Did I miss something? We seem to have a lack of awesome.
My teacher had planed to take us to see a play about Abraham Lincoln. We would be at the play the whole day and so I wouldn't be going to any of my classes. My teacher had play this for about a month and I've been excited to go, I got the money I need to get and I got the permission of my other teacher to go. But then I got sick and was told by a doctor today that I have swine flu and wouldn't be able to go the the play. My reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E29iOPSxF94
It started out simple we talked about a subject and then one thing lead to another and we started to argue. Soon other people joined in some agreed with her and some with me. And the arguement was this: Spoiler Who would win in a fight? Batman or Wolverine?
...For the last couple of days, and I must ask it. Why is it that those kids don't let the Tricks Rabbit have some of that frickin' cereal? I mean, he's on the box! He IS on the box of the cereal he is not allowed to have! Where is the justice for this poor rabbit?!
Yes you! I'm talking to you! Look!
People have been asking this question since the begining of time, and no one had a good answer until now. Ladies and Gentlemen the meaning of life is: [The quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body. A principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings. An organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.] Why is that such a hard question. tip: use highlight
And you should be ashamed of yourself.
Which is the best?
...Help me to figure out.... Spoiler ...What those kids see in Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I mean I was looking at a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for hours and I didn't see anything special.
C'mon, it's a lot of fun! Isn't that right folks?
Spoiler What fun, indeed.
...like this one: BEHOLD!!!
The titles speaks for itself. Its really how you view the world. So what do you believe? That the World is Half-Full, a place where the world is at an extremely broken state just like its counterpart (Half-Empty). In fact it is almost as much as the same hellhole as it was when it was more depressing. However, it can be saved, sort of... or that its Half-Empty, a world which can basically be summed up as "pessimism has taken over" or "the world cannot be redeemed". A world that is filled with both physical and moral decay. So what do you think? I think that its a World Half-Empty. In fact the world is so horrible taht if you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
Today's Subject: GAR Anime fans often use the word "GAR" (yes, all UPPERCASE) as a synonym of "badassitude", particularly when the badasses in question are Hot Blooded. It was 4chan that created this word to discribe one character: Archer from Fate Stay Night, the man they invented the word 'GAR' for. In case you're wondering, it's from the phrase "I'm Gay for ARcher" when someone misspelled it and wrote "I'm gar for Archer". The reason is probably because of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZBAEk_Ugmk And now you know. This has been today's Know Your Meme.
Question 1: Hercules is supposed to be as strong as ten ordinary men. Why didn't eleven ordinary men never just get together and beat the crap out of him? Question 2: Why would anyone accept a challenge from the Devil where if they win they would get a solid gold fiddle? Wouldn't the fiddle be heavy and sound really bad? Question 3: Why is Mr. T, Chuck Norris, Christian Bale and Liam Neeson never in the same area together?
I'm not trying to start any arguements(sp) with this. And please don't spam. Anyway, just read this... *sigh*
Just a little game. If you have an iPOD or some form of MP3 player get it out and put it on shuffle. Then right down the title of the first song that plays and the artist who made it. My theme song is: Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton.
*facepalm* PETA: Words Biggest Organization of Idiots and Jacka**es to Ever Exist. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?! Are they insane?!?!?! ...Well were talking about PETA so yeah, pretty much. Link: http://omg.yahoo.com/news/peta-supp...an-in-flour-samantha-ronson-responds/15469?nc
We are The Organization Misfits. We look out for each other, and band together in peace. So, NOBODY mess with us, or any of our friends. Okay so the threads with over 10 000 posts where part of the Database Errors so we got to make a new thread ATTENTION: New rule for joining members: Since in the past we have had problems with spammers and in general just people of the nasty sort, we have decided that anyone who wants to join must stick around and just chat for a day(not the entire day if you don't have the time, just enough so we get to know you). Then the family will decide if you're in or out. We're going to be pretty easy on this; it'll be hard not to get in unless you're a really awful person or just actually trying to get thrown out. This won't affect the members who are already joined, just anyone wanting to join. But really, unless you don't pass this simple test it won't really affect you, the joining member. Motto: Together We Misfit. Thanks Higher! Family banner: (banner in repair) ~Family Members~ We are still accepting members, but please, try to be active. Update: If you're not active in our family for over 3 months, you're name will be removed from the list. If you still want to be a part of the family, simply ask to be put back on the list. If you know you may or will not be active for over three months, but still want to be in the family, please let us know, and if possible explain why. Name: burnitup Rank: Eldest Brother, the leader Number: I Personality: Shifting Reason For Being Here: I was asked. Username: Sai Rank: Optimistic Sister Number: II Personality: Happy Reason For Being Here: to make friends! Name: Kiryu Rank: Brave Brother Number: III Personality: Relaxed Reason For Being Here:To make/meet new people/friends Name: DoomDen Rank: ??? Number: IV Personality: Nice, Funny Reason For Being Here: Make friends, cure boredom name- Xennex rank- the artist/author number- V personality- always on the computer geeking, watching anime, or working on WMM. likes to draw a lot and write stories and poetry. also likes to read manga and other stories [that are good!! lol] reason for being here- i just so happened to stumble upon it while aimlessly wondering around kh-vids xD Name: kevz2kool Rank: Everyone's friend Number: VI Personality: I take whatever comes at my way, and have no regrets! Reason for being here: To be with friends. Name: Larxene_43 Rank: The Pouncing Sister Number: VII Personality: Quiet at times, Loves to get into trouble, Helps anyone she knows. Reason For Being Here: To have a family User name- Princess Snow White Rank-Random Forgetful Sister Number- VIII Personality-Crazy,Emo,Forgetful Reason for being here-Being where? Name: HigherBeing Rank: The Eldest Sister Number: IX Personality: Inquisitive Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Friends! Name: Rawr Rank: The Brother Of Destiny Number: X Personality: Depressed/Timid Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Friends. User Name: Dr. Roxas Rank: The Brother Of Time Number: XI personlity:Timid, Quiet, Smart Status: Fine Reason For Being Here: Familly and Friends. Name: Sven XIII Rank: a Nothing's Companion Number: XII Personality: Forgetful and Lonely, but Happy Reason For Being Here: To make friends and chat Name: Ice_Keyblade Rank: What does this mean? Number: XII Personality: Nice, funny Reason for being here: Code vault is filled with noobs, and i'm trying to get to know more people. Name: Ol'Sephy Rank: I could be the lowest of the low... Or I could be the highest of the high... Or both. Number: XIII Personality: A little random, (understatement), and likes to joke. I have a serious side, too. But that only usually comes out when I get mad at something, when I'm writing, or I am just feeling down. Reason For Being Here: Kinda the same thing as Ice_Keyblade, but a little different. I just want to be more active in a forum. I don't care which one. Although, I have been the most active here, so... :P I also want to prove to myself that I can carry out a goal. I want 500 posts! Name: Mr. Pumpkin or irl Rick Rank: The Pumpkin Brother Number: XIV Personality: Awesome, great and super duper fantastic. Reason For Being Here: The same reason why Satan tortures souls into oblivion. Cuz it's so damn fun. Name: Trixter Rank: Decisive Brother Number: XV Personality: Calm, Tired, Witty Reason For Being Here:I haven't really been caught up with these "family threads" lately.... So... Here I am... :/ ~Family Friends~ User Name: Zexion of the Twilight Personality: .... User Name: Roxas- Personality: Kind Name: FireNanaki Personality: kind, helpful Retired family gaurdian. ~Rules~ 1: Be kind and help others. That's our main goal. 2: No flamming. 3: Spam Rarely (A post or two of spam is okay, just not constant). 4: Try not to post so rapid that no one knows what who's talking about what, huh? 5: No really bad language. Any REALLY bad words must be in * form. 6: No talking of sex past hugs and kisses. THAT will tick me off... 7: Talking of violence is fine..just don't go berserk (like choping off heads,ect). 8: Don't speak of overkill blood. Some blood is fine..but nothing insane.. 9: No gore. 10: Don't try to be bothersome/annoying. That shall anger me.... 11: No grossing anyone out. I also tend to hate that... 12: DO NOT THREATEN ANYONE!!! You do, your out. 13: Enjoy yourselves!!! ~End Rules~ So, I just want you guys to hang out here. Follow the rules,and we shall remain a good familly. BTW,PLEASE follow the rules! If you don't,this thread shall be closed...PERMANETLY. I know you guys will be good,though!! Thanks you guys!!! IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY/ASK/COMMENT/OR ANYTHING ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION MISFITS, PLEASE PM ME. Thank you.