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  1. burnitup
    ...Albino of Kingdom Hearts fan sites.
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 19, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. burnitup
    Organization XIII


    One night in The World That Never Was, Zexion was reading his lexicon and casting random spells to see what they would do. When he cast one of the spells nothing happen. But in the city...portals opened up and hords of the undead walked through infesting the city. And now Organization XIII must fight zombies and there ability to teliport to other worlds has some how been disabled.

    ~Organization XIII~

    User: TwilightBlader
    Rank: I
    Element: Nothingness
    Weapon: Arial Blades

    User: Saxilesm
    Rank: II
    Element: Space
    Weapon: Gun Arrows

    User: leon47
    Rank: III
    Element: Wind
    Weapon: Lances

    Rank: IV
    Element: Ice
    Weapon: Shield

    Rank: V
    Element: Earth
    Weapon: Tomahawk

    User: Kingdom///97.2
    Rank: VI
    Element: Illusions
    Weapon: Lexicon

    Rank: VII
    Element: Moon
    Weapon: Claymore

    User: burnitup
    Rank: VIII
    Element: Fire
    Weapon: Chakrams

    User: Wisdom Form Guy
    Rank: IX
    Element: Water
    Weapon: Sitar

    Rank: X
    Element: Time
    Weapon: Cards

    Rank: XI
    Element: Flowers
    Weapon: Scythe

    User: lanihead7
    Rank: XII
    Element: Thunder
    Weapon: Kunai

    User: Donaut
    Rank: XIII
    Element: Light
    Weapon: Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblades​


    Note: Zombies are not playable.

    Types of Zombes:

    Classic Zombies: There the more classic zombies, slow moving and very little intelligents. 9 out of 10 chance of finding one.

    Hyper Zombies: Like the classic zombies but moving alot faster. 4 out of 10 chance of finding one.

    Gunner Zombies: Have a little more intelligents then the other zombies and can weld weapons. 2 out of 10 chance of finding one.

    Running Zombies aka Crimson Heads: They are zombie that can run, they are redish in color and can take down a human in one swing of there arm but the can trip if they try to stop running. 6 out of 10 chance of finding them.

    ~Zombie characteristics~

    Zombie memory: The Zombies have very limited to no memory of their previous life. But they all remember how to walk, how to use their hands for several tasks like opening doors, holding something or someone. They recognize a lot of objects like cars, houses and other structures and they recognize the doors to enter in them. They also kept the instinct of eating and biting.

    Zombie behavior: They actually seem to be in constant hunger for the living flesh, even if feeding is not necessary since they cannot really digest anything anymore. If no living is present, they tend to wander around randomly, they are not interested in other Zombies most of the time and can fight for living flesh. They display very little intelligence, compared to a living human.

    Zombie movment: A zombie cannot really run (this does not count for running zombies) and has very limited motility, even without major injury.

    Zombe locution: A zombie cannot speak and only makes basic vocal sounds.

    Zombie termination: A zombie will remain animate until its brain becomes severely damaged. Zombies are unaffected by other injuries, except if occurring in a way that affects body mechanics, such as the loss of a leg, which inhibits locomotion. Body parts severed from an undead brain will become inanimate.


    ~One~ Romance is allowed, please keep to a PG-13 level.
    ~Two~ You can not play as a zombie even if you get killed by one.
    ~Three~ no god modding.
    ~Four~ Don't break the rules of this RP or the rules of KH-Vids.
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 16, 2007, 76 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. burnitup
    Organization XIII
    has a Christmas Party


    Organization XIII desided to throw a Christmas party! And everyone is invited! But Sora and co. was not invited because there jerks.

    ~End of Story


    Organization XIII

    Xemnas ~

    Xigbar ~

    Xaldin ~

    Vexen ~

    Lexaeus ~

    Zexion ~

    Saix ~

    Axel ~ burnitup

    Demyx ~

    Luxord ~

    Marluxia ~

    Larxene ~

    Roxas ~


    Kingdom Hearts

    Santa ~

    Sephiroth ~

    Leon ~

    Auron ~

    Cloud ~

    Terra ~

    Death Note

    L ~

    Near ~

    Light ~

    Misa ~


    Kingdom Hearts

    Sora ~

    Donald ~

    Goofy ~

    Riku ~

    Kairi ~

    King Micky ~


    Mello ~

    Matt ~


    ~One~ Romance is allowed, please keep it to a PG-13 level
    ~Two~ No God Moding
    ~Three~ Don't kill each other, you may fight each other, but don't kill each other.
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. burnitup
    Outer World
    Death of Trust, Rise of Fear

    Note: The RP begins in New York City.


    May 6, 2008. Thats when it happen. Life was normal, cities filled with people, technology was being used every where, but even today it is taken for granted. It happen over night, in one night 99% of the human race was missing. Technology was fired, everything that was technology was nearly gone.

    Only small groups of people were still alive trapped as there own worse enemies. Some try to rebuild, others try to save them selves. Animals weren't effected by the event, they went back to there natural insticts. And for the serviving humans fear and trust are now raging an epic war. As beliefs, threories, and thoughts begin to ruin the world again.

    ~End of Story~


    Acts toward other human: (trusts or untrusts)

    Name: Steve Grant
    User: burnitup
    Age: 23
    Job: Taxi driver
    Personality: Caring, optamistic(sp), well mannered
    Acts toward other human: Trusts
    Bio: Not much is unknown about him he keeps alot to himself, but claims he is from Seattle.
    Appearance: Wears an 1930 hat, a t-shrit, and jeans


    ~One~ Romance is allowed, please keep it at a PG-13 level.
    ~Two~ No God Moding.
    ~Three~ No swearing unless you're going to censore it.
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 13, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. burnitup
    It's because Deathspank heard this song. XD

    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. burnitup
    Organization XIII
    The Servants

    Note: This is a cross over of the game Kingdom Hearts and the anime Fate/stay night


    One night at the World That Never Was, Zexion was reading through his lexicon, he found a spell he had not notice before, he cast the spell to see what would happen…nothing happened in the room so he began to wonder what the spell was for.

    Meanwhile at another part of the world outside the castle a group of worriers from another reality had appeared. Epic souls that had died and given the choice to fight in a war every 60 years in there reality called the Holy Grail War.

    They are called servants, they adopt there class name during the war to represent there class. Saber, Caster, Archer, Assassin, Lancer, Rider, Berserker.

    There is usually one from each class for each war but with about 8 of them summoned at the same place that means it’s not another Holy Grail War. So now in an unknown world they join forces to learn where they are

    ~End of Story~


    Note: To make it far for the Fate/stay night servants all Org. XIII members have ups and downs. And you can have two characters to RP with.

    Organization XIII

    Rank: I
    Element: Nothingness
    Weapon: Arial Blades
    Ups: Can use close and ranged attacks, every flexible making it easy to dodge some attacks or attack with his movements
    Downs: Can not dodge all attacks

    Rank: II
    Element: Space
    Weapon: Gun Arrows
    Ups: Can float in the air and can avoid close range fighters, has excellent marksmanship
    Downs: Has 8 shots for each of his gun arrows, has a slow reload time, has no close range fighting skills what so ever

    Rank: III
    Element: Wind
    Weapon: Six lances
    Ups: Is one of the strongest members of Org. XIII, is good at acrobatics
    Downs: Can easily be overpowered if there are too many enemies fighting him at a time

    Rank: IV
    Element: Ice
    Weapon: Shield
    Ups: Can freeze some one solid, can make a replica of a fighter from gathering combat data from fighting them, great defense
    Downs: He’s not really strong, he’s replicas are not as strong as the original

    Rank: V
    Element: Earth
    Weapon: Tomahawk
    Ups: He is a very power
    Downs: Not really fast

    Rank: VI
    Element: Illusions
    Weapon: Lexicon
    Ups: Can use magic, can really be helpful when fighting with allies
    Downs: Can only use counter spells and low level black, not a good psychical fighter

    Rank: VII
    Element: Moon
    Weapon: Claymore
    Ups: A strong fighter
    Downs: He gains most of his strength from staying in the light of the moon

    Rank: VIII
    Element: Fire
    Weapon: Chakrams
    Ups: Is a great team fighter
    Downs: Isn’t the best when fighting alone

    Rank: IX
    Element: Water
    Weapon: Sitar
    Ups: Can make a great distraction
    Downs: Coward, not a good fighter, is only skilled in playing the sitar, can’t think for himself, complains too much

    Rank: X
    Element: Time
    Weapon: Cards
    Ups: Can confuse people, forces all battle to be a game
    Downs: Easy to hit

    Rank: XI
    Element: Flowers
    Weapon: Scythe
    Ups: Is a great close range fighter
    Down: Not really a team fighter

    Rank: XII
    Element: Thunder
    Weapon: Kunai
    Ups: Fastest member in the Org., has great flexibility, is strong as well
    Downs: Is so sadistic that she basically forgets the well being of her allies

    Rank: XIII
    Element: Light
    Weapons: Oblivion Keyblade & Oathkeeper Keyblade
    Ups: Fast, some what strong, can be very good when working with a team
    Downs: Is too caring for he’s friends

    The Servants

    Alignment: Lawful Good
    True Identity: Arturia Pendragon (also known as King Arthur)
    Gender: Female
    Noble Phantasm: A+ +
    Strength: A
    Agility: B
    Mana: A
    Luck: A+
    Talents: Gymnastics, gambling
    Likes: Good meals, plush lions
    Dislikes: Bad meals, formal dress, old men

    Magic Resistance
    Rank: A
    Cancels any magic below A-rank. In practice, no magi today are able to hurt her.

    Rank: A
    The ability to always "feel" the best course for oneself during combat. This heightened sixth sense is now close to precognition. It reduces by half any obstacles to vision and hearing.

    Rank: B
    Natural talent to command an army. It increases the ability of one's army during mass combat. Charisma is a rare talent, and a B rank is enough to lead a country.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Excalibur: Sword of Promised Victor
    Rank: A+ +
    Type: Anti-Fortress
    A celestial sword constructed by the world from the collective wishes of mankind and fueled through a conversion of Mana into photoelectric energy. The area of expulsion appears as a colossal beacon of incandescence, though the vast majority of light is concentrated at the vertex of initial release.

    Avalon: All is a Distant Utopia
    Rank: EX
    Type: Support
    The hallow scabbard of Excalibur, originally stolen from King Arthur shortly before the Battle of Camlann. Mere possession of this Noble Phantasm bequeaths limited immortality through regenerative stimulation, as well as preventing physical deterioration due to aging. When initiated as a Noble Phantasm, Avalon dissipates into countless particles and immerses its user into a tranquil domain, virtually a "portable fortress". While bounded in this manner, an individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, from parallel worlds, and dimensional planes. Avalon transcends even the most advanced sorceries, and is comparable only to "true" magic.

    Saber's Appearance

    User: burnitup
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Class: Archer
    Gender: Male
    Noble Phantasm: EX
    Strength: B
    Agility: C
    Mana: B
    Luck: A
    Talents: Wealth
    Likes: Himself, power
    Dislikes: Himself, snakes

    Rank: B-
    He is able to capably inspire and direct armies of any size, instilling them with such pride and passion for him and his objectives that their effectiveness in combat will increase.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Gate of Babylon: King’s Treasury
    Rank: E ~ A+ +
    Type: Anti-unit
    A small, plain sword that doubles as spatial key, allowing Gilgamesh to access his vast wealth contained within a vault in the heart of ancient Babylon. Inside this treasury are a myriad of Noble Phantasms collected during the peak of Uruk's civilization. Gilgamesh either throws these weapons or fires them out of his vault like rockets. Any weapons or artifacts discharged by Gate of Babylon return to the vault after an indeterminate amount of time. Because he lacks proficiency with any of these weapons, Gilgamesh will typically only fire the weapons as projectiles; in several instances, Gilgamesh has removed and normally wielded weapons. It is the hurling of these weapons that designate his class as an Archer.

    Enkidu: Chain of Heaven
    Type: Anti-Unit
    One of the few relics Gilgamesh actually used during his lifetime, this chain was forged specifically to immobilize gods, albeit significantly less effective against opponents with little or no divinity. Though not a true Noble Phantasm, Enkidu is Gilgamesh's most trusted weapon.

    Enûma Elish: The Star of Creation that Splits Apart Heaven and Earth
    Rank: EX
    Type: Anti-World
    An aphotic, pillar-shaped blade, etched with fine crimson letterings in cuneiform. With an energy output that rivals Excalibur, rotation of Ea's tri-blade segments vacuums and compresses surrounding atmospheric gasses. Upon release, the ensuing cataclysmic blast sunders the foundations of reality, causing a collapse of time and space that disintegrates everything around the area of attack. Ea's material components have no origins in the mortal plane; unlike other weapons, it cannot be replicated. It is the most powerful Noble Phantasm in Gilgamesh's arsenal.

    Gilgamesh's Appearance

    Alignment: True Neural
    True Identity: Shirō Emiya
    Gender: Male
    Noble Phantasm: N/A
    Strength: D
    Agility: C
    Mana: B
    Luck: E
    Talents: Tinkering, stewardship
    Likes: Chores
    Dislikes: Heroism

    Eye of the Mind (True)
    Rank: B
    The ability to effectuate rapid and precise judgments gained through experience and training. Shirō is capable of calmly analyzing situations even during a battle, applying strategy and skills to turn the tables on his favor. As long as there is a 1% chance of victory, he is able to devise a plan to exploit that possibility.

    Magic Resistance
    Rank: D
    The ability to cancel or diminish the effects of sorcery used against oneself. At this rank, spells on the level of those consisting of single lines are cancelled. About as powerful as a basic protective amulet.

    Rank: C-
    The individual’s skill in traditional spell casting. At this rank, the user has merely learned how to use basic orthodox sorcery.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Kanshō and Bakuya: Gàn Jiàng and Mò Yé
    Rank: C-
    Type: Anti-Unit
    An adorned pair of Kan-Dao Chinese falchions, each blade represents the contrasting forces of Yin Yang. Both swords may be thrown like boomerangs, homing in on an unsuspecting target; if one blade is thrown, it will return to a wielder's hand as long as its mate is oppositely held. When strengthened with reinforcement sorcery, the blades will extended nearly twice their original length and take on appearance of tattered feathers; this form is known as Kanshō and Bakuya Overedge. Additionally, each sword provides limited protection against various sorceries.

    Rho Aias: The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens
    Type: Support
    An extremely powerful spiritual aegis and the only defensive Noble Phantasm Archer has skill with. Originally a huge bronze shield coated with seven layers of tanned ox hide, activation of this Noble Phantasm materializes seven consecutive prismatic flower petals, which each petal emulating the protective strength of a fortress. Amidst legendary Noble Phantasms artifacts, Rho Aias is renown for having exceptional and unsurpassed resistance against all types of spears.

    Hrunting: The Hound of the Red Plains
    Type: Anti-Unit
    A thick, serrated jet black sword. When fired as a Broken Phantasm, Hrunting actively seeks out the most direct route to its target so long as Archer continues to aim at the target. It will continue to home in even if its blade is evaded, deflected, or blocked. This Noble Phantasm will also penetrate obstructions of its fight path, and it possesses enough power to bypass four layers of Rho Aias.

    Archer's Appearance

    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    True Identity: Medusa
    Gender: Female
    Noble Phantasm: A+
    Strength: C
    Agility: B
    Talents: Equestrianism, acrobatics, stalking
    Likes: Reading, Snakes
    Dislikes: Mirrors, height measurements

    Mystic Eyes
    Rank: A+
    An ability innate to a creature’s being, special eyes with some manner of power to affect the outside world. Rider’s eyes, Cybele, carry with them the power of petrification. Ranked as Jewel among the Noble Colors, they are capable of turning anyone in her range of vision to stone regardless of her own will. It is not necessary for the target to even look at her, and she is incapable of shutting off her power. A high enough Mana stat is necessary to defend against them. At this rank, anyone below B rank will be instantly petrified, and even those who might resist it will be subject to reduced stats by one rank.

    Rank: A+
    The ability to ride beasts and vehicles. At this rank, she is capable of handling any form of mount be it an animal or an object, even creatures on the level of Divine Beasts. The only thing beyond her skills is those belonging to the race of dragons.

    Magic Resistance
    Rank: B
    The ability to cancel or diminish the effects of sorcery used against oneself. At this rank, spells on the level of those consisting of three or less lines will be cancelled, and even greater incantations will suffer penalties. Servants of the Rider class don’t normally have this skill.

    Rank: E-
    The level of divinity present in a creature’s blood. Being categorized as a monster, Rider has lost nearly all her divine essence.

    Noble Phantasm:

    Blood Fort Andromeda: Outer-Seal. Temple of Blood
    Rank: B
    Type: Anti-Fort
    By using her blood as a material component, Rider is able to create a crimson dome-shaped barricade around her foes. Victims trapped within this enclosure are dissolved into a slurry of blood and organic ooze, which is later absorbed by Rider as Mana. Although such a Noble Phantasm is effective at cutting off escape routes for fleeing enemies, its primary function is the accumulation of Mana. Use of this Noble Phantasm damages the Mana circulation of an area, limiting its usage in a single area.

    Breaker Gorgon: Self-Seal. Temple of Darkness
    Rank: C-
    Type: Support
    The visor Rider wears over her Mystic Eyes is a Noble Phantasm, designed to allow management of the power emitted from her gaze. The visor functions by sealing the user's eyes within a self-contained world. The potency of this ability is so enormous that petrification occurs regardless of whether or not an individual looks into her eyes.

    Bellerophon: Bridle of Chivalry
    Rank: A+
    Type: Anti-Fort
    A golden harness and saddle, effective only when fastened around Rider's mount the mythical winged horse Pegasus. When used in conjunction with Bellerophon, all of Pegasus attributes are increased by one rank. The buffets from Pegasus' wings are capable of generating massive shock waves, which raze infrastructure and lacerate the bodies of living beings. The conjuring of a legendary beast is considered to rival the greatest of Noble Phantasms, and is done independently of Bellerophon.

    Rider's Appearance

    Alignment: Chaotic Mad
    True Identity: Hercules
    Gender: Male
    Noble Phantasm: B
    Strength: A+
    Agility: A
    Mana: A
    Luck: B
    Talents: None; Mad Enhanced
    Likes: None; Mad Enhanced
    Dislikes: None; Mad Enhanced

    Mad Enhanced
    Rank: B
    Rank-up for all parameters, but loses most of his sanity.

    Battle Continuation
    Rank: A
    The ability to stay alive. It allows for battle even on the verge of death, and allows the user to stay alive until they receive a clearly fatal blow.

    Rank: A+
    Ability to ignore any mental interference such as coercion, confusion, or illusions. It also has the effect of increasing damage when fighting unarmed, but since he has gone mad through his class ability, he cannot use this skill.

    Rank: A
    Strength of one's god-like nature. The more godlike blood possessed, the higher this stat becomes. As the son of Zeus, the leader of the gods, and having been accepted as one of the gods after his death, the divinity of Hercules can be said to be of the highest class.

    Noble Phantasms:

    God Hand: The Twelve Labours
    Rank: B
    Type: Support
    A divine blessing in honor of his deeds in life, Berserker's flesh has become extremely durable, granting invulnerability to any attack below the rank of "A". Furthermore, he has an accelerated regeneration rate, and can not only neutralize normally fatal injuries, but resurrect himself from death eleven times, granting him a total of twelve lives. Berserker's rugged hide and dark complexion are consequences of this sorcery.

    Berserker's Appearance

    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    True Identity: Medea
    Gender: Female
    Noble Phantasm: C
    Strength: E
    Agility: C
    Mana: A+
    Luck: B
    Talents: Plotting, crafting
    Likes: Reticent men of sincerity, girls in adorable clothes
    Dislikes: Muscles

    Territory Creation
    Rank: A
    Creation of a magical territory that amplifies one's abilities as a magus. A rank grants the user the ability to create a magical temple, which is more powerful then a workshop.

    Idem Construction
    Rank: A
    The expertise to create magical items. At this level she can produce healing potions that grant limited immortality.

    High-Speed Divine Words
    Rank: A
    Allows the activation of magic without connecting the Magic Circuits or incantating spells. Even great magic can be activated with just a single action. It is a language from the age of the gods, so modern humans cannot pronounce it.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Rule Breaker: All Codes Must be Destroyed
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Unit
    An iridescent and jagged dagger with no exceptional offensive properties, though it possesses the unique ability of dispelling any sorcery cast upon a pierced target. This knife reduces enchantments, sorcerous contracts, and spiritual bodies to their component materials. However, Rule Breaker is ineffective against other Noble Phantasms.

    Caster's Appearance

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    True Identity: Cú Chulainn
    Gender: Male
    Noble Phantasm: B
    Strength: B
    Agility: A
    Mana: C
    Luck: E
    Talents: Diving, fishing, rock climbing
    Likes: Absurd promises
    Dislikes: Cunning, betrayal

    Magic Resistance
    Rank: B
    Nullifies all magic that requires less than two verses. Cannot block large-scale magic such as great magic or ritual magic.

    Battle Continuation
    Rank: A
    Does not give up easily. It allows for battle even on the verge of death, and allows the user to stay alive until they receive a clearly fatal blow.

    Rank: C
    The ability to escape battle. It can also turn an unfavorable battle to the beginning (turn 1), and restores the conditions of techniques to their initial states.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Gáe Bolg: The Spear of Impaling Barbed Death
    Rank: B
    Type: Anti-Unit
    An ability that inverts the concept of causality, creating a phenomenon where the spear is thrust only after it has made contact with a target. When the true name of Gáe Bolg is invoked, the opponent has already been pierced before the attack is initiated, regardless of the path the strike must follow to reach its target. Agility is meaningless in avoiding this ability; the only defense is a high degree of luck, which alters fate ahead of time. In spite of this destiny-interference property and its accuracy, use of Gáe Bolg is economical, consuming so little Mana it can be used seven times without pause for recharge.

    Gáe Bolg: The Spear of Striking Death Flight
    Rank: B+
    Type: Anti-Fort
    This technique utilizes the full potential of Gáe Bolg's curse, converting Mana into energy and releasing the accumulated power on contact after the spear is hurled. In contrast to the Impaling Barbed Death property, the Striking Death Flight is far less accurate, but it puts greater emphasis on raw power and has a wider area of impact, similar in concept to detonating an explosive device.

    Lancer's Appearance

    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    True Identity: Sasaki Kojiro
    Gender: Male
    Noble Phantasm: N/A
    Strength: C
    Agility: A+
    Mana: E
    Luck: A
    Talents: Swordsmanship
    Likes: Nature’s beauty
    Dislikes: Nothing

    Rank: B+
    Clear and serene. A barrier that nullifies mental intervention. Since he is not an assassin, he cannot use the Assassin Ability, Presence Concealment, but he can conceal his presence as a master of Martial Arts.

    Knowledge of Foremost Harmony
    Rank: B
    A special ability that prevents reduction of the effectiveness of an attack, no matter how many times it is used on the same opponent. Attacks will not be perceived by the opponent.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Tsubame Gaeshi
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Assassin does not possess a Noble Phantasm, though Tsubame Gaeshi is equivalent in power to one. It is an attack that bends the laws of physics to cause what is known as a Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon, which consists of three unavoidable, simultaneous strikes from different directions. Unlike the techniques of other Servants, Tsubame Gaeshi requires no additional Mana beyond what Assassin needs to move, although a level foundation is necessary to ensure perfect execution.

    Assassin's Apearance


    ~One~ Romance is allowed but keep it at a PG-13 level. And you can make a relationship with enemy characters.

    ~Two~ No God Moding

    ~Three~ You can’t control someone else’s character unless they give you permission.
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 11, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. burnitup
    Dark Hearts of KH-Vids III
    Final Wars

    First Story: Dark Hearts of KH-Vids

    Second story: Dark Hearts of KH-Vids 2: The Requiem

    Chapter 1 – It Begins

    ~November 6th, 2007~

    Kiryu walked up to Burnitup and said, “Burnitup, I’m going to be leaving town for a bit.”

    Burnitup looked at Kiryu and said, “Why?”

    Kiryu sighed and said, “I don’t know. I guess I just need to find myself, you know?”

    “When will you be leaving?” Burnitup asked him.

    “Tomorrow.” Kiryu said turning around and walking off.

    ~January 1st, 2008. KIGA base~

    The KIGA army had rebuilt it’s self over time. The new job of KIGA is to stop any rouge KH-Vids members around the world. The members of KIGA were highly trained for any problem. Some members were humans with super human abilities; this unit of super humans was called the M Force.

    In the lobby of the base was a KIGA soldier in the uniform of the M Force unit; he’s name was Snake. “Snake!” a woman yelled. Snake turned his head to see his younger sister Khameleon ran toward him. Snake smiled at Khameleon and said, “A sis! How’s it going?”

    Khameleon smiled at him and said, “I’m pretty good! How about you?”

    “I’m good. I got to go now; I have to see Captain Ozaki.” Snake said getting up from his seat. Khameleon gave him a puzzled look and said, “Didn’t you hear? Captain Ozaki was put in the KIGA cells because he nearly lost one of are ships in a dogfight.”

    “Really?! Why wasn’t I told this?” Snake said. Khameleon sighed and said, “I thought Boa told you.”

    “No! He did-” Snake began to say but was cut off by the base’s loud speaker. A KIGA commander was on and he said, “Snake. Report to the M Force commander’s office.”

    Snake sighed and began to walk down the hall as Khameleon followed him.

    “So, how’s the idiot boyfriend of yours sis?” Snake said as he walked. Khameleon shot an angry look at her older brother and said, “Light is not an idiot! He’s a bit of a pervert, but he is not an idiot!”

    Snake laughed and said, “He seems like an idiot to me, tell Thelightisgone123 I said, hi.”

    Snake and Khameleon got to the commander’s room. Snake looked at Khameleon and said, “I’ll be right back.”

    Snaked walked into the commander’s office and walked over to the desk and said, “Sir, you want to see me?”

    The commander looked at Snake and said, “Yes, I have a mission for you. The UN has sent a scientist over here to America to study a thing KIGA soldiers found while patrolling a hidden base in the sewers.”

    “Is that all I’ll be doing, sir? Sir, I’m apart of the M Force unit of the KIGA army, not a baby sitter and besides you know how grumpy these old guys can be.” Snake said. Snake turned around to see a woman, this was the scientist sent by the UN, and her name was Kitty_mckechnie.

    Kitty crossed her arms and said, “I’m not grumpy or old.”

    Kitty walked out of the room and Snake followed her. In the Snake walked up to her and said, “So you’re really a scientist? I thought all scientists were really old.”

    Kitty laughed a bit and said, “And I thought all KIGA soldiers were moronic brutes who care more about fighting then outer appearance, I guess I was wrong.”

    Snake hanged his head and said, “That hurt a bit.” Kitty stopped walking and was in front of a car and said, “He’s the thing Scarlet, I will always whistle at you like you’re a blonde and I’m a construction worker JUST released from prison. Is that clear?”

    Snake looked at her with a puzzled look and said, “Uhh, yes ma’am.”

    Kitty got into the car and closed the door. Snake looked at the car wondering what just happen. Then a man walked up to snake and said, “Hey Snake.”

    “Hey Boa.” Snake said sounding disappointed. Boa looked at Snake and said, “What’s wrong?”

    Snake sighed and said, “My mission is to protect this one girl the UN sent over.”

    Boa laughed and said, “So you’re a baby sitter?”

    Snake glared at him and said, “It’s not that funny.”

    Chapter 2 – The Attack

    Snake and Kitty got to the KH-Vids lab. Xaldin walked up to them and said, “May I help you?”

    Kitty smiled at him and said, “I’m Kitty, I was sent by the UN to see a discovery found here.”

    “Oh yes. I will show you the way to it.” Xaldin said smiling at her. Xaldin then walked off and Kitty and Snake followed him. They got to a room where a humanoid like thing was in the room connected to a bunch of machines, it was covered in rock.

    “We found this thing in the sewers. It is covered in an inch of rock but behind it is a half machine, half human. It’s a cyborg.” Xaldin said. Kitty walked up to it and said, “A cyborg? That’s odd.”


    The number one reporter in KH-Vids, HigherBeing, was interviewing a man who was the UN Secretary General.

    “So Secretary General, are you glad you’re going back to your home in YouTube?” HigherBeing asked.

    The Secretary General laughed a bit and said, “Yes, I’ve been away for awhile and I miss my cat.”

    HigherBeing looked at him with a puzzled look and said, “You have a cat?”

    “Yes, he’s name is Snowball.” The Secretary General said.

    “Uhh…okay?” HigherBeing said.

    ~three hours later over YouTube, California, USA~

    The Secretary General was in a jet and a man walked up to him and said, “Sir there’s some one on the phon-” The man stopped talking and looked out the window of the jet. A hovercraft with a woman riding it flew by and the jet exploded.

    ~on the ground~

    A man walked out of a 7/11 over to a cop who was towing his car and said, “Yo, man that’s my car!”

    “I have to get it out of here.” The cop said. Before the man could yell at the cop a man ran past them yelling, “Run, run away!”

    The cop turned around and the man walked to the side of the cop. A hovercraft was 10 feet away them with a woman on it holding some kind of gun, this woman was name, Jade Rhade. Jade aimed the gun and pulled the trigger and a powerful sonic boom came at them and blew up the car.

    ~at the KIGA base~

    Sara walked up to the M Force commander and a man from a computer yelled, “YouTube is under attack!”

    Sara looked at the commander and said, “Dispatch a unit to YouTube.”

    The man at the computer yell, “Wikipedia is under attack! And Forever Fantasy is under attack! And…and there are more attacks!”

    ~Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, Japan~

    A building exploded and DoomDen walked out of the smoke and fired an AK-47 at random running people.

    ~Kingdom Hearts Europe, Britain~

    A woman with gray skin ran by a building and started to fire a six shot gun. This woman was the zombie of Alice.

    ~Forever Fantasy, China~

    A rush of flames went through an ally killing five people and walking out of the ally, holding a flamethrower was Burnitup.

    ~Wikipedia, Italy~

    A man was banging his TV and was yelling at it then a net was shot at him, he turned around to see a 12 year old girl holding a net gun, her name was Swordser2. She giggled and ran off.

    ~Kingdom Hearts Impulse, New South Wales, Australia~

    A tower exploded and everyone started running away and a guy holding a katana walked out of a building with blood on his cloths, he’s name was Xaale.

    ~KH-Vids’ bay, New York, USA~

    A car exploded and people were running every where and a man holding a huge pair of hedge clippers walked out of a warehouse, he’s name was GhettoXemnas. A group of KIGA soldiers gathered out side the bay, a KIGA commander looked at the soldiers and said, “Okay, we have to get rid of this guy as fast as we can. Go!”

    The KIGA soldiers ran over to GhettoXemnas and shot the hedge clippers out of his hands and one soldier drop kicked him and pinned him to the ground and aimed a gun at him and said, “Good night.”

    Then a beam of light hit GhettoXemnas and he disappeared. The KIGA soldiers looked around confused on what just happen.

    ~at the KIGA base~

    A KIGA commander walked up to Sara and said, “Ma’am, all the rouge KH-Vids members just disappeared.”

    Sara looked at him and said, “What do you mean ‘just disappeared’?”

    “They just vanished.” The commander said. A man ran up to Sara and the KIGA commander and said, “Sir, ma’am, there’s a ship.”

    “Where is it?” Sara asked.

    “It’s right above the base.” The man said. Above the base was a large, round, gold ship. A few smaller ships went in side it. KIGA soldiers were on the roof aiming there guns at the ship. Sara was on the roof as well looking at the ship, a KIGA commander came up to her and said, “Ma’am it’s not safe here.”

    “No where is safe at the moment.” Sara said crossing her arms. Then a beam of light came from the ship and a man appeared from the light, when the light faded it revealed the man, it was the Secretary General. Sara and the KIGA commander ran up to him and said, “Secretary General, what happen?”

    He smiled and said, “They saved me when I was about to die.”

    “They?” Sara asked.

    “There bankers, there peaceful I assure you.” The Secretary General said. Then there was a beam of light coming from the ship. Sara, the commander, and the Secretary General were on the ship, they were approached by six guys in black business suits, one of them said, “Hello, we are the World Reserve. We come in peace”

    “Umm, what do you want?” Sara asked backing up.

    “An asteroid is heading toward earth; we call the asteroid, the Bill Donohue.” A man said.

    “Why do you call it that?” Sara asked crossing her arms. The man sighed and said, “Because Bill Donohue is annoying, he is the destroyer of all things good, and he is a threat to the cattle- I mean human population…yeah.”

    ~the next day at the UN~

    The Secretary General was at a podium and said, “You see everyone if the World Reserve wants to help us. With there help we can become a single government controlled world, it will be lead under the control of the World Reserve!”

    Then some one got out of there seat and started clapping there hands, then everyone else got out of there seat and started clapping there hands.

    ~at a house~

    A man in a black outfit was watching the meeting at the UN over the TV. A woman wearing a black outfit walked over to the man and said, “So this is how liberty, individuality, and freedom of speech ends, with thunderous applauses.”

    Chapter 3 – Snake’s Arc – Part 1

    ~at the World Reserve’s mastership~

    A man approached a man in a black business suit. The man in a black business suit looked at the man and said, “What is it Obsidius?”

    “Lord Tiberius, why did you go through all the trouble of destroying all the rogue KH-Vids members? I don’t understand.” Obsidius said crossing his arms. Tiberius laughed and said, “Of course you don’t you’re young.”

    “But with all the power we have, clearly we could have-”

    “The best tactic is to win the minds of the people you should remember that.” Tiberius said.

    ~outside a house in KH-Vids~

    Kitty pushed on a door bell button. Snake and Kitty were standing out side the house waiting. Snake looked at Kitty and said, “Why are we here?”

    “We are here because I was asked to come here, understand Sandy?” Kitty said crossing her arms. Snake hanged his head and said, “Could you stop calling me a girl’s name. I also die a little inside…”

    The house’s door open and on the other side was HigherBeing. HigherBeing looked at them and said, “Come in”

    Kitty and Snake walked in a looked around and saw HigherBeing walk into another room, they followed her.

    In the room they walked into was a TV. Kitty looked at HigherBeing and said, “Okay HigherBeing, what is it you want?”

    HigherBeing picked up the remote to the TV and said, “I’ve noticed something about the Secretary General,” HigherBeing played the tape of the UN meeting and said, “Notice anything odd?”

    “Not really.” Snake said. HigherBeing zoomed in on the Secretary General’s eyes, he wasn’t blinking.

    “He doesn’t move his eye lids.” Kitty pointed out. HigherBeing crossed her arms and said, “No, not like us.”

    “I’ll go report this to Sara.” Snake said walking off.

    ~one hour later at the KIGA base~

    Snake walked into an office, Sara was sitting at a desk doing so paper work, Snake walked up to the desk and said, “Ma’ am, I have something to say.”

    “What is it?” Sara asked.

    “It’s about the Secretary General, I think that…” Snake stopped talking noticing Sara wasn’t blinking and she said, “Snake, what’s the matter?”

    “Nothing, I just think with all the addition the Secretary General is getting that we should raise security.”

    “Is that all? I’ll take care of it.” Sara said.

    “Thank you ma’am.” Snake said. Snake then walked out of the room.

    ~the next day at the UN~

    Snake, Kitty, and HigherBeing were standing in a hall, the Secretary General walked by them and they ran up to him, HigherBeing then said, “Umm, sir, do you remember me. I’m HigherBeing, I interviewed you once.”

    “What? What do you want? I’m very busy.” The Secretary General said stopping for a second and then walking again. Snake, Kitty, and HigherBeing followed him and HigherBeing said, “I was hoping we could have another interview.”

    “That’s fine.” The Secretary General said.

    “By the way, how’s your cat?” HigherBeing said. The Secretary General stopped walking and said, “My what?”

    “Your cat?” HigherBeing said again. Before the Secretary General could say something a man in a black robe walked up to him and stabbed him in the hand. Snake grabbed the man and threw him to the ground as two guards grabbed him as the man yells, “Kill him! He’s a traitor!”

    HigherBeing took out a white rag and said, “Sir, are you alright?”

    “Yes I’m fine.” The Secretary General said.

    “But you’re bleeding!” HigherBeing said. The Secretary General pushed her to the said and walked off saying, “I said I’m alright!”

    Kitty walked up to HigherBeing and said, “Look at the blood.” HigherBeing looked at the rag she had in her hand, it was oddly darker then blood was supposed to be.

    ~one hour later in a lab~

    HigherBeing was looking at the blood through a microscope and said, “The bloods patterns are all weird.”

    “So that means he is not human.” Kitty said.

    Snake crossed his arms and said, “If he isn’t human that means that a lot of people aren’t and Sara is one of them two.”

    “So there is no one we can trust?” Kitty asked. Snake looked at her and said, “Well there’s still one person who could help.”

    ~the next day at the KIGA base prisons~

    In a cell a man was punching a punching bag, then the cell door open, the man turned around to see Snake.

    “Captain Ozaki, come with me.” Snake said.

    ~one hour later at HigherBeing’s house~

    Kitty and HigherBeing were sitting in the kitchen of the house then Snake and Captain Ozaki walked into the room. Ozaki looked at Kitty and HigherBeing the looked at Snake and said, “Snake, good work.”

    “It’s not what you think sir.” Snake said. The Kitty and HigherBeing rolled there eyes.

    Chapter 4 – Snake’s Arc – Part 2

    HigherBeing was sitting in a chair across from her was the Secretary General, Tiberius, and Obsidius.

    “I’m glad I could have you here, gentlemen.” HigherBeing said smiling.

    ~at a KIGA lab~

    Kitty was on a computer searching for anything about the World Reserve. Sara and a KIGA commander walked in from behind her.

    “What are you doing in here?” Sara asked. Kitty turned to look at them. The KIGA commander said, “You shouldn’t be snooping around. You might find things you aren’t supposed to know.”

    Sara and the KIGA commander started to walk toward Kitty, from behind them they heard someone yell out, “Leave her alone!”

    Sara and the KIGA commander turned around and saw Snake, Captain Ozaki, the M Force commander, and 17 M Force KIGA soldiers. The KIGA commander took one step but Snake said, “Hold it bank man!”

    “You can not stop us! Our masters will destroy you!” The KIGA commander yelled. Then Snake pulled out his gun and shot Sara and the KIGA commander both three times. Kitty ran over to Snake. Snake looked at her and said, “Are you okay?”

    Kitty nodded yes. Sara’s and the KIGA commander’s bodies started to twitch then there was a horrible cracking sound coming from then the something came out of them, everyone turn there head but Captain Ozaki didn’t and he said, “Well, that’s pretty cool.”

    ~at the interview room~

    “I have a surprise for you Mr. Secretary General.” HigherBeing said. She reached behind her chair and pulled out a bag and opened it and cat came out of it. The Secretary General looked at it and said, “What is it?”

    “You don’t remember?” HigherBeing asked looking at him oddly.

    “Oh it’s my cat!” The Secretary General said chuckling a bit.

    “Well call him over to you.” HigherBeing said. The Secretary General was stunned by that and HigherBeing asked, “You don’t remember its name?”

    “I’m sure he’ll remember when you remind him.” Tiberius said.

    HigherBeing rolled her eyes and said, “His name is…Snowball.”

    “Oh! Here Snowball.” The Secretary General said. The cat slowly walked over to him. The Secretary General picked it up and smiled t it and put it back down. The cat walked over to HigherBeing.

    “Here Bob.” HigherBeing said and the cat jumped on her lap. HigherBeing looked at the Secretary General and said, “Actually there is no way you could have known this cat was yours.”

    “But you said it was-” the Secretary General began to say but was cut off by HigherBeing saying, “No, you didn’t listen. I never said this was your cat.”

    Obsidius started to laugh and laughed very loud, when he stopped laughing he said, “So what’s your point?”

    Then Captain Ozaki, Snake, and the M Force commander burst through the door and threw a robotic skeleton at Tiberius’s, Obsidius’s, and the Secretary General’s feet. The Ozaki pulled out a gun and shot the Secretary General three times. The Secretary General put his hand on his head and his head split open reviling a metal skull.

    “Explain that.” Captain Ozaki said.

    “Well,” Tiberius began to say, he got up from his chair and said, “We had too! We-” before he could finish he was shot in the head by Obsidius. HigherBeing the got out of her chair and ran over to Snake. Obsidius got out of his chair and said, “Alright. I’m running this show. The rogue KH-Vids members are under are control again. And for now on you are all cattle. Your only purpose is to give us bankers money.”

    “Oh yeah?” Ozaki snapped his fingers and the 17 M Force KIGA soldiers ran into the room. Obsidius smiled evilly and held out his hand, the room’s lights started to flicker and the M Force soldiers grabbed there heads as if feeling massive pain. Snake held out his hand toward Boa who was there.

    “So long.” Obsidius said as a beam of light came down and he disappeared.

    The lights stopped flickering and the M Force soldiers were looking at Kitty, HigherBeing, the M Force Commander, Snake, and Captain Ozaki. Ozaki knew that they weren’t on their side anymore and he said, “I’ll handle this.’

    The M Force Commander grabbed Ozaki’s arm and said, “No, go with Snake and the others. Don’t you see? They’re going to need you!”

    Ozaki and the M Force commander looked at each other for a bit and then Ozaki smiled and walked out of the room with Snake, Kitty, and HigherBeing following him. And the doors to the interview room closed behind them and left the M Force commander to fight the mind controlled M Force soldiers.

    Chapter 5 – Snake’s Arc – Part 3

    Snake, Kitty, HigherBeing, and Captain Ozaki were in front of the building when a armored van pulled up to them and a KIGA commander was driving it.

    “Get in!!!” The KIGA commander yelled. Everyone got in it and the van then went down the highway as fast as it goes. Then on a motorcycle, Boa drove up to them and shot the tires and the van spin out of control and fell on its side. Boa looked at the van from a few feet away then the back doors of the van burst open and Snake came out on a motor cycle and knocked Boa of his motorcycle by punching him in the face when driving by.

    ~on the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius watched what happen he yelled in anger, “Libregkid, rise!”

    ~at the KH-Vids lab~

    The rock covered cyborg started to move and its rock covering started to fall off and he broke all machines around him and burst through the walls of the lab.

    ~five minutes later in a secret KIGA underground base~

    Captain Ozaki looked around and said, “Well, they haven’t found this place, yet.”

    “So, what’s the plan?” Kitty asked walking up to Ozaki. Ozaki smiled at her and said, “We’ll take the airship here and go find Kiryu.”

    Everyone looked at each other then Snake said, “How do you know where he is?”

    “I don’t know where he is, but we’ll find him.” Ozaki said.

    ~five minutes later~

    Snake brought Boa into the underground base’s medic bay and placed him on a cot and said, “We’ll be back dude.” Snake then walked out of the room.

    ~on the airship~

    Snake sat down in one of the seats as looked up at Ozaki who was in the command chair. Ozaki sighed and said, “Okay, this is where it starts, this will decide the fate of KH-Vids. Commence Operation: Final Wars.” The Airship then started to move up a tunnel that leads to the surface and the airship got to the surface and went through a building that was in the way and flew off into the distance leaving KH-Vids behind.

    ~one the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius had watched them fly off and he laughed and said, “I guess they have one more toy. Libregkid go fetch.”

    ~on the ground~

    The cyborg Libregkid looked at the sky and then metal wings came out of his back and flew after the airship.

    ~meanwhile at KH-Vids’ bay~

    A machine know as Zero Cannon Beta was hovering over the water and on bored was Roxas who was watching as the World Reserve caused so much destruction. His friend Thomas walked up to him and Roxas said angry, “It’s not fair! I’m the only evil lord here.”

    “It’s the World Reserve; they are causing problems ever since they came.” A man said from behind Roxas and Thomas. They turned around to see Zexion of the Twilight or Zott as he is known.

    “What do you want?” Roxas asked looking at Zott. Zott took three steps and said, “I need you to fire the Zero Cannon at the World Reserve’s ship.”

    “What’s in it for me?” Roxas asked crossing his arms. Zott smiled and said, “Well some people are going to look for Kiryu and that means Kiryu is going to be on that ship and you can fire it then, it will settle your score with Kiryu.”

    Roxas thought for a moment and remembered all the things Kiryu did to stop The 13 Great Powers and their plan and Roxas said, “Well, when you put it that way…you bet!”

    Thomas’ jaw dropped and he fainted not expecting that answer from Roxas.

    ~some where over the Nevada desert~

    The airship was flying as fast as it could but Libregkid flew up to the airship and the cyborg’s eyes glowed red and a laser came out of them and the airship got hit and fell to the ground. Libregkid landed near the crash and watched as Ozaki, Kitty, Snake, and HigherBeing walk out of the wreck. As Libregkid walked toward them he was shot in the head. He turn to see who shot him, a man holding sniper rifle was a few feet away and he’s face was covered by a mask. Libregkid pointed his hands at the man and two hooks came out and wrapped around the man’s neck and then a buzz saw came out of the cyborg’s chest and stomach and the man was pulled slowly it the cyborg know as Libregkid. The man then pulled out a shotgun and fired at the cyborg’s head blowing it off. The man tore off the hooks around his neck and walked toward the group. The man removed his mask to revile himself as…Kiryu.

    Chapter 6 – Kiryu’s Arc – Part 1

    ~on the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius watched the video of his cyborg, Libregkid’s head getting blown off. He looked in shock as this happen. Then the screen turned to Captain Ozaki and he said, “Kid, there’s two things you don’t know about us, one, there’s me and two, there’s…Kiryu.”

    Then the screen went black and then Obsidius smiled evilly and said, “Well this might be fun.”

    ~back in the Nevada desert~

    Ozaki walked out of the crashed airship after giving that message to Obsidius. Kitty was sitting on a rock, HigherBeing was looking, and Snake was walking around saying, “Man this sucks! We’re probably going to die or end up someone’s lunch! We don’t have enough food and water from the crash left!”

    Kiryu remained calm and reloaded his weapons and said, “Calm down or you’ll make yourself hungry.”

    Snake shot a look at him and before Snake could say anything he saw an airship in the distance. Kiryu got up and said, “See? Never a dull moment.”

    The airship landed next to them, it was bigger then their own airship, a lot bigger. A door on the ship opened and a man walked out and said, “Hello everyone. Please come in, Deathspank wishes to speak with you.”

    Kiryu shrugged and walked over to the airship and after a few seconds later the others followed him.

    ~in the airship~

    Kiryu, Snake, Ozaki, Kitty, and HigherBeing were in a room in the airship sitting down when Deathspank walked in and said, “Alright now. Here’s the deal, we go around the world and deal with the rogue KH-Vids members so that it will be easy to get rid of the World Reserve, okay?”

    Everyone nodded and Deathspank said, “Alright good.”

    ~three hours later at Kingdom Hearts Impulse, New South Wales, Australia~

    The airship flew into the bay of the city and they let down Kiryu from the ship in front of the Kingdom Hearts Impulse Opera House.

    ~on the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius watched them let down Kiryu and said, “Kiryu, huh? Okay let’s see what you’re made of.”

    ~back at Kingdom Hearts Impulse~

    A ship flew in and a beam of light came from it and on the ground in the beam a man known as Xaale appeared wielding a katana. Kiryu just looked at Xaale. Xaale got into a stance and ran toward Kiryu. Kiryu took one step to the side and held out his leg and Xaale tripped and his head hit the Opera House, then Kiryu pulled out a grenade and threw it at Xaale and before Xaale could get back up the grenade went off killing Xaale.

    ~at the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius was stomping his feet and having a fit about Xaale’s lose and he stopped and said, “I knew that loser wasn’t up for much.” Obsidius turned around and snapped his fingers and said, “Next.”

    Chapter 7 – Kiryu’s Arc – Part 2

    ~on the KH-Vids airship~

    Kiryu walked into the command deck of the shi and walked over to Deathspank and said, “So where are we heading next?”

    Deathspank sighed and said, “We are going to Yahoo, Texas.”

    “Why there?” Kiryu asked. Deathspank smiled and said, “You’ll see.”

    ~meanwhile at the World Reserve mastership~

    A man in a black coat was standing in front of a door when another man walked up to him and said, “Robert De Sable, how did the mission go?”

    “We were unable to find Tamir’s assassin, General Miles.” Robert said crossing his arms. Miles walked past him and said, “Lord Obsidius will be less then pleased.”

    “He always is.” Robert said walking behind Miles. Robert and Miles walked up behind Obsidius.

    “Sir, Tamir has been murdered and we can’t find the assassin.” Miles said. Obsidius sighed and turned around and said, “You did your best.” Obsidius pulled out a gun and shot Miles dead and said, “Robert De Sable, you’re the general now.”

    ~Yahoo, Texas, USA on the KH-Vids airship~

    Kiryu looked out the window of the ship and noticed no one was walking the streets and asked, “Why is there no one walking the streets?”

    “Because of the World Reserve recent activities they made everyone in Yahoo move underground; this caused them to be weak in the sun light and only come out at night for food and water.” Deathspank said. Kiryu sighed and walked off.

    ~five minutes later~

    Kiryu was walking around the streets when a 12 year old girl ran up about 5 feet in front of him, her name was Swordser2. Swordser2 started giggling and Kiryu walked up to her put his hand around her neck and threw her down an open manhole on the street, Kiryu then put the man hole cover back on the man hole.

    ~On the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius watched in shock as he saw Swordser2 got beaten so quickly and he said, “Where do I get these failures!!!”

    Chapter 8 – Kiryu’s Arc – Part 3

    ~at the World Reserve docks~

    A large ship pulled into the docks and three soldiers walked up to the side of it and one soldier said, “All right get the shipment off the ship. The boss wants this done fast.” Once the soldier stopped talking and he turned. About five feet away from him was a woman in a black robe or coat, the soldier couldn’t see her face because the robe or coat had a hood and was up blocking view of her face. The other two soldiers looked over their comrade’s soldier to see the woman. The woman pulled down her hood to reveal her face. She was a beautiful woman with short, thin, golden hair and with royal blue eyes. The commanding soldier sighed and walked over to the woman and before he could say she wasn’t supposed to be here she put her on the back of the soldier’s head and pulled his head forward so their face’s would meet and she put her lips to the soldier’s. The other two soldiers watched this and crossed their arms and nodded with a smile on. Then the commanding soldier began to push away from the woman put her grip was too strong on his head and the other two soldiers looked on in confusion. Then the commanding soldier stopped moving completely and the woman removed her hand from the back of his head and the soldier fell over. In the woman’s hand was a knife covered in the commanding soldier’s blood.

    “Assassin!!!” One of the two remaining soldiers yelled. The two soldiers took aim of the woman and before they even pull the triggers of their guns two knives hit the back of their heads killing them. A man in a black coat walked up to bodies of the soldiers and pulled the knives out of the back of their heads.

    ~20 minutes later~

    A fat man looked out to waters of the remains of the ship that had the shipment. He grabbed a cell phone from one of his pockets and called someone and said, “Umm, Robert De Sable? It’s me, Majd Addin. We lost the shipment. I don’t know what happen and we’re still counting the dead…”

    “You lost the shipment? Lord Obsidius has customers waiting in war zones all around the world, you moron! We have a reputation!” Robert yelled from the other end of the line. Majd scratched his head and said, “I don’t know…someone got onboard the ship and…I don’t know how they killed so many people.”

    “What losers think they can screw with us like this? I want their heads in a box! And as for you, Majd, you lost my shipment so for that you’re going to lose an eye and both your hands.” Robert said. Majd looked around nervously and said, “But it wasn’t my fault…”

    “Get those trucks back to the depot now, maybe I can salvage something from this frickin’ mess! Nobody screws with me. Nobody.” Robert said right before hanging up. Majd hanged up to and turned around and what he saw was the woman that killed most of the soldiers but he did not know and before he could do anything she stabbed him in the stomach and said, “Sit back and enjoy.”

    ~at the KH-Vids airship~

    Kiryu down the hall humming to himself when Snake ran up to him and said, “So is it true?”

    Kiryu looked at Snake while still walking and said, “Is what true?”

    “That you saved KH-Vids twice from terrorists?” Snake asked walking with him. Kiryu smiled and said, “Yeah but I had help with some friends.”

    An admin of KH-Vids known as Xaldin ran up to Snake and Kiryu and said, “You guys Deathspank wants to see you.” Snake and Kiryu looked at each other and walked off to see Deathspank.

    ~five minutes later at the command deck of the airship~

    Snake and Kiryu walked in the room and saw that Kitty, HigherBeing, and Ozaki were all ready there. They approached Deathspank and he said, “All right you guys. We got a transmission a while ago you have to see it.”

    A screen appeared and the transmission began to play, the screen went white then a black X appeared on the screen they a man from the transmission said, “Hello, I am X the leader of the Assassins. I’m telling you now Kiryu, yes I know you are watching this.”

    Kiryu looked at everyone then back at the screen and the man continued, “It has come to my attention that you to wish to stop the World Reserve. Your group attacks the minor rogue KH-Vids member threat while my group kills off the eleven leaders of the World Reserve. If you do not wish to join us we will have to kill you all.”

    Kiryu crossed his arms and sighed as the man finished with, “Good day.”

    The transmission ended and everyone looked at Kiryu thinking how he would respond and Kiryu said, “Well this may be interesting.”

    Everyone looked at each other worried as if they had no wanted to hear him say that.

    Chapter 9 – The three ghosts’ Arc – Part 1

    ~at the KH-Vids airship~

    Kiryu walked down the hall of the airship wondering what to do, there are two enemies and each can kill him. He began to wonder if it was all worth it, knowing another enemy will appear again and again, an endless cycle of death. Kiryu sighed and walked into his room of the airship. He walked over to the bed and laid down on it and fell asleep.

    ~Kiryu’s dream~

    Kiryu opened his eyes to see he was in some kind of dockside amusement park. Kiryu knew it was a dream but it seemed so real, so real that he could think. Kiryu walked around the amusement park for a while looking for people but there was no one it was empty. He walked in a building and he was a bearded man standing behind a table but this man was odd he had blue skin.

    “Ah! Kiryu, I’ve been expecting you.” The blue man greeted. Kiryu looked at the blue man puzzled because Kiryu had never met this man before in his life.

    “Who are you and how do you know me?” Kiryu asked hoping to get answers. The blue man smiled and said, “It has been so long since I lost my name. Ever since people been calling me the ‘Blue Man’. And Kiryu, I know you because you’re in heaven, everyone in heaven knows everyone.”

    Kiryu looked at the Blue Man in surprise and said, “Wait I’m dead!? I’m in heaven!? Where is everyone else who died?”

    “You are not dead, God wanted you to meet the three ghosts early, and normally it would be once someone dies.” The Blue Man said smiling. Kiryu looked around and asked, “Three ghosts? What?”

    “Three people who have died that are randomly selected to teach one person something. I represent the past.” The Blue Man said. Kiryu looked down at the ground then the Blue Man said, “People think of heaven as a Garden of Eden. Mountains, Rivers, but what is scenery with out peace?” Kiryu looked up at the Blue Man and then ran out of the building as the Blue Man watched him leave. Kiryu ran for a while and got to some kind of dance floor overlooking the ocean, Kiryu looked around and then finally looked out unto the ocean then the Blue Man appeared behind Kiryu and said, “By my time ended I met three people then I came here to wait for you. To tell you my story, which becomes part of yours.” Kiryu was silent and did move.

    “Did you ever dance here?” The Blue Man asked looking around the dance floor. Kiryu nodded a bit then the Blue Man walked toward Kiryu and said, “I never danced with a woman. I was a nervous boy and a nervous man. Everything scared me. A chemist, for my problem, gave me some odd chemicals, you noticed? A poison to date, but we weren’t so smart back then. I drank it and when it didn’t work I drank some more, turned my skin this color. A side effect, permanent I’m afraid. My life as a man was over, my life as a freak had begun.”

    The Blue Man began to walk off with Kiryu close behind; they walked past many posters of shows like lion tamers, acrobats, and so on. They got to a poster with the Blue Man on it and the Blue Man said, “I had many names, Algeria, Iran, I have never been to any of those places, it made me feel exotic.” The Blue Man turned around and took five steps and said, “One summer, I came here, Emerald Pier! The ocean, the sand, I can walk in the morning before the customers arrive, I could feel the sea breeze like a normal man. I was happy here, till the day I died. You see Kiryu; this is not your heaven it’s mine.”

    Kiryu walked up to the Blue man and struggled to say, “What killed you?”

    The Blue Man looked at Kiryu and said, “You did.” Kiryu looked at the Blue Man in shock as the scenery changed to the streets of KH-Vids, Kiryu and the Blue Man were at a corner and in the middle of the street was some boys playing a game of baseball. The Blue Man pointed to a boy and said, “See the boy?” The boy was a young Kiryu. Then the Blue man then pointed to a car and said, “See the man in the car?” the car started getting closer to them and the Blue Man said, “It was only my second time. I so loved it being behind the wheel of an automobile.” A boy threw a base ball and the young Kiryu ran to grabbed the ball and the Blue Man in the car tried to steer out of the way so he wouldn’t hit Kiryu, the Blue Man spined out of control and hit the side of a another car. Then the Blue Man said, “I almost hit that little boy.” The Blue Man came out of the car and stumbled for a bit before falling to the ground and grabbing his heart then he died.

    “My blood was rushing, my heart was not strong and it surrendered. The police wrote heart attack on the official papers but no one saw, no one knew. No one pays much noticed to a freak, even when he dies. People just go on with their lives.” The Blue Man said then the young Kiryu ran about a few inches away from them and picked up the baseball and ran back to his friends and the Blue Man said, “Do you see why you are here, little boy?” Kiryu looked at the Blue Man and said, “God help me mister, I didn’t mean it, you dying, I didn’t know.”

    “Well how could you know you were only a child?” The Blue Man said. Kiryu sighed and said, “So now I got to pay right?”


    “For my sin, that’s what I’m here for right?” Kiryu asked looking at the Blue Man. The Blue Man began to walk off with Kiryu following him and the Blue Man said, “No, you are here so I can teach you something. Each one of your three people has something to show you, to illuminate, by the end what you did not understand in life you will.”

    The scenery changed to a cemetery and it was raining, there was a funeral a young Kiryu and his family was there with six others and the Blue Man said, “I did not attract a big crowd that day.” Kiryu looked at the Blue Man and said, “It’s not fair. It was my own stupidity running out there I should have been the one killed. Not you.” Blue Man looked at Kiryu and said, “Fairness does not governed life and death, if it did no good man would ever die young. During my time on Earth, people died instead of me too. There are no random acts. We are all connected. Good comes from it.” Kiryu looked at the Blue Man and said, “Good? What good came from this? You died.”

    The Blue Man smiled and said, “Well you lived.” Kiryu looked down at the ground and said, “But I barley knew you, we were strangers.”

    The Blue Man crossed his arms and said, “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.”

    The scenery changed to a dock and the Blue Man said, “I am leaving now, Kiryu.” Kiryu looked at the Blue Man and said, “Wait, was my life just a waste?” the Blue Man stopped and turned around and said, “No life is a waste.” The Blue Man then changed, his blue skin had disappeared and he was wearing different cloths and he smiled and said, “There will be others.” The Blue Man began to walk away again and Kiryu said, “Can I ask you, where you are going?”

    The Blue Man turned around and said, “I’m not going anywhere.” Then Kiryu noticed he was getting farther and farther from the Blue Man and they weren’t walking.

    Chapter 10 – The three ghosts’ Arc – Part 2

    Kiryu opened his eyes and he was on his stomach, he knew he was still in the “dream” because around him was a dark battlefield bombs going off, guns being fired, soldiers yelling commands in the distance. This was the second haven for Kiryu, although a heaven of war wasn’t one he would have chosen. Kiryu ran toward a huge tree that had vines reaching from the branches to the ground and ran under it looking around wondering what he was doing in there. Kiryu leaned up to the tree and a male voice that sounded very familiar to Kiryu appeared out of nowhere and said, “Small pox, typhoid, cancer, yellow fever. Haha, I never even knew what the hell yellow fever was. All those shots for all those sicknesses and I still died any how, healthy as a horse. That doesn’t seem right does it? I could have saved my arm all those poky needles.”

    Kiryu looked up and knew the voice was coming from up in the tree and Kiryu said, “How are you?” six apples fell from the tree and the voice said, “How do you like them apples?” the voice began to laugh and said, “Come on! That was funny!”

    “Come on down.” Kiryu said looking around then the voice said, “Come on up.”

    Kiryu blink once and the next thing he knew he was on one of the braches of the tree and the voice said, “Don’t look down or you’ll get dizzy.” Kiryu moved some smaller branches of the tree to see a soldier with a black KIGA uniform and a helmet on block his face sitting on the same big branch as Kiryu. Kiryu pulled his hand back let the smaller branches go and the soldier said, “They didn’t explain the rules, soldier?”

    “Is this a vision?” Kiryu asked looking over the small branches and the soldier said, “You got that right.”

    “So you are the second ghost?” Kiryu asked and the soldier responded, “Got that right, too. I left you an old helmet and a rifle, not that there much use to you here.” The soldier removed his helmet to revile and familiar to Kiryu.

    “Snipe?” Kiryu said looking at him.

    “Correct. Bet you didn’t expect me, huh?” Snipe said smiling at Kiryu and chuckling a bit.

    “So I’m guessing you have something to teach me?” Kiryu asked turning away from Snipe.

    “Yep, I represent the present. Now let’s get this on the road.” Snipe said smiling. The scenery changed to the deck of the KH-Vids airship that Kiryu is on. Kiryu looked around and said, “What do you have to show me here?”

    Snipe pointed to Deathspank and Sara and said, “Look, Kiryu.”

    Deathspank and Sara were talking and Sara said, “Do you trust Kiryu?”

    “Yes, I have faith in him and his friends.” Deathspank said crossing his arms. Sara sighed and said, “So you have faith that he will save us all, even though he could kill us all?”

    “He won’t kill us all, Sara.” Deathspank said.

    “But what about KH-Vids?! We might lose the city if he does save us!” Sara yelled at Deathspank but Deathspank remained calm and said, “It will be alright. It won’t matter if we lose the city or not just as long as no more people get killed from the World Reserve then it will be alright.”

    Kiryu looked in surprised at the statement and looked at Snipe and said, “I don’t understand this. I might fail you know.”

    “Kiryu, you can’t fail. And here is why.” Snipe said looking at Kiryu, the scenery changed and they were on the World Reserve’s mastership, in front on them, about 10 feet at least, was Obsidius. A man known as Robert De Sable walked up to Obsidius and said, “Lord Obsidius, we were unable to find the orb in Kingdom Hearts Insider.”

    “We can not risk those assassins leaving the city with it, destroy the entire city.” Obsidius ordered crossing his arms.

    “The entire city? But we would be killing innocent civilians, not to mention our own men.” Robert pointed out; Obsidius turned to Robert and said, “I killed the last man who disobeyed my orders, Robert. Are you wise enough not to make the same mistake?”

    “Of course not, Lord Obsidius. But it will take some time to charge our weapons.” Robert said backing up a few steps.

    “Then get back to work! We all have to make sacrifices.” Obsidius said. Robert began to walk away and the scenery changed to that of the deck of a ship. In front of Kiryu and Snipe was a beautiful woman with golden blonde hair and royal blue eyes, she was an assassin. Kiryu’s eyes couldn’t leave the assassin; she was beautiful to Kiryu and Kiryu couldn’t pay attention to anything else at the moment expect for her, Kiryu was highly attracted to her. Snipe hit Kiryu in the back of the head and said, “This is no time to ogle pretty girls.”

    Kiryu rubbed the back of his head and looked at Snipe and then back at the female assassin, but there was a man behind her, that man was wearing a black robe or coat and the hood was up so no one could see his face and the man said, “The Council is finished. I did, with what all your power, you could not do.”

    “So you came to rub it in my face before going off to tell X, how mature of you.” The female assassin said rolling her eyes.

    “There is more. Bagan yet lives. You did not kill him, as you assumed.” The male assassin said.

    The female assassin sighed and said, “When does anything go as planned?”

    “Our alliance is finished. I have no need of you.” The male assassin said and began to walk off and the female assassin said, “You need me. You always needed me.”

    The male assassin was silent and said, “I have never needed you.” He then walked off. Snipe looked at Kiryu and said, “Let’s go.”

    The scenery changed back to a war zone but there were no guns being fired or any explosions it was day time and clouded. Kiryu and Snipe were walking and Kiryu said, “What was the point in all that?”

    “Have you ever lost something?” Snipe asked Kiryu.

    “Yes, mostly a normal life, I hate sacrifices.” Kiryu said sighing deeply. Snipe laughed a bit and said, “You don't get it. Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to. Little sacrifices. Big sacrifices...”

    Snipe stretched his arms and said, “People stop sacrificing for one another, they lose what makes them human. It’s the noblest thing we do.”

    Kiryu looked at the ground with a depressed look and said, “You lost everything.”

    “Well that’s the thing about sacrifice, some times when you think you’re losing something you’re really passing it on to someone else.”
    Snipe chuckled a bit and held out his hand toward Kiryu and said, “For give me about the hard times I gave you when we first met?”

    Kiryu smiled and nodded and grabbed Snipe’s hand and shook hands with him.

    “That’s what I was waiting for.” Snipe said smiling at Kiryu.

    “Snipe, why this place? Couldn’t you have chosen any place right?” Kiryu asked looking at Snipe. Snipe smiled and said, “Well, I died knowing almost nothing about war. I wanted to see what the world looked like before we started killing each other, before war.”

    “But this is war.” Kiryu said looking around. Snipe shook his head, no, and said, “Our eyes aren’t the same, soldier. This is what I see.” Snipe moved his arm and the scenery changed to a tropical beach with the sounds of the waves and exotic birds. Kiryu looked around and then looked back at Snipe. Snipe was wearing different cloths, he was wearing a colorful shirt with white tuxedo pants and he had slick back hair and was wearing a Cuban hat and Snipe said, “Good bye, Kiryu.” Snipe began to walk off into the distance of the beach leaving Kiryu behind.

    Chapter 11 – The three ghosts’ Arc – Part 3

    Kiryu opened his eyes to see he was in a forest. He looked around and began to walk; he got out of the forest and saw a wedding not too far from where he was standing. He saw that people were dancing and having fun. He walked over to a woman who was greeting everyone, she was known as Catch The Pain, and she saw Kiryu and said, “Why, hello, Kiryu.”

    “Umm, hello.” Kiryu said bluntly. Catch The Pain smiled at Kiryu and said, “I am the third ghost. And this is my heaven; I can go to one to another wedding all over the world. The removing of the veil and when the bride takes the ring never changes. They always believe that their love will break all the records.”

    Kiryu smiled at Catch The Pain and said, “So you went through all this? Met three people?”

    “Yes, it made all the difference, to bad I’m dead.” Catch The Pain said smiling. Catch The Pain turned around and said, “I only have one thing to show you.”

    The scenery changed to a hill that was just a few miles out side of KH-Vids but the city was still in view. The hill had a tree on the top of it and a gravestone under it. Kiryu looked around and noticed a woman walk to the grave and put some flowers by the grave.

    Kiryu looked at Catch The Pain and said, “Who is that woman?”

    Catch The Pain looked Kiryu and said, “That’s Khameleon at the age of 20. And that is the grave of Snipe. You see, Khameleon loved Snipe and still loves him and she also loves Thelightisgone123.”

    “But Snipe died how could she still love him?” Kiryu asked looking at Khameleon

    Catch The Pain giggled and said, “Lost love is still love, Kiryu. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens. Memory, memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Life has to end,” she said. “Love doesn't.”

    Kiryu looked around and said, “So does this mean that I saved the world again?”

    “Only if you don’t give up on yourself or the others. Good bye Kiryu.” Catch The Pain said.

    ~back on the KH-Vids airship~

    Kiryu opened his eyes and said, “Don’t give up on myself…right.”

    Chapter 12 – X’s Arc – Part 1

    Kiryu walked into the control room of the airship and said, “How’s everyone doing?”

    Deathspank looked at Kiryu and said, “Hey Kiryu. How was your nap?”

    “It was odd.” Kiryu said walking around the room. Then Xaldin walked into the room and said, “Deathspank, some woman has bored the ship, she wishes to speak with you and Kiryu.”

    Deathspank looked at Kiryu and said, “Okay, let her in”

    Xaldin nodded and walked out of the room.

    ~five minutes later~

    Xaldin walked back into the room with the woman and it was the female assassin from his dream. A black robe, royal blue eyes, and golden blonde hair. She smiled and at them and said, “Nice to meet you, I am L.”

    Kiryu smiled at her and before he could say anything L asked, “Are you Kiryu?”

    Kiryu smile disappeared and looked at her oddly, how she knew his name was unknown to him and he responded, “Yes. Yes I am.”

    “So tell me all you know of the World Reserve.” L said looking at Kiryu in the eye. Kiryu sighed and responded, “Old your horses, babe. I’ll be the one asking the questions here. What is does the assassins have to do with anything?”

    L sighed and before she could say anything Xaldin walked into the room and said, “Deathspank, we’ve got three more people who want to see you.”

    Deathspank sighed and said, “Okay let them in.”

    ~five minutes later~

    The three people Xaldin had told Deathspank about walked into the room; they were FireNanaki (who had changed her name from Saxilesm), Khameleon, and Thelightisgone123 or Light as he liked to be called.

    Khameleon looked around and said, “Wow, this is a big ship, isn’t it Light?” Khameleon looked around to see her boyfriend looking at L.

    “Man, you are hot.” Light said with a grin on his face. Khameleon walked over to him and grabbed him by the ear and said, “No, bad Light.”

    Then Snake walked into the room and said, “Hey everyone. And my sister and her boy-” Snake didn’t finish the sentence because he saw L and walked over to her and said, “Hey baby, you want to go out some time?”

    Khameleon sighed deeply and FireNanaki walked over to her and said, “Is your brother and boyfriend always like this?”

    Khameleon giggled and said, “Yeah, pretty much.”

    Deathspank sighed and said, “Okay everyone I think we should get back to the matter at hand.” Then the ship alarm went off and Xaldin ran in and said, “We are being attacked!”

    Deathspank shook his and said, “Oh for the love of… Okay everyone deal with them.”

    Everyone nodded and ran out of the room.

    Chapter 13 – X’s Arc – Part 2

    Kiryu ran down the hall and looked around as his friends ran past him; he sighed and said, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

    ~KH-Vids airship’s Cargo hold~

    Light walked into the Cargo hold and said, “Well nothing in here.” Light turned around to see the Zombie of Alice who grabbed him and pinned him to the ground. Light was screaming as Alice tried to bite him but then Alice stopped moving and fell to the site of Light with a knife in the back of her head. Light got up and looked at the door way and saw L standing there and she said, “Yo, Light let’s get going.”

    ~at another part of the ship~

    Kiryu walked into a room with a gun in his hand and he saw three people. Jade Rhade, Burnitup, and DoomDen. Burnitup ran toward Kiryu but Kiryu avoided him and pistol whipped him and knocked Burnitup out. Jade looked at DoomDen and ran at Kiryu but Kiryu held out his leg making Jade trip and fall on the ground knocked out. DoomDen looked at Kiryu then picked up a pipe and hit himself over the head with it knocking himself out.

    Kiryu sighed when L walked up to him and said, “Kiryu, we’ve got company.”

    L then ran off with Kiryu running after her.

    Chapter 14 – X’s Arc – Part 3

    Kiryu, L, and everyone got to the door to the main deck. L looked at everyone and said, “Everyone stay here I know who is on the other side of this door.”

    Everyone looked at each other and Kiryu nodded. L the open the door and walked to the deck. The door closed behind L, she looked around and saw the two bodies of two other rouge KH-Vids members, GhettoXemnas and Vivi’s Dark Side. A man who knew L was about 6 feet from her his name was V.

    “So you’ve come to die, like the others before you. This world is a graveyard for your kind. X thinks you should be spared, but only so you might suffer. You will break. And when you do, you will die. Why he would bother with one such as you is something I will never understand.” V said to L with the sound of anger and contempt in his voice.

    “Where is X, V?” L asked looking at him in the eyes.

    “He waits in the World Reserve’s mastership – the hearts of the World Reserve. But you will never reach him.” V said crossing his arms.

    A smirk grew on L’s face and she said, “Why, was the original base so horrible?”

    “The last base was ancient, a relic that survived the destruction of Mu. It was always there, far before the Roman Empire. It draws death and hate to it, channels it. Atrocities feed its power, and with its power, it creates hunger. Many assassins have been consumed by it.” V said giving the darkest description of a location ever.

    “But where did it come from?” L said with a puzzled look.

    “It has been there for thousands of years. It is a place where the assassin teachings run strong…It is the threshold of borders of an ancient empire. X says it was a place of reflection for the ancient assassins…a gateway to their lands. It drew Lord Zero…and it calls to him as well. He said that the teachings there will lead one to the assassins…the true assassins…and their shadowed worlds. That place lead Zero to the graveyards of Mu and beyond.” V said. L sighed and pulled out her weapon and said, “Shut up and let’s get to the fighting.”

    V pulled out his knives and threw them at L but L avoided them. L threw her knives at V and they got stuck in his right arm but he pulled them out and threw them at L but she avoided them again and ran up to V and stabbed him in the stomach. V fell to his knees and said, “I will not fall. I cannot die.”

    L giggled a bit and said, “Get up assassin, and I will prove that you can die.”

    V was breathing heavily and said, “Why…why did he choose you? What makes you able to defeat me, defeat me here?”

    “It is simple. As he did, I was forced to survive without anyone. That is what he respects.” L said crossing her arms. V got back to his feet and looked at L and L said, “I have beaten you. Admit it, finally, and surrender.”

    “You…have defeated me…flesh and belief, both cast down. X, he will try to break you, to teach you how far someone can fall. His weakness…is you. He has done all this…all of it…for you. I am glad to leave this place…at last” V said. He then fell to the ground dead. L sighed and turned around to go back into the ship.

    Next stop, KH-Vids, New York, USA.

    Chapter 15 – Zero Hour

    ~on the World Reserve mastership~

    Obsidius was walking around the command room of the ship with a distressed look on his face. Robert De Sable walked into the room and said, “Sir, what seems to be the problem?”

    “Problem? The problem seems to be that we have an assassin on board our ship and those KH-Vids jackals are on their way here!” Obsidius yelled at Robert.

    Before Robert could answer him a portal opened up behind Obsidius. Obsidius turned around and now he and Robert were looking at the portal and then a voice, a very menacing voice, began to speak. The voice said, “Hello, Obsidius, I am Burnitdown.”

    ~over KH-Vids~

    The KH-Vids airship was now in KH-Vids, the ship flew over the nearly destroyed city. They flew toward the World Reserve mastership. They got to the master ship and pulled up to it and docked there.

    ~on the KH-Vids airship~

    Kiryu walked over to a door that would lead into the World Reserve mastership, L and Burnitup walked up to him. The door opened and three walked into the enemy’s ship.

    Deathspank was in the command room watching them leave on the monitor; with Deathspank was Snake, Khameleon, Ozaki, FireNanaki, Sara, Xaldin, Kitty, HigherBeing, and Thelightisgone123 aka Light.

    ~at KH-Vids bay~

    Zero Cannon Beta floated over the water of the bay; Roxas, Thomas, and Zott were looking at the World Reserve’s ship when Zott noticed the KH-Vids airship. Zott looked at Roxas and said, “Roxas, don’t fire the Zero Cannon until the Airship leaves.”

    Roxas looked at Zott and said, “What for?”

    “Trust me.” Zott said walking away from Roxas and Thomas.

    ~in the World Reserve’s mastership~

    Kiryu, L, and Burnitup were in an elevator going to the 6th floor of the ship. The elevator door opened and the trio walked out of the elevator into a big room, in the center of the room was a miniature version of KH-Vids. A man in a black robe was about ten feet away from Kiryu, L, and Burnitup. The man had a hood so it darkened his face so no one could see it. The man didn’t need to be introduced, everyone already knew who he was, he was X.

    “At last you have arrived. Is KH-Vids as you remember?” X asked looking at the trio.

    “There is much I need to ask you.” L said crossing her arms.

    “You no doubt have many questions. I would be a poor teacher if I didn’t give you the answers you seek here, now.” X said willingly.

    “Why did you destroy V?” L said looking at her former teacher.

    “I never destroyed V – he destroyed himself. I merely stripped away the illusion, and brought him truth. And like KH-Vids, he was part of your past, unresolved. He needed to be something you could confront – and defeat, one last time. It was part of your training. Part of what needed to make you complete. And the there must be a X. The galaxy needs its betrayers and especially in times to come.” X explained to L.

    L sighed and looked at Kiryu and Burnitup and said, “Guys leave and deal with Obsidius, I’ll deal with X.”

    Kiryu nodded and ran to a door with Burnitup behind him; the two walked into the room behind the door and closed it to let L deal with X.

    Kiryu and Burnitup were now in the command room; on the ground were the bodies of Obsidius and Robert De Sable.

    Kiryu and Burnitup saw a portal; they looked at each other and walked toward it.

    Chapter 16 – End of the Road

    Kiryu looked at Burnitup and said, “Okay, let’s go inside the portal and see what we fine.”

    Burnitup nodded and the two walked trough the portal.

    ~Limbo: The Spiritual Realm~

    Kiryu and Burnitup came into Limbo, the place was odd. They were standing on a platform that looks like it was ripped out of the ground, it had black marble tiles on the platform, it was floating around space, or a place that looked like space, with a giant red eye with fire around the eye.

    Kiryu looked around and at the end other end of the platform was Burnitdown. Burnitdown smiled evilly at Kiryu and Burnitdown, then Kiryu ran at Burnitdown and tried to punch him but Burnitdown grabbed Kiryu’s fist and said, “Impressive,”

    Then Burnitdown kicked Kiryu in the stomach and sent him flying back to where he was and nearly fell off the platform. Burnitdown laughed and said, “You fools, you come here thinking you might stop me? Ha!”

    Kiryu got back to his feet and ran at Burnitdown again but Burnitdown disappeared. Kiryu looked around and Burnitup said, “Where did he go?”

    The Burnitdown appeared again but behind Burnitup and kicked him across the platform. Kiryu looked at Burnitup then at Burnitdown. A staff with a yellow orb on it, Burnitdown saw the staff and said, “Oh no…”

    Kiryu grabbed the staff and ran toward Burnitdown and jammed it into his stomach then there was a bright light engulf the entire area.

    ~some time later~

    Burnitup opened his eyes and saw he was back on the KH-Vids airship, around him was FireNanaki, L, HigherBeing, Kitty, Snake, Ozaki, and some members of the staff. Burnitup looked around and said, “Where is Kiryu?”

    “We couldn’t find him.” L said. The ship started to move and took off from the World Reserve’s mastership.

    ~on the Zero Cannon~

    Zexion of the Twilight saw the airship take off and said, “Alright, Roxas fire the cannon.”

    Roxas smiled and said, “Alright fire the frickin’ Zero Cannon Beta!”

    The ship flew into the air and a cannon came from the bottom of the ship and a blue beam came from the cannon then the ship fired six rockets. The attack hit the World Reserve’s ship and blew it up on contact.

    Burnitup looked out a window to see that ship get blown apart he then sighed and walked off.

    ~six weeks later~

    Burnitup and FireNanaki were on a cruse ship, FireNanaki was standing next to Burnitup, who was on the phone, Burnitup was talking to a few people and he said, “How’s it been guys?”

    ~some where in Florida~

    Snake was on a phone and said, “Right now, I’m heading to Google, new job, new city. Course I work enough as it is. Damn nice weather though, hey this might be fun.”

    Snake hanged up the phone and walked over to his motorcycle and drove off.

    ~YouTube, California, USA~

    Ozaki was on his cell phone talking to the others and said, “Nothing new with me, just as dull as ever, but that hardly means I’m not looking for an adventure once in a while.”

    ~on an airplane~

    Kitty was on her cell as well and said, “I’ve been thinking about dropping by my home town soon. There are a few things I’ve been meaning to look into. I should be quit busy.”

    ~Yahoo, Texas, USA~

    Khameleon and Light had moved into a new house and Khameleon was on the house phone and said, “I’ve decide to start something new, ya know? You guys should really come by.”

    ~back on the curse ship~

    Burnitup smiled and said, “Hmm, I suppose talk has its place some time. No, I’m serious.”

    Burnitup hanged up the phone and walked off with FireNanaki around his arm.

    ~Kiryu’s heaven~

    Kiryu yawned and said, “Man it gets boring around here but it at least beats vacation.”

    Kiryu stood up and walked down the large field that was his heaven. He was smiling and he said, “I what the others are doing right now?” Kiryu shrugged and smiled and continued to walk while humming the song ‘Take me Home Country Roads”.
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 8, 2007, 97 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. burnitup
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 8, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. burnitup
    ...important life lessions like...

    Clowns are evil

    Taco Bell is evil

    You better look like your dad


    Light is a nut case
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 6, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. burnitup
    The Neo Organization


    After the fall of Organization XIII everyone seem to live happy lives but at The World that Never Was things were not so simple, the Nobodies that were still alive struggled to survive in there empty heartless filled world as it fell apart. About a half a year later the world finally caved in on its self and transformed into a new world. The large city of the world was quiet and empty it soon then got a new breed of Nobodies…

    …Neo Nobodies.

    ~End of story~​

    Neo Nobodies: Neo Nobodies are the more powerful version of nobodies. There mere existence is a crime ageist nature. They, like regular Nobodies, have no hearts and can not feel emotions, but Neo Nobodies know they don’t have hearts but think they can still feel emotions, they don’t know they can’t feel but they seem to act as if they had emotions and can describe how they “feel”. They have full memory of there past and can even recall the days when they were children. They are also very intelligent and can plan with very few in numbers, by balancing there forces out between weak, fast, strong, and slow Neo Nobodies they can finish there goals.


    (no longer exepting people)

    Name: (It has to have an X in it or at least not resembling the nobody’s real name)
    Title: (for example, The Freeshooter)
    Element: (Like water, fire, ice, light, space, etc.)
    Weapon: (like an axe, sword, spear, etc.)
    Talents: (the things they are good at)
    Nobody breed: (for example, Xemnas’nobodies were the Sorcerer)
    Nobody’s Appearance: (the appearance of there nobodies they control)
    World of origin:
    True Identity: (who they were before they became a nobody.)
    Bio: (There history of there life up till the time they became a nobody)

    Created Characters

    Name: Nebx
    User: burnitup
    Title: The False Copy of Inscribed Creation
    Rank: I
    Element: Creation
    Weapon: his weapon is an aphotic, pillar-shaped blade, etched with fine crimson letterings in cuneiform
    Talents: Equestrianism, stalking, swordsmanship, fishing, weapon making
    Likes: Reading, snakes, nature’s beauty, art
    Dislikes: The world
    Nobody breed: Avenger
    Nobody’s Appearance: Red human like creatures with a hood like head and sword like hands.
    World of Origin: an unknown world
    Personality: An arrogant, selfish, and enigmatic man.
    True Identity: Ben
    Bio: Nebx was once a man who made weapons and was good at what he did. He cared deeply for a woman, and his inability to prevent her death one year after a war's end is his greatest regret. At one point in his future life, Nebx finds himself incapable of saving the lives of several hundred people. One day he was randomly chosen as the source of all evil in the world by his villagers, and was tortured and sacrificed in the following rituals. The villagers believed that the only way to realize the true goodness of human beings was to put all the evil onto one person and blame him as the true source of any human evil. His forceful sacrifice eased the confused minds of his people. However, from his own point of view he only feels anger and hatred towards the world and the people that mercilessly assassinated him.
    Appearance: Black hair, dark brown eyes, and is tall.

    Name: Xionix
    User: Dark Roxas.
    Title: Shadowing Rogue
    Rank: II
    Element: Shadow
    Weapon: Thin, black blades
    Talents: Hiding in darkness, invisibility, not being noticed
    Likes: Darkness, peace and quiet, reading, threatening, Manga! xD
    Dislikes: Light, Bright rooms, romance books, loud music
    Nobody breed: Assassins
    Nobody’s Appearance: Tall, dark silver-ish, with bandage-like materials covering them and a long thin sword
    World of origin: Hollow Bastion
    Personality: Quiet, angry, annoyed, sometimes playful and nice
    True Identity: Onix
    Bio: Growing up as an orphan, Onix never knew what love was. He had worked for a gang that paid him to go after people for mony, and ended up meeting a beautiful girl. He loved her so much, then figured out it was the gang leader's girl friend by force. Filled with hatred for treating the girl so horribly, he fought the gang leader. He lost, and almost lost his life, until he found darkness and used it to kill the gang leader and get the girl. But before he could get the girl, he was swallowed by darkness.
    Appearance: Tall, black shaggy hair, dark eyes. He has a scar running diagonally between his eyes.

    Name: Saxilesm
    User: ...Saxilesm. XD;
    Title: ~The Firey Lunatic~
    Rank: III
    Element: Fire
    Weapon: Throwing Knives
    Talents: Knife Throwing, Buring stuff, Ventriliquism, Hunting, and Lurking.
    Likes: Fire, Nature, Art, The Sky, Writing poems + stories, and Comfort.
    Dislikes: Spiders, Evil, Small Spaces, Bugs, and Pain.
    Nobody breed: Lurkers
    Nobody’s Appearance: They are white nobodies can rapidly shoot 7 large laser spikes at a time.
    World of origin: Flairia. A world where the plains are constantly on fire, the river beds are empty of water, and the sky is always blood red.
    Personality: Timid, shy girl who tends to stay quiet and do what she thinks is best.
    True Identity: Melissa
    Bio: Before becomming a Nobody, Melissa was a shy girl who loved to write poems and stories. One day, she fell in with a bad group, and hung around them a lot. She soon started dressing in all black, and stealing stuff from the people of the small town she lived in. The group then did something drastic....they tried to Summon a monster called The Death, and failed...and all of them lost their lives, except Melissa, who was left alive. The Death was a failure, and all her friends were dead. She cleaned up the mess, making it look like they all died in a murder, and took off. She hid elsewhere, tried to create The Death once more, on her own, and Darkness then took over her, and she became Saxilesm. And because her heart was so enraged with fire, her Neo Nobody was born from the firey plains of Flairia.
    Appearance: Short blonde hair, green/brown color-changeing eyes, is short, and wears a red shirt, black jeans, and a black hoody.

    Name: Draxk
    User: TDGW
    Title: Memory's victim
    Rank: IV
    Element: time
    Weapon: energy bow and energy arrows
    Talents: computer hacking, interrigation
    Likes: the show Heroes,, internet, pain
    Dislikes: slow dial up, joy
    Nobody breed: hallows
    Nobody’s Appearance: normal sized, one arm is a noose
    World of origin: Beast's Castle
    Personality: saddist (loves pain)
    True Identity: noone knows, went by the alias of Dark
    Bio: Has amnesia, doesn't remeber all of his past. found by Beast and raised until his early death by Xaldin. Lived in the assumption that he was an outcast
    Appearance: blood red eyes, short brown hair, Neo's (Matrix) cloak

    Name: Xokim
    User: Um...Myoblivion :P
    Title: The Creeping Radiance
    Rank: V
    Element: Earth
    Weapon: A silver blade and its handle is a rose.
    Talents: Spying, charming, hiding, and tricking people.
    Likes: Drawing, White roses, silence, and nature.
    Dislikes: Plants burning, screaming, love.
    Nobody breed: Sorcerer
    Nobody’s Appearance: White with loose, plain ribbons drapping off it.
    World of origin: Hollow Bastion
    Personality: Quiet, sneaky, tricky, smart, and calm
    True Identity: Moki
    Bio: Before it happened, Moki was still a very quiet and pretty girl. She was unknown by the people of Hollow Bastion, but she liked it that way. Still, even though she was happy she had her eye on a boy that lived by her, everyday she wished for him to notice her but, he never did. Day by day she tried to get his attention, and finally it paid off. But, the boy she thought she knew wasnt him at all. When he got her alone he tried to kill her. The person she loved was trying to kill her, this made her heart turn dark with revenge and hatred, and she soon lost it.
    Appearance: Pale blonde, choppy hair that ends at her shoulders, grey/green eyes, median height, and wears a baggy white henley with a pale blue tang top under and black skinny jeans.

    Name: Tarxia
    User: Hitna
    Title: Twilight Princess
    Rank: VI
    Element: Twilight (she may also transform)
    Weapon: Heavy Sword
    Talents: Mimicing
    Likes: Playing with people minds and hearts
    Dislikes: being made fun of and losing
    Nobody breed: A new kind of breed
    Nobody’s Appearance: Creatures/darkcreature.jpg
    World of origin: The world of darkness
    Personality: Cold
    True Identity: Atari
    Bio: She was living happily on her home world and was about to have a bab untill heartless canme. She has told no one of her past and still much is unknown about her
    Appearance: Girls/Lynn/gothanime.jpg

    Name: Coxir
    User: Twilight--XIII
    Title: The Fallen Archangel
    Rank: VII
    Element: Light
    Weapon: Staff
    Talents: Treating injuries, good with literature and art
    Likes: Peace, drawing, writing, reading
    Dislikes: Fighting, arguing, debates
    Nobody breed: Phoenix
    Nobody’s Appearance: Have Dusk-faces, Creeper bodies, but have longer ‘helmet’ colored gold at some point, and wings (like Palkia’s, if you know Pokemon). Their legs are also colored gold.
    World of origin: Traverse Town
    Personality: Appears to always be in deep thought, quiet (is mute), even though he seems to be a loner, he actually wants more friends. He only looks on the bright side of things.
    True Identity: Rico
    Rico was a kind soul, always willing to help out, and not afraid to speak for himself/others. Unlike most others in Traverse Town, who lost their worlds… he really originated from there, and did his best to fight against the Heartless with a little magic and a wooden staff. One day, the swarm of Heartless was unusually strong on the Third District… and Rico failed to win the fight. But since his heart was strong, he got a NeoNobody along with a Heartless.
    Appearance: Always blank-faced, light-blue hair, and pale blue eyes. He is thin and only a bit shorter than normal teenangers his somebody’s age. He wears an Organization cloak which differences are that it has longer sleeves, but the cloak itself isn’t that long.

    Name: Xaoen
    Title: The Telekenetic Assasin
    Rank: VIII
    Element: Telekenisis (can move things)
    Weapon: Sais
    Talents: Running and Hiding, Making Extra Claudication Spaces, charming, singing
    Likes: Singing, writing,not being noticed
    Dislikes: Being the center of attention
    Nobody breed: Excalaber
    Nobody’s Appearance: They are dark and have wings, and claws. It looks like an eagal
    World of origin: Traverse Town
    Personality: She is very kind and very quiet. When you push her limits, she bursts out anger and rage upon you. But she knows how to control it.
    True Identity: Aeon
    Bio: When she was born, she waas negelected by her family and was kicked out. As time went by, her emotions turned her into a nobody. She was in love with a boy, who was an orphan like her but lost him. Now, she walks the Earth looking for him, until she gave up hope and knew he was dead. Darkness consumed her and made her a nobody.

    name- Xennex
    user- Xennex (-__-)
    title- The Heart of Organization XIII
    rank- IX
    element- doesn't have one
    weapon- sai
    talents- fighting, writing, drawing
    likes- screamo music/alternative music, being crazy, Orgy XIII, Roxas, Riku, anime, KH, drawing, writing
    dislikes- SORA!!!, bright lights, warm weather, did i mention sora?lol, and being without a heart anymore...
    nobody breed- neoshadow
    nobody's appearance- [​IMG]
    world of origin- just the normal world... EARTH! xD
    personality- tough, sometimes a teeny bit mean, likes to kick sora around, crazy and kinda fangirly at some times, creative
    true identity- Enne (her somebody, of course -__-)
    bio- she's been a KH fan all her life, but up until the previous year, she has never know that she's been a part of it. living on her own out in Japan (i guess) and has a love for anime, video games, and KH (of course). not much on her, but she doesn't remember anything from her childhood (just yet).
    appearance- white/silver hair with a layer of black underneath, pale-ish skin, blue-green eyes:

    oh yeah, my second oc
    heh, here she is

    name- Ynxo (pronounced en-zo)
    user- Xennex
    title- Fourteenth Member of the Midnight Shadows (just randomly thought of that now o_o)
    rank- X
    element- all of them >D
    weapon- the Keyblade :O wootz lol
    talents- fighting, playing the piano, sometimes singing, writing
    likes- being a bit different from the rest of the world, DEMYX!!, Panic! At the Disco, alternative music, being crazy, and her nobody sign necklace =]
    dislikes- SORA (both my chars dun like sora >_<), when her brain shuts down and she goes mentally crazy for short peroids of time (:O), having to be looked after 24/7 like a baby
    nobody breed- dancer nobody
    nobody's appearance- [​IMG]
    world of origin- normal world - Japan :3
    personality- quiet sometimes but crazy at other times o_o
    true identity- Onyx (her somebody, but she doesn't really know)
    bio- living on her own in a small place in Japan, has been a fan of KH for a long time, and she hasn't known that she would soon be part of it. She doesn't really remember a whole much about her childhood except knowing some friends, one with brown spikey hair, one with long-ish sliver hair, the other with red hair, and the last one with long black hair. They all lived together until something unknown tore them apart and they never saw each other again...
    until today...

    appearance- [​IMG]

    Name: DinestyX
    User: #1 DinestyX
    Title: wilde rose
    Rank: XI
    Element: dark
    Weapon: dark bow and arows
    Talents: spying, swiming deseaving others and runing
    Likes: ease droping spying and lil animels
    Dislikes: rudness sapy moments and self absesed people
    Nobody breed: sorcerer
    Nobody’s Appearance: they are all red exept light blue lines
    World of origin: hallow bastion
    Personality: kinde and tricky. she is short temperd and deturmind
    True Identity: Yuffi's best friend named Destiny
    Bio: she lived in holow bastion peacfully and was good friends with Squal and Ariff and very best friends with yuffi
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Name: Krixie
    User: Nymph of Destiny
    Title: Wind Dancer
    Rank: XII
    Element: Wind
    Weapon: A fan with knives
    Talents: Dancing
    Likes: Having fun, doing something new
    Dislikes: Being annoyed or irritated
    Nobody breed: Dancer Nobody
    Nobody’s Appearance:
    World of origin: The Beast's Castle
    Personality: Playful and teasing, she seems naive and ditzy, but is smarter than she appears.
    True Identity: Kirie
    Bio: Her past is a mystery she refuses to reveal...

    Name: Exel
    User: TheGamblerOfFate
    Title: The Rebellious Killer
    Rank: XIII
    Element: Twilight
    Weapon: Variety of swrods
    Talents: senses that helps him scan around his environment
    Likes: fights
    Dislikes: to remove his bandages
    Nobody breed: Assassins
    Nobody’s Appearance: an assassin
    World of origin: Hollow Bastion
    Personality: Quiet
    True Identity: an assassin
    Bio: Had lived in a cave for 15 years, he once went hunting until he found a heartless and fought it to just find himself lost. His family is dead after he saw their deaths/
    Appearance: wears a black shirt and black pants with a grey jacket and a dark hood. Has bandages over left eye and has black hair and green eyes.

    Name: Dexen
    User: sora is cute
    Title: The Sodden Alchmist
    Rank: XIV
    Element: water & ice
    Weapon: She has a bow and arrow.
    Talents: Controling water
    Likes:Science, reading, drawing, and making friends
    Dislikes: school, homework, and too much exersice
    Nobody breed: Wyvern
    Nobody’s Appearance: I can't put in the picture, look it up!
    World of origin: Earth- America
    Personality: She's way too peppy and friendly to be a nobody but she is. She'll help anyone no matter who they are, When she's ticked off... run O_O
    True Identity: Rearange it yourself and see.
    Bio: Her somebody was minding her own bisenuss while a heartless came. Since she had nothing to protect herself, she had her heart ripped out.
    Appearance: Look at my sig. It's exactly the same, except she has blond hair and that whit dragin isn't there.

    Name: Thirex
    User: OrginizationXIII
    Title: The Rebel
    Rank: XV
    Element: Thunder
    Weapon: Keyblade
    Talents: Magic
    Likes: Music
    Dislikes: Show offs
    Nobody breed: Sharpshooter
    Nobody’s Appearance:
    World of origin: The World That Never Was
    Personality: He doesn't likes to do what he's told and is very carefree.
    True Identity: Reith
    Bio: When he was a kid he lost his parents and lived on his own till he was turned into a Neo Nobody.
    Appearance: He has spiky blonde hair, black eyes, and normally wears an Organization 13 cloak

    Name: Xarkku.
    User: Blindedangel.
    Title: The Forgotten One.
    Rank: VI
    Element: Water.
    Weapon: Dagger Tailed chains conected to wrist gaurds on my arms.
    Talents: Shuffling. (The dance Melbourne Shuffle)
    Likes: Techno, Water.
    Dislikes: Allways being serious.
    Nobody breed: Samurai Nobody.
    Nobody’s Appearance: Demon dogs with dagger-tailed tails.
    World of origin: Hollow Bastion.
    Personality: "I Dont care" personality.
    True Identity: Azarku.
    Bio: I cant remember...
    Appearance: Purple spikeyish hair, Green eyes, Tall, Wrist gaurds with dagger tailed chains hanging from them (They drag along the ground).

    Name: Xensoa
    User: Aerith G.
    Title: Lonely Wander Spirit
    Rank: XVII
    Element: Light
    Weapon: Sword
    Talent: Singing, writing
    Likes: Zexion, Roxas, Riku, darkness, light
    Dislike: Sora, light work, idiots
    Nobody Breed: Book Wizard
    Nobody Appearance:
    World of Origin: Spira
    Personality: Calm, quiet, not talkative
    True Appearance: Saneo
    Bio: Often alone and writing in a mysterious book, Xensoa had been mistaken for the great summoner Yuna, and sometimes call her as well. Her family was killed by Sin, but right after the Eternal Calm started, she was attacked by the darkness in her heart, becoming a Nobody.

    Name: Ledanix
    User: Marluxia's Rose
    Title: The Shadowed Dragoon
    Rank: XVIII
    Element: Darkness
    Weapon: Dragoon's Reflection, Sword
    Talents: Ledanix has an art talent to b able to draw mystical creatures
    Likes: Dragons, Heartless, Nobodys and Swords
    Dislikes: Shields, Hammers and Bugs
    Nobody breed: Dragoon
    Nobody’s Appearance: Half-Human-Half-Dragon, small armor, lance and no eyes. white and pink skin
    World of origin: Land of Dragons
    Personality: He can summon a lot of Dragoons nobodys in a single minute.
    True Identity: Daniel, was once hes life. He was a calm boy that loved and cared for hes family. One day, hes world got destroyed by darkness and hes heart was running in it, hes body turned into the being we all know now, Ledanix.
    Bio: Daniel, was the boy that was before Ledanix. He was gentle, calm and timid boy that loved drawing. One day, he managed to see the king speaking with a mysterious figure. That figure warned the king that he would destroy hes world if he din't had in hes hand the world's symbol. The king rejected and the figure dissaperead. After days the world began to get covered in darkness. Then Daniel was being hunt by heartless, he had no choice but to sacrifice hes heart to darkness and llet hes body turn into a nobody. By doing so, Ledanix was borned. In the Land of Dragon, Ledanix learned many skills with the sword and got promoted to Swordmaster. By that, he decided to join an allience of nobodies that search for hearts to finally fully exist.
    Appearance: Brown Spiky Hair, Brown Eyes, White Skin, Scar in hes right eye, tatoo of a dragon in hes left arm, an ear ring in hes left ear, wears a black cloak and has a cold attitude.

    Name: Vidaxd
    User:Riku Terra
    Title: The silent reaper
    Element: wind and darkness
    Weapon: a giant black scyth
    Talents: video games,and fishing
    Likes: destroying things,and being alone
    Dislikes: talking,insects,and humans
    Nobody breed: Reapers
    Nobody’s Appearance: silver and hooded holding a scyth
    World of origin: Dusk town
    Personality: Queit, and always motivated if theres elimanating envolved
    True Identity: David
    Bio: He loved his girlfriend with all his hearts but he killed the towns people too much so they decided to take revenge they assasinated his girlfriend and were about to kill him before his anger got the best of him and he was ingulfed in darkness thus slaughtering the whole town


    I: Romance is allowed but keep it at a PG-13 level
    II: No Inappropriate Language unless you’re going to censure it.
    III: No Flaming
    IV: No God Moding
    Thread by: burnitup, Dec 3, 2007, 1,669 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. burnitup
    Let's fine a point. The world is like a ride at an amusment park and when you choice to go on it you think it's real because thats how powerful our minds are, and the ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it is very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun for awhile. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and begin to this real or is this just a ride? And some people remembered and come up to us and said, "Hey don't worry, don't be afraid it's just a ride." And we kill those people.

    "Shut him up! We have alot invested in this ride. Shut him up! Look at my bank account and my family...this has to be real..."

    It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, have you notice that? And let the demons just run a muck in this planet of ours? But it doesn't matter's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want it's only a chocie(sp), no work, no job, no savings of money, a chocie(sp) right now. It's between fear.....and love. The eyes of fear, wants you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy bigger weapons, and close yourself off. The eyes of love instead sees all of us as one, not races, not relogion(sp), no nations, but as human beings.

    Heres what we can do to change the world right now to a better ride. Take all that money we speand on weapons and deffence each year and instead speand it on feeding, clothing and educating(sp) the poor of the world which it would many times over and not one human being excluded and we can explore space together, both iner and outer....forever in peace.
    Thread by: burnitup, Nov 26, 2007, 60 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. burnitup
    Dark Hearts of KH-Vids 2
    The Requiem

    Remember, remember the 5th of November

    Last Story: Dark Hearts of KH-Vids

    Note: The following story starts at November 1, 2007 and ends on November 5, 2007.

    Chapter 1 – Dawn of the new War

    The large city of KH-Vids was active this day. Cars were moving every where and people walked the sidewalks. Most people were at home watching TV.

    ~at an office~

    Deathspank was finishing some paper work he had started on yesterday. From boredom he turned on the TV in the office, he was watching the news. He looked at the TV hoping something will come on that was good. Soon the screen went all static.

    “What the hell is wrong with the TV now?” Deathspank said to himself. In fact this was happening all across KH-Vids. People confused on what’s happening to there TVs. Then the screens of the TVs went white and in black the word ‘Zero’ appeared on what screen. A voice came on and said, “Good evening, KH-Vids. Allow me first to apologies for interruption. I do like many of you enjoy the comforts of everyday routine, the safety of the usual. I enjoy them as much as any guy, but in the spirit of commemoration there by those important events of the past, usually evolving someone’s death or an end of an awful bloody struggle a celebration of a nice holiday. I thought we can mark this up coming November the 5th a day that is certainly a day that is no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who don’t want us to speak. I aspect that even now that orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will be on there way. Why? While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is there is something terribly wrong with this world, isn't there?”

    Soon soldiers were running down the streets of KH-Vids trying to find the place where this man is hiding as the broadcast went on. “Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others. And they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it? I know you were afraid. War, terror, disease. There were many problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you. And in your panic, you turned to the now head admin Deathspank. He promised you order, he promised you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence, last night I took over a military facility to remind this world of what it has forgotten. More then 400 years ago a great man wanted to embed the 5th of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more then words they are perspectives. So if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I suggest that you let November the 5th go unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, then stand beside me four days from tonight outside the coast of KH-Vids, and together we shall give them a November the 5th that shall never ever be forgot.” The man’s voice said before stopping. Then the word Zero that was on the screens was replaced with the words, “The 13 Great Powers”.

    Deathspank was still in his office shocked by what he just saw. Xaldin ran into the office and said, “Sir, we have a problem. What do we do?”

    Deathspank was silent for awhile and said, “Get Kiryu.”

    ~the next morning at Kiryu’s house~

    Kiryu woke up and rubbed his head.

    “Man that was a weird dream…” Kiryu said yawning. He got out of bed and walked over to the phone and picked up the phone and called Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house.

    ~at Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house~

    Burnitup was eating cereal. The phone rang and he picked it up. “Hello?” Burnitup said.

    ~At Kiryu’s house~

    “Dude. Do you know what happen last night? I kind of lost track of time.” Kiryu said.

    “I couldn’t sleep last night. I had this messed up dream last night that some guy named Zero broadcasted a message.” Burnitup said. Kiryu’s eyes grew wide and he said, “Did the message say that KH-Vids has a evil government?”

    “Yeah how did you know?” Burnitup said from the other line.

    “Dude, I had the same dream.” Kiryu said. Xaldin then walked into Kiryu’s room. “Hey what are you-?” Kiryu said but was cut of by Xaldin saying, “Mr. Kiryu come with me. It’s matters of national security.” Kiryu looked at him then said, “Burnitup. I need to go.” Kiryu then hung up.

    ~at Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house~

    Burnitup looked at his phone wondering what is going on. Saxilesm (who changed her name from FireNanaki) walked into the room and asked, “Who was on the phone, Burnitup?”

    “It was Kiryu. He…hung up when Xaldin walked into his room.” Burnitup said sounding a bit confused.

    ~20 minutes later at an office~

    Kiryu walked into Deathspank’s office with Xaldin right behind him. Deathspank who was sitting in his desk chair got up and walked over to Kiryu and said, “Kiryu we need you’re help again.”

    “Again? Well who’s the team I’m going with to stop the terrorists?” Kiryu asked. Deathspank sighed and said, “There will be no team. This will be a solo sneaking mission.”

    “What?! This is a suicide mission with one man!” Kiryu complained. Deathspank sighed again and said, “It’s simple. Go into the base stop the terrorist from using the weapon and get out.”

    Kiryu looked at Deathspank oddly and asked, “What weapon?”

    “You will learn on your mission. Now go.” Deathspank said.

    ~one hour later off the coast of an island military base 30 thousand feet in the sky~

    A large plane was flying across the sky to the military base that had been taken over. The door to the plane opened and inside was Kiryu and Xaldin.

    “Good luck, Kiryu.” Xaldin said. Kiryu walked to the planes door and jumped out. Kiryu fell at an alarming fast speed. Kiryu then grabbed a cord on the parachute on his back and pulled it. The parachute opened up and Kiryu slowly glided down to the beach of the island and landed.

    Chapter 2 – Evil’s World

    Kiryu looked around the area he had landed it there was not much he did land at the beach half of the island. Kiryu lifted his head up a bit to see the massive military base. The base it self was huge, it gave the appearance that it could hold everyone in KH-Vids. Kiryu started heading to the base but stop. He noticed something, it was KIGA soldiers. Kiryu had seen some before during the Burnitdown incident.

    “Damn,” Kiryu said quietly, he ran over to a big rock and hid behind it. The KIGA soldiers got up to the rock but did not look behind it.

    “There’s nothing here.” said one of the soldiers. One of the KIGA soldiers grabbed a radio he had with them. “Come in HQ.” The soldier said.

    “This is HQ.” some one said from the radio.

    “Patrol here, no enemies in the area. Calling off the search.” The soldier said.

    “Understood, return to your post.” The person from the radio said. The KIGA soldiers then started walking back to there posts. Kiryu picked up and rock and threw it at another rock. The KIGA soldiers heard the sound and started walking to where the sound came from. With the soldier distracted Kiryu quietly went past them and got inside the base.

    “Well now. This is a pretty big place.” Kiryu said looking around the big room he was in. Kiryu walked over to a hallway and hid behind a corner to hear to KIGA soldiers talk.

    “Okay. So did you place the prisoner in the mine prison?” one of the KIGA soldiers said.

    “Yeah, I checked the locks on the cell twice.” The other soldiers said. “Good. Because we don’t want Riku Sora Kairi Owns or Risk doing the same thing he did to Johnny to us.” The first KIGA Soldier said.

    “I know. It was really scary what he did to him. That man is a crazy sadist emo for sure.” The second soldiers said with some fear when he said that.

    “Now we know why Zero made Risk number 5 in the group.” The first soldier pointed out.

    “True. We should get back to our post.” The second soldier said. The two soldiers then started walking back to there post which were down the hall.

    “A prisoner, huh? He might be able to help me if I get him out of that cell those soldiers were talking.” Kiryu said. Kiryu ran across the room to a big door and opened it. Kiryu was now in a bigger room and started walking. Kiryu heard laughing from the room. Kiryu looked up at a balcony in the room and saw three people.

    “I was beginning to wonder when you were going to notice us.” One of them said. One of them was wearing baggy gray pants and a gray shirt with a skull with blood coming out of its eyes on it, there was a woman with a red sweater, red beret, and black jeans, and there was another man wearing a black trench coat.

    “Welcome to our base. I am Roxas, number 2 of The 13 Great Powers. With me here are Alice and Risk.” Roxas said. It was strange why a former KH-Vids staff member would turn on KH-Vids.

    “What do you guys want?!” Kiryu yelled at them. Roxas, Alice, and Risk just laugh.

    “We want to rid the world of the evil governments. So you can die.” Roxas said before walking off with Alice and Risk not to far behind him.

    “Hey come back here!” Kiryu yelled. Kiryu looked around the room with anger in his eyes thinking of what to do. Kiryu walked over to a door and opened it. Kiryu walked into the room. The room wasn’t empty. There were chains hanging from the ceiling and there were devices of torture in the room. This was a torture chamber.

    “What the hell…” Kiryu said with a shocked looked on his face. Kiryu walked across the room as thoughts of what might have happen in this room came slowly into his mind. The thoughts scared him, but he didn’t show it. Kiryu got to the other side of the room and opened the door. Now he was in that happen weapons. Kiryu looked at the weapons and grabbed a few of the weapons, because he might need them later.

    “This might come in handy.” Kiryu said picking up and shotgun. Kiryu looked around the room looking for a door. He found the door and walked through it. The room he walked into had 20 KIGA soldiers.

    “Let’s get this party started.” Kiryu said aiming his weapon.

    ~meanwhile at another part of the base~

    A man in black cloths holding a staff with a yellow orb with an “X”, on it was looking out a window into the ocean. He sighed and said, “Remember, remember the 5th of November, The gunpowder treason and plot, I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.”

    Roxas then walked into the room and said, “Zero. We have another uninvited guest.”

    “Yes, I know.” Zero said calmly.

    “What should we do? We can’t let him get to the weapons and destroy them.” Roxas said sounding concerned.

    “Don’t worry. We’ll send the KIGA soldier to deal with him.” Zero said turning around.

    “What if the soldiers fail?” Roxas asked. Zero smiled evilly and said, “I have a plan.”

    Zero turned left and said, “MechaKiryu, come.”

    A robot then walked out of a dark corner, the robot looked almost similar to Kiryu. “Query: Is there something you need killed, master?” MechaKiryu asked.

    Chapter 3 – The Lost Book

    Kiryu walked out of a room he had just been in after killing a few KIGA soldiers. Kiryu walked around the room he was now in wondering what to do.

    ~meanwhile at KH-Vids at the Creativity Corner book store~

    Burnitup was behind the counter pushing pens and pencils around with his finger. Not many people came in today. A few people came in like Nymph of Destiny, Zexion06, and a few other people. Saxilesm walked up to Burnitup and pushed his arm a bit to get his attention.

    “What is it?” Burnitup asked quietly and not turning his head.

    “The boss says she needs your help.” Saxilesm said smiling at Burnitup. Burnitup turned his head and walked away.

    ~one minute later~

    Burnitup walked into his boss’ office, he walked over to his boss’ desk.

    “Aw, Burnitup. How are you?” Burnitup’s boss asked.

    “I’m good. How are you?” Burnitup said.

    “I’m okay. Now Burnitup I need you to carry crates of unsold books to the alley next to the store.” His boss said tapping his fingers on the desk.

    “But sir, it’s going to take me a long ti-” Burnitup was saying but was cut off by his boss saying, “I don’t care just get it done.”

    ~one hour later~

    Burnitup got the last crate to the alley; he leaned on wall and breathed heavily. He sighed and said, “That was hard work…”

    Burnitup looked down and saw a book at his feet; he picked it up and looked at it. It had a leather cover and had no writing on it; it also had a lock on it.

    “This is an odd book.” Burnitup said examining the book; he tried to open it but couldn’t and there was also no key near by. Burnitup scratched his head and walked back into the store.

    Burnitup walked over to Saxilesm and said, “Hey Saxilesm, can you tell the boss I’m going home. If she asks just say I felt sick.”

    Saxilesm looked at Burnitup and said, “Umm, sure.” Burnitup smiled at her and walked out of the store. Burnitup walked through the alleys to get home; he used the alleys of KH-Vids as shortcuts. As Burnitup walked he started to hum the song “Take Me Home, Country Roads”.

    A loud sound came from behind Burnitup and he stopped walking and turned around quickly. Burnitup took to steps forward then all of a sudden three ninjas jumped right in front of him. Burnitup jumped backwards and looked at the ninjas.

    “The book…hand it over!” One of the ninjas yelled. Burnitup turned around and started to run. The ninjas ran after him. Burnitup ran out of the alley and started running down the street.

    ~20 minutes later, at Zexion of the Twilight’s (Zott’s) house~

    Zott was on his computer and was suffering the web. His house’s doorbell rang and he got up and walked over to the door and opened it. Burnitup was there breathing heavily. “Burnitup are you okay?” Zott asked him looking at him strangely.

    “Dude, I found this weird book and I was walking home and I was attacked by ninjas who were after the book and I didn’t know where else to go so I came to you.” Burnitup said quickly and then continued to breathe heavily.

    “Umm, Burnitup I’m a bit busy.” Zott said calmly. Burnitup walked into Zott’s house and said, “Zott, I really need you’re help. Please help me.”

    Zott looked at Burnitup and sighed, Zott then nodded at Burnitup.

    ~one hour later, at a mansion~

    Burnitup and Zott had gone to a mansion of a man known as “Professor Silas”. Burnitup looked at Zott and said, “Why are we here?” Zott looked at Burnitup and said, “This man maybe the only person to help us.”

    Zott pushed the doorbell and soon the mansion door opened by a butler. “May I help you?” The butler asked them.

    “Yes, can we speak with a Professor Silas?” Zott asked looking at a piece of paper in his hand to help him remember the name.

    An old man, who was Silas, walked over to the door and said, “I’m sorry boys but it’s too late for me to give lecture at this hour.” Silas then started to walk away.

    “Please sir. What is the connection between this book and the ninjas attacking me and the message from the guy name Zero?” Burnitup said trying to walk into the mansion. Silas stopped walking and said, “Come in.”

    ~one minute later in Professor Silas’ office~

    Burnitup, Zott, and Silas walked into the off. Silas looked at Burnitup and said, “Boys what I’m about to show you may surprise you.” Silas pointed to a screen with a picture of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.

    “Behold the last supper. It was made by Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci was the founding member of the group known as The 13 Great Powers, he made this painting two days before founding the group.” Silas said to Zott and Burnitup.

    “So Da Vinci was a terrorist?” Zott asked Silas studying the picture.

    “No, Da Vinci wasn’t a terrorist. At the time The 13 Great Powers were a highly religious group and were involved in politics. Da Vinci’s own painting inspired the group.” Silas said walking to the other side of the room.

    “Wait there was 12 apostles, no 13. Why would the group be called The 13 Great Powers if there were 12 people in it?” Burnitup asked with a sound of confusion in his voice.

    “But you forgot something. There was Jesus in the picture. So there were really 13 people in it. And at one point in time Nostradamus, the French apothecary, was a member and made the book you have in your position. The book was made of many predictions and was used by The 13 Great Powers, but The 13 Great Powers Became obsessed with the power the book hold and became crazy. Nostradamus put a spell on the book to open when a prediction came true. Over time the book fell out of The 13 Great Power’s hands and has gone all over the world.” Silas said approaching Burnitup.

    ~at the first floor of the mansion~

    Silas’ butler was cleaning a vas. Six ninjas jumped down behind the butler silently and started walking straight to the butler. The Butler turned around and turned around again and yelled, “Professor! Get out of here!” The butler was then stabbed in the back by one of the ninjas. Silas, Burnitup, and Zott heard the butler.

    “They found me!” Burnitup yelled out of fear. Silas walked over to a window and opened it.

    “Get out this way, I’ll distract them.” Silas said pointing to a latter out side the window. Zott and Burnitup climbed down the latter and escaped. Silas grabbed a Peeps marshmallow on his desk and put them in a micro wave in the office for 15 seconds. A ninja busted through the office door and yelled, “I found him!” The other ninjas then ran into the office.

    “What’s that?” A ninja said looking at the micro wave. A ninja saw what it was and yelled, “PEEPS!!!!”

    The micro wave exploded killing all the ninjas and Silas. Burnitup and Zott turned around to see the mansion was starting to catch fire.

    “Oh my god.” Burnitup said looking at the mansion starting to be engulfed in flames.

    “Burnitup, if it weren’t for Professor Silas, we would have been deader then Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays.” Zott said grabbing Burnitup’s arm and pulling him.

    ~meanwhile at the base~

    Kiryu had gotten past a large group of KIGA soldiers and sat on the ground and said, “I wonder what Burnitup is doing?”

    Chapter 4 – Khameleon

    ~some where in the base~

    A few members of The 13 Great Powers were sitting at a large table, there were 13 seats. The room was dark and a bit cold. On of the walls was The 13 Great Powers emblem. The members there were Zero, Roxas, GhettoXemnas, Swordser2, Alice, Cronoking, Risk, and Thomas (who is a long time friend of Roxas). They argued back and forward to one another.

    “How did your men lose them, Cronoking?” Roxas asked pointing at Cronoking.

    “How can someone bring so much disruption to our cause? We have tried to stop him but many lives have been claimed by his weapons. He fights like no man. The soldiers say he moves like an Angel of Death carrying fury on his wing.” Risk said with concern in his voice.

    “Nonsense, these are just stories. Such myths do not exist.” Alice said with a sound of joy in her speech.

    “This man is coasting us a fortune to contain.” GhettoXemnas said angrily.

    “We have to stop him or else everything we worked for will be destroyed.” Risk pointed out.

    “How do we restrain this angel of yours? Send all the KIGA soldiers to stop one man?” Thomas asked sounding as if he didn’t care. Everyone there then started to fight about what to do. Zero started to get annoyed for he never said anything.

    “Enough!” Zero ordered. Everyone stopped talking and looked at him.

    “So he seeks to stop us? To claim are treasure for himself? Pure madness,” Zero said getting up from his seat. Everyone then got up from there seats.

    “Let him die. Every angel can fall.” Zero said to inspire everyone there. Zero noticed that Cronoking did not get out of his seat and Zero said, “Why do you not join us? Is there something wrong?”

    Cronoking got up from his chair and fell back into it and his head hit the table, a knife was in his back. Everyone jump backwards and looked around. A blood covered feather slowly drifted down and landed on the table. Cronoking was dead.

    ~meanwhile at another part of the base~

    Kiryu walked down a large room and stopped walking, he looked around the room. Kiryu turned around quickly to see to small rockets coming at him and he jumped backwards. Kiryu looked up to see MechaKiryu, number 3 of The 13 great Powers, standing on a balcony.

    “Greeting: Hello, meatbag.” MechaKiryu greeted before jumping off the balcony and landing 10 feet away from Kiryu.

    “Wow, you look kind of like me.” Kiryu said looking at MechaKiryu.

    “Suggestion: It is suggested you start running while my weapons warm up, meatbag.” MechaKiryu suggested to Kiryu. Kiryu began firing his guns at MechaKiryu, the bullets seem to do little. MechaKiryu’s eyes glowed and a laser beam came out of them. Kiryu jumped out of the way and continued to fire. MechaKiryu walked over to Kiryu and smacked him across the face with a pipe.

    “Statement: Meatbags, always weak.” MechaKiryu said walking to Kiryu the MechaKiryu was hit with a grenade from the side and MechaKiryu ran away.

    “What the?” Kiryu said getting back on his feet.

    “Kiryu…long time no see.” A woman voice came from behind him. Kiryu turned around to see a 16 year old girl; she was wearing a red t-shirt and a miniskirt. That girl was Khameleon.

    “Khameleon. It’s been a long time. Why are you here?” Kiryu asked. Khameleon smiled at him and said, “The same reason you are.”

    Kiryu looked at her and said, “Oh really?”

    “Yeah. You sure don’t seem to know much. Well good bye.” Khameleon said smiling before running off.

    Kiryu ran after her but she was faster then him and she got away.

    ~meanwhile at another place in the base~

    Zero was looking out a window and sighed. Roxas walked up to him and said, “Zero…we have a problem.”

    “I know. How could this be happening to are cause?” Zero asked Roxas.

    “I don’t know, maybe-” Roxas was about to answer but was cut off by a woman saying, “Maybe you should try harder.”

    Zero and Roxas turn to see who it was. It was Catch the Rain, number 7 of the group.

    “Aw, Catch the Rain. How are you?” Zero asked.

    “I’m fine. Anyway as I was saying maybe you guys should try harder to stop him.” Catch the Rain said looking at Roxas.

    “Don’t you mean ‘we’ should try harder? You’re in this group too.” Roxas pointed out.

    “I didn’t want to be in this group, I was forced into it.” Catch the Rain said with an angry look on her face. Risk then walked into the room and heard Catch the Rain. Risk walked over to her and smacked her in the face forcing her to fall to the ground.

    “Really now how many times must I tell you? Each time you say stuff like that, you or your clone will suffer. Is that clear?” Risk said with an angry tone of voice.

    “You’re a monster…” Catch the Rain said quietly. Risk heard her and kicked her in the stomach.

    “Risk, enough.” Zero ordered Risk. Risk grabbed Catch the Rain’s arm and pulled her to her feet.

    “You’d better stay in line from now on. Now come.” Risk said walking passed Catch the Rain and leaving the room. Catch the Rain followed him holding her arm. Zero smiled at the thought of Risk’s sadist nature.

    Chapter 5 – The Spirit of Soldiers (part 1 – The 13 Great Powers)

    Kiryu opened his eyes slowly, he looked around. He saw that it was morning.

    “Two more days till they go through with there plan.” Kiryu said getting up from where he had stayed for the night.

    ~mean while at the base’s mess hall~

    Four of the members of The 13 Great Powers were eating at a table; about 80 KIGA soldiers were there too. The members there were Risk, Alice, GhettoXemnas, and Catch the Rain’s clone, Catch the Pain. The four of them were talking about thing that had happen to them recently.

    “So I was watching this thing on TV last night. And this guy was on, one of them vegetarians, you know those freaks that don’t eat meat? He was talking some crap about how killing animals for food is wrong. As far as I’m concern, I’m all for killing, if it’s for a good reason. And eating this steak is diffidently a good reason.” Risk said, everyone laughed. Risk took a bite out of the steak he was eating and he looked at Catch the Pain.

    “So what about you, Catch the Pain? Are you against killing animals? How about the uhh…human animals?” Risk asked looking at Catch the Pain. Catch the Pain was silent and then she said, “I have no problem with it.”

    “Well we should be going. The boss might need us.” Alice said getting out of her seat. Everyone got out of there seats too.

    ~at another part of the base~

    Zero was sitting in a chair looking at a wall with a cold emotionless face. Roxas walked into the room and said, “Zero, Kiryu still hasn’t been killed by MechaKiryu yet.”

    “Don’t worry. MechaKiryu will kill Kiryu.” Zero said still looking at the wall.

    “How do you know?” Roxas asked bluntly. Zero got out of his chair and walked over to Roxas and said, “You’re my friend, so I’ll let you have it. But as my friend I beg you not to tell use it. He’ll get the job done, he always does. Nothing can stop him, anything between MechaKiryu and his target goes down. But you can’t call him off. There’s no do over, no time out, blood can’t be unspilled. Once you activate him, blood is on your hands.”

    “So MechaKiryu will kill Kiryu and come back to us?” Roxas asked.

    “The name MechaKiryu is but a whisper on the lips of the dead. Because if he comes calling for you, you’ll never even know until it’s too late. Then like a ghost he’ll disappear, a myth, a legend.” Zero said coldly.

    “Sounds scary.” Roxas said crossing his arms.

    “You have no idea.” Zero said shaking his head. Soon catch the Rain walked in the room and said, “Zero, can I talk to you?”

    “Of course.” Zero said walking over to Catch the Rain. Then the two walked out of the room together, leave Roxas alone.

    ~in the halls~

    Zero and Catch the Rain were walking down the hallway talking about things that have happen so far.

    “Zero, I think we should put more security near this area. I mean number 11, Cronoking, was murdered and now number 9, Ares, has gone missing.” Catch the Rain said trying to keep her detents from Zero.

    “The KIGA commander? How could he disappear?” Zero asked Catch the Rain.

    “I don’t know. He just disappeared.” Catch the Rain said.

    “Well ask your twin, oh I mean your clone.” Zero said not looking at Catch the Rain.

    “I’m still a little mad that you cloned me and put fake memories in her to make her think you’re her father.” Catch the Rain said with an angry look on her face.

    “Well if you hate it, tell her she’s a clone.” Zero said pointing out that option.

    “No! You know how deep down inside her she would kill herself if she knew she was a clone, that’s why I stay in the group.” Catch the Rain said.

    “Well let’s never talk about this again.” Zero said walking off ahead of her.

    ~at the base’s warehouses~

    Risk, Alice, and GhettoXemnas were driving around the warehouse talking. Alice was at the wheel driving.

    “GhettoXemnas this is a nice car, you have.” Risk said looking out the window.

    “Thanks, I bought it and brought it here before Zero sent that broadcast to KH-Vids.” GhettoXemnas said from the back seat.

    Risk sniffed the air and smelled something bad and said, “What’s the smell? GhettoXemnas did you puke?”

    “Nah, it’s probably Ares.” GhettoXemnas said closing his eyes.

    “The freak puked in your car?” Risk asked looking at him.

    “Nah, he’s in the trunk.” GhettoXemnas said. Risk was quiet for a minute and said, “What?”

    Alice stopped the car and the three of them got out of the car and walked to the back of it. GhettoXemnas opened the trunk of his car, Alice and Risk looked away and Risk said, “Oh my god.”

    Chapter 6 – The Spirit of Soldiers (part 2 – Khameleon)

    Kiryu opened his eyes slowly, he looked around. He saw that it was morning.

    “Two more days till they go through with there plan.” Kiryu said getting up from where he had stayed for the night.

    ~at another part of the base~

    Khameleon was walking through the halls of the base looking around.

    “I forgot how big this place was.” She said to herself. She stopped; down the hall was a KIGA soldier. Khameleon and started to panic. Khameleon ran behind a pillar that was in the hall. The KIGA soldier walked by with out noticing Khameleon.

    “That was a close one.” Khameleon said with a sigh of relief. Khameleon then continued to walk down the hall.

    ~10 minutes later~

    Khameleon was now at the warehouse part of the base, she walked through each warehouse; she stopped to see three members of The 13 Great Powers, GhettoXemnas, Swordser2, and a man, who was on the ground and is number 9 of the group, named Ares. Ares was on the ground begging for his life, “Please I have a wife and kid!”

    “You should have thought about that before.” GhettoXemnas said aiming a gun at Ares. GhettoXemnas then fired the gun and killed Ares.

    “Swordser2, throw Ares’ body in the trunk of my car.” GhettoXemnas ordered. Swordser2 grabbed Ares body and pulled it to GhettoXemnas’ car and threw the body into the trunk of the car. GhettoXemnas had walked away leaving Swordser2 alone. Khameleon ran up to Swordser2 and kicked her in the leg knocking her down. Swordser2 cried out in pain but was hit in the head by Khameleon’s AK-47 to knock her out. Khameleon grabbed Swordser2’s leg and dragged her into a warehouse and left her there and locked her in the warehouse.

    ~some time latter~

    Khameleon was again walking through the halls seemingly lost, tired, and bored.

    “Now where am I?” She asked her self looking around. She opened a door and found some stairs that lead down. She walked down the stairs and was now in the base’s mine.

    “Wow, this place is just as big as the upper level of the base.” Khameleon said walking around. Khameleon walked around aimlessly for along time not knowing where to go. She soon got to the medic bay of the mine and looked for stuff. She then lay down on a cot in the medic bay to get a nap.

    “This has been a long day.” Khameleon said yawning. She then fell asleep.

    Chapter 7 – The Spirit of Soldiers (part 3 – Burnitup)

    Kiryu opened his eyes slowly, he looked around. He saw that it was morning.

    “Two more days till they go through with there plan.” Kiryu said getting up from where he had stayed for the night.

    ~meanwhile at KH-Vids~

    Burnitup woke up and got out of bed and got dressed. He grabbed the book he had found and walked out of the bedroom; Saxilesm had left to go to work. He thought he should go to work as well. Burnitup yawned and walked out of his house.

    ~3 minutes later~

    Burnitup was walking through the alleys, because they are the quickest way to work, he had to walk through them even though he was attacked by ninjas last time. Burnitup stopped walking because he heard a sound. He turned around to she what looked like a bolt of purple electricity coming at him. Burnitup jumped out of the way and fell to the ground; he got back up to his feet. Burnitup looked up and saw what looked like a man covered in metal armor standing on the roof of a building. The man then jumped down and landed on the ground with out hurting himself. The man looked at Burnitup and said, “I am number 10 of The 13 Great Powers. I am…MechaBurnitdown.”

    Burnitup moaned and said, “I thought you died…”

    “No…close to death. If Alice hadn’t but my mind in this suit I would have been dead. Now, give me the book.” Burnitdown said approaching Burnitup. Burnitup backed up away from Burnitdown. Burnitdown reached his hand out but then three shurikens came out of the sky and were stuck in Burnitdown’s back.

    “What?!” Burnitdown said groaning with anger. He turned around and saw six ninjas on the roof of the building he was on. Burnitup’s jaw dropped and he said, “Oh my god not them too…”

    The ninjas jumped from the roof and landed and they said, “Give us the book in the name of Bill Donohue!”

    “Who’s Bill Donohue?” Burnitup asked looking at Burnitdown. Burnitup just shrugged.

    “You guys don’t know who Bill Donohue is?” A ninja asked them. Burnitup and Burnitdown shook there heads no.

    “William Donohue. The guy who is the leader of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights in the United States.” The ninja said again.

    “The fat guy who has been out of control over little things like that show, South Park?” Burnitup asked looking at Burnitdown.

    “Hey! Just shut up and hand us the book!” A ninja yelled at them. Burnitdown aimed his hand at the ninjas; Burnitdown’s hand glowed yellow and a bolt of electricity came out of his hand and killed the ninjas.

    “That takes care of that problem.” Burnitdown said. Burnitdown then smacked Burnitup knocking him to the ground. Burnitdown fell to the ground and grabbed a pipe and knife that was near by. He put the knife in the pipe. Burnitup then jumped to his feet and jammed the pipe into Burnitdown’s face. Burnitdown screamed in pain before he took the pipe of his face. Burnitup then grabbed a rock and smashed it over and over into Burnitdown’s head until Burnitdown fell to the ground and stopped moving. MechaBurnitdown is dead.

    “Thank god that’s over...” Burnitup said with a sigh of relief…

    ~meanwhile at the Vatican in Wikipedia, Italy~

    The pope was sitting in his chair looking onward thinking about how to fix the problems that are going on. A man in a white robe approached the pope and said. “You’re holiness, Bill Donohue of the leader of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights in the United States, wishes to speak with you.”

    “Alright let him in.” The pope said sounding bored. Bill Donohue came in and walked over to the pope yelling, “You’re holiness, I have found the lost book of Nostradamus, it’s in KH-Vids!”

    “Bill Donohue, since you seem to bother me again I must asked…why must you yell all the time? It loses its effect in this if you do it all the time. If you didn’t do it as much then it be scary, people wouldn’t be expecting it. Seriously man.” The pope said sounding bored at the end.

    “I’m not yelling! I’m just passionate! And my ninjas will burn KH-Vids to the ground and torture everyone to get that book!” Bill Donohue yelled at the pope.

    “Bill…all the ninjas and torturing people doesn’t seem christianly.” The pope said sounding concern.

    “It’s what God would want!!!” Bill yelled at the top of his lungs. The pope rolled his eyes and said, “Get him out of here.”

    Two men grabbed Bill’s arms and pulled him away as he yells, “What are you doing! Let me go!!!”

    ~back at KH-Vids~

    Burnitup walked into the Creativity Corner book store breathing heavily.

    “Burnitup, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Saxilesm said.

    “You can say that again…” Burnitup said.

    Chapter 8 – The Spirit of Soldiers (part 4 – Kiryu)

    Kiryu opened his eyes slowly, he looked around. He saw that it was morning.

    “Two more days till they go through with there plan.” Kiryu said getting up from where he had stayed for the night.

    Kiryu looked around the room to see if there was any enemy soldiers near by. Kiryu didn’t see anyone and walked off.

    ~30 minutes later~

    Kiryu was walking down one of the halls wondering where he is; he saw an opened door with stairs going down. He went down the stairs. After walking down the stairs a bit he was now in the mines.

    “Wow. This place is big.” Kiryu said walking over to a dark room in the mines. He was now in a small prison with about 4 cells with no light coming in or out of them. Kiryu heard some mumbling from the 4th cell. He walked over to it slowly and unlocked it and opened it. A guy fell out of it he had duck tape over his mouth and his hands were tied. Kiryu kneed down to the guy and torn the tape off of him. The guy then said, “A little rough, don’t you think?”

    Kiryu flipped him over and started to untie him.

    “You’re not like them?” The guy asked Kiryu. Kiryu was quiet for a second and said, “No.” Kiryu finally untie the guy and the guy rolled over and got on to his feet and said, “I have one very important got any gum?”

    “No, sorry.” Kiryu said. The guy sighed and said, “Its okay. Who are you?”

    “I’m Kiryu. Who are you?” Kiryu asked.

    “My name is Thelightisgone123.” Thelightisgone123 introduced himself.

    “Here’s the thing, if we want to get out of here we need to work together.” Kiryu said.

    ~5 minutes later in the medic bay of the mine~

    Kiryu and Thelightisgone123 walked into the medic bay looking for stuff they could use they see there is a cot and sleeping in it was Khameleon. Kiryu and Thelightisgone123 walked over to her and before Kiryu tried to wake her up, Thelightisgone123 said, “She looks hot.”

    Kiryu smacked him over the head and said, “Shut up.” Kiryu then pushed on Khameleon’s arm to wake her up. Khameleon opened her eyes slowly and yawn.

    “Hey Khameleon. How did you sleep?” Kiryu asked smiling at her.

    “Kiryu? How did you get here?” Khameleon getting up and rubbing her eyes.

    “I came down some stairs to get here.” Kiryu said.

    “Okay. And who’s this guy?” Khameleon asked looking at Thelightisgone123. Before Kiryu could answer, Thelightisgone123 said, “I’m Thelightisgone123. Would you like to go out some time?”

    Khameleon just looked at him and said, “Uhh, no thank you…”

    “Okay, guys we don’t have time to deal with this right now.” Kiryu said crossing his arms.

    ~2 minutes later~

    Kiryu, Thelightisgone123, and Khameleon were walking around the mine. They stopped to see MechaKiryu in front of them.

    “Greeting: Hello, Meatbags.” MechaKiryu greeted.

    Chapter 9 – Terror of MechaKiryu

    Kiryu, Thelighisgone123, and Khameleon were looking at MechaKiryu.

    “Query: Meatbags, are you ready to die?” MechaKiryu asked. Kiryu looked at his allies and said, “You know you’re in are why. If you don’t move we are going to have to get violent. Do you know what this means?”

    “Answer: Yes, it means you will never understand. When I kill, when I dispatch a target, it’s not about slaughter, about body count. It is about finesse, function, doing more with less. It is art.” MechaKiryu said.

    “A bit of a violent machine, huh?” Khameleon said.

    “Statement: Meatbag, assassination is my primary function.” MechaKiryu said. Khameleon rolled her eyes and said, “Then are you going to kill us soon?”

    “Answer: Yes, right now.” MechaKiryu said pulling out his weapon. Khameleon and Kiryu pulled out there weapons, AK-47. Thelightisgone123 pulled out a Single Action Army revolver and said, “Okay, its game time.”

    MechaKiryu fired his weapon but everyone jumped out of the way. MechaKiryu’s eyes glowed and a laser came out of them and nearly hit Khameleon. Kiryu fired his gun at MechaKiryu to get his attention; it worked. Thelighisgone123 walked up behind MechaKiryu and put the muzzle of his gun on the back of MechaKiryu’s head and said, “Good bye.”

    Thelightisgone123 fired his gun damaging MechaKiryu’s memory core thus cause MechaKiryu to die. MechaKiryu fell to the ground motionless.

    “Nice job Thelightisgone123.” Kiryu said walking over to him. Thelightisgone123 chuckled a bit and said, “Thanks, and can you call me Light, its sort and easy to remember.”

    “Okay Light that was a good clean kill.” Khameleon said walking up to Light.

    “Thanks. Hey Khameleon, Can I hold your hand?” Light said smiling at her. Khameleon looked at him weird and said, “No.”

    “Can I hold your arm?”


    “Can I feel your hair?”


    “Can I-” Light began to say but Khameleon dislocated his arm and she walked off.

    “C- Call me…” Light said before he fell to the ground in pain. Khameleon had walked away and now Kiryu could not see her. Light was on the ground yelling, “I need a nurse!”

    Kiryu kneed down by Light and Kiryu put his hands on Light’s arm as Light yelled, “No a female nurse!” Kiryu then relocated Light’s arm. Light yelled in pain.

    “You okay?” Kiryu asked. Light jumped to his feet and said, “Yep. Let’s go.”

    Chapter 10 – Unholy Trinity (part 1)

    ~some where in the base~

    Zero was sitting in his chair looking out a window when Roxas came in.

    “Zero I have news.” Roxas said walking toward Zero.

    “What is it?” Zero asked.

    “The weapons Zero Cannon Alpha and Zero Cannon Beta are finished and will be ready to launch on November the 5th just as plan.” Roxas said crossing his arms.

    “Good. Soon KH-Vids and the other cities will be burned to the ground.” Zero said smiling evilly.

    “We also caught en intruder as well.” Roxas said.

    “Really?” Zero said.

    “Yes we found her talking to a dead scientist in the lab facility.” Roxas said.

    ~Flash back at the base’s lab facility~

    Khameleon walked toward a scientist not knowing he was dead and said, “Hey! Do you have a minute? I kind of need your opinion on something and it’s really important! The outfit? I mean, it’s not to much is it? It’s cute…but practical! I mean…nothing can be worse then what that friend of mine Crow was wearing. I don’t have the heart to tell her myself of course but…Hey…Hey! You’re not even paying attention! You’re worse then Thelightisgone123. You know what? I’m just going to leave. You know what? I’ll just ask my brother when I find him. Okay? Just…just…whatever.”

    When Khameleon turned around there were six KIGA soldiers.

    “Uh-oh…” she said to her self.

    ~end of flashback~

    “And that’s the story.” Roxas said.

    “Hmm, I see. Now leave me alone.” Zero said walking away. Roxas followed him and said, “What about Kiryu?”

    “I sent GhettoXemnas, Catch The Pain, and Risk to kill him.” Zero said still walking.


    Kiryu and Thelightisgone123, who is now being called Light, were walking around the base.

    “Are we there yet?” Light asked sounding sleepy.

    “We get there when we get there!” Kiryu yelled. They then soon got to a helicopter pad near a cliff, no helicopter in sight. Soon they heard the sound of a car’s engine starting up. Kiryu and Light turned around to see GhettoXemnas, who is number 4 of The 13 Great Powers, in his car coming at them. They jumped out of the way at the last minute.

    “I finally found you!” GhettoXemnas yelled. Light pulled out his gun and started shooting at GhettoXemnas. GhettoXemnas turned his car toward Light and started to charge him. Light jumped out of the way and GhettoXemnas crashed into a war damaging his car badly.

    “Damn you!” GhettoXemnas said backing his car up fast. GhettoXemnas turned his car toward Kiryu, which Kiryu had backed up toward the cliff, GhettoXemnas put his foot on the pedal and the car moved quickly toward Kiryu. Kiryu jumped out of the way and GhettoXemnas went sailing over the cliff.

    “No!!!” GhettoXemnas yelled as his car flew off the cliff. Once GhettoXemnas was not visible from the top of the cliff there was a big explosion and a tire from the car flew to the top of the cliff and back down.

    “That was easier then I thought.” Light said walking over to Kiryu. Kiryu ignored Light and walked off.

    Chapter 11 – Unholy Trinity (part 2)

    Kiryu and Light were walking around not sure if they knew where they were.

    “I think we maybe lost.” Light said looking around.

    “We’re not lost.” Kiryu said. Kiryu stopped walking and looked up at a balcony. Zero, Roxas, and Risk were standing there and Khameleon was there to with her hands tied behind her back and Risk’s hand over her mouth.

    “You! Let Khameleon go!” Kiryu yelled.

    “No, I think we’ll keep her a little longer before killing her.” Zero said crossing his arms.

    “Let her go!” Kiryu yelled again.

    “It doesn’t matter. Catch the Pain will deal with you.” Zero said before turning around and leaving with Roxas and Risk not too far behind. Light and Kiryu looked at each other and Kiryu ran off to find them as Light chased after him yelling, “Kiryu, wait!”

    ~some time later~

    Kiryu and light were in a different hall, it looks like the other halls but it had pillars made of marble.

    “Wow, they did a lot of work on this place.” Light said admiring the workmanship in the hall. A woman walked from out from behind a pillar, she was wearing a gray KIGA uniform without the mask and she had a shotgun, the woman looked like Catch the Rain.

    “Catch the Rain? What are you doing here?” Kiryu asked, but something was wrong.

    “I am number 6 of The 13 Great Power, I am Catch the Pain.” Catch the Pain said looking at them.

    “I didn’t know Catch the Rain had a twin.” Light said. Catch the Pain aimed her weapon at them, Kiryu and light hid behind a pillar as Catch the Pain fired her gun.

    “Damn dude!” Light yelled. Kiryu pulled out his AK-47 and jumped from behind the pillar and fired his weapon, and then he went back behind the pillar again.

    ~some time later~

    The fire fight had been going on for a long time it’s almost night. Kiryu, Light, and Catch the Pain feel sleepy. Before anyone could fire there guns again they heard a woman yell, “Stop!”

    Catch the Pain, Kiryu, and Light saw Catch the Rain she walked over to Catch the Pain.

    “You need to stop this, Catch the Pain.” Catch the Rain said to her. Catch the Pain looked at her oddly and said, “Why sister?”

    “Catch the Pain…there’s some you need to know something…” Catch the Rain said.

    “What is it?” Catch the Pain asked. Before Catch the Rain answer her there were six gun shots each one hit Catch the Pain in the chest, Catch the Rain turned around to see who it was who shot her clone. Who ever shot Catch the Pain had gotten way. Catch the Rain kneed down to her clone and said, “Are you okay?”

    Catch the Pain coughed up some blood and shook her head no.

    “Catch the Pain…you’re my clone…” Catch the Rain said with a tear coming down her cheek. Catch the Pain sigh and coughed up more blood and said, “Power…the root of all evil…an assassin pulled the trigger sister…but it was Zero’s lust for power that did this to me…he didn’t have to go with a world take over plan, there just going to say it wasn’t as good as last time’s.”

    “Catch the Pain, what are you talking about?” Catch the rain asked. Catch the Pain grabbed her hand and put a key in Catch the rain’s grasp and said, “Here…use it to get to Zero Cannon Beta’s docking bay…”

    Catch the Pain then turned her head dead. Catch the Rain got up and walked over to Kiryu whipping the tears from her eyes and said, “Come on…I know a place we can stay over night.

    ~4 minutes later~

    Kiryu, Light, and Catch the Rain were in a secret room. Catch the Rain walked over to a cot that was in the room and laid down on it and said, “Good night.”

    Kiryu and Light walked over to there own cots and fell asleep.

    Chapter 12 – Unholy Trilogy (part 3)

    Kiryu slowly woke up and got out of his cot. He saw that Light was up but Catch the Rain was still sleeping. Kiryu walked over to Catch the Rain and pushed on her arm and said, “Catch the Rain, what day is it?”

    “It’s November the 5th.” Catch the Rain said.

    “Oh,” Kiryu said. There was are long silence before Catch the Rain jumped out of her cot and Kiryu, Catch the Rain, and Light looked at each other and yelled at once, “November the 5th?!”

    The trio ran out of the room they stayed in and ran as fast was they could.

    ~5 minutes later~

    Kiryu, Light, and catch the Rain ran into a room that was filled with paintings and statues it had two stair ways to the next floor and a hole in the ceiling to the next floor, it looked like a museum. Two KIGA soldiers they walked up to them and aimed there guns and one of the soldiers said, “Don’t move scum bag!”

    “Oh crap!” Light yelled.

    Then money fell down from the hole in the ceiling and they heard a laugh. They looked up and saw Risk and he said, “Surprise! You weren’t looking for that by any chance?”

    “Risk, what’s going on?” Catch the Rain asked looking at the KIGA soldiers.

    “The situation’s changed, Rain. I had to decide whose side I was on and I’m sorry but it would be suicidal to be on your side. I couldn’t live with murder though.” Risk said looking away.

    “So you killed Catch the Pain?!” Catch the Rain yelled at him.

    “Well, I was more the means to her death. The same as I am in your case.” Risk said looking at her.

    “I would never expect this from you Risk.” Catch the Rain said crossing her arms.

    “Well I’m in a good mood, things are looking up for me and I found a bag of money.” Risk said smiling.

    “So killing off your partners is a big laugh? Maybe I should try it.” Catch the Rain said looking back at the KIGA soldiers who were still pointing there weapons at her, Kiryu, and Light.

    “Meh, it’s not bad. But you probably won’t have time.” Risk said. Catch the Rain turned around to face him and said, “It’s not too late to be out of the picture. I guess there’s no honor left.”

    “Honor is meaningless! This is business and you broken its unwritten rules many times over.” Risk said. Catch the Rain nodded slowly. Risk then said, “Maybe I’ll feel some pity but that’s out of place in business.”

    “I didn’t know that I was the cause of the group’s problems.” Catch the Rain said.

    “Really? You did what you wanted, Rain! You didn’t kill Kiryu; you almost told your clone the truth, and then the bank?! You can’t do what you know is right because you don’t know nothing! You don’t grasp the effects of your actions. The boss is the thinker.” Risk yelled at her.

    “You were never a good thinker. You probably need Zero to think for you. That’s not how I feel. I can think for myself.” Catch the Rain said proudly. Risk sighed and said, “The option of Zero, The Waster and Destroyer, is that he won’t go and sit in jail because of your ‘feelings’! And I agree with him completely. Zero really liked you, Rain, and I did too. We’ll cry together at the funeral.”

    “You poor emo, Risk. I feel sorry for you.” Catch the Rain said.

    “But I’m alive! It’s a pity you can’t use that money. Oh don’t worry, we’ll give your roommates a little something for there troubles. It’s not easy for two idiots living on there own. Zero will take care of them; he isn’t as much of a monster as you think. Good bye, Rain, it was nice knowing you,” Risk said. He left to not witness the death of Catch the Rain, Kiryu, and Light and he said, “Take good care of them boys. And please don’t make them suffer, there my buddies.”

    Light pulled out his gun and shot and killed both the KIGA soldiers. He looked at Kiryu and Catch the Rain and said, “Let’s go get him!”

    Kiryu, Catch the Rain, and Light ran up stairs and looked for Risk. Risk was looking at a wall. Catch the rain took light’s gun and shot Risk in the back. He stumbled a bit and said, “You…you did it… But they’ll get you all the same… Zero…will get you… He stood by you, you rat… You’re dangerous, Rain, and Catch the Pain…is dead…she was…she was never sure if you wouldn’t...forgive her… Her death…oh you’re going to have to hide…like an outcast…and one day…they’ll get you…all the same…like Ares…”

    “They found him?” Catch the Rain asked aiming the gun at Risk.

    “You only…lengthen his life…but in the end…they found him…all the same…and Roxas is Zero’s real friend… Friendship isn’t worth crap…” Risk said. Catch the Rain fired her gun twice and Risk fell to the ground dead.

    “That takes care of that.” Light said. Then the room shook and then there was silence.

    “What was that?” Kiryu asked looking around.

    “It was Zero Cannon Alpha being launched into space. We got to hurry if we want to stop them from activating Zero Cannon Beta.” Catch the Rain said. Then the trio ran out of the room.

    ~5 minutes later~

    Kiryu, Catch the Rain got to Zero Cannon Beta’s docking bay, it had been activated and was leaving the docking bay.

    “Oh no, we’re too late…” Light said. Catch the Rain looked around and saw two hovercraft and pointed and said, “Look over there.”

    “What are those?” Kiryu asked looking at them.

    “They are hovercrafts. They have the same speed levels of Zero Cannon Beta.” Catch the Rain explained. Kiryu and Light ran to them and got on and left. Catch the Rain stayed behind and waved at them yelling, “Good Luck!!!”

    Chapter 13 – Zero Cannon

    ~KH-Vids’ Bay inside Zero Cannon Beta’s control room~

    Roxas was sitting in a chair watching as they get closer to KH-Vids. Thomas walked in and said, “Sir, we’ve got company.”

    Roxas sighed and said, “You know what to do.”

    ~KH-Vids’ Bay~

    A green jet like thing was flying around the bay; on the side of it there were words that said “KH-Vids Sky Raptor Mk. 3” In side of it controlling it was Zott, GateKeeper, Chaser007, and JellyBeing.

    “So…what was our mission again?” JellyBeing asked.

    “To investigate the big…what-cha-ma-call-it….thing…that’s stuck in the military’s radar.” Chaser007 explained as he piloted the Jet.

    “You know it could be a glitch.” GateKeeper said relaxing in his seat. Chaser007 turned his head right and said, “Yo new kid- Is it close enough to transmit something to that mark?”

    “Just a few more meters and I have a name you know. It’s Zexion of the Twilight or Zott for short.” Zott said looking at Chaser007. JellyBeing relaxed in her seat and said, “That’s a weird name for you.”

    “It could also be a leaking oil ship.” GateKeeper suggested.

    ~Back at Zero Cannon Beta~

    Thomas was sitting in a chair and was surrounded by screens, on screen turned on with the word Zero on it and Zero from some unknown location said, “Thomas where is Roxas?”

    “He is taking care of an airforce or something.” Thomas said reading a book.

    “What?! It’ll blow are sneak attack!” Zero yelled. Thomas continued to read and said, “I tried to tell him and you know he is obsessed with powers.”

    “Anyways he needs the three mystical items for Zero Cannon Beta to blast the whole world at once.” Zero explained. Thomas remained reading and said, “That’s why he is using on of them to destroy KH-Vids.”

    “Why the city? It’s a waste of time.” Zero asked. Thomas put down what he was reading and said, “Well I copied the two orbs that we found to locate the book and the book is now in KH-Vids’ harbor as you can see.”

    Thomas sent a picture of Zero Cannon Beta’s radar to Zero. Zero sighed and said, “Well try to tell Roxas not to make his domination of an airplane over the news.”

    The screen then went black and the word’s transmission lost. The screen then turned on to a broadcast of the KH-Vids Sky Raptor Mk. 3.

    “This is Captain JellyBeing of the Sky Raptor. Please state your name and purpose.” JellyBeing said. Chaser007 grabbed the camera and pulled to look at him and he said, “In other words, you are in a restricted military zone. I repeat this is a…” Chaser007 stopped talking to see a laser dot on his head he then said, “I order you to point that laser away from my head! That’s an order!!!”

    JellyBeing looked over Chaser007’s shoulder and said, “Is there anybody here?”

    ~on the deck of Zero Cannon Beta~

    “Charge up the cannon!” Roxas ordered pointing the KH-Vids ship. A cannon slowly came out of the bottom of Zero Cannon Beta, the cannon on the bottom of the ship glowed. In the Sky Raptor, Zott walked up to Chaser007 and said, “Sir, I’m reading a massive amount of energy waves coming from that ship.” GateKeeper rolled his eyes and said, “It’s a glitch.”

    JellyBeing looked out the side of there ship and said, “It will be our end if we don’t get out of here!” There ship was now going as fast as it can to the harbor of KH-Vids as Zero Cannon Beta charges.

    Thomas at the command deck of Zero Cannon Beta said, “Fire on your command, Roxas.”

    “Fire the frickin’ cannon!!!” Roxas yelled pointing at the enemy ship. The cannon then fired a very powerful blue blast it struck the Sky Raptor and the blast destroyed a few buildings at the harbor.

    The Sky Raptor was floating in the bay…well what was left of it any way. Zott popped out of the water and took a breath and swam to a piece of the ship that was floating in the water and laid down on it and breathed slowly as Zero Cannon Beta flew past him.

    Chapter 14 – The Last Resort

    ~at Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house which is located at the harbor~

    Burnitup was sleeping on his couch and he woke up and said, “Man I’m tired…”

    “Hey Burnitup!” Saxilesm yelled from behind him. Burnitup turned his head and said to himself, “How did she know I was sleeping here?” Saxilesm ran up to him. They looked out there window to see the KH-Vids sky Raptor and Burnitup said, “That must be the new Airforce they were talking about.”

    “Yeah and Zott told me he’s apart of that crew.” Saxilesm said looking at her sleepy pyro boyfriend, Burnitup.

    “Wait a minute. Something tells me we should get out of here.” Burnitup said getting up. Saxilesm look at the window noticing Zero Cannon Beta behind the Sky Raptor charging its cannon and she said, “Why? I want to see how fast that ship can go.”

    Burnitup and Saxilesm noticed a blue flash coming at them it hit there building and Burnitup grabbed Saxilesm and dived towards the ground to avoid getting blasted. On Zero Cannon Beta Thomas was looking at the radar and said, “Sir, we got the location of the book.”

    “Well what are you waiting for?! Engage rocket boosters!” Roxas ordered pointing at the city. The ship’s rocket boosters powered up and it flew towards KH-Vids. Roxas was laughing evilly and smiling evilly when Alice walked up behind him and asked, “Is this all necessary just to retrieve a book?”

    “Yes it is! Now get back to work.” Roxas said brooding.

    ~five minutes later outside some buildings near Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house~

    HigherBeing who was KH-Vids’ number 1 reporter was standing outside a building not looking at the camera and said, “Hey Spitfire give me that soda,” She looked at the camera and said, “Wait are we on? 9:50 AM we witnessed an explosion around Role-Play Street.”

    The camera not paying attention turn the camera toward Fate and Rat who were looking at a hole in the ground filled with sewage and there was a dead cat in the sewage.

    “Can I save the dead kitty?” Rat said looking at Fate.

    “No you can’t go save the dead kitty.” Fate said sounding annoyed.

    “Why not?” Rat asked. Fate rolled his eyes and said, “Because I told you. That’s why.”

    “Aww, man.” Rat said sounding depressed. Rat looked at the cat and said, “Umm…wait. It’s floating, it’s not dead.”

    “Yes, it’s dead. Look sewage.” Fate said crossing his arms.

    “But it’s floating it’s not dead.” Rat said smiling pointing at the cat.

    “It is dead! Just…just get over it.” Fate said sounding more annoyed.

    “But, I want to save my kitty!” Rat yelled with joy in his voice.

    “It’s a dead kitty.” Fate said looking at Rat with an angry look.

    “But it’s floating. It’s not dead. Okay! Its mind maybe broken but it’s not dead.” Rat said still believing it’s alive.

    “Yes its dead look: Little X’s for eyes. That kind of gives it away doesn’t?” Fate pointed out. Rat looked at the dead cat and said, “Nooo…”

    HigherBeing grabbed the camera man and yelled, “Jeffery! Focus the camera on me you idiotic-” before HB could finish talking the transmission was lost.

    ~at the Bay~

    Kiryu and Light were near the harbor noticing smoke Kiryu said, “Light! That’s Burnitup’s house go check on him!”

    “You got it!” Light yelled back to him. Light got to the harbor and jumped off his hovercraft and landed on his feet and ran to Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house.

    ~at the ruin’s of Burnitup’s and Saxilesm’s house~

    Burnitup and Saxilesm slowly woke up. The got up and looked at there destroyed house and Burnitup said, “Wow.”

    Light burst through the door to there house and said, “Burnitup how the…” Saxilesm walked up to Light and said, “Thelightisgone123, what’s going on?” Light pointed at the book that Burnitup was holding and said, “Dude, you never told me that you were the one who caused this.”

    “Caused? Why would I blow up half of my house?” Burnitup said looking at Light with an angry look.

    “Well first you got to know the book you are holding is most valuable to everyone.” Light said.

    “And?” Burnitup added.

    “Second…the reason why it saved you from the blast from Zero Cannon Beta is because it holds power beyond anyone’s imagination.” Light explained. Zero Cannon Beta was now behind Burnitup and Burnitup said, “Is that why those people are after me?”

    Light pointed at Zero Cannon Beta and said, “Yeeeah….thats why…”

    Alice then appeared side of Zero Cannon Beta floating in the air with a red orb in her hand. Saxilesm pointed at Alice and said, “Is that Alice and why is she flying?”

    “Wow. That’s interesting.” Light said looking at Alice. A beam of green light came out of Zero Cannon beta and the book was pulled out of Burnitup’s hand. Burnitup jumped up and down trying to grab the book but failed while yelling, “Give it back!”

    Kiryu then flew into the green light and grabbed the book and flew away from the light.

    A screen came from the bottom of Zero Cannon Beta with Roxas on it and he yelled, “Damn, he’s got the book! Charge up another beam!”

    “The orb will over burn if you continue to do so.” Alice said rubbing the orb with her hand.

    “You’re lucky this time, but if you don’t give me the book when the systems cool down, Khameleon will die!” Roxas point out.

    “Anyway you have 30 minutes to decide.” Alice said calmly.

    “10 minutes!” Roxas yelled before the screen went black. Zero Cannon Beta started to pull out back into the bay. Kiryu then flew after Zero Cannon Beta; he pulled out his gun and flew faster on the hovercraft he was using. Light took three steps and yelled, “Wait, Kiryu!” Kiryu didn’t here him and was now near the Zero Cannon. Kiryu jumped on the deck of the Zero Cannon and his hovercraft fell into the bay. At the cargo hold of Zero Cannon Beta, Alice and Roxas were stand looking out the window, Alice then said, “He’s here.”

    “Good. If you need me I’ll be in the control room.” Roxas said walking off to the control room. Roxas walked into the control room, there Khameleon was in a glass made cell, and she was banging on it yelling, “Let me out of here!” Roxas looked at her and said, “Don’t worry; we just need you as bait. And since we have enough power to find the book, turn the ship around!”

    Zero Cannon Beta started to turn around to face KH-Vids. On the deck of the ship Kiryu and Alice were looking at each other, Kiryu then ordered, “Release Khameleon! I’m the one you want!”

    “How about giving me the book first?” Alice suggested.

    “You’ll have to take it from me first!” Kiryu yelled. Alice smiled evilly and said, “Gladly.” Alice then ran at super human speeds and punched Kiryu in the stomach causing the book to fly out of his hands and him flaying of the Zero Cannon knocked out. Alice grabbed the book and said, “He wasn’t really a challenge. I wonder why Roxas couldn’t take care of him.”

    Zott was sitting on a piece of the Sky Raptor that was under Zero Cannon Beta and he said to himself, “Yep, this is me stranded on my new job.” He looked up to see Kiryu coming down and said, “And this is me getting pulled under.” Kiryu landed on him and started to sink into the ocean. Zott swam after him and grabbed his arm and a grappling hook gun that was sinking too and fired it toward the surface. The hook got attached to the bottom of Zero Cannon Beta and Zott and Kiryu were pulled out of the water, Zott then said, “It’s a good thing I brought this grappling hook in the cargo hold.” Inside the Zero Cannon’s control room Khameleon was yelling at the top of her lungs, “Kiryu! Get me out of here! Hey! Get me out of here! Hey!”

    Thomas was covering his ears and said, “I told you once I told you a million times! Put a sound proofing on that thing!” Roxas was not paying attention he was listening to his iPod. Alice walked into the control room and said, “Mission complete.” Alice walked up to Roxas and said, “Now about our bargain?”

    “What bargain?” Roxas said nodding his head to the beat of the music he was listening too. Alice punched him in the face and said, “I had an agreement with Zero that my home town will be spared when he destroys the world.”

    Thomas jumped in front of Alice and said, “Not destroying the world. It’s like this! The continental crust is around 20 miles deep. With the two orbs and the book together, there’s enough power to destroy the world, but we are not doing that. So Zero hired me to customize two cannons, the Zero Cannon Beta and the Zero Cannon Alpha, to focus the energy beam. First we fire Zero Cannon Beta to Zero Cannon Alpha. Once the energy is downloaded into our ship. Second, Zero Cannon Alpha will sling-shot back down to Earth destroying 5 miles deep around the Earth.”

    Alice looked at Thomas oddly and Roxas had fallen’ to sleep. Thomas sighed and said, “Kind of like trimming it into a new world.”

    Roxas then woke up as a floating screen with the word Zero came into the room and Zero, who is speaking from the screen, said, “And by the way you have an intruder on bored but I can’t get a visual on it.”

    Roxas jumped forward and said, “Well its go time, baby!” Alice sighed and said, “Do any of you have no shame?”

    ~at the KH-Vids staff research lab~

    Burnitup kicked open the door into the lab and said, “Xaldin!” Xaldin turned around and said, “How is it people can break into here?”

    “Xaldin! How are you going to stop them?! They have enough power to destroy the world.” Xaldin ignored Burnitup and said, “Fire the frickin’ aura cannons!” The scientists in the room pressed some buttons there computers and at the harbor for blue cannons with the words KH-Vids written on them came out of the water and aimed at Zero Cannon Beta.

    “Fire!” Xaldin ordered. The power around KH-Vids went completely out and each of the four Aura cannons fired at Zero Cannon Beta. On Zero Cannon Beta Roxas was looking out the window of the control room and said, “Fools, you’re giving us energy.”

    The shots from each of the Aura cannons hit Zero Cannon Beta but Zero Cannon Beta absorbed the energy. Xaldin looked shocked that his newest weapons were useless. Burnitup sighed and said, “That was a waste of my…2 minutes…yeah.”

    ~on Zero Cannon Beta~

    The alarms were going off saying, “Intruder alert. Intruder alert.”

    Kiryu burst through a door firing his gun. While in the control room Zott was trying to over ride the controls to release Khameleon.

    “Zott, I don’t think you can free me. There are 8 different combinations to…” Khameleon started to say before bring cut off by Zott saying, “Hey, I was known as the fastest button clicker.”

    Kiryu ran around firing his gun, he stopped to see Alice in front of him. Kiryu ran at Alice and she ran at him before either could make a hit there was a flash of light…

    ~inside…Zero Cannon Alpha~

    Kiryu opened his eyes to see he was some where else. He was standing on a see through floor and in the surrounding area were TV screens.

    “What? How did we get here?” Kiryu asked looking around. Out of the darkness in gray cloths and holding a staff with a yellow orb on it was Zero who said, “I teleported you here before you took heavy damage.”

    “Zero!” Alice yelled pointing at him.

    “You disappoint me Alice. You do know that?” Zero said walking toward them.

    “I brought you the orb and the book here, just like what you wanted me to do. Now about our deal!” Alice yelled. Zero held out his hand and Alice was lifted in the air and she started screaming in pain.

    “Your life means nothing to me.” Zero said as he made a fist. Some of the bones in Alice’s body snapped and she fell to the ground twitching.

    “I thought you needed the book to…” Kiryu started to say but was cut off by Zero saying, “This is an energy chamber and it’s taking all the energy around us for the Zero Cannon. Everything around us is energy. The holographic TVs around you. The holographic floor below. It’s all energy,” Zero said to Kiryu. Kiryu walked over to Alice and picked up the red orb she had and the book Burnitup found. “Anyway back to the point. I want you to join my new empire.” Zero said crossing his arms as his staff floated around him.

    “I only fight for good.” Kiryu said closing his eyes. Kiryu then made a red beam katana appear in his hand. Zero looked at him with shock and said, “Some how you are getting energy for yourself. Think of me giving the earth another chance. A world in which I rule in. This is my world! Mine!”

    Kiryu ran toward Zero and attacked him with his katana but Zero blocked him and pushed him back. Zero shot a blast of energy at Kiryu but Kiryu jumped over it and landed in front of Zero and hit him with two quick downward slashes and one upward slash. Then Zero Cannon Alpha exploded sending shock waves to Earth powering up KH-Vids again and shutting down Zero Cannon Beta causing it to fall in the bay, Khameleon’s glass cell broke open and she and Zott ran to the deck of Zero Cannon Beta. Zott and Khameleon looked up to see Kiryu falling from the Earth’s orbit at an alarming paste. He then fell into the shallow part of the bay; he popped out of the water and stood up. Light ran towards him and said, “Hey dude!” Khameleon and Zott jumped off the deck of Zero Cannon Beta and landed next to Kiryu. Zott then said, “Well at least the madness finally stopped.” In the distance they could here a crowed. They looked the harbor that was filled with people from KH-Vids; Burnitup was waving at them smiling while Deathspank and his staff were smiling at them with pride.

    “Wow, this was interesting.” Light said. Khameleon walked over to Light and hugged him. Zott sighed and said, “Get a room.”

    Kiryu laughed and ran toward the harbor. Roxas and Thomas were looking at KH-Vids from the deck of the Zero Cannon. Khameleon, Zott, and Light soon ran after Kiryu smiling.

    Thread by: burnitup, Nov 5, 2007, 114 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. burnitup
    Happy Halloween everybody!!! Let's party!

    Thread by: burnitup, Oct 31, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. burnitup
    the story takes place three weeks after Kingdom Hearts 2.


    Everything was normal with in the worlds but then a meteor shower started hitting every world causing crystals to grow out of the ground and also causing climate shifts and earthquakes. Many worlds couldn't stay together with the crystals and the worlds fell apart untill nine worlds were left. Also the crystals some how brought Organization XIII back, and the Organization saw an opprotunity to seize control of the worlds. And also Xehanort's Heartless is back as well. And four factions were made from everyone in the worlds: World Defenders, Nobodies, World Defense Force and Heartless.


    World Defenders

    Faction: World Defenders
    Weapon: Keyblade
    Home World: Destiny Islands

    Faction: World Defenders
    Weapon: Way To Dawn (keyblade)
    Home World: Destiny Islands

    King Mickey
    Faction: World Defenders
    Weapon: Gold Keyblade
    Home World: Disney Castle

    Faction: World Defenders
    Weapon: Shield
    Home World: Disney Castle

    Faction: World Defenders
    Weapon: Staff
    Home World: Disney Castle

    User: Pirateguywithapplepie
    Faction: World Defenders
    Weapon: Keyblade
    Home World: ???

    Original Characters


    User: ukali_rules
    Facton: Heartless
    Weapon: A long katana
    Home World: Radiant Garden

    Xehanort's Heartless
    Faction: Heartless
    Weapon: Darkness?
    Home World: ???

    Original Characters

    User: burnitup
    Faction: Heartless
    Weapon: A crystal sword
    Home World: N/A
    Appearance: He looks human but wheres a black robe(Like Org. XIII) and wheres a red and black mask.
    Bio: Born from the same meteor shower that threatens the worlds, Krystal is a villainous entity who seeks to increase his own power using the crystals.


    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Nothingness
    Rank: I
    Weapon: Aerial Blades
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Space
    Rank: II
    Weapon: Gun Arrows
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Wind
    Rank: III
    Weapon: six lances
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Ice
    Rank: IV
    Weapon: Shield
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Earth
    Rank: V
    Weapon: Tomahawk
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    User: FireNanaki
    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Illusion
    Rank: VI
    Weapon: Lexicon
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Facion: Nobodies
    Element: Moon
    Rank: VII
    Weapon: Claymore
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Fire
    Rank: VIII
    Weapon: Chakrams
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    User: hitna3510
    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Water
    Rank: IX
    Weapon: Sitar
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Time
    Rank: X
    Weapon: Cards
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    User: Marluxia95
    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Flowers
    Rank: XI
    Weapon: Scythe
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    User: lanihead7
    Faction: Nobodies
    Element: Thunder
    Rank: XII
    Weapon: Kunai
    Home World: The World That Never Was

    Original Characters

    World Defense Force

    User: Keyblade49
    Faction: World Defense Force
    Weapon: Buster Sword
    Home World: Radiant Garden

    Faction: World Defense Force
    Weapon: Gun Blade
    Home World: Radiant Garden

    Faction: World Defense Force
    Weapon: Shuriken
    Home World: Radiant Garden

    Faction: World Defense Force
    Weapon: hand to hand combat
    Home World: Radiant Garden

    Original Characters

    Make a character

    User: (your user name)
    Faction: (World Defenders, Nobodies, World Defense Force or Heartless)
    Element: (Nobodies faction only)
    Rank: (Nodies faction only)
    Home World


    The World That Never Was
    Disaster: frozen-wasteland

    Radiant Garden
    Disaster: meteor apocalypse

    Twilight Town
    Disaster: volcanic cataclysm

    Disney Castle
    Disaster: volcanic cataclysm

    Destiny Islands
    Disaster: Flooded by tsunamis

    Port Royal
    Disaster: Flooded by tsunamis

    Beast's Castle
    Disaster: ravaged by earthquakes

    Halloween Town
    Disaster: ravaged by earthquakes

    Traverse Town
    Disaster: ravaged by earthquakes


    Romance is allowed but at a PG-13 level
    No god moding
    You can kill each other but don't go kill everyone left and right

    That is all.
    Thread by: burnitup, Sep 8, 2007, 51 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. burnitup
    Dark Hearts of KH-Vids

    I'd like to thank kikame, Kiryu, and FireNanaki for helping me.

    Chapter 1 – The Beginning

    A busy city, filled with all different kinds of people, is one of a few ways to describe KH-Vids. There is seemingly always something going on somewhere, and most of the people are very kind to one and other. Although, there are some exceptions. Opening his eyes slightly Kiryu looked over to his clock "Stupid Mondays" he mumbled to himself getting up and walking over to open the window. Opening it he looked out over the city. KH-Vids, it was nice enough, it has it's problems but every city does.

    After watching out the window for a minute longer he turned to get ready for work and soon after he headed off.

    Getting to the restaurant he worked at, he talked to the other employees that had arrived and then went to his station to wait for customers.


    Sitting watching the cars go by Kiryu wished someone would come; it's been a boring day. He checked his watch, five minutes left. Good he thought, yawning. Hoping he would sleep well that night he waited the last five minutes, picked up his stuff and left for home. When he got there he dosed off quietly.

    ~Later that night in a alley~

    In some dark alley a portal opened up and a mysterious man then walked out of the portal; and as quickly as the portal appeared it then disappeared, the mysterious man then look around and started walking down the alley. The mysterious was then approached by three spammers. “Hey buddy.” a spammer said.

    The mysterious man didn’t turn around to look at the drunk and remained walking down the alley; the spammer looked at the mysterious man walk away with a blank look on the spammer's face. “I miss him already.” said the second spammer.

    “He is rather charming.” said the first spammer.

    “Nobody move! I dropped my lucky penny.” said the third spammer.

    ~The next morning at Kiryu’s house~

    Opening his eyes slightly Kiryu got up and got ready for work. Kiryu went to the front door of his house and opened it on the other side was a admin know as Xaldin. “Mr. Kiryu.” said Xaldin.

    “Yeah?” Kiryu said confused.

    “I’m here to escort you to a building under orders from Deathspank.” said Xaldin.

    Kiryu looked around confused. “But I need to go to work.” said Kiryu.

    “It’s an important you come with me.” Xaldin said calmly.

    Kiryu scratched his head and said, “Err, okay.”


    Kiryu and Xaldin got to a building and went inside. There were a lot of people inside. “Please sit down Mr. Kiryu.” Xaldin said pointing to a chair. Kiryu then took a seat next to a few other people Kiryu knew; those people were FireNanaki, kikame, burnitup, xiegin, Catch The Rain, Fate, Zexion of the Twilight or Zott as most people call him, DoomDen, kevz2kool, K a i r i, Jade Rhade, rat, and Spitfire. There were also a large number of staff members there too. Deathspank then walk to a podium. “Hello everyone, I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here, I will answer that. You see this morning I got a call from an unknown person, he didn’t say his name. But he said he has control over a nukclear weapon.” Deathspank said.

    “Okay, but why are we here?” Jade said.

    Deathspank just looked at her and said, “You see I can’t send my own men for many reasons, so that’s why I gathered you all.”

    “Alright so where in this city is the nuke?” asked burnitup.

    “It’s not in the city, it’s ten thousand miles away from it.” said Deathspank.

    “Oh.” burnitup said.

    “But it’s also a weapon I had made to protect KH-Vids. A nuke launching tower that goes into space, at the moment I thought it was a good idea, but it’s been taken over now. And plus these terrorist also some how brainwashed KIGA.” said Deathspank.

    “KIGA?” rat said.

    “KH-Vids’ International Genome Army.” said Deathspank.

    Everyone looked at each other as if not understanding. “So how are we going to stop them?” Kiryu asked.

    “That’s up to you to figure out.” Deathspank said. “We’ll drop you all off at the jungle and it’s up to you to get to the enemy base, is that clear?” Deathspank said.

    “Sir, yes sir!” everyone said at the same time.

    ~Four hours later~

    A helicopter landed in a clearing in a jungle and everyone but the staff and the pilot jumped out of it. “Alright you’re here, now go do your mission, we gave you all a large number of weapons to protect yourselves with, and for the love of God don’t screw up.” Deathspank said before the helicopter took off. Everyone look at each other then they looked at the large dark jungle in front of them. “We’re in for one wild ride.” Kiryu said.

    Chapter 2 – Cobras in the Jungle

    Everyone looked at each other as the helicopter that dropped them off flew out of sight and farther into the distance. “What do we do now?” asked Catch The Rain.

    Kiryu picked up a gun that was left on the ground by Deathspank. “We do what we were left here to do.”

    “And that was?” burnitup asked.

    Kiryu looked at burnitup and said, “We stop the terrorist. And save the world. Okay?” Kiryu then picked up two more guns. Everyone looked at each other some confused others worried. “Okay. Let’s go save the world.” said rat picking up a gun.

    Kiryu then looked at the dark forest in front of them and walked towards it. “Okay, come on then.” Kiryu said. Everyone started to follow him. “Something bad is going to happen I know it.” said spitfire.

    ~20 minutes later~

    Kiryu and everyone else stopped behind a bunch of trees. DoomDen peaked behind the trees and said, “I see some enemy units.” FireNanaki looked at Doom and said, “There probably KIGA troops. We should be on are guard in that case.”

    Kiryu took out some binoculars to see what the soldiers had on them. “AK-47s and grenades.” said Kiryu.

    “How do we get pasted them?” K a i r i asked.

    Rat grabbed a rock and through it at a tree. The two KIGA soldiers looked at the tree and walked over to it. “I wonder what that was?” one of the soldiers said. “Like that.” Rat said. Rat then ran quickly across and the others followed. “It was probably just a bird.” The KIGA soldier said.

    “Well that was easy.” burnitup said.

    “Yeah it was.” Jade said. The group then stopped at a river to rest. Everyone was tired. Spitfire and rat kept a look out. Everyone was resting but Kiryu. He had been wondering how this all happened, how he could have gone from a normal life, go to work, talk to friends and family, and just enjoy life to being in a jungle trying to stop terrorist with just a handful of other people.

    “Uhh, guys we need to go now.” Rat said sounding worried. “Why?” FireNanaki asked. “Well there are enemy troops coming this way.” Rat said sounding more worried. “Are you serious? I haven’t finished my apple.” burnitup said taking a bit out of an apple he got out of a tree. “We need to go now!” Rat yelled. “Hey who’s that?!” a KIGA soldier yelled running towards the group with three more soldier following him.

    Everyone then started to run to try and avoid the KIGA soldiers. The KIGA soldiers were still running after them firing there AK-47s. “Keep running!” Zexion of the Twilight yelled. Everyone was still running when burnitup threw a grenade at the KIGA soldiers it exploded killing the soldiers. “Nice dude!” Rat yelled cheerfully.

    ~meanwhile at an office in KH-Vids~

    “Umm, Deathspank?” Sara said.

    “What is it Sara?” Deathspank asked sounding some what depressed.

    “What do we do if the KH-Vids members you picked don’t complete there mission?” Sara asked nervously.

    Deathspank was silent for along time and said, “We give in to the terrorists demands…”

    Sara was shocked to hear that and said, “But, why?”

    “The last thing I want is to see my city destroyed a nuke. Do you under stand?” Deathspank said.

    “Y...yes sir…” Sara said sounding depressed.

    “Good, now go away.” Deathspank order her.

    “Yes sir…” Sara said walking out of the room.

    ~back in the jungle~

    The group of KH-Vids members at stopped at a river that had a strong current, to strong to swim across anyway. “So, now what?” Spitfire said sounding tired from running. “You die.” A woman voice said from behind a tree on the other end of the river. The woman then walked out from behind the tree, she was wearing a red beret with the Soviet Union logo on it on her head, and red sweater, black jeans, and cowboy boots.

    “You… You’re with the Spetsnaz from Russia!” Rat said pointing a gun at her. Afew people backed up. “What’s a GRU soldier doing here?” Rat said again.

    “Soldier?” the woman said. The woman then adjusted her beret.

    “She’s a GRU commander!” Rat yelled.

    “Ha! That’s Major Alice to you. And don’t you forget it!” Alice said to Rat and the others.

    “Were on a mission, so beat it!” Spitfire yelled. “I can do whatever I’m paid to do.” Alice said. “What?” burnitup said. Alice then pulled out her gun but then she shot herself in the foot but not on purpose. Alice then fell to the ground yelling out in pain. While this was happing the group then ran straight to the rope bridge down on the other end of the river.

    Chapter 3 – Flashback (Part 1)

    After hours of walking around after the short lived run in with Alice, the group was tired. As night began to fall Kiryu looked at everyone who was with him, wondering how they all got dragged into this as well…


    ~at burnitup’s and FireNanaki’s house, at 8 AM~

    Burnitup was sitting on a couch reading a newspaper. But burnitup was to lazy to turn any of the pages of it and he only read three articles. One article burnitup was interested in was the one tiled “Giant Lizard Sighted off Coast of Japan”

    FireNanaki then came into the room. “Good morning, burnitup.” She said cheerfully. Burnitup smiled at her and said, “Hey.”

    FireNanaki sat down next to him. “What are you reading?” she asked. “This.” burnitup pointing to the article he was reading. “Oh, okay.” FireNanaki said.

    “Hey burnitup?” she said. “Yeah?” burnitup asked. “Kevz2kool and kikame wanted us to visit them at there new job at Arc’s Soda Bar.” FireNanaki said.

    “Arc has a bar? Since when?” asked burnitup. “You didn’t know? It opens tonight.” FireNanaki answered.

    “Umm, alright I’ll go.” burnitup said. FireNanaki smiled at him and said, “Good.”

    ~at Zexion of the Twilight’s house, at 9 AM~

    FireNanaki rang Zott’s door bell and wait for him to answer the door. “Why are we here?” asked burnitup. “To see if Zott wants to come with us to Arc’s Soda Bar tonight.” FireNanaki said. “Oh, okay.” burnitup said.

    Zott’s house door then opened. “Yeah?” Zott said. “Hey Zott, you want to come to Arc’s Bar tonight with burnitup and me!?” FireNanaki asked cheerfully.

    “Sure. Whatever.” Zott said.

    “Good. See you tonight.” FireNanaki said smiling. She then walked left with burnitup.

    ~at Arc’s Soda Bar, at 7 PM~

    “Come on guys!” FireNanaki yelled running to Arc’s Soda bar. “How did you get dragged into this burnitup?” Zott asked.

    “She wanted me to go. Well at least I think so. I forget stuff a lot.” burnitup said.

    FireNanaki, Zexion of the Twilight, and burnitup walked into Arc’s Soda bar.

    “Hey guys!” yelled kikame running over to them. “Hey kikame.” FireNanaki said smiling. “How are you guys to day?”
    “Good.” FireNanaki said.
    “Okay.” burnitup said.
    “I’m not unwell, thank you.” Zott said.

    “Oh, okay. Come on, you can sit at the counter.” kikame said showing them where to sit.

    FireNanaki, Zott, and burnitup sat down. “Okay I need to go get these drinks to the three guys at table six. See ya’ later.” kikame then left to give some people soda.

    “I didn’t know she got to be a waitress.” Zott said.

    “She did and I got to be a bartender.” Kevz2kool said behind the counter. “What can I get you guys?” asked kevz2kool.

    “Can I have a Coca-Cola?” asked burnitup.

    “Sure thing buddy.” Kevz2kool gave burnitup a class of Coca-Cola.

    “Thank you.” burnitup said drinking the soda.

    “So kevz2kool. How’s you’re job doing?” FireNanaki asked.

    “It’s okay. The pay isn’t very good but hey, it gets the bills paid.” kevz2kool answered.

    “Oh, okay.” FireNanaki said.

    “By the way. It’s almost closing time.” said kevz2kool.

    “Oh, I guess that means we should be going soon. Right burnitup.” FireNanaki said. But burnitup wasn’t in his chair. “Burnitup?” FireNanaki said. She turned her head to see Zott and burnitup playing darts.

    “You will give me 50 bucks if I win, dude.” burnitup said.

    “You get three bucks and two popsicles out of my refrigerator.” Zott said.

    “Three popsicles.” burnitup said.

    “Two.” Zott said. “Alright two popsicles and I get to keep the old bird cage outside of your house.” burnitup said. “Deal.” Zott said bored. “Still got it.” burnitup said smiling.

    “Two of a kind.” FireNanaki said shaking her head.

    ~the next morning~

    Burnitup was again reading a newspaper. FireNanaki came into the room. “Good morning burn…” she said before she was cut off by the door bell. “I wonder who that could be.” burnitup said walking to the door with FireNanaki. They open the door to see a staff member on the other side, it was Sara. “Please come with me Mr. burnitup and Ms. FireNanaki.” Sara said. FireNanaki and burnitup looked at each other.

    ~End of Flashback~

    Chapter 4 – Flashback (Part 2)


    ~at Fate’s, Rat’s, and Catch the Rain’s house, at 8 PM~

    Fate walked out of his room and yawned. He then went into the living room and sat down next to Rat who was playing video games. “Don’t you have to go to work?” Rat asked. Fate got up and walked back into his room and got dressed in his work uniform. Fate then went into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Fate turned and was startled because Catch the Rain was behind him. “You know the front door was open again last night?” she said.

    Fate and Catch the Rain walked into the kitchen. “I’m not saying it was you…” she said. “I know man but-” Fate said but was cut off by Catch the Rain, “I’m saying it was Rat.”

    “Oh.” Fate said.

    “I know he is your friend but he hasn’t brought in a single dime.” she said.

    “He’s not all bad, he brought in some money.” Fate said.

    “It’s not from his job.” Catch the Rain said.

    “So he sales bootlegged DVD once in a while. You’ve seen him do it.” Fate said.

    “Yeah, once, to you.” she said. Fate was silent. “Fate, when is he going to leave?” Catch the Rain asked. They both left the kitchen.

    Catch the Rain and Fate walked into the living room. “Hey Rat?” Fate said.

    “Yeah?” Rat replied. “Are you coming to work today?” Fate asked.

    “Maybe.” Rat said.

    “Listen Rat. If you don’t come to work today, can you please clean this place?” Catch the Rain asked.

    “Sure, sure.” Rat said.

    “Thanks.” Catch the Rain said. Catch the rain then left the room.

    ~at Fate’s, Rat’s, and Catch the Rain’s job, at 8:50 AM~

    Catch the Rain walked back and forth waiting for Rat. “Where the hell is that idiot roommate of mine? If I have to spend one more minute in this monkey factory I’m going to start tossing bodies out the window.” she thought to her self.

    “Catch the Rain, Rat called. He said he doesn’t know when he can come into work – he’s lost.” Fate said walking up to Catch the Rain.

    “Lost? Lost?! It’s 15 frickin’ minutes from work to home. How in the name of god did he get lost?!” Catch the Rain yelled.

    ~5 minutes later~

    “Okay take a deep breath.” Catch the Rain though to her self. “Rat, where are you, just tell me what you see.” Catch the Rain said calmly.

    “I…I don’t know! It looks like the normal swamps, but I keep getting turned around! I’m hurt really bad and I don’t know where the town is….I think I may be as far as I can go!” Rat said from the other line.

    Catch the Rain sighed deeply. “Are you still playing that Diablo II mod from last night? Is that why you’re late?” Catch the Rain asked. “Will you get mad if I say yes?” Rat asked.

    “No, I’ll beat you in your sleep!” Catch the Rain yelled.

    “Oh! Then I have a flat tire and I’ll be into work as soon as possible.” Rat said.

    ~at Fate’s, Rat’s, and Catch the Rain’s house, at 4 AM~

    Fate and Rat where dancing to some music when Catch the Rain came out of her room and grabbed the stereo and threw it out the window. “Why’d you do that?!” Fate asked.

    “It’s 4 in the frickin’ morning!” Catch the rain yelled.

    “But it’s Saturday.” Fate said.

    “No it’s not it frickin’ Monday, and I have to get up in 4 frickin’ hours from now. Now do you see why I’m so frickin’ angry!” Catch the Rain yelled.

    “Hell yeah.” Rat said. “Wait, wait, wait. What happen to you’re hand Catch the Rain.” Fate said noticing a bandage on her hand. “I was mugged on the way home.” she said.

    “By who?” Rat asked. “I don’t know, dome guy in a black rain coat. And he cut my hand.” Catch the Rain said. “Why’d he do that?” Rat asked.

    “I don’t know, I didn’t stop to ask him! Now I have a splitting headache, and your stupid Hip Hop isn’t helping.” Catch the Rain said walking back to her room.

    ~at Fate’s, Rat’s, and Catch the Rain’s house, at 8 AM~

    Rat, Fate, and Catch the Rain left there rooms and walked to the kitchen, then the door bell rang. All there walked to the door and opened it. On the other side was a staff member. It was Anniexo_Xymed. “Umm, please come with me. All of you.” she said.

    ~End of Flashback~

    Chapter 5 – Flashback (Part 3)


    ~at Jade Rhade’s, xiegin’s, and Spitfire’s house, at 8 AM~

    Jade walked out of her room and into the kitchen. In the kitchen was Spitfire and xiegin eating toast. “Morning Jade!” Spitfire and xiegin said. “Good morning.” Jade said.

    “So, what do you guys want to do today?” Spitfire said taking a bite out of his toast.

    “I don’t know.” Jade said sitting down at the table. “Let’s go to Starbucks.” said xiegin.

    “Why?” asked Jade.

    “They have coffee.” xiegin said. The room was silent for about a minute. “Okay fine.” Jade said.

    ~at a Starbucks, at 8:40 AM~

    Jade, Spitfire, and xiegin walked in and walked over to the counter, behind the counter was K a i r i. “Hey guys, how may I help you?” K a i r i said. “Yeah, get me a regular.” Jade said.

    “Regular what?” asked K a i r i.

    Jade just looked at her and said, “Coffee.”

    “What flavor?” she said.

    “Coffee…flavored…Coffee.” Jade said sounding angry. “Okay, I’m leaving.” Jade said walking away.

    “What’s wrong with her?” asked K a i r i.

    “I don’t know.” Spitfire said before going after Jade with xiegin.

    ~at Jade Rhade’s, xiegin’s, and Spitfire’s house, at 10:40 AM~

    Jade sat down at the table in the kitchen and sighed deeply.

    “Jade? Are you okay?” Spitfire asked walking up to her.

    “Not really.” Jade said.

    “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Spitfire asked.

    “No. Now, go away.” Jade said.

    “Okay.” Spitfire said walking out of the kitchen.

    ~20 minutes later~

    Spitfire and xiegin were in the living room watching TV. “I’m worried about Jade she hasn’t left the kitchen for 20 minutes.” xiegin said.

    “I’m sure she is fine.” Spitfire said.

    “I don’t know dude.” xiegin said.

    “Well she’ll be okay.” Spitfire said.

    “Well if you think so.” xiegin said.

    ~ at Jade Rhade’s, xiegin’s, and Spitfire’s house, at 9 PM~

    “Well it’s getting late. Let’s go to bed.” xiegin said walking out of the room. He then walked into his room. Spitfire walked into the kitchen, Jade wasn’t in the kitchen. Spitfire then walked into Jade’s room, there was Jade sleeping. Spitfire then walked into his own room and went to bed.

    ~the next morning at Jade Rhade’s, xiegin’s, and Spitfire’s house, at 8 AM~

    Jade walked out of her room and into the living room. About a few minutes later Spitfire and xiegin walked out of there rooms. There house’s door bell then rang. The trio then walked over to the door and opened it.

    On the other side was a Cin. “I need you all to come with me.” Cin said.

    “Why?” Jade asked.

    “Don’t ask questions and come with me.” Cin said.

    “But why?” Spitfire asked.

    “Just shut up and come with me.” said Cin.

    “Okay we’re coming.” said xiegin.

    ~End of Flashback~

    “Hey Kiryu.” FireNanaki said.

    Kiryu looked at her. “What is it?” Kiryu said.

    “I just wanted to say good night.” FireNanaki said.

    “Oh, okay. Good night.” Kiryu said.

    FireNanaki walked over to a tree and sat down in front of it and fell asleep. Kiryu then climbed up a tree and fell asleep in the tree.


    A mysterious man in a black rain coat walked into a building and looked around. A woman named ‘true darkness’ walked over to him. “Oh, good evening. And welcome… Mister?” true darkness said. “Johnson.” the man said.

    “May I take your briefcase sir?” true darkness said.

    “No! I’ll keep it. I heard interesting things about your establishment. I would like to see what you have to offer, profitably in the back.” said the man.

    “Oh! Right this way.” said true darkness showing me the way.

    ~End of Flashback~

    Chapter 6 – Big Game Hunt

    Kiryu woke up and yawned. He climbed down the tree he was sleeping in. Everyone was already up they made a fire and were cooking what looked like birds. “Good morning Kiryu.” said Fate.

    “Good morning. Shouldn’t we be getting back to the mission?” Kiryu said.

    “After I’m finished eating.” burnitup said.

    ~10 minutes later~

    Everyone had finished eating. “Okay let’s get going.” Kiryu said. Everyone then started to walk in deeper into the forest.

    ~1 hour later~

    Everyone was now in an area that was just packed with trees. They could walk past the trees but there were so many all they could see is trees, they couldn’t see any bushes or rocks or anything, just trees. “There are so many trees.” said Fate.

    “I know, I wonder how many there-” burnitup said but was cut by the sound of a shotgun being fired. Some of bark of the tree next to burnitup was shot off. Everyone then hid behind a tree. “What the hell was that!?” yelled Catch the Rain. Then from behind the trees they heard laughing.

    “I have traveled enough for one life time… enough for an eternity. You have my thanks.” said a man wearing a tree bark camouflage and a mask, he was also armed with a high powered shotgun, and he was hiding behind the trees.

    “If you hadn’t shown up, my traveling would have been eternal. Do you hear me? I am Stealth. I am here to send you all to your ultimate fate. You’ll make a fine quarry for my final hunt!” said Stealth.

    “Okay where is that guy?” burnitup asked.

    “I don’t know, he must be hiding behind the trees.” said Catch the Rain.

    “Well we need to get past him to finish our mission.” Kiryu said. Everyone reloaded there weapons. They then stepped out from behind the trees and fired there weapons at Stealth was then went back behind the trees.

    “You missed me.” Stealth said, he then step out from behind the tree he was hiding behind and fired his shotgun. He fired his shot gun five times and went behind the tree again and reloaded his shotgun.

    For a long time each side kept firing there weapons and reloading them neither side stopping.

    “How long has this been going on now?” asked burnitup.

    “About an hour.” said FireNanaki.

    “Well keep firing.” Kiryu said.

    Everyone stepped out from behind the trees and fired there guns. Stealth was hit and he yelled in pain.

    Everyone then stopped firing there guns. Stealth walked out and he fell to the ground. Everyone looked at each other and slowly walked to him.

    “People of KH-Vids…I thank you. The staff would be proud of you. The time has come for a younger generation to rise. I’ve been wandering for a long time, and now my journey comes to a close. What a splendid way to end it all…” Stealth said lying on the ground.

    “Why did you attack us?” Kiryu said.

    “I was hired to keep you from getting to the base. But I’ll help you. To get to the base, you have to go through the hidden cave. There’s a hidden cave behind those trees. Go past the 300 yard long man mad desert and then go over the mountains.” said Stealth.

    “Why are you telling us this?” asked Fate.

    “I’ve hunted people. In my lifetime, I have hunted of thousands upon thousands of men and women…” Stealth said. Kiryu then removed Stealth’s mask revealing his cut up face.

    “Ooooh…gross…” Jade said.

    “And each person I hunted had only one thought, that single object of obsession. That selfish and horrible desire…It was enough to make me sick. Every living thing thinks that. We’re designed that way. And that is why there is war. But you…are different. You’re the same as us; we have no past, no future. We live in the moment. That’s our only purpose. Humans weren’t designed to bring each other happiness. From the moment were thrown into this world, we’re fated to each other nothing but pain and misery.” Stealth said.

    Everyone looked at each other.

    “The world is a more interesting place with people like you in it…I never agreed with the boss’s revolution… His dreams of world conquest do not interest me; I just wanted an excuse to kill as many people as I could.” Stealth said.

    “You monster!” Catch the Rain yelled.

    “Let him talk. He doesn’t have much time left.” Kiryu said.

    “I’ve seen true evil. Seeing you all calms my soul. You’re all like the boss….No, worse. Compared to you I’m like a saint…” Stealth said, he then handed Kiryu something. “Here is the key to the base. This is the first time I’ve ever helped someone. Strange…such a nostalgic feeling…” Stealth said before he turned his head and died.

    Everyone then walked away from Stealth’s body and found the hidden cave Stealth was talking about. They then walked into the cave.

    Chapter 7 – Solider of the Wasteland

    Walking through the cave Stealth told them about, everyone got the feeling that there lost. “We’re lost. You know that right?” said burnitup.

    “No we’re not.” Fate said.

    “Yes we are.” said burnitup.

    “No we’-” Fate said before getting cut off by Jade. “Will you two shut up?” Jade said.

    ~one hour later~

    Everyone had found the exit out of the cave and they looked around, all they saw was at least 300 yards of man made desert with mountains to the sides of it but they look like they couldn’t be climbed.

    “We let’s get going.” said Fate. Fate took a few steps but was stopped by Kiryu. “Wait.” Kiryu said.

    “Well the terrorist aren’t going to wait.” Catch the Rain said.

    “Just wait. Something is out there.” said Kiryu.

    “Nothing is out there.” burnitup said taking about ten steps into the desert before turning around to look at them. “See there is nothing wro-” said burnitup before three knives came out of the sand and hit him in the right arm causing him to fall over.

    “Burnitup!” FireNanaki yelled. Then there was a lot of laughing and then a man jumped out of the sand and pulled the knives out of burnitup’s arm. The man was wearing a camouflage that was the same color as the sand he was also armed with 29 throwing knives. Everyone pointed there weapons at him. “Who are you?” Fate asked.

    The man did a back flip and laughed. “I am Whiplash, behold my magnificence!” Whiplash said. Whiplash then jump back into the sand.

    “Where’d he go?” Jade asked. Everyone walked into the desert over to burnitup. Whiplash jumped out of the sand from behind them and threw six knives. They jumped out of the way. “Thou shall be slain! My apologies.” Whiplash said before diving in the sand. And the knives he had thrown had sunk into the sand.

    “He is fast.” Fate said. Whiplash then jumped out of the sand, but everyone fired there guns at him causing him to fall to the ground. “Good! Good!” Whiplash yelled before getting back up and diving into the sand laughing.

    “This guy is starting to creep me out.” Catch the Rain said. Whiplash jumped out of the sand behind Catch the Rain and grabbed her and through her to the ground and jumped back into the sand.

    “Hmm, where is he?” Kiryu said. Whiplash jump out the sand again, Kiryu shot him six times.

    “I felt that.” Whiplash said before jumping into the sand.

    Burnitup fired at the ground aimlessly, and then Whiplash jumped out of the ground and was shot over and over again.

    “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! That hurt!” Whiplash said before diving into the sand.

    “Well at least he is hurt.” Fate said. Everyone then aimed there weapons at the ground and fired aimlessly.

    For about three hours the battle went on neither side quieting.

    Whiplash jumped out of the sand and was shot multiple times he then walked over to a big rock and fell on the rock.

    “Just as the boss said…It is my existence which is no longer needed in this world. But my body will not remain in this place.” Whiplash said.

    Whiplash looked at everyone. “My spirit and my flesh will become one with the sand. In that way, I will return to Mother Earth who made me.” Whiplash said.

    “I will be watching you….Understand?” He said again.

    “Why did you attack us?” Catch the Rain asked.

    “You’re fighters, which were not created by Nature. You all and the boss…You’re from another world…a world I do not wise to know…Go now…” Whiplash said.

    Everyone was silent. “I will be watching you all.” Whiplash said.

    “But why go to so much trouble to take a military base?” Kiryu asked.

    “I’m not revealing any more information…You must solve the rest of the riddle yourself.” Whiplash said. Whiplash then fell to the ground dead; his body then sank into the sand and disappeared.

    Everyone then started walking over to the mountains on the other side of the desert. It was a long why but it’s the only way to go.

    ~two hours later~

    Everyone had reached the mountains they started walking up them it would be a long walk.

    “How long do you think it will take us to get to the other side?” Jade said.

    “I don’t know.” Kiryu said. Everyone remained walking.

    Chapter 8 – The Cliffs Have Eyes

    Walking along the long path that was in the mountains there seem to be no end. Everyone was bored and tired.

    “Are we there yet?” asked burnitup.

    “We get there when we get there.” said Jade.

    It has been along walk from the bottom of the mountains to where they are now. They stopped at a cliff covered area in the mountains in the distance they can see a tower, the tower is so huge it actually goes in to space it’s self.

    “Wow. That’s huge.” FireNanaki said.

    “Yeah.” Kiryu said. Then kikame ran in front of the group and said, “Come on!” She started running but a gun shot went off and she fell to the ground yelling in pain, her shooter could not be seen. The shooter was at one of the cliffs; the shooter was wearing a black suit and was armed with a Mosin-Nagant rifle customized with a sniper rifle scope.

    “Do you hear me? Do you see me?” said the man.

    Everyone looked around wondering where he is. “I am Snipe. Don’t get in…my way!” Snipe yelled firing another shot at kikame’s leg making her scream more.

    “Where are you?!” yelled kevz2kool.

    “Shut up…I don’t have time to play around.” Snipe said shooting kikame in the arm.

    “Why are you doing this? You don’t have to do this.” Kiryu said. There was a long pause there was no sound.

    “I must finish my duty…” Snip said before shooting at Kiryu but missed. Kiryu, Catch the Rain, and burnitup grabbed a sniper rifle, and then they started looking for Snip with them. “We don’t have to fight.” Kevz2kool said.

    “You could…never understand! It doesn’t matter…whether I am saved.” Snipe said before firing his weapon but missed his targets.

    “Fine have it your way.” Catch the Rain said before firing her gun at Snipe. Catch the Rain’s gun hit Snipe in the arm. Snipe grabbed his arm and said, “My life…is not for your taking!” Snipe yelled, he then aimed his gun. “I will decide…when and how I die. I’ve made up my mind. I will finish this.” Snipe said returning fire.

    “I can not die…without fulfilling my duty.” Snipe said. Snipe looked up into the sky and said, “Father…I won’t give up. I won’t fail…Even if I have to sacrifice my life!”

    “We can help you Snipe.” FireNanaki said.

    “I do not desire…a false salvation.” Snipe said before shooting at FireNanaki, the shot missed FireNanaki. Everyone then fired at Snipe most of the shots hit him but most missed him because he was to far away.

    “I cannot cleanse myself of this sin. Will I ever…be saved?” Snipe said shooting at his attackers.

    Time goes by, there seemed to be no end to the fighting or the shooting.

    Soon Snipe was hit by a shot that made him fall backwards. Rat and Spitfire grabbed kikame and dug out some of the bullets in her, and then everyone then started to look for Snipe thinking he was dead. They soon found him leaning on a rock holding his weapon.

    Everyone aimed there weapons at him, Snipe then got up and dropped his gun. “I surrender.” Snipe said calmly.

    “Really?” Rat asked. “Yes. I wanted a sniper dual. Close up combat is not that. So what are you going to do? Kill me?” Snipe said.

    “We are not going to kill you.” FireNanaki said.

    Snipe said nothing. “What are you going to do now?” Kiryu asked.

    “My life is yours…but give me some time.” Snipe said.

    “Is kikame going to be okay?” Kevz2kool asked.

    “I avoided her vitals…she’ll live.” Snipe said.

    “Can we ask you a few questions?” FireNanaki asked. Snipe picked up his gun and walked past them saying, “I’m sorry…But I’m in a hurry.”

    Everyone looked at each other. “I will how ever help you to the base.” Snipe said.

    “Umm, thank you.” Kiryu said.

    Everyone then started following Snipe.

    ~30 minutes later~

    Everyone was now at the back gate of the enemy base. Snipe looked at them and said, “Here is where we must part ways. Until we meet again.”

    Snipe started to walk off when Rat said, “Hey Snipe, if the battle we had was still going on, do you think we would have won?”

    Snipe was silent for awhile before saying, “You could never beat me.”

    Snipe then walked off, and everyone looked at the gate. Kiryu walked up to it and unlocked it with the key Snipe gave him. They then walked into the enemy base.

    Chapter 9 – The Misguided Angel of Death

    Everyone was walking through the enemy base, try to avoid being seen. They stopped at a one of the warehouse in the area and look over a corner to see a man in a black rain coat and walking past a few KIGA soldiers. “There near by, don’t leave your post.” The man said to the soldiers.

    “Who is that guy?” Jade said.

    “I don’t, he doesn’t look like he is from KH-Vids though.” Kiryu said.

    “We should get moving guys.” said Catch the Rain. Everyone then started walk around the area more but due to kikame being injured they were slowed down.

    ~20 minutes later~

    Everyone soon got to an area at the enemy base where then was no guards.

    “I don’t understand. Where are all of the guards?” FireNanaki said.

    “I don’t know.” Burnitup said. Then the sounds of an AK-47 went off the bullets hit right in front of there feet, none of the shots hit though. Everyone looked around and saw what looked like an AK-47 floating in the air.

    “Is that AK-47 floating in the air?” asked Fate. Then some static electricity was moving around the gun then a woman appeared holding the gun.

    “Stealth camouflage, huh?” Kiryu said. The woman smiled at them, she was wearing a red t-shirt and a miniskirt, and she also appeared to be at least 16 years old.

    Everyone pointed there weapons at her. “Who the hell are you?” Jade asked.

    “I could ask you the same thing, only I’d be more polite.” The woman said.

    “Well, who are you?” FireNanaki said. The woman smiled and said, “I am Khameleon.”

    “Why are you called that?” Jade asked. Khameleon looked at her strangely. “You’re such an idiot…And what’s with those outfits?” Khameleon said.

    “I could ask you the same thing.” Rat said.

    “I look cute, huh? Do you like it? Hehe.” Khameleon asked.

    “No you’re annoying.” Burnitup said.

    “That’s not a nice thing to say.” Khameleon said.

    “Can you move? You’re in our way.” Kiryu said. Khameleon aimed her gun at them.

    “Chit chat time is over! Let’s go!” Khameleon yelled and then she started firing her weapon at them.

    Everyone started to fire there weapons, Khameleon hid behind a warehouse and fired at them.

    “Keep firing!” Spitfire yelled. Everyone kept firing at her none of there shots hit her nor did any of hers hit them.

    “Why is she so hard to hit?” Catch the Rain said.

    Then when Khameleon came out from behind the warehouse some one shot her gun out of her hands and she also fell backwards. Everyone walked up to her and aimed there guns at her.

    “Please don’t hurt me.” Khameleon begged.

    “Why? You were the one that attacked us.” Catch the Rain said.

    “I was just following orders.” said Khameleon.

    “Why are you here? You’re only like 16 years old.” Kiryu said.

    “Don’t treat me like I’m a child!” Khameleon yelled.

    “We aren’t.” Rat said.

    “Oh. Sorry.” Khameleon said. Khameleon handed them something. “Here is the key to the tower. Once you get in side go to the top floor to deactivate it. Got it?” She said.

    “Why are you helping us?” Kiryu said.

    “I felt kinda bad a bad about attacking you guys. I’m sorry…” Khameleon said.

    “Oh, I see. We your free to go.” Rat said.

    “Thank you. Khameleon said getting up and picking up her gun and walked away.

    “I won’t forget this fight anytime soon.” Khameleon said.

    Everyone looked at each other, then at Khameleon, but she was gone.

    “Now what do we do?” Rat said.

    “We go finish our mission.” Jade said. Every then started to walk away no sure where to go, and also trying to avoid being seen by KIGA soldiers.

    Chapter 10 – Kraze

    Everyone was walking in between the warehouse of the enemy base trying not to be seen, it might be hard because at least a few of the enemy soldiers heard the little battle that everyone and Khameleon had a few minutes ago.

    “Do you know where we’re going?” Rat said to Kiryu.

    “No clue what so ever.” Kiryu said. Then everyone stopped walking in the distance they saw six KIGA soldiers coming there way.

    “What do we do?” FireNanaki asked.

    “In here.” Kevz2kool said opening a door to the inside of a warehouse. Everyone went inside the warehouse, and then Kez2kool closed the door behind them.

    “So what do we do now?” Rat said.

    “We wait till the KIGA soldiers leave.” Jade said.

    “Umm, guys?” kikame said nervously.

    “What is it kikame?” kevz2kool said. Everyone slowly moved there heads upward, what they saw standing at least forty feet was a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a metal lower jaw, tail, right leg, and left arm with a chainsaw for a hand on the left arm. It also had multiple lizard skins where there weren’t metal and machine parts; most of the skin they everyone could figure out, there were anaconda skin, rattlesnake skin, king cobra skin, crocodile skin, and there was also iguanas, bearded dragon, leopard geckos, and monitor lizards skins.

    “What is that thing?” asked burnitup.

    “It’s Project Kraze.” Fate said.

    “How do you know what it’s called?” Jade said.

    “It’s painted on the wall over there.” Fate said pointing to a wall that said “Project Kraze”.

    “How come we didn’t notice that?” Catch the Rain asked. Fate picked up a file that was on a table in the warehouse. “It says in this file that Kraze was made to destroy tanks, helicopters, boats, and jets. They took the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and used machines to replace the parts of the body that were missing.” Fate said.

    “Wow. Why is it in use?” Jade said.

    “Problems came up, so they never used it.” Fate said. Rat walked over to a red button on the wall and pushed it. Kraze then started to move. Kraze then looked at them and roared.

    “Run!” Fate yelled running out of the warehouse, everyone then followed him. Kiryu was the last to get out of the ware house, Kraze burst through the wall of the warehouse cutting Kiryu off from everyone else. Kraze looked at Kiryu and roared. Kiryu ran from it, but Kraze then started chasing after him ignoring everyone else. Everyone then started to run after Kraze and Kiryu to help Kiryu.

    Kiryu was running as fast as he can with Kraze right behind him. Kiryu then went in between to warehouses, Kraze then tried to bite Kiryu but Kraze’s head hit the walls of the ware houses and then started to ram the walls to get Kiryu. Then three KIGA soldier ran into the area. “What is that thing?!” one of the KIGA soldiers said. The KIGA soldier then started to firer there AK-47; Kraze stopped ramming the walls of the warehouses and turned to the KIGA soldiers. Kraze opened his mouth and a rush of powerful flames came rushing out of Kraze’s mouth killing the KIGA soldiers. Kraze walked over to the bodies of the soldiers and started to eat them. While Kraze was distracted Kiryu ran away. Kraze finished eating the bodies and went back to the warehouses; Kraze didn’t see Kiryu and roared.

    Kiryu bumped into the rest of the group and was breathing heavily. “Kiryu are you okay?” FireNanaki asked.

    “We need to go. Now!!!” Kiryu said. Everyone then started to run to where the tower was. While running then heard Kraze’s roar, guns being fired, and screams.

    “Will that thing ever die?” Rat asked still running. There was more screaming. Kraze was killing and eating everything.

    Everyone had gotten to the tower, there were no guards.

    “I don’t get it. Where are all the guards?” Jade said.

    “Kraze must have eaten them all or they went to fight him.” Kiryu said.

    Kraze’s roar, the screaming, and the sound of guns being fired was coming closer to them.

    “Okay, let’s get inside.” Kiryu said pulling out the key Khameleon gave them and open the door to the tower. They walked in and closed and locked the door to the tower.

    Everyone looked around the room they were in.

    “Wow. They spent a lot of time making this place.” Kikame said.

    Everyone started walking down the hall looking around the area. They walked around the area for along time trying to find away to the upper floors. They soon found the elevator.

    “Well, let’s get going.” Kiryu said walking toward the elevator.

    Chapter 11 – A Requiem for the Post-War dream

    Everyone walked into the elevator; they saw three buttons one to the first floor (the one they are on now.), the second floor, and the third floor. The elevator then started to move it moved kind of slow, they then got to the third floor in the room there were 12 KIGA soldiers. The soldier aimed their guns at everyone. Rat started to laugh and everyone looked at him weird. “What’s so funny?” Jade asked. Rat remained laughing and pointed at the window behind the soldiers, the soldiers turned around to see what he was pointing at; Kraze was on the other side of the window, Kraze’s head burst through the window and bite a KIGA soldier. The soldier screamed in pain was the other soldiers started shooting Kraze. While the soldiers were distracted everyone ran to the other elevator in the room. Again there were only three floor buttons. They clicked button to the fifth floor.

    “How long do you think it will take us to get to the top floor?” burnitup asked.

    “Who knows?” Kiryu said. The elevator door opened up, 12 more KIGA soldiers. “This might take awhile.” Jade said.

    ~30 minutes later at the 20th floor~

    The Elevator opened and everyone walked into the room, no one was in it. “Where is everyone?” FireNanaki said.

    “I don’t know.” Kiryu said. Everyone looked around they saw a dark corner. They walked near it; they saw six KIGA soldiers’ bodies stacked on each other.

    “What do you think of the pile?” a woman’s voice in the room said. Everyone looked around then some static electricity appeared out of nowhere and a woman appeared. It was Khameleon.

    “Hey Khameleon, how did you get in here?” asked Kiryu.

    “Back door.” she said.

    “There’s a back door to this place?” burnitup asked.

    “Yes.” Khameleon said.

    “Oh, okay.” Jade said.

    “Come on. Snipe is waiting for us at the 50th floor.” Khameleon said.

    “Okay.” Kiryu said. Everyone started walking to the elevator.

    ~30 minutes later at the 50th floor~

    Everyone came out of the elevator across the room was Snipe sitting in a chair.

    “Hey Snipe!” Rat said cheerfully. Snipe got up and walked over to an elevator.

    “Come. We must go.” Snipe said. Everyone followed him into the elevator.

    ~19 minutes at the top floor~

    The elevator open and everyone walked out and down the hall, they stopped at an open door way. Kiryu looked past the corner and saw a man in a black rain coat and Alice. Kiryu went back behind the corner and can hear them talking.

    “Okay. I’ve entered the PAL codes and disengaged the safety device. We can launch anytime.” Alice said.

    “There’s still no response from KH-Vids. It looks like we’ll have to show them that we mean business.” The man said.

    “Should I set it for Kingdom Hearts Insider, Russia?” Alice asked.

    “No, there’s been a change. The new target is…Forever Fantasy, China.” The man said.

    “Why Burnitdown?” Alice asked the man whose name is infact Burnitdown.

    “I’m sure neither you nor Mr. Obsidius would really like to see a nuclear bomb dropped on your Motherland, right?” Burnitdown said.

    “Burnitdown?” FireNanaki said quietly so they would hear them.

    “But why? There’s nothing there.” Alice said.

    “Wrong. It’s a nuclear test site.” Burnitdown said.

    “If we nuke a major population center, the game’s over…But a nuclear explosion at a test site can still be concealed from the public. Meanwhile Washington will be worried about a retaliatory strike from China.” said Burnitdown.

    “That will probably mean top secret talks between both countries’ leaders…” Alice said.

    “Of course. And in the process, the President will be forced to divulge the existence of a new and highly destabilizing nuclear weapon to the Chinese. What do you think that will do to KH-Vids’ reputation? Or the President’s?” Burnitdown said.

    “And with the CTBT, that means that China and India…I see…” Alice said.

    “Yes. When the other countries hear about this new weapon, they’ll all want to contact us. Washington won’t be very happy when we start selling their own system to the highest bidders. Yes. The President will break. He’ll give into our demands.” said Burnitdown.

    “Deathspank’s DNA and one billion dollars…” Alice said.

    “One billion dollars?” Kiryu said quietly.

    “That money will be used to cure our genome soldiers as well. I’m also including the Genome effect vaccine in our demands.” Burnitdown said.

    “Genome effect…It killed Decoy and the Arms dealer…So it’s true that it affects older people first. Stealth might not have been affected because he wore a mask.” said Alice.

    “Khameleon wasn’t infected either. Perhaps due to those naps she always took.” Burnitdown said.

    “Something to do with the level of the blood? Or maybe just because this Genome effect was still experimental and they haven’t worked out all the bugs.” Alice said.

    “In any case, have you heard from your friend, Colonel Obsidius at the Spetznaz?” asked Burnitdown.

    “He still has doubts about the ability of the Tower. He said we can talk after the Tower’s test launch is successful.” Alice said.

    “Hmm, He is a very prudent man.” said Burnitdown sounding a bit annoyed.

    “There’s nothing to worry about. The Colonel wants the Tower and a new nuclear weapon so bad he can taste it. If Russia wants to regain its position as a military superpower, they need to reinforce their nuclear arsenal. They need a nuclear weapon that can’t be intercepted. The Tower will allow them to gain first strike capability over the rest of the world.” Alice said proudly.

    “Their regular army is in shambles and they think they can restore their country’s military power with nuclear weapons? Obsidius…he’s no warrior…he is a politician.” Burnitdown said more annoyed.

    “But he’s the one that gave us the Stealth Bomber jets and most of our other heavy firepower.” Alice said pointing that out.

    “He’s got over a thousand soldiers under his command. If we join forces we could put up quite a resistance here. Since Decoy died, the KIGA soldiers’ brainwashing has started to wear off. I’m worried about the men’s morale. An alliance with the Russians would boost that as well…” Burnitdown said.

    “What are you saying?” asked Alice.

    “We’re not going anywhere. We’re going to dig in here.” Burnitdown said.

    “We could still escape…” Alice said.

    “We’ve got the most powerful weapon ever made and we’re about to ally with Obsidius’ forces.” Burnitdown said.

    “Are you going to fight the whole world?” Alice asked.

    “And what’s wrong with that? We can launch a nuclear warhead at any target on this planet…A nuclear warhead invisible to radar. And on top of that, this base is full of spare nuclear warheads. Once we get the DNA and the money, the world will be ours!” Burnitdown said very proudly.

    “What about your promise to Colonel Obsidius?” Alice asked.

    “I have no interest in the revival of Mother Russia.” Burnitdown said.

    “…You’re not thinking of reviving your Father’s dream?” Alice asked.

    “From today…call this place ‘Army Heaven’.” Burnitdown said.

    “But boss…you’re not worried about the PAL being overridden? If the code is entered again, it will be deactivated.” Alice said.

    “No need to worry the workers are all dead. Now let’s get things ready for the test launch.” Burnitdown said. Then Burnitdown and Alice walked into the next room. Then Kiryu and everyone else walked into the room Burnitdown and Alice were just in.

    Chapter 12 – Clash with Evil (part 1)

    Everyone looked around the room and saw the control panel for the tower, it was big.

    “You guys deal with Burnitdown. Me and Snipe will try to shut down the tower. Khameleon said. Everyone looked at Khameleon and Snipe and walked into the room Burnitdown went in. They saw Burnitdown, he was looking out a window; looking at the earth below.

    “Freeze!” Kiryu said as everyone aimed there weapons at him. Burnitdown turned around to face them.

    “You’re here at last. Oh, you’d point a weapon at a fellow soldier?” Burnitdown said.

    “Why are you trying to destroy KH-Vids?” Fate asked.

    “So I could manipulate Alice more easily. She preformed quite well, I must say.” said Burnitdown. Everyone looked at him with a mad look.

    “Although the boys at the KH-Vids’ staff, are probably saying the same thing about you…” Burnitdown said.

    “What the hell are you talking about?!” asked Burnitup.

    “Following orders blindly with no questions asked. You’ve all lost your warrior’s pride and become nothing more then a pawn.” Burnitdown said.

    “What?” said FireNanaki.

    “Stopping the nuclear launch, rescuing the KIGA soldiers…It was all just a diversion.” Burnitdown said.

    “A diversion?” Kiryu said.

    “Deathspank only need you people to come into contact with us. That’s what killed the KIGA soldiers.” Burnitdown said walking to a corner of the room.

    “You don’t mean…” Catch the Rain said.

    “That’s right. You were sent here to kill us so they could retrieve the tower undamaged, along with bodies of the KIGA soldiers. From the beginning, the staff was just using you as assassins!” Burnitdown said pointing at the group.

    “Assassins...It can’t be! Are you saying that the staff was working for the Octagon?” Fate asked.

    “They thought they were. But it seems that Deathspank and his staff couldn’t be controlled so easily.” Burnitdown said with a bored look.

    “What?” Zott said.

    “We have a spy working at the Octagon. He reported that Sara altered the Genome project’s program just before this operation. But…no one knows how or why.” Burnitdown said.

    “I wonder…Maybe they’ll arrest her so they can fine out the answer to that.” Kiryu said.

    “No doubt. But I had no idea she was motivated by such petty revenge. We still don’t know what changes she made to the Genome project’s program.” Burnitdown said. Then Khameleon and Snipe ran into the room. “Guys we deactivated the tower.” Khameleon said.

    “Well Burnitdown, it looks like your revolution is a failure.” Kiryu said.

    “Just because you deactivate the tower doesn’t I’m done fighting.” Burnitdown said.

    “Fighting? What are you really after?” Kiryu asked.

    “The restoration of the era when warriors such as us lived as we should. That is my father’s dying wise! When my father was young, during the Cold War, the world needed people like us. We were valued. We were desired. But things are different now. With all the liars and Democrats running the world, war isn’t like it used to be…We’re losing our place in a world that no longer needs us…A world that spurns our very existence. You should that as well as I do. After I launch this new weapon and get our billion dollars, we’ll be able to bring chaos and honor back to this world gone soft. Conflict shall breed conflict, new hatreds shall arise, and our own new world shall steadily expand.” Burnitdown said.

    “But as long as there are people, there will always be war.” Fate said.

    “But the problem is balance. My father knew what type of balance was best…” Burnitdown said walking to the window.

    “Is that the only reason?” Jade asked.

    “Isn’t that reason enough? For warriors such as us.” Burnitdown said.

    “We don’t want that kind of world!” Jade yelled.

    “Ha! You lie! So why are you here, then? Why do you continue to follow your orders while your superiors betray you? Why did you come? Well, I’ll tell you, then.” Burnitdown said taking a few steps closer to them and said, “You enjoy all the killing, that’s why.”

    “What!” Kiryu said.

    “Are you denying it? Haven’t you already killed most of my comrades?” Burnitdown asked stepping way from them.

    “That was…” FireNanaki said but didn’t finish her sentence.

    “I…I watched your face as you delivered the coup de grace…Oh, it reflected such vitality…” Burnitdown said.

    “You’re wrong!” Catch the Rain yelled.

    Chapter 13 – Clash with Evil (part 2)

    “There is a killer inside of you all…You don’t have to deny it. We were created that way.” Burnitdown said.

    “Created?” Kikame said.

    “The Terrible Children. That’s what the Genome Project was called. It started in the 2000’s. Their plan was to create the most powerful soldiers possible. The person they chose to as the model was the man known then as the greatest living soldier in the world.” Burnitdown said.

    “Deathspank…” FireNanaki said.

    “But…Deathspank was wounded in combat and already in a coma when they brought him in. So they took some blood for DNA.” Burnitdown said. Everyone looked at each other.

    “But there’s more.” Burnitdown said.

    “What?” Kiryu said.

    “The KIGA soldiers. They too are his DNA holders, carrying on his legacy. But like me, they carry it digitally. With the completion of the Human Genome Project in the last century, the mysteries of humanity were laid bare. Thanks to Deathspank’s DNA, they were able to identify more then sixty “soldier genes” responsible for everything from strategic thinking to the proverbial “killer instinct”. Those “soldier genes” were transplanted using gene therapy, into the members of the Next-Generation Special Forces. That’s how they became the KIGA soldiers. That’s right. The genome soldiers you’ve all been killing left and right are my brothers with the same genes as me.” Burnitdown said.

    “The KIGA soldiers?!” Kikame said.

    “They are misshapen creatures; artificially produce from Deathspank’s genetic pattern. They are my blood brothers. And they were born of many and ultimate sacrifices.” Burnitdown said walking around the room.

    “Sacrifices?” Kiryu asked.

    “Human experiments. 1991…the Gulf War. The military secretly injected soldiers with soldier genes. The Gulf War Syndrome that hundreds of returning solders complained about was a side effect of it.” Burnitdown said.

    “Ha! Everyone knows that that the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by exposure to pesticides and radiation from depleted uranium rounds.” Kiryu said. Burnitdown laughed at him and said, “That was just a cover story issued by the Octagon. First they try to say it was post-traumatic stress disorder, and then chemical or biological weapons…The poison gas detection units and anti-sarin injections, they were all just a cover up the secret genetic experiments…” Burnitdown said.

    “So then…the so-called Gulf War babies that had been reported by Gulf War veterans are…” Kiryu said but stopped.

    “Yes. They too, are my brothers and sisters.” Burnitdown said.

    “I’ve had enough of this!” Snipe yelled firing of his sniper rifle. Burnitdown pulled out a katana and sliced the bullet in half. Then Snipe ran up to Burnitdown to try to hit him with his gun but the gun was knocked out of his hands and was thrown over to and in front of Kiryu. Then Snipe was thrown into a wall and Burnitdown then stabbed Snipe in the heart with his katana.

    “Snipe. You will pay…for what you’ve done! You will never run away from your sin! You have no right to live! It is a sin for you to be alive!” Burnitdown said. Snipe looked at everyone.

    “I’ve never liked the idea of taking a life. Fighting was the only thing I was good at. Everyone...farewell…” Snipe said.

    “Snipe!!!” everyone yelled. Snipe turned his head dead and Burnitdown removed his blade letting Snipe’s body fall to the ground.

    “Foolish man. When death isn’t entreated, the battle is decided!” Burnitdown yelled and turn to everyone and said, “You see? You can’t protect anyone!!! Not even yourselves!” Burnitdown said. Kiryu looked down and picked up Snipe’s gun. Every looked at Burnitdown and aimed there guns at him. Burnitdown laughed.

    “Very well. I will gladly kill you.” Burnitdown said readying his weapon. Everyone started firing there weapons at Burnitdown; he sliced every one of those bullets. Then soon enough Burnitdown’s sword broke and was shot repeatedly.

    “Damn!” Burnitdown yelled falling to the ground.

    “How…did this…happen…” said Burnidown said right before dying. Kiryu walked over to Snipe’s body and put Snipe’s sniper rifle next to him and walked away.

    “Let’s go.” Kiryu said. Everyone followed Kiryu but Khameleon walked over to Snipe’s body and fell to her knees.

    “Khameleon are you coming?” FireNanaki asked.

    “No. Go on I’ll stay here…” Khameleon said sounding depressed. Everyone went to the elevator and could hear Khameleon cry. Everyone walked into the elevator and went down.

    Chapter 14 – End of Conflict

    ~First floor~

    Everyone walked out of the elevator trying not to remember what happen. They walked out of the tower and heard nothing, it was quiet, no one around, it was like it was abandon.

    “Where is everyone?” Fate asked. Everyone looked around and saw a truck, they walked over to it. The keys were left in the truck, Kiryu got in the driver seat and everyone else got in the back of the truck. Kiryu turned the truck on. Then everyone heard loud footsteps, and then Kraze walked from out of a corner of a warehouse, Kraze had a body of a KIGA soldier in its mouth. Everyone looked at Kraze and the body fell out of Kraze’s mouth. The lower part of the KIGA soldier’s body was gone. Kraze roared loudly at everyone.

    “Kiryu…get us the hell out of here!” DoomDen yelled, Kiryu put his foot to the pedal and speed off. Kraze roared and started chasing after them. Everyone was shooting Kraze this did not slow Kraze down. Kraze opened his mouth and flames came shooting out, Kiryu made a sharp turn just missing the flames.

    “That was close.” said Burnitup. Kraze then jumped on top of a warehouse and jumped off it and nearly landed on the truck.

    “Damn dude!” Rat yelled. Kraze roared and started running after the truck again. Kraze was catching up with the truck and tried to bite Catch the Rain, kikame, and Fate.

    “This thing is making me mad.” Catch the Rain said. Everyone fired there guns at Kraze. Kraze roared loudly. The truck came to a runway and started to faster, Kraze roared again.

    “We need to get rid of this thing.” FireNanaki said.

    “Understood.” said Burnitup as he pulled out a grenade and took out the pin. Kraze roared and Burnitup threw the grenade into Kraze’s mouth. Kraze swallowed the grenade and roared again.

    “How long does it take for a grenade to explode?” kikame asked.

    “About 10 seconds.” Catch the Rain said. Kraze roared but then the grenade exploded blowing up his stomach and chest. Kraze’s weak spine then snapped in half and the upper and lower parts of Kraze’s body fell to the ground five feet away from each other. Kraze had a faint roar. But then Kraze stopped moving completely.

    Everyone looked at Kraze while still moving. “Why don’t we have one of those?” asked Rat. Everyone looked at him oddly.

    ~the next day at an office in KH-Vids~

    Everyone walked into an office and saw Deathspank sitting his desk.

    “You got to thank Khameleon for me guys, she did a lot for your mission.” Deathspank said.

    “Yes. But I believe she is not in KH-Vids at the moment.” Kevz2kool said.

    “Well let’s hope she’s okay.” Deathspank said. He got out of his seat and said, “The world owes you a debt it could never repay. But…with the danger passed your group must be disbanded.”

    “You’re a punk Deathspank.” Fate said before walking off, everyone followed him.

    “Listen guy…I don’t care like me, but if threats like this comes up again can KH-Vids count on your help?” Deathspank said. Everyone continue walking and Kiryu stopped walking and turned around and said, “The world can count on us, sir.” Kiryu then looked at Deathspank for awhile and turned around and walked off.

    ~meanwhile at a hill overlooking KH-Vids~

    A woman was walking up a hill; at the top of the hill was a tree and a gravestone. The woman stopped at the gravestone and put flowers next to the grave, the woman was Khameleon. The gravestone said, “Here lays Snipe”. A tear ran down Khameleon’s face.

    “Why did you have to go…?” Khameleon said sadly. She fell to her knees and started to cry.

    Thread by: burnitup, Sep 1, 2007, 116 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. burnitup

    I'm a magical piñata...
    Thread by: burnitup, Aug 16, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. burnitup


    Sparta? What?
    Thread by: burnitup, Jul 9, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. burnitup
    .....Don't eat my cows! And the moral of the story is there's no place like home.
    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 18, 2007, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. burnitup
    Happy birthday to myself and everyone who's birthday is today. :D Yay!!
    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 8, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. burnitup

    Story line.......

    In The World That Never Was, Organization XIII was preparing for there next misson. There mission is to go to a ocean world and capture dead or alive two creture called The Kraken and The Leviathan. They even got a ship for the mission. When they got to the world Xemnas ordered Zexion to cast a spell to awaken the two monster from there sleep. Zexion casted the spell and the two monsters had awaken...

    Story line ends.......

    Organization XIII's ship

    Ship's name: The Ship That Never Was
    Captain of the ship: Xemnas
    Weapons: 48 cannons
    Ship type: Galleon

    Organization XIII

    User: Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress
    Rank: I
    Weapon: Aerial Blades
    Element: Nothingness

    Rank: II
    Weapon: Gun Arrows
    Element: Space

    Rank: III
    Weapon: lances
    Element: Wind

    Rank: IV
    Weapon: shield
    Element: Ice

    Rank: V
    Weapon: tomahawk
    Element: earth

    User: Ienzo
    Rank: VI
    Weapon: lexicon aka a book
    Element: illusion

    Rank: VII
    Weapon: claymore
    Element: moon

    Rank: VIII
    Weapon: chakram
    Element: fire

    User: Rikus#1fangirl
    Rank: IX
    Weapon: sitar
    Element: water

    Rank: X
    Weapon: cards
    Element: time

    User: FireNanaki
    Rank: XI
    Weapon: scythe
    Element: flowers

    User: naminestwinsister
    Rank: XII
    Weapon: kunai
    Element: thunder

    User: Kingdom-Fan98
    Rank: XIII
    Weapon: Oblivion and Oathkeeper keyblades
    Element: light

    The Kraken

    User: burnitup (me)
    The Kraken
    Gender: Unknown
    Eye Color: Brown
    Weapons: Giant Tentacles, Mouth, Teeth, and Stench
    Size: 200 feet long, 45 feet wide
    Appearance: Squid like in appearance.

    The Leviathan

    User: namine_of_kh2
    The Leviathan
    Gender: Unknown (most likely male.)
    Eye Color: Red
    Weapons: Mouth, Teeth, and Fire.
    Size: 210 feet long, 39 feet wide.
    Appearance: Snake like body with fins like a fish.


    No spamming
    No god modding
    No bad images
    Keep it clean please
    And that is all.
    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 3, 2007, 54 replies, in forum: Retirement Home