(Which is Ironic, really) I keep looking at things online to buy for my place, and I feel like I'm checking the buy section of a Sims game. Except I have a lot less money ;-;
http://www.okcupid.com/profile/irene Imma call her up
Pro: I get to wake up 5-10 minutes before my classes Con: I seriously have no real excuse to be late to my classes >_> Yeah, the spamzone really has become more of a blog to me.
So part of the reason why I haven't been online for the past few months is because I'm moving to another city. I'm officially moving there a few hours there now It's across the country, and I have to move everything with me. Let me tell ya, it's waaay too stressful. There's so many things to do. I'm glad it's finally over. I just hope my internet connection will be set-up when I get there >_>
... I still need to see the 4th movie. And no, this topic is real. You're not being trolled.
Strange creatures will start growing on your dirty plates. It's pretty freaky.
Saw a good movie lately? How about a bad one? Want to share your criticism to other people? This thread is just for that. Here you review movies you like or have recently seen in hopes of recommending them or warning other members about them. And you can do that by using this template: Name: The name of said movie you're reviewing Grade: (On a scale of 1 to 10 or F to A+) Review: Talking about said movie, your likes and dislikes, etc. And try to keep the spoilers at a minimum. Or you can use your own way to review the movie, as long as it's well formed. Happy reviewing~
How screwed are you? The Pokemon trainer from HeartGold. Eh, it's not so bad as long as he doesn't use his Pokemon.
[And Chev is the father. WAT DO KHV]
Spoiler I haven't lol'd like this in a while. Sure it shows huge bias. But it's still pretty true >_>
[...according to North Korea. >_>] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...th-survey--North-Korea.html?ito=feeds-newsxml NORTH KOREA IS BEST KOREA
http://www.silvergames.com/nyan-cat OF ALL TIME You know it to be true.
[video=youtube;GI6CfKcMhjY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI6CfKcMhjY&feature=None_comedy[/video] Lonely Island <3 I'd actually really lol if they put this in the actual movie.
Go. Batman. I think I automatically win.
*rimshot* Edit: Furthermore, I hate joining in with all this Osama being dead fiasco. But I just can't help myself with these kind of jokes.
[Not to mention the AI is generally horrible. Also, the game is extremely dull and repetitive]
Or Mortal Kombat 9. Or whatever you want to call it. I got it last night, and I must say the game is amazing. The amount of content in the game is immense. This is how a fighter should be. I only started Story Mode so far. Surprisingly, the story is actually pretty deep. I mean, most Mortal Kombat games have an actual story, but this one has a lot of cinematics. Besides that, the actual gameplay is great. So many combos and whatnot. And who could not love Fatalities? So has anyone else gotten the game?
[Where are we going this time?]
[You're all premiums for a day. Have a nice April Fools]
[*Looks at highscores* Score:7940 Time played: 00:01 Now hey, these sort of people are just annoying]