Yeah, definitely, Reeses. Skittles hurt my teeth. M&M's are too good though. ;)
Spoiler One Sex on the Beach, please! Haha, I was just thinking about that. Yeah, movies, walking around in the mall, stuff like that. Maybe, take her to a place that holds a 'precious' memory. Chicks dig that stuff. Most of them at least. ;)
Haha! Surgery tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.
Oh, I thought it was red. xC
Oh, wow. And I thought that I had a chocolate problem.
Got 25 posts so far! Go go GO!! :)
Like, crazy spiky hair? In that show Dragon Ball Z?
Saiyan? Sorry, don't understand. :)
Ugh, totally upset! Sorry for calling FinalForm a freak! :)
Welcome to the site! Make sure you read the rules, post in forums, and have fun! Don't worry, we don't bite, all the time... ;)
Is an afro freak.
Yeah, Kejii has like a blond ponytail and in Sengoku Basara, he has brown long hair.
Okay... haha!
Oh, which one? I know there are several...
I like it! I think it brings a much more, deeper meaning than it appears. Almost like a Chinese Puzzle Box! Could have used a better analogy...
kNoW's It'S oN!
Haha, yeah I know! Your avatar is cute! Who is it?
Moving out on an assassination assignment.
I know! It's weird! xD
Mhm. I'm sorry, it looked like it was going into the horses butt...