So, there's this one thing that I caught on to at the last convention I went to (about two weeks ago). I was watching a game of Cosplay Chess and noticed that all the Hetalia cosplayers in the game were girls. Thinking back to every anime convention I've been to, I have never seen a male Hetalia cosplayer.
You know that new Christopher Nolan movie that's supposed to be coming out on Friday. Well, I was looking to see if they were having early screenings tomorrow and see if I can make it to, like, a 7:00 showing. Well, it turns out that they're showing it in my town today. My town is a very small, desert, matters to no one, in the middle of nowhere town. And yet we're getting screenings of this big movie today. I mean, it's pretty freaking awesome, but...why? I just wanna know why?
SPOILER WARNING: Tummer gets sappy Around this time two years ago, my life completely changed. My mom said that the hospital had found a heart for me. I have bits and pieces of that night that have been burnt into my memory. Driving to the hospital, sitting in the waiting area, being taken to the room that I would be in for the next 10 days, and being told that I would be having my surgery at 7AM (I was told that news at around 10:45PM) the following morning. I’ve always considered KH-Vids my second family. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I would always want to keep you guys in the loop of what’s going on, and this was a big night. I was overwhelmed by everyone’s comments when I told them. I was freaking out, feeling nervous, and I couldn’t sleep that entire night, waiting for my surgery. And that feeling only grew when I woke up and was able to see what people said while I was under. And that feeling has never gone away. It’s been two years, and I am grateful to every single one of you. This place had been a great pillar of support before 7AM October 28, 2012, and has remained that great place since then. I’m healthy, I’m (mostly) happy, and I’m alive. I just want to say thank you, my friends of KH-Vids. There’s no way I can repay you for what you’ve done for me.
So, my younger sister is dating this dude, let's call him Mike. He's into a lot of the same stuff I"m into (this isn't going where you think it's going), and my family was sort of making it a joke. "Haha, it's like you're dating Tummer"! (again, this is not going where you think it's going). So, the guy asks me to be friends on facebook, to which I had no objections to. Lately though, he's posted a lot on facebook. It's either him just being happy, talking about some anime, and then getting depressed. He's saying stuff like "I guess I just screw up at everthing". GUYS! THIS SHIT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE ME WHEN I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL! It's like looking into a fucking time machine! I now know how my family felt all those years ago.
Slaine did nothing wrong.
So, I went to an early screening of Annabelle last night. When I walked into the theater, it was a theater filled with children and their parents. This is a rated-R horror movie. And when I say children, I mean, at most, 10 years old. Now, I watched horror movies when I was young, but my parents never took me to the theater to see any horror. Jackass: The Movie, yes, but not a horror movie. And I honestly could care less about how impressionable these kids are; I just don't want to hear screaming kids for 90 minutes. Luckily, I was able to sit in a row by myself, and there was a good buffer between me and the crowd. It took a while to get the trailers started, so I was a little bit irritated. It wasn't something I could control, but usually when the movie runs late, they skip the trailers completely. I'm glad that they didn't skip the trailers though. In a theater full of little kids, they played the 50 Shades of Gray trailer. I couldn't hold in my laughter. Those kids saw some soft core erotica, and those parents know that they couldn't stop it. Everyone was silent after the trailer (besides my muffled laughter). I wanted to stand up and point at everyone and just yell "You deserve this!"
Okay, so I was trying to uninstall a program that got it's way onto my laptop. It started acting up, so I did a hard shut down, a decision I now regret. Every time I try rebooting, I don't get far. Sometimes I just get a black screen where I can use my cursor. Other times, I get the Gateway logo where I can choose f2, but that does little help. I've been able to make it to system restore, but I've gone through two dates, and both don't work. I have a windows 7 computer, and as I mentioned, it's a Gateway. Any advice?
Spoiler I honestly don't know where it went wrong, but when it did happen, it went horribly wrong.
It's a habit that I got into when I was really young, and it's stuck with me since. And now, I recorded it! Yay!
He's 9-years old. The look on his face was priceless
2.5 drops that day!
Okay, so I'm taking summer classes because I decided to change my major. One of the classes is College Algebra. My teacher for that class...I can't even properly call him a teacher. He just takes stuff from the book, copies it for us on the book, and gives us minimal explanation. He skips steps, which is annoying to me because I want to take detailed notes for my own notes. Anyway, we have an exam tomorrow, and he gave us an exam review to do over the weekend. We went over it today so we can clear up some things. At one point though, when we were getting ready to do number 15 that was on the exam review he e-mailed to us, it turns out that the one he has on the answer sheet is a completely different question entirely. Turns out that half of the questions he didn't have answers for at all! He didn't apologize for it, and he said that he would attempt to send us the right answers (he did, but he said it like we shouldn't expect it). Thankfully, summer courses are quick...
I've been wanting to do a music thread like this for a while, but have always felt subconsious about it. It seems like a good place to keep stock of everything. Just about every song will be a cover, and will usually come from entries from KHV Idol or Karaoke Night (yay reboot). Comments and criticisms are always welcome. Let's get things started! First up: Tummer Covers...Let it Go from Disney's Frozen! (As previously heard on Karaoke Night) Link I really liked this song from the second I heard it, well before I saw the film. In the film, the music and visuals work really well to balance each other out. What really gets to me is the lyrics, and what they mean. To me, it was letting go of my past when it came to my medical history. It's scary--it still is--but I know that things are getting better for me.
To those here who have served, or have family members who served, thank you. I may not always agree with what the government does, but I always respect someone who decides to serve. My grandfather served in the Korean War. My dad is enjoying his first year of retirement after 21 years. I have a cousin who served a tour in Iraq a few years back. My younger brother is leaving for basic training next week.
So, at the university campus, there's a Taco Bell at the food court. I would go there just about every day when I had class because it was cheap and I really like how the food tastes. Now, when you have something over and over again, you tend to get kind of sick of it. That happened to me. Now, it's summer vacation and there's no food at home. The closest restaurant is a McDonald's, which is a half-mile away. And I'm craving Taco Bell! I'll never take you for granted again Taco Bell!
Picking up with Hannibal and Bates Motel, NBC has recently released the first half of their adaption of Rosemary's Baby. This miniseries will be four hours long, split into two two-hour blocks. The first half, Night 1, was released last night and Night 2 will be released on Thursday, May 15. The miniseries is an adaption of the novels Rosemary's Baby and Son of Rosemary by Ira Levin. It stars Zoe Saldana as Rosemary Woodhouse and Patrick J. Adams as Guy Woodhouse. I had watched the original film some time ago, but I have to confess that I wasn't paying too much attention to it. I'm also not one of those people who are bugged by the idea of a remake. If they can do something different or bring a brand new view, I'm fine with it. Watching the first half, it seems clear that they are not trying to copy the original Polanski film (I have not read either novels though, so I can't say what it's like as an adaptation). This first half just felt...very average. The acting was okay, and there were some good moments of atmosphere. And it's really an ambitious show for the kind of network NBC is. However, this first half did have moments of padding that felt unnecessary. I mean, what it ends on made me think "Oh, we're just getting to that now? Well, that's no good." What do you guys think? Again, I think it's just average so far.
He shot at me. He hates on me.
Let me tell you a little bit about my friend @Jayn! She's someone who I had admired for a long time with all the work she put in. She ran RP Idol, does her own music channel, and tackled a whole bunch of music related things for the site! It helped bring a lot of us together, and the fact that she was able to do a lot of that was absolutely amazing. She's also an amazing friend as well! She was there for me when I was at an emotional low point, trying to help me whenever she can. When I was going into my surgery, I knew I could put my trust in her to keep everyone updated. She always knows the right things to say, and doesn't ask much in return. Jayn, you're are one of the best people I know! I only wish that I was a better friend. Thank you!
To preface, I'm going into the book objectively and trying to keep an open mind. With my last attempt at "teen fiction that's not like everything else" (Divergent), it turned out to be like everything else. I also have a prejudice with how it seems like it portrays people growing up with terminal illness (mostly from looking at the movie trailer) because I went through that. First, there was sexy vampires. Then came sexy zombies! Now, we have sexy terminally ill people (which I may be all for). The author's note really rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. Just something about it seemed odd. Five pages into the first chapter, I wanted the narrator to just die on the spot. Yet again, we get an insufferable "angsty" narrator who has given me no reason to care about her (this may be the first time I ever started rooting for cancer). Yes, she's sick, but she doesn't have to seem so high and mighty about it when she's discussing what's wrong with everyone else. Please tell me that this chick goes through some sort of character change! Please tell me she evolves and actually learns a lesson. Or she dies. Either one works. And my friends were right: the writing is pretentious as ****. Forget teenagers; I can't imagine any human being actually saying these things in any kind of real situation. Yes, it's good to have witty dialogue with zinger punchlines, but if that's all you're doing, it becomes old hat really fast. And I know that this is just from the first chapter, but this doesn't feel anywhere near accurate from what it means to grow up terminally ill. It seems that the author had a very vague idea of what it meant and decided to run with that. Granted, I didn't have cancer, but I was knocking on death's door. Still optomistic about chapter two though.
So, to pass the time, I started watching the new Todd in the Shadows video. I find him humorous, and have an interesting take on current pop music. Half way through watching, I'm handed a note. This is what it reads "What you watching is/ Not good./ Good Bless You/ Please STOP" (these are not my errors). Now, I could understand if I was watching something something that was strange or not appropriate, but I don't think I was. The review is for that new "All is One" song, and the creator provides the music video clips so there's something on screen. The only thing that I can think of that may have provoked it was when there was a short montage of hit songs from 2005, which included their respective videos. The clips weren't too bad. I was having a good day, which was probably the reason why I didn't provoke her. I just logged off, walked away, and went on another computer. I decided to take the high road. It's that Good Bless You (I'm pretty sure she meant to say God Bless You) thing that kind of pisses me off. It's those extra three words that really sinks it in. It's like she's saying "I'm better than you because I don't watch that stuff". I would understand if I was being loud, or the video was bad, but there was no reason for me to provoke her. Hell, she was sitting behind me; our backs are to each other. She went completely out of her way just to prove that she's a better human being than I am.