Is this a half truth, false truth, The Real truth, The Artificial Truth or something that can be proven with a manmade study?
Kingdom Hearts was more enjoyable than kingdom hearts II in terms of battle and difficulty but kingdom hearts II excels in combat style. Me, i personally don't care for magic unless it's for healing but the Magic in BBS is superior to that of KH1 and KH2. Had kingdom hearts 2 had been as challenging as part 1, I think it would have excelled almost as well as BBS with the exception of multiple characters.
I think it has somethinbg to do with sora's memory of his mother in kingdom hearts 1. I can't exactly where it was in the story though seeing as i haven't played it in 3 years but there was a part where sora remembers his mother talking to him about the true meaning of light and how innocent children are.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Plus is the best installment in the kingdom hearts franchise to me so far. Love the data battles and Sora's limit form.
Yeah i know Wolfie-Chan explained but thanks Repliku-Sama
The reason I say that is because lately i've been caught up in school and other things and I haven't made a post here in quite a while and i don't...