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  1. burnitup
    Thank god! Orlando was fun but rather stressful at times.

    It rained a lot there. Heck, it rains more there then it does in Washington.

    But I had a good time (besides the rain... and my dad's camera being stolen by an employee at the Harry Potter ride at Universal but good times none the less!)

    Also, Disney ruined Star Tours. It use to be really good but now it is so lame. Also, had the best time at Universal. Place was awesome. ...Besides out camera being stolen.
    Thread by: burnitup, Jul 18, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. burnitup

    It really does.
    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 4, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. burnitup
    "Welcome to the stage of history."
    "Live like a windrammer as you f*caw*."

    Hello there folks! Burnitup here with a thread on the stages of the game which I've helped choose for the game. The perposes of this thread is for the archiving of the stages for future reference & updates and discussion. Here I will also update and add new stages should they be called for as we progress. Feel free to discusse them as you please and comment on what should be improved.

    *Note: potential stage change for Sabby. Need help finding a kitchen or restaurant stage for this.

    [SIZE=7]Mainsiter Stages[/SIZE]

    Intro/Departure Station
    Character's Stage: Hayabusa
    Stage BGM: A Midsummer's Massacre

    Staff Dispatch Outpost
    Character's Stage: What?
    BGM: Take Off Flight

    Locklands Docks
    Character's Stage: Llave
    BGM: Set Sail

    Timezone Forest
    Character's Stage: Sabby
    BGM: Moonlight Showdown

    Suit Star
    Character's Stage: Beløw
    BGM: Imperial Dress Code March

    Dead Thread Tomb
    Character's Stage: Amaury
    BGM: Ancient History

    Spambot Crash Site
    Character's Stage: Vivid Green
    BGM: Go Home, You're Drunk

    [SIZE=7]Locklander Stages[/SIZE]

    Spam Zone Central
    Character's Stage: Catbug
    BGM: You so Cray Cray!

    Locklands Lockdown Bar (Inside)
    Character's Stage: Advant
    BGM: Back Room Brawling

    Locklands Lockdown Bar (Outside)
    Character's Stage: Fearless
    BGM: There's Gonna Be Trouble

    Locklands Rumble Alley
    Character's Stage: Reptar : D
    BGM: Back Alley Hero

    Apoocalypse Now
    Character's Stage: Lord God
    BGM: I Run This
    *not picture the raining poo.

    Locklands Traffic Trouble
    Character's Stage: Jiku Neon
    BGM: Road Rage

    Half-way Point Street
    Character's Stage: Sforzato
    BGM: District Meltdown

    [SIZE=7]Other Stages[/SIZE]

    Hidden Hide-Out
    Character's Stage: Final Boss
    BGM: Duel with Destiny

    Mass Destruction
    Character's Stage: Secret Boss
    BGM: World Eater
    Thread by: burnitup, May 29, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  4. burnitup

    Well played indeed.
    Thread by: burnitup, May 6, 2013, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. burnitup

    How screwed are you?

    My team: Walter White, Vin Diesel, Batman

    I think I might turn out alright.
    Thread by: burnitup, Aug 22, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. burnitup
    Seems legit.
    Thread by: burnitup, Aug 17, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. burnitup

    To summarize the article: a guy wants to turn some abaddon lots in the city of Detroit into a Zombie theme park to help increase tourism and help Detroit's economy. This park would be a walled of section of detroit that is 200 arches in length and it is called Z World (you know if they weren't taken the would be Zombieland or Deadman Wonderland). In it vistors will be chased by zombies for one day and one night.

    Crappy summary aside, what do you all think?
    Thread by: burnitup, Jul 22, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. burnitup
    Thread by: burnitup, Mar 28, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. burnitup
    Thread by: burnitup, Mar 18, 2012, 47 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. burnitup

    Someone explain! ;_;
    Thread by: burnitup, Mar 19, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. burnitup

    [Buy one today. For God's sake.]
    Thread by: burnitup, Feb 27, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. burnitup

    "Pop stars", they said. Gud-dam terrorists, I said.
    Thread by: burnitup, Feb 8, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. burnitup
    [Let's have a beach party! In London.]
    Thread by: burnitup, Sep 25, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. burnitup
    And at one point we got to the river otter exhibits and said to my dad about how cool it would be if an otter came up to the glass and looked at us. And not only did that happen, it happened three times. I kid you not.

    So yeah, pretty fun time.
    Thread by: burnitup, Jul 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. burnitup

    Hello there!

    Do you ever feel like your life could do with a little less order in it?
    Do you ever want to reach out and touch someone...then BREAK THEIR BACKS?
    Do you feel the warp overtaking you, and if so, is it a good pain?

    If you answered YES to all of these, then the Word Bearers in the place for you!

    Remember: for the weak!

    The Chaos Gods want you!
    Thread by: burnitup, Jul 2, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. burnitup
    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 15, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. burnitup
    Organization Misfits VI

    (Now with more 20% snark!)

    We are The Organization Misfits. We look out for each other, and band together in peace. So, NOBODY mess with us, or any of our friends.

    New rule for joining members:
    Since in the past we have had problems with spammers and in general just people of the nasty sort, we have decided that anyone who wants to join must stick around and just chat for a day(not the entire day if you don't have the time, just enough so we get to know you). Then the family will decide if you're in or out. We're going to be pretty easy on this; it'll be hard not to get in unless you're a really awful person or just actually trying to get thrown out.

    This won't affect the members who are already joined, just anyone wanting to join. But really, unless you don't pass this simple test it won't really affect you, the joining member.

    Motto: Together We Misfit.
    Thanks Higher!

    Family banner: (banner in repair)

    ~Family Members~
    We are still accepting members, but please, try to be active.

    Update: If you're not active in our family for over 3 months, you're name will be removed from the list. If you still want to be a part of the family, simply ask to be put back on the list.
    If you know you may or will not be active for over three months, but still want to be in the family, please let us know, and if possible explain why.

    Name: burnitup
    Rank: Eldest Brother, the leader Warboss
    Number: I
    Personality: Shifting
    Reason For Being Here: I was asked.

    Username: Kaitou Sai
    Rank: Optimistic Sister
    Number: II
    Personality: Happy
    Reason For Being Here: to make friends!

    Name: Kiryu
    Rank: Brave Brother
    Number: III
    Personality: Relaxed
    Reason For Being Here:To make/meet new people/friends

    Name: DoomDen
    Rank: ???
    Number: IV
    Personality: Nice, Funny
    Reason For Being Here: Make friends, cure boredom

    Name: HigherBeing
    Rank: The Eldest Sister
    Number: V
    Personality: Inquisitive
    Status: Fine
    Reason For Being Here: Friends!

    User Name: Dr. Roxas
    Rank: The Brother Of Time
    Number: VI
    personlity:Timid, Quiet, Smart
    Status: Fine
    Reason For Being Here: Familly and Friends.

    Name: Ol'Sephy
    Rank: I could be the lowest of the low... Or I could be the highest of the high... Or both.
    Number: VII
    Personality: A little random, (understatement), and likes to joke. I have a serious side, too. But that only usually comes out when I get mad at something, when I'm writing, or I am just feeling down.
    Reason For Being Here: Kinda the same thing as Ice_Keyblade, but a little different. I just want to be more active in a forum. I don't care which one. Although, I have been the most active here, so... :P I also want to prove to myself that I can carry out a goal. I want 500 posts!

    Name: Akua WaterDragonKing
    Rank: Dragon Brother
    Number: VIII
    Personality: Happy, go lucky, helpful
    Reason For Being Here: To make new friends!

    Name: Withaheavyheart
    Rank: ?
    Number: IX
    Personality: happy, chill, nice, short.
    Reason for being here: to make new friends. haha

    Name: hercules
    Rank: ?
    Number: X
    Personality: bored,bored,bored,chillaxed
    Reason for being here: To kill bordom and make some friends (also to be random)

    Name: Alureon (LeKeyBoy)
    Rank: Random Hero
    Number: XI
    Personality: Serendipitous
    Reason For Being Here: Interact socially in this thriving community and make new friends.

    Username: bluekingboy
    Rank: Shadow Brother
    Number: XII
    Personality: Relaxed, Fun Loving
    Reason For Being Here: Cure for Boredom/Source of Fun

    Username: terra254
    Rank: (Don't know)
    Number: XIII
    Personality: Relaxed, Happy,Always bored.
    Reason For Being Here: To make friends.

    ~Family Friends~

    User Name: Zexion of the Twilight
    Personality: ....

    User Name: Roxas-
    Personality: Kind

    Name: FireNanaki
    Personality: kind, helpful
    Retired family gaurdian.


    1: Be kind and help others. That's our main goal.
    2: No flamming.
    3: Spam Rarely (A post or two of spam is okay, just not constant).
    4: Try not to post so rapid that no one knows what who's talking about what, huh?
    5: No really bad language. Any REALLY bad words must be in * form.
    6: No talking of sex past hugs and kisses. THAT will tick me off...
    7: Talking of violence is fine..just don't go berserk (like choping off heads,ect).
    8: Don't speak of overkill blood. Some blood is fine..but nothing insane..
    9: No gore.
    10: Don't try to be bothersome/annoying. That shall anger me....
    11: No grossing anyone out. I also tend to hate that...
    12: DO NOT THREATEN ANYONE!!! You do, your out.
    13: Enjoy yourselves!!!

    ~End Rules~

    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 15, 2010, 1,345 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  18. burnitup
    [So where is the bloody cake?!]
    Thread by: burnitup, Jun 8, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. burnitup
    Okay, so I was going around the internet right when found this article: 25 things a perfect guy would do. You've all probably seem this list, its pretty old and its been floating around in the internet for a while. What do you think of guys who seem to embody this list (for lack of a better term, whipped guys?)

    Personaly, I think this list is one the dumbest f**ing thing a woman (assuming) has ever written. I don't know any girls that expect this out of a man, and I don't know any man that tries to do any of these. Granted, some are common sense,but that doesn't save it so I will disect the list personaly.

    1. Know how to make you smile when you are down

    Shouldn't anyone who care for a girl (friends, family, etc.) should do that?

    2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice

    Awww, how adorably creepy. Any guy who does that would make a great serial killer one day.

    3. Stick up for you, but still respects your independence.

    Please a girl can stick up for themself just fine but if they NEED me I'll try and help.

    4. Give you the remote control during the game

    If by "game" you mean Call of Duty, then I can just give you one of the other controllers, and we can play split-screen.

    5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.

    What's wrong with hugs from the front?

    6. Play with your hair

    Hmm... maybe.

    7. His hands always find yours.

    If ya know what I mean. Bow chi- *is shot*

    Sorry, but shouldn't a girl do this too?

    8. Be cute when he really wants something

    Ummm... *cough* ...Ok any guy that acts cute is ether too girly or wants sex.

    9. Offer you plenty of massages.

    Please, a girl could just ask for one.

    10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.

    Well if she can't dance to well ether then meh to that crap.

    11. Never run out of love.

    I go 88 miles per hour on the soul... I mean love. Yeah, thats what I meant.

    12. Be funny, but know how to be serious.

    Me: Hey babe, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, reports say a gas leak had exploded in your neighborhood destroying it, along with all its inhabitants.

    Girl: But, what about...

    Me: Aaaand your family.

    Girl: My... Whole... Family... My home!

    Me: But the good news is, we're going to DAIRY QUEEN!!

    13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious.


    Girl: ....Just take me to the damn Queen...

    14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.

    Wow did a 14 year old idealist write this? Ladies there is something called time management.

    15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.

    There is this thing, it is called "domestic abuse." I wonder if you have ever heard of it? I also wonder if there is a srapped number 27 that says a girl should be allowed to drag the guy outside and go American History X-style on him for getting out of line. Sadly not.

    16. Smile a lot.

    Okay, any guy who smiles a lot is a broken person. Now I know it looks like he is always smiling and is perfectly content, but he isn't. He is dead inside.

    17. Plans a romantic date full of cheesy things he wouldn't normally like to do, just because he knows it means a lot to you.

    Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa- no.

    18. Appreciate you.

    Alright but is "thank you" not good enough to say to a girl?

    19. Help others out.

    Okay this one is going to be long. First off, so helping the girl out doesn't matter? I would think it would matter.

    Secondly, do you mean minor things like help them move a couch or something? Then I can do that.

    But thridly, do you mean help EVERYONE with they're problems? If so what is it you think you would have accomplished? If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the world, you will only weaken yourself... and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards. You would steal that struggle from them, cheapened it. If you care for others, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles. And when they triumph, they will be even stronger for they're victory.

    20. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1.

    What?! Listen, unless a girl has something important to go to, I want more then a frickin' hour (and a wasted tank of gas) to spend with her!

    21. Always gives you a peck on the cheek when you depart from each others company, even when his friends are watching.

    Why would my friends even care?!

    22. Sing, even if he can't.

    I can sing just fine. So take that.

    23. Have a creative sense of humor.

    Hey, if I can make someone laugh just once then that okay with me.

    24. Stare at you

    If you add 'break into your room at night and watch you sleep' into this one you'd have Edward Cullen syndrome.

    25. Call for no reason.

    What if I don't call but still care for my girl? Does that make me lesser?

    26. Quit smoking, chewing, drinking, or drugs - just because he loves u that much to quit it.

    I don't do any of that, but unless it's causing a huge rift in the relationship, f*** off. And what's up with the weird lapse into text speak here? There is also this thing called "compromise."

    So I'm done ranting. So what do you all think of that list. Give your thoughts and opinions.
    Thread by: burnitup, May 1, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. burnitup :lolface:
    Thread by: burnitup, Jan 27, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone