Because, it is his home. He's lived there for like 2 years now.
I remember when Dalk & I were gonna run for Spamzone '10. But that never happened.
I am never changing it again. Just like my avatar.
They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said no, no, no.
I just made the tiebreaker tied ...welp
Mike had the balls to actually do it though, so he's really the one who started it.
Try This That one was way too easy.
It is indeed a great soundtrack. And here.
But I've been the cool dude.
Asleep .
But then I watched Sucker Punch dat song man
Lollipop Chainsaw.
Brool Story Co.
Oh, Photoshop.
Don't forget Before Crisis *shot*
Keep in mind that SE likes to trademark names in advance. They've already trademark Type-1 through Type-10, hoping for sequels to Type-0. And there's no guarantee even Type-1 will ever even happen.
Butz Vs. Aya Brea ...I've been playing V & PE recently.
I prefer regular milk.
That's a window, silly.