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  1. Fork
    It's still as good as I remember.
    But it seems a bit more fast paced than other animes. Maybe that's just me though.
    Thread by: Fork, Feb 13, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Fork
    Fork: Plums x Clawtooth
    Haseo: Saxima x Amaury
    Andrew: Haseo x Xaale
    Kellu: Andrew x Fuzzy
    Plumsy: Kelly x Llave
    GS: Sumi x Nova
    Sumi: GS x Makaze
    Saxima: Fork x Jayn

    Just in case someone forgets their pairing/order
    Thread by: Fork, Feb 12, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  3. Fork


    [Your signature scares me.
    Just saying]
    Thread by: Fork, Feb 11, 2012, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fork
    But this is just creepy

    Thread by: Fork, Feb 4, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Fork

    What do I do?
    I don't have the money for it.
    She seems pretty disappointed in me.
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 31, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Fork
    That would be pretty badass, to be honest.
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 30, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Fork

    lol squp guys

    i'm posting this from my phone anyxway i anted to say that youre all grzat and i love you all youre grat. I dont know whart i would do without you. Mhh i thgibk i might refgret this
    Vous etes tous genial et franchement tous le monde est marant
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 28, 2012, 69 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Fork
    [ Said friend checks his email inbox and tells me he didn't get anything
    I Tell my friend to check his REAL mailbox
    It takes him 5 minutes to get what I mean.

    Oh Technology, what are you doing to us. ]
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 27, 2012, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Fork
    Rejoice, fellow Foreveraloners
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 24, 2012, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Fork
    I've had a bit too much time on my hands since I changed my sleeping pattern, and I would like to be a bit more productive rather than waste all that extra time staring at the computer screen.
    So, gimme some hobbies.
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 20, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Fork

    The Dovahkids

    I would actually watch this every day if it was real.

    Thread by: Fork, Jan 14, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Fork
    Welcome to the music section! Appropriate discussions for this section concern Music, singers, bands, albums, and anything else that is related to Music in general. This thread adds specific guidelines in addition to the Main Forum Rules, which still apply here. If you haven’t read them, be sure to do so now.

    The Rules

    • Staying on topic and spam:
      This should go without saying but staying on topic is very important in these kind of sections. In which case, please try not to de-rail threads. Posts that are off-topic will be regarded as spam and will be deleted.
      We also ask you to put some thought into your posts, so please do try be constructive. When posting, try to write up at least a full sentence.

    • About Duplicates and bumping:
      Don't forget that the search function isn't there for nothing. Try not to make duplicate threads. In other words, use the search function to see if a thread already exists or not. The only exception of making duplicates is if the thread is locked or long dead.
      Regarding bumping, it is allowed, but to an extent. You are allowed to bump the thread as long as you add relevant information to said thread.

    • Pirates will be shot on sight:
      Discussions about illegal activities, such as pirating a certain song or an album, will not be tolerated. If you are caught posting links to torrents, for example, or discussing such activities, you will be either warned, infracted or banned.

    • Regarding Singers and Music Projects:
      Remember, this section is dedicated to music bands and artists, and not your personal music projects. If you are looking to make a thread about those, then the Production Studio is what you're looking for, specifically the Audio Projects section.

    • Respecting other people's opinions:
      This may come as a shock to you, but most people will have different opinions than yours. We ask you to respect and tolerate them. Do not argue with someone just because you don't agree with them.

    Cheers guys
    The KH-Vids Staff~
    Thread by: Fork, Jan 8, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  13. Fork
    What?: You are a person of wonderful qualities and many talents. You're still somewhat of a new friend to me, that is to say I've known other people here far longer than you, but you are probably one of my favorite members so far. You're amusing, clever, delightful to talk to, helpful, and pretty much one of the most interesting people I've ever met. There's a lot of things I could say about you, from the times you spend writing paragraphs upon paragraphs just to describe one person, to the fact that you spend hours just to make one present to a person (To the point where you'd take up knitting, for example), and finally your somewhat trollish humor which I find very pleasant.

    WHAT!: I don't know you that well, but you're pretty cool too. Or so says What?.
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 25, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Fork
    Is Cereal.
    The life of a student is a hard one.
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 23, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Fork
    (Plums knows what I'm talking about. Best method ever)
    And suddenly, I find myself listening to Bohemian Rhapsody and singing it. Probably the coffee buzz.
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 18, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Fork

    After a long wait, a trailer is finally out. I am pretty disappointed to see that Tommy Lee Jones won't be in it that much. Either way, I am excited about this since I loved the first two. I just hope it won't be disappointing.
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 14, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Fork
    What have I done


    Warning: Set your volume on low before clicking this
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 12, 2011, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Fork

    You know what

    Having Finals suck.
    Having finals before and after Christmas sucks even more.
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 10, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Fork
    This is what I imagine

    Thread by: Fork, Dec 4, 2011, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Fork

    The old goddamn Nokia phones
    Sure, it has a Black and White Screen, no WiFi, no Bluetooth and no camera. Those are some important cons.

    But, it's indestructible, and the only way to destroy it is to take it here.
    Thread by: Fork, Dec 3, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone