Have you installed CFW?
When using room mods I recommend you use it when walking from the Hall of the Cornerstone to the Audience chamber. That usually does the trick ^^
This might not be the full list and may not be their correct names but it's what I had saved on my PC: Code: Normal field music: 20347D34 000000XX Battle music: 20347D44 000000XX 3F - 13th Reflection BC - One Winged Angel 45 - CoR Battle. 44 - CoR. 43 - Rage Awakened. 42 - The Other Promise. 41 - Christmas Town Battle Music 40 - Christmas Town Normal Music 46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) A3 - Same music as A2 maybe a different song. A4 - Phils Mini Game Music A5 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) A6 - Some weird music (After a few seconds the music ends and there is no music) A7 - Same as A6 but different (Sounds like A2 and A3) A8 - Same as A7 but loops A9 - Same as A7 31 and below= no music 32- Station of Serenity. 33- Station of Serenity Battle 34- Twilight Town (Sora's story) 35- Twilight Town Battles (Sora's story) 36- TWTNW 37- TWTNW battle music 38- Port Royal. 39- Port Royal Battles. 3A- Freeze 3B- Freeze 3C- Freeze 3E- Freeze 3F-51= Nothing 52- Mini-Game 53- Nothing? 54- Agrabah Battle (super fast) 55- Space Paranoids Battle 56- Freeze 57- Xemnas Battle (the one in front of the skyscraper)(hangs the game sometimes) 58- Music when Sora awakens 59- Reunion (one when Sora, Riku, and Kairi reunite) 5A- Music when Riku removes blindfold (i THINK) 5B- Kairi's Theme 5C- New Journey 5D- Evil Music (when the Villians plot) 5E- Solemn Music (when Sora finds out what happens when he uses the keyblade) 5F- No Hope 60- Happy March (when Maleficent and Pete die in TWTNW) 61- Silly music (like when Sora visits Santa) 62- Bad Omen 63- Longing (when Kairi is taken from her home) 64- Underworld Music 65- Beast Castle Music 66- Underworld Battle Music 67- Olympus Coliseum Theme 68- Beast Castle Battle Music 69- Nothing 6A- Under the Sea (sometimes hangs the game) 6B- Ursula's Revenge (background music) (sometimes hangs the game) 6C- Ariel's Song (background to the one she sings in the cave) 6D- Conclusion Song to Atlantica (background music) 6E- Large Boss Battle (like against the MCP or Jafar) 6F- Chaotic Battle (used in 1000 Heartless event) 70- Land of Dragon Battle 71- Swim this way (background music to "swim this way" in Atlantica) 72- Nobodies attack 73- Special Boss Battle (like against against the Experiment in Halloween Town) 74- Land of Dragon Town 75- Annoying Battle (like against Pete or the Hyenas) 76- Twilight Town (Roxas story) 77- Twilight Town Battles (Roxas story) 78- Arena Battles 79- Mini Boss Battles (like in Beast's Castle during first visit) 7A- Atlantica Tutorial 7B- Atlantica Tutorial (when you do something right) 7C- Same as 7B 7D- Conclusion to Atlantica Tutorial 7E- Nothing 7F- Agrabah Town 80- Agrabah Battle 81- Atlantica Town 82- Neverland Clock Tower (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 83- Ambush (battle music for most scripted battles) 84- Ending to Beast's Castle (when belle and beast dance together) 85- Yen Sid Tower 86- Twilight Town battle (Sora's story) 87- Space Paranoids 88- Space Paranoids Battle 89- Gummi´s World Map. 8A- Gummi Menu 8B- Gummi Construction 8C- Under the Sea (this one doesn't hang the game) 8D- 100 Acre Wood 8E- Gummi Victory 8F- Disney Castle. 90- Halloween Town 91- Struggle in Hollow Bastion 92- Roxas' Theme 93- Atlantica Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 94- Gummi Launch 95- Halloween Town Battles. 96- Disney Boss Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 97- The 13th Struggle (Organization XIII battles) 98- Hollow Bastion. 99- Hollow Bastion Battles. 9A- Port Royal 9B- Port Royal battles (hangs the game) 9C- Ansem Final Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 9D- Nothing 9E- 100 Acre Minigame 9F- 100 Acre Minigame (when riding the broom thing) A0- A1- Nothing A2- Evil Music (when Villians plot)
Normal field music: 20347D34 000000XX Battle music: 20347D44 000000XX 3F - 13th Reflection BC - One Winged Angel 45 - CoR Battle. 44 - CoR. 43 - Rage Awakened. 42 - The Other Promise. 41 - Christmas Town Battle Music 40 - Christmas Town Normal Music 46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) 4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) A3 - Same music as A2 maybe a different song. A4 - Phils Mini Game Music A5 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles) A6 - Some weird music (After a few seconds the music ends and there is no music) A7 - Same as A6 but different (Sounds like A2 and A3) A8 - Same as A7 but loops A9 - Same as A7 31 and below= no music 32- Station of Serenity. 33- Station of Serenity Battle 34- Twilight Town (Sora's story) 35- Twilight Town Battles (Sora's story) 36- TWTNW 37- TWTNW battle music 38- Port Royal. 39- Port Royal Battles. 3A- Freeze 3B- Freeze 3C- Freeze 3E- Freeze 3F-51= Nothing 52- Mini-Game 53- Nothing? 54- Agrabah Battle (super fast) 55- Space Paranoids Battle 56- Freeze 57- Xemnas Battle (the one in front of the skyscraper)(hangs the game sometimes) 58- Music when Sora awakens 59- Reunion (one when Sora, Riku, and Kairi reunite) 5A- Music when Riku removes blindfold (i THINK) 5B- Kairi's Theme 5C- New Journey 5D- Evil Music (when the Villians plot) 5E- Solemn Music (when Sora finds out what happens when he uses the keyblade) 5F- No Hope 60- Happy March (when Maleficent and Pete die in TWTNW) 61- Silly music (like when Sora visits Santa) 62- Bad Omen 63- Longing (when Kairi is taken from her home) 64- Underworld Music 65- Beast Castle Music 66- Underworld Battle Music 67- Olympus Coliseum Theme 68- Beast Castle Battle Music 69- Nothing 6A- Under the Sea (sometimes hangs the game) 6B- Ursula's Revenge (background music) (sometimes hangs the game) 6C- Ariel's Song (background to the one she sings in the cave) 6D- Conclusion Song to Atlantica (background music) 6E- Large Boss Battle (like against the MCP or Jafar) 6F- Chaotic Battle (used in 1000 Heartless event) 70- Land of Dragon Battle 71- Swim this way (background music to "swim this way" in Atlantica) 72- Nobodies attack 73- Special Boss Battle (like against against the Experiment in Halloween Town) 74- Land of Dragon Town 75- Annoying Battle (like against Pete or the Hyenas) 76- Twilight Town (Roxas story) 77- Twilight Town Battles (Roxas story) 78- Arena Battles 79- Mini Boss Battles (like in Beast's Castle during first visit) 7A- Atlantica Tutorial 7B- Atlantica Tutorial (when you do something right) 7C- Same as 7B 7D- Conclusion to Atlantica Tutorial 7E- Nothing 7F- Agrabah Town 80- Agrabah Battle 81- Atlantica Town 82- Neverland Clock Tower (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 83- Ambush (battle music for most scripted battles) 84- Ending to Beast's Castle (when belle and beast dance together) 85- Yen Sid Tower 86- Twilight Town battle (Sora's story) 87- Space Paranoids 88- Space Paranoids Battle 89- Gummi´s World Map. 8A- Gummi Menu 8B- Gummi Construction 8C- Under the Sea (this one doesn't hang the game) 8D- 100 Acre Wood 8E- Gummi Victory 8F- Disney Castle. 90- Halloween Town 91- Struggle in Hollow Bastion 92- Roxas' Theme 93- Atlantica Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 94- Gummi Launch 95- Halloween Town Battles. 96- Disney Boss Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 97- The 13th Struggle (Organization XIII battles) 98- Hollow Bastion. 99- Hollow Bastion Battles. 9A- Port Royal 9B- Port Royal battles (hangs the game) 9C- Ansem Final Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2) 9D- Nothing 9E- 100 Acre Minigame 9F- 100 Acre Minigame (when riding the broom thing) A0- A1- Nothing A2- Evil Music (when Villians plot)
I guess someone would have such a file but anyway I believe you can make your own day 1 file. Search around and you'll be sure to find a tutorial on this subject. 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B
Not entirely sure how an ESR patched game works so I can't really give any advice on this but if it works like I think does, that it simply works...
You put in how much exp you want for each exp ball I think. And it's important that you put it in as hexadecimal. Let's say you would want 10000 exp, you put in 00002710 as the value since 2710 is the hexadecimal for 10000: 2060D2B0 00002710
If you had looked through this page of the thread you should've seen this: Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms (With Antiform in Drive List) E006FDFF 0034d3c0 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF 1032EE24 00000029 1032EECC 00000029 1032EF04 00000029
You're welcome ^^
Mickey (Coat) Weapon Joint 01CFBE04 000000A9
Happy New Year everyone ^^
And that brings up another question I have, do you like have Christmas shows sorta exclusive for Christmas? ^^ 'cuz here we have Donald Duck and a...
Ah, I see, so if you want to open presents fast you'll go and wake everybody up lol? ^^ Yeah, here in Sweden we always open the presents on...
Hey Adam, a question just popped into my head, is there some sort of limit how early you can wake up on Christmas Day? ^^ I'm not that familiar...
You'll need a cheat device to activate the codes, like Ar Max, Codebreaker or Gameshark ^^ For more information, check out the FAQs thread: http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/faqs-and-useful-tools.120339/
Like you would hack any code, totally depends on what you want to hack and such. Unfortunatly I don't have any time myself to try
Well, simply that you add a couple of lines to an already existing code, something like this: Code #1 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Fix/Add-on YYYYYYYY...
Fixes are basicly add-ons for normal codes to make them more stable and whatnot and you'll hack them just like you would do with any code
Yeah, it ends on Friday, the 21th the world's end :O :P And yeah, it looks Christmasy (it's not even a word, right? :P) And I'm unfortunatly not...
lol, love that song xD I see, well good luck, this is outside my box of knowledge :P Oh and btw when does your christmas vacation begin? ^^