said, amused. "Well, it's totally awesome. If it didn't look so good on you, I'd nab it right off your head." Tummer ducked his face into his shoulders, hiding his rosy cheeks. Tilting his head, he took a good look at the girl, this time, seeing her in a much different light. She was very angelic and lively. She was very beautiful, much more than his ex. "Maka," called out the barista, holding out a light red smoothie. "Order up for Maka!" And that was how he learnt the name of of the blonde haired girl. As she left, Tummer couldn't help but stare at her. He knew that it made him look like a pervert to any onlooker, but that didn't matter to him at all. Even Cat shaking his shoulders didn't seem to break his concentration. It was only when Maka was out of sight that he finally snapped from his daydream, a small amount of drool crawling from his lower lip. "You can stop now," Tummer said to Cat. Cat couldn't help but smile at her friend, still shaking him and giggling. "Dude, she totally wants you." Tummer's cheeks began to burn. "S-shut up, idiot." That was well over a month ago; Whenever Tummer sank into his depression, he thought back to those few seconds. It even became a habit for him to visit the coffee shop every day to see if he could catch a glimpse at the girl. He never brought his hat with him, not wishing to make himself seem obvious. For now, distant love was good enough for him, no matter how much his friends kept telling him that it was creepy. Tummer had wished that he had finished the chess game with Rat. Even if he didn't give up on the game, Tummer was nearly positive that he would have beat him. Putting the pieces away, through the corner of his eye, he watched Maka grabbing her drink, looking as if she were getting ready to leave. He watched her walk to the door, wishing that he could stand next to her. Hell, he wished that he could at least say something to her, anything. Before Maka reached the door, a young man blindly ran into the shop, knocking straight into Maka. Her hot cocoa, half full in the cup and probably at room temperature by now, exploded onto her shirt as she and the young man fell backwards. Out of instinct, Tummer grabbed the napkins that were at his table and quickly approached the duo. He came to his senses when he stood right in front of the two on the floor. "Crap miss," the young man said urgently. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to knock into ya, I swear." "It's alright," Maka told the boy. "It was an accident." The young man quickly stood up, making his way to the bathroom. Silently, Tummer bent down to hand Maka some of the napkins he had grabbed. She cleaned off her shirt, mostly, and turned to Tummer, who seemed to be picking up the mess that was on the floor. "Oh no, you don't need to do that," Maka quickly told him. "I'm sure that's something the employees are supposed to take care of." "Um...right..." This was the first time he had directly talked to her, although they weren't facing each other. Tummer stopped the cleaning, standing himself up. Again, his body seemed to be moving on auto pilot, not realizing that he had offered her a hand up. She clutched onto his arm, which gave him chills and butterflies. Tummer avoided eye contact with her, but it seemed that Maka was studying him. She then snapped her fingers. "Hey! You're that Pokemon kid!" She seemed to be delighted in figuring out his identity. "Thanks for helping me with that mess. I'm sorry I can't chat, but I'm meeting some friends for karaoke." "Um..." Tummer said, loud enough to cause Maka to stop in her tracks and look back at him. Now they were perfectly eye to eye. Tummer's heart began to beat rapidly, his palms slowly becoming soaked in sweat. It may have been a trick of the light, but Tummer believed he saw her blush the same time he did. That one second in time seemed to last forever. This was his chance, that's what he believed. "Uh," Tummer began again, trying to find the right words. It had been years since he had asked someone on a date. "I was wondering, y'know, if you wouldn't mind me..." Tummer was struggling with the last part. "Oh, I'm going to have to say no, I'm sorry," Maka hastily told him. Tummer could literally feel his heart sinking in his chest at those words. "I mean, it was just hot chocolate. I don't think I wasn't going to finish it anyway. You don't have to buy me another one, save up your money." The color had returned back to Tummer's face as he heard the misunderstanding. Quickly, she pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen, scribbling something as fast as she could. She approached him, gently placing the crumbled paper in his palm. The sensation of her warm touch almost caused him to collapse. "We should hang out though," Maka told him with delight in her voice. "Here's my number if you ever want to meet up." She ran out of the store, childishly waving her hand. Tummer simply stood there, seemingly made of stone, red faced for a full five minutes. Some of the onlookers believed him to be completely paralyzed, or worse. In his mind though, Tummer was celebrating. He was noticed by the girl he had silently admired for so long. He wasn't sure how to act next; right now though, simply holding this piece of paper was haven to him. Comments are appreciated.
http://my.spill.com/profiles/blogs/episode-vii-has-its-writer Now, I'm not a huge fan of the Star Wars movie. I think they're fun, but I didn't rage over the prequels like a lot of fans do. So, when Episode VII was announced, I stayed neutral about it? That being said, I'm now excited for this movie. This guy is behind two of my favorite films from the last decade, and bringing someone like him into a franchise like this could only mean good news. What do you guys think?
http://thetummer.tumblr.com/image/35571502357 Got it a few months back. Gonna give it to someone special, then they stabbed me in the back, and now I just want to get rid of it. I don't have the heart to throw it away because it cost money, but I don't care much for XIII. It's a small pin though. Let's say 54 post gets it.
No groaning. Everyone else made a thread like this. http://thetummer.tumblr.com/ Add me. Or not. It's your choice.
Instead of posting thread after thread of poems, I'll just post them all here. I've been writing a lot lately, so I hope I have a lot to post soon. This first one is one I wanted to write for a while. The idea came when I was insanely depressed and I still feel that depression. It's just a way to express my feelings. Monsters In the middle of the night, I awaken, my body aching, hidden from the moonlight. It is a problem I cannot escape. My nightmares enjoy keeping me awake. When I sleep, there is no safety for me, no censors from my darkest fears. I only stand, maybe a weapon in hand to face the things I hate the most. The pain through my body is hardly bearable. And yet...my nightmare never seems to stop. Opening my eyes, leaving my bed a new Hell awaits my impending arrival. For these monsters are worse than that of myth and legend. They like to pretend they are human and these hateful creatures wish to see me fall. If I stand, they win. If I fall, I lose. My only realm of peace is in my nightmares. At least those monsters can't harm me. Comments are appreciate.
Got the okay just now and got myself dressed. Waiting for a wheelchair to take me out, but I finally get to leave the hospital. :D
Anyone miss me? Sorry for not posting too much. Surprising how awkward it is to type after all off this. IM SOOO SOOOORRREE!! DXXXX anyway, how is eveeryone?
Maka and Tummer reporting in for the holiday! ^^ Everybody turn your heads upside down. Maka is having trouble making it turn the right way
ALL of Tummer's heart tubes are OUT! All he has left is one more tube for unmentionables and medication, but they're switching him to pills a bit at a time and he'll probably get to get up and walk around soon. We're both going to try to walk together through the hospital and go trick or treating today. We're both planning to dress up a little at the hospital, so I'll try to take pictures of us and post them in a happy Halloween thread or something. THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! WE LOVE YOU ALL!
Hey guys! This is Maka speaking for Tummer-kun. He wants to let everyone know that he is conscious and he is doing great and talking and we're having lots of fun in the hospital. We love you guys and we'll keep you posted! (Yes, Maka got a bus ticket and came to see tummer last night. Hiiiiiii!)
Finished checking in. THEY FOUND ME A HEART!!
decided to continue watching The Newsroom. Love Aaron Sorkin dialogue.
Does anyone know how to just numb yourself to emotion. To just not feel anymore. To take away your feelings for everything. I know one way, but I'm not quite ready for that...yet.
That I'm looking forward to watching an early screening if Paranormal Activity 4 on Tuesday? I mean, the one l really liked was the third one, and the director for that one is said to have done this one too. Plus, I really love the horror genre indiscriminately.
I'm not sure what I hate more; that they sang a lot of crappy pop songs that are on the radio or the fact that I loved every minute of this movie. P.S. I'm going to walk around behind people, talk in a quiet voice and say "I ate my twin in the womb".