The one who knows what they are gets a FREE (plus 50$) mustard keyblade
Kinda a copy of this Mine is what my father used to call me, as a nickname. It actually comes from Macho :ninjacat:
YIPEE Who gave it to me BTW?
Well... Hi! I'm from argentina, so if you need a word traduced, ask me I make friends easily. Just here for a month+ 6 friends= win! My randomness can variate from astronomical to high. It's never low. So if you need to laugh, check out my posts ;)
Topic Here's mine:ma(as in ma boi) chass(as in a**)o(as in oh boy!)
What are you getting for christmas? I'm getting: PSP(BBS FTW!!!) 100 pesos(30 dollars more or less) A pen!?!?!?!??!( I just checked where my gifts are and found 3 WTF) My father's birthday is in christmas. Only 1 gift for you dad!
I shoore do
Okay... He´s shouting at me all the time... Todays an example. Yesterday he bought a new SD card 4 my camera. God knows where he put the old one(BTW he did everything, changed the cards, put my photos in my pc, etc.) And today he wamted the old card. Let´s adress me as Machazo "Machazo, do you know where the SD card is, the old one?" "Nope" "You should know, its yours after all, and I need it 4 a party(my father´s a DJ)" "But you did everything related to it yesterday" And we started to disscuss over a 10 dollar SD card, and he blamed ME of losing it. ... ... ... I´m so angry!!!
Playing with him in days, I noticed some of his moves are quite similar to Ven's. And his way of holding the claymore is kinda familiar ain't it? Also we didn't see Isa with any weapon when we saw him.Perhaps he got his claymore after that?¤t=Scary.jpg WTF?
A facebook page? Please?
But i'm not. I hate u romans!!!!
Throw Oblivion to Riku in the final battle? To strike raid him or what? I don't get it...
I just saw terra´s final battle and noticed something... When Terranort takes his armor off, he keeps his right shoulder and arm on. So... Shouldn´t the LS have only one arm? Arms don´t appear out of nowhere...