oh lord that's mega accurate. Jones Soda <3
I concur, just because VII was great doesn't make all the others bad. It's like saying because A&W Root Beer is great, all other root beers are terrible. Just doesn't make sense.
It's alright xD
Ah, my mistake. Almost the same principle though, it doesn't mean they're related in the slightest still. Ah man, that song <3 I love the Barthandelus fights.
Lolno. The Maker created the Fal'Cie from the very beginning and Barthandelus recalls when he was created, meaning he recalls the Maker (who is obviously some sort of god figure, not an organization), which means there never was a Shinra in the XIII universe. ohlawd those pairings. Just because Lightning & Cloud have a similar facial structure and a somewhat similar attitude at the start of their respected games doesn't mean they're realted. Lightning's design was semi-based off of a drawing Nomura had made during VII's development when asked to draw Cloud as a female, thus giving her a similar facial structure, not meaning they're even related in the slightest. Saying Sazh & Barret are related is kinda a bit racist seeing as how's there's no similarity between the two characters at all other than their skin colour. And where the hell does Hope & Dio come from? Dio wasn't that important of a character in VII, meaning there's not much to his personality, and Hope is a young guy with a completely different personality, which is apparent even with Dio's lack of character development. I know you're saying that would be "awesome" but it really just sounds kinda stupid. It's L'Cie. and they PSN download isn't really a remake, it's really just a port of the game, there's no difference other than the lack of discs.
Hrm? I've never been prem.
...oh my god that was the hardest I've laughed in a long time. Don't "wild mass guess" at something that's explained in-game. The whole goal of Barthandelus & Orphan is to bring back the Maker, who created everything which means there's no way in hell Lightning could be a descendant of Cloud, let alone ShinRa being involved. Know the game before you theorize, bro. Also lol "La Cie"
Riveting tale, chap.
XIII was pretty damn awesome, yes, but I still think VII holds 1st place. Also I find it humorous that I see this thread right after changing my signature to lyrics to a song in XIII.
14. I don't really know why people think I'm older... and female.
Exactly what I thought of.
; u ;
Worst brithday ever.
I am curious as to why that man in ramming his pelvis into text. Strange.
Notice the word "if", hun c: I honestly just couldn't tell if it was a joke or not xD I had been hearing a lot of people say the same thing on other sites and being completely serious so I was just a bit ticked off hen I read it in this thread. Derp.
The internet.
There's a pretty big possibility she's just a troll. But anyway what I'm tired of is atheists calling Christians/Theists ******s for what they believe in. Don't think that I'm against atheism, I myself am atheistic. But vice versa, I'm also tired of theists calling atheists evil and acting like we're trying to rule the goddamn world. Can't we just keep to ourselves and not bother other beliefs? :v srs bns guiz
If that's really what you're concerned about, you're a terrible person.
...wait what.
On a History quiz the other week: Hitler's primary position was: A) [answer] B) [other choice] C) [other choice] D) A complete dick. Ilu, Coach Prock <3