I think you actually need a actual psp to decrypt them, so I'm afraid you're out of luck sad to say.
Have you decrypted the .dat files? If not, then you need to that first.
Heeeeeey :P Wazzup man? ;P
I think only PAL have the different language option, so yeah, PAL
This one should do the trick ^^ Hold R2 while changing areas. Wield Auron's Weapon E002FDFF 0034D45C 1032E020 0000002A 11CD4394 000002C0
The trick to get the room mod to work consistent is to activate the code in the Hall of the Cornerstone and then walk into the Audience Chamber (y)
Yeah, the codes needs to be encrypted. There are converters for that, I personally use maxconvert: http://www.codemasters-project.net/portal-english/apportal/request.php?6 Just download the program and put in the code as RAW (which most codes are) and output as AR2v2/GS2v2 and also don't forget to put in the Game ID which I do believe is 0911 for KH2 NTSC.
Found four codes for you, don't know if they work or not. But try them: Code: Mastercode F01181AC 001181AF Pause to Restore HP 203F9CEC 8C520024 Pause to Restore MP 203F9E84 8C550024 Infinite Item Use 203CF740 26030000
Mastercode F01181AC 001181AF Pause to Restore HP 203F9CEC 8C520024 Pause to Restore MP 203F9E84 8C550024 Infinite Item Use 203CF740 26030000
Twilight Thorn isn't in the game? Not that I can remember and not according to the kh wikia?
Sweet ^^ Just life, nothing too major xD And yeah, you can add me at alexflorence42
Hey there! Yeah, sure was a while ago lol ^^ What have you been up to? ^^
Slot 1 is in this case not the player character, it's an enemy. All the YYYY digits are found there too. To have nothing in the slot I believe you can just put 0x00000000 on both lines.
These ones are for round 6 in Combined Threat: Code: Start at round 6 in Combined Threat 0x2114DB98 0x06050606 Slot 1 (Ventus) 0x206251F0 0x65YYYY62 0x206251F4 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Ventus) 0x20625200 0x65YYYY62 0x20625204 0x00XX3078 Slot 3 (Ventus) 0x20625210 0x65YYYY62 0x20625214 0x00XX3078 Slot 4 (Ventus) 0x20625220 0x65YYYY62 0x20625224 0x00XX3078 Slot 5 (Ventus) 0x20625230 0x65YYYY62 0x20625234 0x00XX3078 Slot 6 (Ventus) 0x20625240 0x65YYYY62 0x20625244 0x00XX3078 Slot 1 (Terra) 0x206241F0 0x65YYYY62 0x206241F4 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Terra) 0x20624200 0x65YYYY62 0x20624204 0x00XX3078 Slot 3 (Terra) 0x20624210 0x65YYYY62 0x20624214 0x00XX3078 Slot 4 (Terra) 0x20624220 0x65YYYY62 0x20624224 0x00XX3078 Slot 5 (Terra) 0x20624230 0x65YYYY62 0x20624234 0x00XX3078 Slot 6 (Terra) 0x20624240 0x65YYYY62 0x20624244 0x00XX3078 Slot 1 (Aqua) 0x206249F0 0x65YYYY62 0x206249F4 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Aqua) 0x20624A00 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A04 0x00XX3078 Slot 3 (Aqua) 0x20624A10 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A14 0x00XX3078 Slot 4 (Aqua) 0x20624A20 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A24 0x00XX3078 Slot 5 (Aqua) 0x20624A30 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A34 0x00XX3078 Slot 6 (Aqua) 0x20624A40 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A44 0x00XX3078 YY Digits 3130 - Mysterious Figure 3031 - Vanitas (normal) [31 -> Low AI version] [32 -> Keyblade storm version] 3131 - Vanitas (Unmasked) [Extremely high RAM] 3231 - Vanitas Lingering Spirit 3336 - Ventus=Vanitas 3032 - Eraqus 3034 - Master Xehanort 3035 - Terra=Xehanort 1 3135 - Terra=Xehanort 2 3235 - Terra=Xehanort 3 + Guardian [Extremely high RAM] 3033 - Scarred Braig 3233 - Normal Braig 3036 - Ven (Boss) 3236 - Armor Ven (Boss) 3936 - Ven (Ally) 3037 - Terra (Boss) 3237 - Armor Terra (Boss) 3937 - Terra (Ally) 3038 - Aqua (Boss) 3238 - Armor Aqua (Boss) 3938 - Aqua (Ally) XX Digits 30 - If the boss doesn't have an alternate form 31 - Alternate 1 (Only if you use normal Vanitas) 32 - Alternate 2 (Only if you use normal Vanitas) I could've sworn there were more digits, I think they may be lost somewhere in a thread... EDIT: Found a couple more: Monstro 0x68333862 0x00303073 Metamorphosis 0x6C313062 0x00303073 Zack (With Helmet) 0x68303362 0x00303065 Zack (Without Helmet) 0x68303462 0x00303065 Hercules (Ally role? Does nothing, just interesting...) 0x68303262 0x00303065 Ice Titan 0x68303162 0x00303065 Mimic Master 0x76313062 0x00303073 Armor of the master (Is invisible at 1st however will eventually become visible) 0x76313862 0x00303073 No Heart(He appears as MX keyblade at first, it seems like something trigger him. He appears if you use Unison Rush command) 0x76353862 0x00303073
Start at round 6 in Combined Threat 0x2114DB98 0x06050606 Slot 1 (Ventus) 0x206251F0 0x65YYYY62 0x206251F4 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Ventus) 0x20625200 0x65YYYY62 0x20625204 0x00XX3078 Slot 3 (Ventus) 0x20625210 0x65YYYY62 0x20625214 0x00XX3078 Slot 4 (Ventus) 0x20625220 0x65YYYY62 0x20625224 0x00XX3078 Slot 5 (Ventus) 0x20625230 0x65YYYY62 0x20625234 0x00XX3078 Slot 6 (Ventus) 0x20625240 0x65YYYY62 0x20625244 0x00XX3078 Slot 1 (Terra) 0x206241F0 0x65YYYY62 0x206241F4 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Terra) 0x20624200 0x65YYYY62 0x20624204 0x00XX3078 Slot 3 (Terra) 0x20624210 0x65YYYY62 0x20624214 0x00XX3078 Slot 4 (Terra) 0x20624220 0x65YYYY62 0x20624224 0x00XX3078 Slot 5 (Terra) 0x20624230 0x65YYYY62 0x20624234 0x00XX3078 Slot 6 (Terra) 0x20624240 0x65YYYY62 0x20624244 0x00XX3078 Slot 1 (Aqua) 0x206249F0 0x65YYYY62 0x206249F4 0x00XX3078 Slot 2 (Aqua) 0x20624A00 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A04 0x00XX3078 Slot 3 (Aqua) 0x20624A10 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A14 0x00XX3078 Slot 4 (Aqua) 0x20624A20 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A24 0x00XX3078 Slot 5 (Aqua) 0x20624A30 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A34 0x00XX3078 Slot 6 (Aqua) 0x20624A40 0x65YYYY62 0x20624A44 0x00XX3078 YY Digits 3130 - Mysterious Figure 3031 - Vanitas (normal) [31 -> Low AI version] [32 -> Keyblade storm version] 3131 - Vanitas (Unmasked) [Extremely high RAM] 3231 - Vanitas Lingering Spirit 3336 - Ventus=Vanitas 3032 - Eraqus 3034 - Master Xehanort 3035 - Terra=Xehanort 1 3135 - Terra=Xehanort 2 3235 - Terra=Xehanort 3 + Guardian [Extremely high RAM] 3033 - Scarred Braig 3233 - Normal Braig 3036 - Ven (Boss) 3236 - Armor Ven (Boss) 3936 - Ven (Ally) 3037 - Terra (Boss) 3237 - Armor Terra (Boss) 3937 - Terra (Ally) 3038 - Aqua (Boss) 3238 - Armor Aqua (Boss) 3938 - Aqua (Ally) XX Digits 30 - If the boss doesn't have an alternate form 31 - Alternate 1 (Only if you use normal Vanitas) 32 - Alternate 2 (Only if you use normal Vanitas)
Hey guys! I recently bought an elgato game capture HD and I plan as well as record games, to transfer some old vhs tapes. But when I connected it the picture was black and white. Does anybody know what might be the issue? I use usb to the computer and composite to my vhs player. (Red, white, yellow). I've connected them Red-Red, White-White and Green-Yellow. Thank you in advance! EDIT: I managed to solve the problem, the yellow cable was supposed to go into the red. This can be locked.
Aw... That's unfortunate... Yeah, it's really hard to find out what went wrong. Sorry...
Oh yeah, I know. I just meant like, download the package again and replace the existing files
Have you tried to reinstall noesis? I'm just guessing here :P
You can use this to make each character an ally individually: Role Mod 01CXXXXX 000000YY Code: XX digits Donald - 957EC Goofy - 9584C Mickey - 9578C Party Riku - 9DCC Party Beast - 958AC Jack Skellington (HO) - 9590C Jack Skellington (CO) - 9596C Simba - 959CC Aladdin - 95A2C Mulan - 95A8C Ping - 95AEC Auron - 95B4C Jack Sparrow - 95BB4 Shan-Yu - 9488C Hayabusa - 948EC Axel from 2nd battle - 9548C Oogie Boogie - 964AC Lock - 9650C Shock - 9656C Barrel - 965CC Twilight Thorn - 98D2C Jafar (Genie) - 99B6C Hades (Paradox Hades Cup) - 99C2C Cerberus - 99C8C Hydra - 99CEC Thresholder - 99D4C Storm Rider - 99ECC Illuminator - 99F2C Shenzi - 9CC8C Banzai - 9CCEC Ed - 9CD4C Scar - 9CDAC Demyx (Olympus Coliseum) - 9F38C Sark - A05EC Hydra's Head - A0D6C Huge Sark - A178C Xaldin - A1CCC Barbossa - A22CC Blizzard Lord - A29EC Volcano Lord - A298C Groundshaker - A3D0C Demyx' water clone - A47EC Hostile Program - A4EAC Hayner - A57AC Prison Keeper - A9E2C Experiment - A9EEC Luxord's Card - AB08C Xigbar - ABAAC Xemnas - AC40C Seifer - AD5AC Pete from Megara battle - AE9EC Pete (Hercules Battle) - AEA4C Saïx - AEF2C The Experiment (Head) - B048C The Experiment (Left hand) - B04EC The Experiment (Right hand) - B054C Shadow Roxas - B192C Hades - B5B8C Final Xemnas - B600C Setzer - B660C Xemnas Armor - B756C Axel (TT 1st battle) - B95AC Sephiroth - B960C Terra - BD98C Roxas - BCE4C Marluxia - BBD0C Vexen - BC30C Vexen Anti Form(Not sute about this) - BC3B0 Larxene - BD4AC Zexion - BDE0C Lexaeus - BC3CC Axel(Limit Cut) - BF96C Xigbar(Limit Cut) - BF9CC Saix(Limit Cut) - BFA2C Luxord(Limit Cut) - BFEAC Xemnas(Limit Cut) - BFB4C Final Xemnas(Limit Cut) - BFBAC Xaldin(Limit Cut) - BFC0C Demyx(Limit Cut) - BFC6C Demyx Water Clone(Limit Cut) - BFCC4 YY digits: 03 - Boss 04 - Normal Enemy 09 - Ally
XX digits Donald - 957EC Goofy - 9584C Mickey - 9578C Party Riku - 9DCC Party Beast - 958AC Jack Skellington (HO) - 9590C Jack Skellington (CO) - 9596C Simba - 959CC Aladdin - 95A2C Mulan - 95A8C Ping - 95AEC Auron - 95B4C Jack Sparrow - 95BB4 Shan-Yu - 9488C Hayabusa - 948EC Axel from 2nd battle - 9548C Oogie Boogie - 964AC Lock - 9650C Shock - 9656C Barrel - 965CC Twilight Thorn - 98D2C Jafar (Genie) - 99B6C Hades (Paradox Hades Cup) - 99C2C Cerberus - 99C8C Hydra - 99CEC Thresholder - 99D4C Storm Rider - 99ECC Illuminator - 99F2C Shenzi - 9CC8C Banzai - 9CCEC Ed - 9CD4C Scar - 9CDAC Demyx (Olympus Coliseum) - 9F38C Sark - A05EC Hydra's Head - A0D6C Huge Sark - A178C Xaldin - A1CCC Barbossa - A22CC Blizzard Lord - A29EC Volcano Lord - A298C Groundshaker - A3D0C Demyx' water clone - A47EC Hostile Program - A4EAC Hayner - A57AC Prison Keeper - A9E2C Experiment - A9EEC Luxord's Card - AB08C Xigbar - ABAAC Xemnas - AC40C Seifer - AD5AC Pete from Megara battle - AE9EC Pete (Hercules Battle) - AEA4C Saïx - AEF2C The Experiment (Head) - B048C The Experiment (Left hand) - B04EC The Experiment (Right hand) - B054C Shadow Roxas - B192C Hades - B5B8C Final Xemnas - B600C Setzer - B660C Xemnas Armor - B756C Axel (TT 1st battle) - B95AC Sephiroth - B960C Terra - BD98C Roxas - BCE4C Marluxia - BBD0C Vexen - BC30C Vexen Anti Form(Not sute about this) - BC3B0 Larxene - BD4AC Zexion - BDE0C Lexaeus - BC3CC Axel(Limit Cut) - BF96C Xigbar(Limit Cut) - BF9CC Saix(Limit Cut) - BFA2C Luxord(Limit Cut) - BFEAC Xemnas(Limit Cut) - BFB4C Final Xemnas(Limit Cut) - BFBAC Xaldin(Limit Cut) - BFC0C Demyx(Limit Cut) - BFC6C Demyx Water Clone(Limit Cut) - BFCC4 YY digits: 03 - Boss 04 - Normal Enemy 09 - Ally
As seen by Sean B's example, just put one code after another, like this as an example: Code 1 YYYYYYYY XXXXXXXX Code 2 ZZZZZZZZ VVVVVVVV Become this as one code: Final Code YYYYYYYY XXXXXXXX ZZZZZZZZ VVVVVVVV Just pick which codes you want from say the front page of this thread and mix
Most of the "custom made forms" are just a bunch of other codes mashed into one, just look through like the codes on the first post and you make your own from that For example, you can use the model mod to change the apperance for Sora to a form and then use a moveset modifier.