Search Results

  1. Machazo

    Void of drawing skills.
    Thread by: Machazo, Jan 15, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Machazo

    This happens.

    Thread by: Machazo, Jan 13, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Machazo
    I can't go to year 2012 for some reason, and when i tried to post a new event it took me to the correct date... in 2003. Is this just happening to me?
    Thread by: Machazo, Jan 8, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Machazo
    Amaury is bored. VERY bored.
    Thread by: Machazo, Jan 8, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Machazo

    No, seriously. All them consoles pirated. I download my games. Cept for PS2.
    Thread by: Machazo, Jan 3, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Machazo
    Sir Isaac Newton.
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 25, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Machazo

    Daxa seal of approvalâ„¢
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 24, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Machazo
    Ooooh, but noooo, I don't get two pins for doing the event twice. I GET MY OLD PIN STOLEN AND REPLACED WITH ONE THAT SAYS I'VE SURVIVED TWICE.

    Staff, you trolls.

    At least they didn't put a virus in the stocking.
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 22, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Playground
  9. Machazo

    The Jungle

    Welcome to Fun and Games, we've got the jungle!

    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 22, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Machazo

    Holy crap

    Madoka's voice = Nanako

    Also Mami's sucks.
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 16, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Machazo



    Since when is she fooking Darth Vader?

    And random superhero Akihiko makes it even better.
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 16, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Machazo
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 15, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Machazo

    This is amazing.
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 11, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Machazo

    No need to understand what he says, by the way.

    I'll add translations to the post in a while.

    EDIT: Translation, brought to you by translator-in-progress, Machazo!

    Text from 0:54 to 0:58 says "Carlos, the baker"

    He says he got the store from his father, and has worked there for over 50 years. He was born in Argentina in 1944, and starting helping his dad by taking the clients' orders, when he was "a small kid" (7 or 8 years old, I guess?) and started owning the shop when his father died. It has been the only job he has had during his life (1:36-2:17)

    "This is a family business, passed from father to son for generations. It has always been a successful business. (He uses the term "family business" in the sense that even his wife works with him, although children are never mentioned)" (3:14-4:00)

    He's now speaking about the different types of ovens.The old ones seem to give the bread a better taste, it seems, while modern ones are "More industrial", meaning, more bread is made but the taste is not as good. (5:13-5:30)

    "I've already reached an old age, so I'll have to stop some day and... do something else. This job needs effort and sacrifice, and it may not make you a millionaire, but it lets you live..." (7:50-8:20)
    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 7, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. Machazo

    Thread by: Machazo, Dec 3, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Machazo

    So KHV

    Since I had a crappy day yesterday and today, I decided to tidy my room (I do it because I usually find interesting objects, I once found an hourglass my grandma gave me when I was 5) Randomly picking up CDs, what do I find, among tons of Queen discs?

    Freaking Pokemon. A CD full of Pokemon songs. Nostalgia hit me harder than puberty hit Tay Zonday. Listening to it while trying to sleep.I WANNA BE, DA BEARY BEST, spanish version. Best day ever.
    Thread by: Machazo, Nov 30, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Machazo
    View attachment 29553 (Click to enlarge)

    I mean, we should totally be in the yellow one.
    Thread by: Machazo, Nov 28, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Machazo


    He's much more mature than me.
    He is a much better singer than me
    His english is much better than mine
    He isn't a *** like me
    He doesn't fail as much as me

    He's much more mature than me.
    He is a much better singer than me
    His english is much better than mine
    He isn't a *** like me
    He doesn't fail as much as me

    He's much more mature than me.
    He is a much better singer than me
    His english is much better than mine
    He isn't a *** like me
    He doesn't fail as much as me
    Thread by: Machazo, Nov 20, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Machazo
    Yup .
    Thread by: Machazo, Nov 20, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Machazo
    Thread by: Machazo, Nov 17, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone