William swallowing a piece of meat looked up at Gidget and said lowly, "No, but this orb this is making me insane, I must know what it is." Handing her some meat he said, "Eat."
William stepped out of the tent and looked up at the sky and said, "Hmm. Looks about right." William went back into the tent and got some food and ate.
Taking in what Primim had said, William layed there and had conversation with the other Soldiers. He casually looked at the blue orb, admiring its beauty.
Looking at Primim with confusion, he asked, "What's a strong one?"
Resting he asked around if anything knew anything about the 'King'. "I heard, he looks like a mouse. And his aquaintances are a duck and a weird dog." William laughed at hearding that. Another person overheard them and said, "Well I heard he fought in the 1000 Heartless Battle." William looking shocked thought to himself, A mouse? In the 1000 Heartless Battle? Amazing!"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKSS9ijDDPo (Demyx) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCPAf1tLGIM (Tye Hill) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5wtWS1juoM (Some Random Guy)
He reached for his pack pulling out two potions. "Two, that should be okay." He used the potions. And looked at Gidget, "Thanks. Now, go care for other patients, I'll rest some."
all older there more BA lol has anyone stared watching naruto shippuden (hurricane chronicles)
Listening to Gidget, William lays down. His heart pounding, he asks her, "What happened?"
i like the music video make only said nah nah nah nah nah nah nanananananah or something like that lol it does look alot like Rise against and U2 i hope some of theri new songs are a little better i give it a 9/10
Waking up after being knocked out, William looks around to see himself in the medical tent. He has tubes flowing in and out of his body. Paniking he screams. "GET THESE OUT OF ME!" He rips the tubes out.
(( OOC: its okay try not to let it happen. now anything else message someone. this is an RP. so you role play. no more questions.))
((OOC: BBS is you, birth by sleep. OOC = out of convo. it means you should get what youre saying right ))
((OCC : To BBS, youre still confusing me. I can't follow you. I messaged you, YOU NEED TO ORDER EVERYTHING. Put down who talks and what they say. Example: METRIATH!!!!!! *king metriath is distracted by the child's scream and turns away from exorsizing the bird monster's corpse*WHAT IS IT?! BerSERKER!! Right Way: "METRIATH!" King Metriath, distracted by the child's scream, turns away from exorsizing the bird monster's corpse. He screams "WHAT IS IT?!" I replied "Beserker!" ))
Pulling of his helmet, William coughed up blood. *HACK* *COUGH*"No, an order is an order." He sat up looking at the bird. a wing was torn off and it was laying in the sand. "Did I do that?", and he passed out.
William, in all-out-beserk-mode, Swings his keyblade wildly at the dove. He was knocked down to the earth which was hard. Medical Moogles were gasping at the sight that he would risk his own life so early in the battle. He casted Firaga, a spell even beyond his level. It did high critical damage. He attacked the dove more, being pounded back into the ground. He kept fighting the dove, until finally it fell. Once the dove was down and out; William, still blodd thirsty, charged the King.
Being flung back by the gust of wind, William gets up and uses one of the potions from Gidget. "Thanks for those." Taking in the scenery he said, "I'll cast beserk on me. If I go to far, knock me out. Those are orders." William pointed at Gidget. He began casting Beserk on himself.
Looks at Gidget and says, "Oh like I meant for this? I wasnt there and the stupid kid((sorry BBS)) did it himself." He weilds he new keyblade Conjurer. "Okay later. We'll talk." He beings to cast protect but fails. He is to imobilized by the kings appearance. He grabs his helment and puts it on.
you know youre obsessed with WoW when you go up to people and you say Fireball 14 attack damade you know youre ubsessed with naruto when you say moves like Rasengan, Chidori, or Kage Bushin