Vaughn blinked when he figured she was talking to him. He looked at hs feet again, and frowned. So far he had been sleeping in shacks ad such like that. 'Maybe I could...but how do I know...' He sighed andstepped forward. "Yeas, I accept your help." He said. As he looked her in the eye.
Vaugn had walked far into the forest an sihed when he realized that e was lost. He blinked whn he saw a Sth and Alyssia up ahead. He hesitantly aproched them. "Mmm...h-hello?" He said rather quietly he said as he looked at his feet. The male was rther sh around people.
Vaughn had decided that walking in the woods would be the best way to calm his nerves. He sighed as he pulled his hood over his silver hair. His feet dragged slowly behind him. "I hate today..." The boy whispered to himself. His eyes down casted to the ground. "I hate remembering..."
It's not your fault. I have to go, see ya!
I figured as much.
It's a manga that I've read. It's aslo an anime....I made a rp about it but nbody's responded to it...
I'm going to go on a whim here and say you've never heard of Spiral? not really...
Then it's rather hard to explain what 'm drawing....
Have you heard of Harvest Moon?
I would but...I can't draw his hair. It's ok, I found something to draw.
I know....I dont knowwhat to draw next.
lets see...listening to music readig fan fic drawing and on here. what are you doing.
....Akward moment is akward.
I did... .......
EEP!! *runs like hell*
o-o I wasn't ware there was a monster....*hides bhind you* ....