I was searching on the internet about Spore and I found this "review". And it is so ignorant that it almost makes me give Jack Thompson some credit for putting up an arguement....a flawed arguement but an arguement non the less. And now I will show you the "review". Now he had other reviews of games like Halo, Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, etc.; but I just want to talk about the Spore review for now. I don't want to start an arguement, I just want to know people thoughts on the subject matter. I will post the link if anyone wants to see. WARNING: The following is writin' by a Christian Extremest who claims he reviews games. [QUOTE="review" of Spore]People have been emailing me about this game, but I have not looked into it enough yet to give it a proper review like the ones below. It's apparently designed to teach children (it's rated "E") to believe in Darwinism by having them "evolve" a spore into a race of UFO pilots who take over the galaxy (this is totally unrealistic, so it's an accurate simulation of Darwinism). Some Christians (and oddly militant Atheists) are claiming that it actually promotes Intelligent Design because it lets you design what your organism will look like (if this is the case, then it is promoting the blasphemy of Raëlism, not Biblical ID), but apparently that design part was just slapped on top of the evolutionism teachings and most players are only using it to design obscenities (I won't go into details, but suffice to say the word "sporn" has been coined). I will make a more thorough report later, but for now serious researchers can read more details on the Anti Spore blog. (Be warned that they show screenshots that are not wholesome... I had to use Pastor Skeet's unfiltered research computer just to access them. Don't worry though, if you're using Covenant Eyes you'll be safe.) UPDATE (9.13): Don't go to that anti-Spore site! It's actually a "satirical" viral ad from Electronic Arts that mocks Christians in order to drive up sales of Spore among angry Darwinists. Will Right, the guy who made Spore, is a professed Atheist, so he likes to deceive people with so-called "satire" (which is really just an elitist way of saying "lies"... did you know that the word "satire" is really a combination of the words "Satan" and "ire"? It's true, I read it somewhere.) "Satire" like that is only designed to enrage people and confuse the issues, like how in the TV ads for Spore they promote it by asking "Do you believe in Creavolutionism?", which totally confuses people about proper creation science by making them think it's somehow compatible with Evolutionism. Also, I've been hearing that Spore puts some sort of monitoring/tracking software called DRM on your computer. I think this might be one of the Marks of the Beast, but I'll have to ask Pastor Dr. Miller to be sure. This DRM obviously isn't placed on your right hand or forehead like in Rev. 13:16 (yet... implanted RFID chips may soon be required in people and they will probably have DRM on them) but read the rest of the quote from Rev. 13:17... "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." From my understanding, DRM uses a number (the cryptographic key) that is essentially the numerical name of the DRM maker, and unless you install the DRM on your computer you can't buy stuff, and people making games are forced to use DRM in order to sell them! So even though Spore's rated "E" and allowed on campus I won't be installing it on my computer to review (I don't want my computer marked by the beast!). Given all these issues with Darwinism, deceptive marketing, and possible beast marking, I am giving Spore ZERO CROSSES.[/QUOTE] Okay, where do I begin? First I'd like to say, I'm a christian and I bought and played this game and I really, REALLY don't see what he is moaning about. And he clearly has no idea what he is talking about, I am mean after reading this: "So even though Spore's rated "E" and allowed on campus I won't be installing it on my computer to review (I don't want my computer marked by the beast!)." You just know this guy is full of crap. Besides, isn't God almighty and powerful, he created the universe; if he didn't want this game to be made he could have no had it made. So why is it here? This means one of two things: God doesn't exist or God has more important things to worry about then a video game. Now again, I am not trying to start an arguement. And plus, Creatures can have religions (Religion in a game? Stop the presses.) And some Atheists have complained about religion being in the game, but does it really matter? Bottom line, its a game, I am not a Satanist or an Atheist for playing it nor is anyone for that matter.
Organization Misfits IV We are The Organization Misfits. We look out for each other, and band together in peace. So, NOBODY mess with us, or any of our friends. Okay so the threads with over 10 000 posts where part of the Database Errors so we got to make a new thread ATTENTION: New rule for joining members: Since in the past we have had problems with spammers and in general just people of the nasty sort, we have decided that anyone who wants to join must stick around and just chat for a day(not the entire day if you don't have the time, just enough so we get to know you). Then the family will decide if you're in or out. We're going to be pretty easy on this; it'll be hard not to get in unless you're a really awful person or just actually trying to get thrown out. This won't affect the members who are already joined, just anyone wanting to join. But really, unless you don't pass this simple test it won't really affect you, the joining member. Motto: Together We Misfit. Thanks Higher! Family banner: (banner in repair) ~Family Members~ We are still accepting members, but please, try to be active. Name: burnitup Rank: Eldest Brother, the leader Number: I Personality: Shifting Reason For Being Here: I was asked. Username: kikame Rank: Optimistic Sister Number: II Personality: Happy Reason For Being Here: to make friends! Name: Kiryu Rank: Brave Brother Number: III Personality: Relaxed Reason For Being Here:To make/meet new people/friends Name: DoomDen Rank: ??? Number: IV Personality: Nice, Funny Reason For Being Here: Make friends, cure boredom name- Xennex rank- the artist/author number- V personality- always on the computer geeking, watching anime, or working on WMM. likes to draw a lot and write stories and poetry. also likes to read manga and other stories [that are good!! lol] reason for being here- i just so happened to stumble upon it while aimlessly wondering around kh-vids xD Name: Emo Pengwin Rank: The Kid Of Light Number: VI Personality: Cheerful Reason For Being Here: To make new friends, and because..well..these people are awesome! Name: xeigin Rank: Youngest Brother Number: VII Personality: Hard To Knock Down Reason For Being Here: To Make Friends Name: xValorxSorax Rank: The Flame Brother Number: VIII Personality: Happy Reason For Being Here: To make friends, learn new things about KH, and just to have fun. Name: InuKH2Sammy Rank: The Silent sister Number: IX Personality: Afraid,firey,fun,creative and trying to recover all the puzzle peices I lost in my life Reason For Being Here:To redefine/and redeem myself Name: kevz2kool Rank: Everyone's friend Number: X Personality: I take whatever comes at my way, and have no regrets! Reason for being here: To be with friends. Name: Larxene_43 Rank: The Pouncing Sister Number: XI Personality: Quiet at times, Loves to get into trouble, Helps anyone she knows. Reason For Being Here: To have a family User name-Maria Rank-Random Forgetful Sister Number- XII Personality-Crazy,Emo,Forgetful Reason for being here-Being where? Name: Rainbow Stoner Rank: Youngest Sister Number: XIII Personality: Happy Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: To meet new people/make friends. Name: lullaby13 Number: XIV Personality: Happy Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: To make friends User Name: 01_Kairi Rank: Wise Sister Number: XV Personality: Happy Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Asked/ make friends/ hehe gettting ideas for my story! Name: Spitfire Rank: The Guardian Number: XVI Personality: Relaxed Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: To aide and assist, be artsy, and to get a friend. Name: HigherBeing Rank: The Eldest Sister Number: XVII Personality: Inquisitive Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Friends! Name: Roxas The Hero Rank: The Light Brother Number: XVIII Personality: Mysterious Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: I love Kingdom Hearts! Name: Clontox Rank: The Hacker Brother Number: XIV Personality: Happy Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Just to be a part of a family. Name: Fate Rank: The Brother Of Destiny Number: XV Personality: Depressed/Timid Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Friends. User Name: Dark Roxas. Rank: The Brother Of Time Number: XVI personlity:Timid, Quiet, Smart Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Familly and Friends. Name: -MysterySoldier- Rank: The great mystery Number: XVII Personality: Easy going Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Make friends and meet people Name: Senbon_Zakura Rank: hyperactive sista Number: XVIII Personality: EASYGOING Status: HYPER Reason For Being Here: I HAVE NO REASON. LOL name:Roxas_loverXIII rank: silent light sister number: XIX person.:nice. funny,easygoing, hyper status:always hyper reason 4 being here: 2 make friends and 2 have fun! Name: Axika Rank: Middle Sister Number: XX Personality: Laid back, nothing much bothers me... ^^ Status: Lost Reason for being here: to find that which was lost and support those who should need me. User name-Absol Rank-Dark wolf sister Number- XXI Personality-Antisocial,but nice Reason for being here-I thought it'd be fun. Name: kingdom hero Rank: the aura of light and darkness Number: XXII Personality: lazy laid back powerful Reason For Being Here: I wanted to join another family. friends. Name: Kimex Rank: The Deceitful Liquidator Number: XXIII Personality: Almost suspiciously friendly... Hmm... Reason For Being Here: I'm afraid that's confidential information. Name: Ansemthewise15 Rank: Big Brains Number: XXIV Personality: Calm Reason for being here: To show that I'm a KH Fan Name: Xx Ex-0D-u3 x X Rank: Helpful Brother Number: XXV Personality: Nice/usual Reason For Being Here: To Make Friends ~Family Friends~ User Name: Zexion of the Twilight Personality: .... User Name: Roxas- Personality: Kind Name: FireNanaki Personality: kind, helpful Retired family gaurdian. ~Rules~ 1: Be kind and help others. That's our main goal. 2: No flamming. 3: Spam Rarely (A post or two of spam is okay, just not constant). 4: Try not to post so rapid that no one knows what who's talking about what, huh? 5: No really bad language. Any REALLY bad words must be in * form. 6: No talking of sex past hugs and kisses. THAT will tick me off... 7: Talking of violence is fine..just don't go berserk (like choping off heads,ect). 8: Don't speak of overkill blood. Some blood is fine..but nothing insane.. 9: No gore. 10: Don't try to be bothersome/annoying. That shall anger me.... 11: No grossing anyone out. I also tend to hate that... 12: DO NOT THREATEN ANYONE!!! You do, your out. 13: Enjoy yourselves!!! ~End Rules~ So, I just want you guys to hang out here. Follow the rules,and we shall remain a good familly. BTW,PLEASE follow the rules! If you don't,this thread shall be closed...PERMANETLY. I know you guys will be good,though!! Thanks you guys!!! IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY/ASK/COMMENT/OR ANYTHING ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION MISFITS, PLEASE PM ME. Thank you.
KH-Vids Ataraxia Note: This story does not reflect my views on anyone in this story what so ever. And the story is purely fiction. And if you don't like the story then well thats just hard cheese. ~Prologue~ Before great civilizations there was the Holy Grail which could give great power to anyone. There we many guardians of the Grail with different powers to defend it. For a time they lived in harmony. But like all great power some wanted it for good, others for evil and so began a war between the guardians, a war that ravaged the land until it was consumed by death. But the Grail was fixed with magic which would make the Grail appear every 100 years; the guardians’ powers were also gone and to only appear every 100 years like the Grail but to only be given to Chosen warriors to fight a secret war for the Grail. The war has begun again. Chapter 1 – Encounter ~New York City, New York, USA~ Slowly opening his eyes Neku woke up. He yawned and got out of bed, got dressed, and walked out of his bedroom. He then walked to his couch and sat down and turned on his TV. He went through a few channels to see if there was anything on…there was nothing worth watching; so he got up and walked to his door, put on his shoes and left the apartment. He walked down the street and sighed as the cars on the road went by. “I’m really bored,†he thought, “I wish there was something interesting to do.†About the time he thought that his cell phone started to ring; he looked to see who was calling, it was Catch The Rain. He answered his phone and said, “Hello.†And on the other of the phone Catch The Rain said, “Hey Neku! Want to go see a show?†Neku thought for a moment and said, “I can’t right now, I’m busy.†That was a lie. “Okay then, some other time.†Catch The Rain replied with joyful voice before hanging up the phone. Neku sighed deeply, he was bored and he really should have said ‘yes’ to go to that show with Catch The Rain. “I might as well go get something to eat.†Neku said continuing to walked down the street. After 20 minutes he got to a restaurant, it was closed and for some reason the windows were broken, there was what appeared to be slash marks on the walls on the inside, the kind of slash marks that would have been made by some kind of blade. Neku didn’t think it was important so he walked off. He decided to go to work because well…he had nothing else to do. Once Neku got to the store he worked at, he noticed that the windows he broken here too. But the glass was on the outside not the inside, so what ever had broke the windows was on the inside. Neku stood there wondering what happen, and then he heard groaning like sounds from behind him across the street. He turned around to see three ambulances. The building across the street had all its windows broken too but from the outside. Neku heard one of the people being carried into one of the ambulances saying something about a noise. Neku sighed and turned around and walked into the store. Neku’s boss wasn’t around, so Neku sighed and decided to clean the mess. After hours of work, Neku finally decided go home. It was already dark out. Neku sighed deeply and walked into an alley. He walked though the alley wondering why he was taking the long route home. When he got to the end of the alley he saw a group of 13 guys, they looked horrified. In front of the group was a crying girl, she was wearing a dark blue T-shirt and dark blue jeans and she had long brown hair. Neku then hid behind a dumpster. Then the girl grabbed one of the guys in front of her and threw him down the street with superhuman strength, she was still crying. The group backed up on step and one of them said, “What is going on?!†Then the guy, after finished talking, started to float in the air. His arms and legs bent backwards until a load snap came from his body and he fell to the group unmoving. Then a girl came out of an alley across the street from Neku was. She had short black hair and had an emotionless look on her face. She was wearing all black. She also had two puppets in here hands; one looked like a girl then other a boy. The girl puppet was in her right hand, it had a rust red beret, a red sweater, a skirt, combat boots, and it had long brown hair. The puppet also had glowing yellow eyes. The boy puppet was in her left hand, it had a leather coat with a hood over its head, and it also had black pants and black boots. It had glowing eyes too, but they were blue not yellow. The girl who was holding the puppets made her puppets take a bow. Three of the guys in the back of the group then turned around and started to run away but were stop when something exploded in front of them caused them to fly back, they were not moving. In the street there was another girl, she had very dark red hair, and was wearing a red jacket with a red t-shirt and had black jeans on, and she seemed to be very angry. Then a laugh echoed through the street. Then something on a wall of a building started to move. The brick color of part of a wall faded to reveal another girl, she had short orange-like colored hair, she was wearing a white dress, and she was also wearing brown boots. In that girl’s hand was a rather large meat cleaver. The four girls then started to walk toward what was left of the group. Neku started to backup when a hand landed on his shoulder and voice behind him said, “It’s not safe here.†Neku was then was pulled back and next thing he knew was inside the building he was standing next too. He then turned around to see who had pulled him inside; it was a guy about three years older then Neku. The guy was wearing a tuxedo t-shirt with black jeans, he also had snake skin boots on. He had black hair that went down to his next. Neku looked at him and said, “Umm, who are you and what is going?†The guy chuckle and said, “One thing at a time, first off. My name is Darkwatch.†Neku though that was an odd name but he shrugged and said, “Well nice to meet you I’m-†“You’re Neku. You are age 16.†Darkwatch said cutting off Neku. Neku looked at him and said, “Okay, how do you know me?†Darkwatch chuckled a bit and said, “There is more going on then you possibly know.†Neku sighed and said, “Why don’t you tell me then.†Darkwatch sat in a chair and said, “Fine. What if I was to tell you that there is a secret war that has been going on for more then millions of years? Well you are chosen for this war, to fight in it for the ultimate prize, the Holy Grail.†Neku laughed a bit and said, “You expect me to believe that? What do you think this is the Matrix?†“You saw those for girls outside didn’t you? Each of the chosen few are given an emotion and a power that goes with that emotion to fight the war.†Darkwatch said. “Yeah right.†Neku said. Darkwatch sighed and got up and pulled a card out of his pocket and said, “Fine, just take my card and when you are ready to believe me then call me.†Nku grabbed the card and said, “Fine.†Then he walked out of the building. Neku then started going in the opposite way of the place where he was hiding and started his way home.
*face palm* This is what happens when you let an insane lawyer out of the "happy farm".
Boogie down!!! I dare you not to dance along!
Wow...just wow.....it is my belief that everyone...in the world...has lost their mind...or getting to that point.
Now this is a top ten list, make your own list of the top ten greatest villains. Movie, video game, anime, and book villians, hell it could be a villain from a fan fic you wrote. No sub-villains like Darth Vader, Cell, etc. But don't make your list randomly, I want you to concider(sp) the following things: 1) Achievements/Successes 2) Personality 3) Power 4) Importance to Storyline 5) Influence or Control of Other Characters 6) Magnitude/Presence of Character 7) Any Unique Features or Traits 8) Ambitions 9) Longivity of Villain Career ...and other factors... Now here is my list: 10: Rasputin From: Anastasia Reason: He has killed off almost ever single member of the royal family of Russia; he sold his soul to get the power to do so; he can also cause thing to happen (destroying trains, causing stautes to come alive, etc.) 9: Albert Wesker From: Resident Evil Reason: The Chairman of Umbrella Incorporated; The Grand Mastermind Behind the Very Evil of Resident Evil 8: King Ghidorah From: Godzilla movies Reason: Godzilla's Arch-nemesis; "KING OF TERROR"; Introduced as "MONSTER: ZERO" (uncategorized); Destroyed the Martian and Venusian Civilizations; Controls Other Enemy Monsters 7: Unicron From: Transformers (1986) Reason: Devours various planets/moons; Destroys entire solar systems; Creates Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scorge; Controls Megatron/Galvatron; Devours Galvatron 6: Agent Smith From: The Matrix Reson: Assimilated the Entire Matrix; Threat to Both Humans and Machines; Threatened to Destroy the Matrix and the Real World 5: Palpatine From: Star Wars Reason: Emperor of the Galactic Empire; Lord of the Sith; Manipulated and Controlled Many Sith Inluding Maul, Dooku, and Vader; Use of Death Star Gives Him Ability to Destroy Planets 4: Shao Kahn From: Mortal Kombat Reason: He has killed Onaga, the Dragon King; has combined many realms to Outworld; he is one of the most powerful fighters 3: Darth Malak From: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Repulic Reason: Nearly killed his master, Darth Revan; took over the Sith; had become the Dark Lord of the Sith; has full controll of the Star Forge; destroyed the jedi temple on Dantooine 2: Lord Sauron From: Lord of the Rings Reason: Literally the "Lord of the Rings"; Dark Lord of Mordor; Forged the One Ring; Seized the Seven & Nine Rings of Power; Overran Eregion; Killed Celebrimbor; Controlled Saruman and Orcs 1: Jenova From: Final Fantasy VII Reason: Nefarious Planet-Destroyer; The True Villain of Final Fantasy VII; Used Shinra to Weaken and Control the Earth, as well as to Eliminate WEAPON; Used Sephiroth to Eliminate Aeris, HOLY, and to Summon METEOR in a Second Attempt to Destroy Earth
Let's do the chicken dance!!! :D
And who said all video games are bad?
Here is my top ten list of the best movie monster to ever grace the silver screen. 10: Bruce the shark From: Jaws Reason: For movie fans Bruce, a name givin' by the director, is one of the most memorble(sp) monsters in cinama ever, dispite the appearance. 9: The Vampires From: 30 Days of Night Reason: A terrorifing group of vampirethat attack the town of Burrow, Alaska. They are very scary but not enough to make it higher on the list. 8: Bad/Evil Ash From: Army of Darkness Reason: Ash J. Williams' dark side from the Evil Dead series. He isn't scare but does make some good comic relief even for a deadite. 7: Zilla From: GODZILLA (1998 USA remake) Reason: Dispite being a complete rip-off of Godzilla, the King of the Monsters, Zilla has made himself a well know monster in the film, Godzilla Final Wars and has well earned his spot as one of the top ten movie monsters. 6: Xenomorphs From: Alien series Reason: One of the true icons of Sci-fi horror, the deadly monsters have faced everything from super heroes (comics only) to space hunters (Predators). They are well know and have a large fan base. 5: Jason Voorhees From: Friday the 13th Reason: I think no one can forget the hocky mask wearing, machete weilding, immortal murder from Camp Crystal Lake. 4: King Kong From: King Kong Reason: One of the more classic monsters of the world. He is well know by everyone and is loved. 3: Pinhead From: Hellraiser Reason: The character of Pinhead presented something of a departure from the horror movie villains who preceded him. Unlike Leatherface, Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers, he can and does speak. However, he is rarely comical, as are Freddy Krueger or Chucky. When he does indulge in humour, it is notably dry. Another difference between Pinhead and other film killers, supernatural or otherwise, is his need to have been purposely summoned, as The Lament Configuration must be opened for the Cenobites to enter the (real) world. Pinhead does not kill indiscriminately, nor for vengeance; he kills because he was conjured from Hell by the opener of the puzzle box. 2: Godzilla From: Godzilla films Reason: One of my own personal favorites, Godzilla is a well known monster and I highly doubt that anyone doesn't know this scaly green dinosaur from Japan. 1: The monster from Cloverfield From: Cloverfield Reason: The most talked about monster in film ever, he was presummed to be Godzilla, Voltron, a monster from Rampage, and so on. He is the most insane and intense monster ever. He makes Godzilla look like a mere cataplier. The monster is able to drop spider-like monsters and is highly scary and has his own theme but can only be heard at the credits. He is the best monster ever and kills anyone and can not be killed. He is the number 1 monster.
Cloverfield The Untold Story A story about the up comming film, Cloverfield. One of many sightings of case designates “Cloverfield” Diary retrieved at incident site U.S. 447 Area formally known as “Central Park” Entry #1 January, 6, 2008 Location: Manhattan, New York City, New York. My name is George Scott; this is my first entry of today. I was watching some Godzilla films earlier, those movies seem so real at times, it’s a good thing nothing like that could happen in real life. So for a few days I’ll be watching the mayor’s 12 year old daughter because he is going on an important trip and couldn’t take her along. So me, being a long time friend of his, agreed to take care of her. The strange thing was when I said yes to taking care of her, he looked at me and said, “No matter what happens, take care of my little girl.” I wasn’t too sure what he meant by that but it sounded like something bad was going to happen, well I guess with the Chief of Police of New York City running for mayor seems like a good reason, I guess. And now she won’t stop asking me to go shopping with her. Now I can see why her father left town. Well I’ll come back later to finish the entry after I take this girl shopping… …I hate kids… Continuation of entry #1 Well I guess shopping wasn’t so bad, the kid was running around every where. But we did get these drink things called Slusho. It comes from Japan and the tag line for this thing is ‘You Can’t Just Drink Six’ not true, I drank one and the girl drank one, and I had no other money on me to buy another…nor did I want another. Well the little brat is asleep, now. I’m starting to become really tired, I guess I should go to bed as well. Something doesn’t feel right; something bad is going to happen in the coming days. In the back of my head is telling me to leave the city. I don’t understand why. Maybe it’s just my imagination, I haven’t been on the force for six years and I just have these feelings telling me of danger. Well I’m off to bed, no sense in me staying up later then usual. But still I can’t shake the feeling that something bad will happen. Oh well… Entry #2 January, 17, 2008 Location: Manhattan, New York City, New York Well that bad feeling I had, was right. A drilling station called the Chaui Station sunk early this morning. I have a bad feeling something worse is coming. Well the girl is up and she seems happy. She keeps calling me ‘Uncle George’ for some reason…I’m not even related to her, I will never understand kids… Hmm, interesting. I just got an e-mail of these sonar pictures of something big heading toward New York from where the Chaui Station. I wonder if these are fake. Oh well, the kid won’t stop bothering me it’s always, “Uncle George this.” And “Uncle George that.” Why can’t I be left alone for like 10 minutes? Well any way I’m watching a movie now, the movie is called, King Kong vs. Godzilla. I’ve seen it like a million times and yet I still root for Godzilla, The King of the Monsters. Well the kid seems to like the film and King Kong. I have a weird obsession for these monster films. Hell, if a giant monster were to attack I would know what to do. Step 1: Get a Japanese scientist. Step 2: Make a monster killing weapon. Step 3: Run like hell. Step 4: Don’t trust the military to win. Oh well, I should be going. Entry #3 January, 18, 2008 Location: Manhattan, New York City, New York Well another day, everything seems to be going well today…a bit to well. Like a calm breezes before a summer storm. At any rate it’s night now, the people next door are throwing a party of some kind. I haven’t been paying attention. And- Okay, there was a big roaring sound and an earthquake. What the hell was it? There was just an explosion just now. I’m starting to get a little freaked out. I’ll finish this entry later. Continuation of Entry #3 I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to finish the entry for more then a few hours, some kind of monster attacked the city. I was running all around the city and I have learned many things today. This will be my last entry. So here is what I know of what happen today. It all started as a normal day in Manhattan. No one knew what happen and no one was prepared for the things that will happen. And Warren, He had become too unreliable and the people wanted John Steel, Chief of Police in Manhattan to become Mayor. Warren knew his family was in danger. Me, George Scott, a former member of the SWAT and an old friend of Warren was asked a favor, to protect his daughter from what ever might come. Then it happen, the city was attacked by some kind of monster and some littler monsters. After awhile we got to the police station fighting off the smaller monsters until Steel appeared. He kidnapped the girl while I was fighting the monsters off. I found her later on, dead in Steel’s office. I swear I would make Steel pay for what he had done, I found him but he wasn’t alone. I had no choice but to run, from the monster, the unforgivable end. No one can run forever but I had to… …Sti llits evila…
Join the fight to save Rob.
Chief's attorney would certainly want you to believe that his client wrote that song a year ago. And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself. But ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thig I want you to consider! Ladies and gentlemen... *pulls out a picture of Chewbacca* ...this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a wookie from the planet Kashyyyk but he 'lives' on the planet Endor. Now think about it. That does not make sense! Why would a wookie, a 8 foot tall wookie, want to live on Endor with a bunch of 2 foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself. What does this have to do with this case? Nothing! Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. i'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talking about Chewbacca! Does that make any sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense!!! And so you have to remember...When you are in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamtion, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If chewbacca lives on Endor, you must respect! The defense rests.
Here is what I am talking about. I think this person is just an idiot, I mean, can't we get on with our lives, people?
Well new info has come out about Cloverfield, a new tie in website about the film has come out and it is about a group, that is for the film, called T.I.D.O. Wave. If you asking yourself, "Burnitup, what is T.I.D.O. wave?" Well I'll tell you. If you go to the website the word 'Taruato' appears in big red letters and there's a red planet earth then two hands appear then those hands turn into claws and stab the earth and the words, "Bleeding our planet dry since 1945." Now T.I.D.O. stands for: Tagruato Is Destroying our Oceans. The T.I.D.O. Wave is the latest initiative from Les Guerriers de Mère-Terre, a nonprofit, grassroots, environmental activist organization dedicated to saving our planet from the world's most nefarious corporations. The Wave is our most ambitious mission to date, taking on one of the most despicable foes Mother Earth has ever come up against -- Japan based Tagruato. By informing good people like you of the evil deeds being waged by this reprehensible conglomerate, we hope to gain your support in our efforts to take them down. And I heard recently that Taruato had been puting the movie monster's eggs in Slusho(a fictional drink in the movie, a spoof of the Slushie) and if you drink more then six the eggs would hatch. So What I think, this a theory that might not be in the film so don't think it's true, that T.I.D.O. wakes up the monster of the film from it's watery prison and the monster goes and destroys Manhattan, that closes location to the monster, for Slusho is there. Now this is just a small theory that I have made from some evidance that I have found. Now, this film has had many theories about what the monster is and what the name of the film is, but the monster is orginal because one of the two producers of the film, Bryan Burk, said it was an orginal plot and monster. The title is unknown and will be revieled when the film comes out. The following names are just theories of what the film might be called: Slusho, Cheese, Colossus, The Parasite, Zilla 2 (bull crap right there), and others like those. I hope you will give a comment about these theories and I'll see you when the film comes out. 1-18-08
I have been going around the internet looking up Cloverfield and there are ALOT of people with differnt theories of what the monster is or what the movie is and i'm here to show you all how it is none of those theories are right. So heres the list. A giant alien: No, it's a stupid idea that only works for Godzilla and Gamera films. Godzilla: I beleave us true Godzilla fans remember the last USA made Godzilla film. Zilla: The mutated iguana that stole the name of the beloved mutant dinosaur that came from Japan in the 1998 USA Godzilla remake. The answere is no. Gamera: Lmao, hell no. Power Rangers: Old, done, and dead. If I wanted to see fully grown people dress up as every color of the rainbow I'd go to Richard Nelson's house. The Elder God, Cthulhu: Cthulhu is the most powerful of the Elder Gods and I won't show you a picture of him because if I do you'll go insane. But it is possible for him to be in this kind of film but it's highly unlikely. Monsters from the game Rampage: A Godzilla rip-off, a King Kong rip-off, and a giant Wolf? No. Voltron: *facepalm* ...No. A giant lion: Okay...who is that stupid? Well I will tell you. In the trailer some one was running yelling, "I saw it! It's alive! It's huge!" sooo some one thought he said, "I saw it! It's a lion! It's huge!" so anyone who thinks he said lion probably has hearing problems. A spin-off of the TV show, Lost: God forbid(sp). A Halo 2 rip-off: *head to desk* Orga: The monster from Godzilla 2000? No... Crab people: Well I- Wait wha?! And here is the last and most STUIPEDest concept ever. Manhattan Island: This is the location of the movie but some one said that Manhattan is a living island in the film that is killing everyone. And it's a NOOOOO! The directer said it was a orginal monster, so it's a new monster that we never seen before. Here's a quote: "We saw all these Godzilla toys, and I thought, we need our own monster, and not King Kong, King Kong's adorable. I wanted something that was just insane and intense."-J.J. Abrams So you see it's not any of the things I listed because they wanted some insane and intense not some thing that is boring and not worth your time watching. So wait till the movie comes out and if you think it's a certain monster STILL, tell me and i'll prove you wrong. Thank you. ~burnitup
Organization XIII Vs. Aliens ~Story~ One day Vexen found a mysterous world with unknown creatures. he returned to the world that never was and told Xemnas about this world. After hours of arguing Xemnas agreed to Vexen getting these creatures and bring them back to the World That Never Was. Vexen went to the unknown world and captured five of the creatures. after four days of studing them the cretures broke out of there cages and escaped into the castle that never was. ~End of Story~ ~Characters~ ~Organization XIII~ Xemnas User: Weapon: Ariel Blades Element: Nothingness Xigbar User: Weapon: Arrow Guns Element: Space Xaldin User: Weapon: Lances Element: Wind Vexen User: Weapon: Shield Element: Ice Lexaeus User: Weapon: Tomahawk Element: Earth Zexion User: Weapon: Lexicon Element: Illusions Saïx User: Weapon: Claymore Element: Moon Axel User: Weapon: Chakrams Element: Fire Demyx User: Weapon: Sitar Element: Water Luxord User: Weapon: Cards Element: Time Marluxia User: Weapon: Scythe Element: Flowers Larxene User: Weapon: Kunai Element: Thunder Roxas User: the darkness grows within Weapon: Oathkeeper and Oblivion Keyblades Element: Light ~Aliens aka Xenomorphs~ Xenomorph Drone Code name: Jaws User: Appearance: Xenomorph Runner Code name: Quick Blade User: Appearance: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f0/Alienrunner.jpg Praetorian Code name: Royal Gaurd User: Appearance: Xenomorph Hunter Code name: Razor Claws User: leon47 Appearance: Predalien Code name: Tyrant User: burnitup Appeance: ~Rules~ ~One~ Dont make the Xenomorphs too human. Don't make them use things like (Cool. Funky. Wussup?...etc), and instead of typing (Alien said "..."), make it (Alien growled/hissed/snarled/bellowed/roared)...etc. ~Two~ Romance is allowed for the Org. XIII members, please keep it at a PG-13 level. ~Three~ You can not go to another world. The only world is The World That Never Was and no where else. ~Four~ No noob posts. Stuff with out a good discribtion of what your character is doing will not be allowed. stuff like this (Demyx: We are going to die!) is not allowed but stuff like this ("We are going to die!" Demyx exclaimed to the others.) is allowed.
I made this AMV for my girlfriend for Christmas. I hope you all like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWeSPYgDO7g
It's almost Christmas time! And I'm making a video present for everyone here! But until then, you all get a cookie! *gives everyone a cookie* Merry almost Christmas!!! :)