Vaughn sighed and closed his eyes. His tail tiwtched slightly as he laid down. He could help the sleep that swallowed him. He was sound asleep a minute later, snoring slightly. In his dream he was floating in water just drifting away.
Vaughn frowned whenshe saw he cry. He slowly wipped it off. "It's ok...on't cry....." He said softly. The male orwned as he remembere isown amiy crying over his going away.
Vaughn chuckled. "But I still should be polite to you. You did save me." He said as he simled. He followed her stare out the window and smiled sadly. "It's so pretty...yet so gloomy...." He mumbled some.
OCC: MUWHAHAHA!! It spreads! Vaughn chuckled and nodded. "Yep, not that long." Hesmled and took a bit. "My God...this is the best stuff I've had n a long time...." He said with a mouth full. "I'm sorry, mind my manners. Haven't been with a soul in a while." The male swallowed.
Vaughn thought and frowne. "...If I remember correctly....I should be 17." He said counting on his fingers. "Yes....I'm 17 How old are you?" He said sitting up, and walking back to the fridge, this time grabbing a small sandwhich. "You don't seem that much younger than me."
Vaughn just smiled. "Yes and yes." He said his smiled growing wider. 'She's really pretty.....I wander how old he is...she can't be the much younger than me....I hope...' He said chuckling to himself as he laid down.
"Something...shocked me..." He said as if he was imaging things. "M-maybe I'm just tired." He mumbled coldly to himself. "I tend to do that...." The male sighed and closed his eyes. Vaughn faced Sinder and smiled. "I'm fine."
Vaughn smiled and slightly chuckled to himself. 'I haven't had things much contact with another person.....been years....' He as abut to reach for the fridge when he got shocked. "Wha-what the!?" He explain loudly. "What just happened?!"
Vauhgn smiled and stood once more. "So...where's the food?" He said smiling tryin to lightn the mood. He walked over to his jacket and picket it up. e looked out of the window and smiled at the snow falling. 'Kinda like that day back in...'
Vaughn nodded and gabbed a hung of flesh from her goo arm. He gently placed the tip on a random spot and slowly put it in. He sht the end dwn and counted to five before pulling it out. "Kay, done." The male said, placing the syringe on the counter.
The silverette nodded and went to the cupboard. He grabbed the syringe, an then the pain killer. He carefully got the pain killer into the needle as he sat next to Sinder again. "Any place you ant me to place it?" He said turning to the girl.
Vaughn frowned and sat next to hr. "Are you sure?" He said, not caring if his worry was showing or not. "You need me to get some bandages?" The male stood and started to look for some. "An pain killers here?"
Vaughn gasped when he saw her stumble some. He stood ad reached for her houlders. "A-are you ok?"He askd worriedly. OCC: Oh darn....writters block right now....
Vaughn tought or a moment. "Yes, I would like something to eat." He smiled and chuckled to himself. He sighed slightlyto himself. A frowned spread on his face. ".....I have had snything decent for days..." The male grumbled slighly.
The male looked away for a brief moment before looking bck at her. "Some what. I feel grogy." He admitted. Vghn just smile "But I'm fine." H said. "Are you still cold? Your cheeks are still red. I could help warm you up." He wrapped an arm arond hshoulder nd ulle her in slightly. H blushed some when he did that.
Vaughn smiled back and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, too, Sinder." He laughed at her blush. "You cold? I could let you use my coat." He starte tof the black long coat. He smiled a bit wider, really looking t hr acforte frt time. 'Wow...she's cute...'
Vaughn blushed when h calmed own. "'s ok...I had...a...nevermind..." He sad quicky. He looked around. "So...what's our name? I'm Vaughn...." The male said a bit more bold. The silverette stood and sat next to her.
Vaughn moaned in his leep as he urned his head toe side. "N-no..." He mumbled. "" He said louder. "NOOO!" He suddenly screamed sittig up. He blinked when he realized h wasn't in the forest. "Wha-what?" He looked around and spotted Sinder. "Y-you.." He said halfheartily.
Vaughn smelld the gas before he saw it. He coughed lightly at first then the coughs became more harsh. "T-tear gas!?"He said loudly as he fell to his knees. He had to support himslf on both knee and his right arm seeing as he was coughing into his left. His vision becme blurry. "N-no..." Vuahgn wpered before passed out.
Vaughn gasped silently as he was grabbed. He blushed lghtly. He hadn't had contact with anyone since he was hiding from the R.N.A. He tried to look at the trees whizzing around but everything was a blur and he started to feel dizzy. "...Ugh...getting dizzy..." He mumbled weakly to himself. Th boy closed his eyes waiting forall t to pass quickly.