thank you[DOUBLEPOST=1360283480][/DOUBLEPOST] if she was real, ill be all over her
y u asking
im glad to
im good.
oh ok then
oh so the girl dosent exist.
i take that as an insult
r u sure. if it is> shes pretty
what u mean
is this picture fake
eh maybe
its only benn 1
if she is a girl, ill date her. and yes they will be special
dont push me please. ill make you brownies
im not gay.
hell no, im not gay
yea, i forgot to post the thread>
I have decided to change my survival movie into a bully movie. I need a more solid plot tho. Here is what I got so far. A boy named validimor, goes on a rampage, phsically assulting people, because of his past. The nightmares he has had. A movie that could end him in a hospital.
Well, its my one year anniversary on khv
im in the same sitaution. i really need one to