OOC: Sorry, but i thought that Betamon hopping onto someone's shoulders was cute :D Sorry for the short post. BIC: Dominic wandered looking in aw on how digimon could build buildings like this. Even if they weren't up to tech-advanced Earth's standards, He found an open bar restaurant and a gatomon was running it. "I guess this is where you can get your food." Dominic smiled at Ienzo. Tapirmon looked into one of the windows. "Hey, isn't that Seth?" Tapirmon went to the door and knocked. When the door opened, tapirmon sat there... and waited... for nothing. He was alone. "I'm sorry. I lost my tamer." HE felt really embarassed.
I dont know why, but I keep confusing you with that cloud of darkness fellow. It's weird, cause you two are nothing alike really.
Go toward the light! The light is good! The light represents your life! GO!!!!!! Go like there's no tomorrow!
Well, I enjoyed that it didn't end up like a normal "Traitor"-like story would have ended up. That's what I was expecting, and was kind of caught off completely off guard. Great job with your interpretation with titles.
yeah, don't play it. It will eat your life. I made that mistake, but then my subscription ran out. SO I'm good for that. It's always fun if you have nothing to do though
but 4 is a party
Luxord looked at Axel, "Wanna play?" Why not offer a game or two? He took the liberty, because for one, they were his cards, but there was also nothing else to actually do. I don't want to wander anymore. I might as well try to enjoy myself. Luxord looked for any excuse to stay put. There was no point in going anywhere anyway. Demyx saw the red-headed male walk up to them. After hearing Luxord's question, he said, "well, not to be rude, but I'm done. He's such a cheater." demyx got up from the ground. He stretched. The two had been sitting there for a long time. He smiled at Luxord and then went back to his bored face. There has to be a way out. I mean, we got in didn't we? OOC: Sorry for changing the format of my post. I think it just happens by the way I feel at the moment.
Well if her reasons are true, then I don't mind that, but Thriller is not be the best choice for her
Yes! I always hated moving the egg.
The 'group' got to the village. They looked around and wal;ked through the streets. "Where should we go?" Dominic was unsure on where to go. "uh..." Tapirmon said. "That's not very reassuring." Dominic said.
OOC: Curious: Is there a specific form of the place? or is it just one big void? BIC: "Uh... got any twos now?" Demyx sighed. Demyx had the two since the beginning of the game. "No. Go Fish." Luxord replied, not too enthusiastic either. Demyx picked up a card. A six, drat. Demyx sat there and waited for Luxord to ask for a card. The two had spent quite a lot of time together since both of them joined the organization. Demyx looked around. He was bored, he didn't care if Luxord knew or not. Luxord didn't mind either. They had been in here for a little while. They didn't have anything to do really. Luxord then raised his eyebrow and asked, "Have a six?" Demyx gave him the card he had just drawn, "How did you know?" Luxord had asked Demyx for a 6 much earlier during the round. Demyx must;ve picked up at least 6 six cards since then and put down 3 pairs. "I know my cards." But Luxord didn't put down any pairs. "Did you do that just to spite me?" "Yes." He admitted.
OOC: Sorry I brought it up, jsut I can't follow along with the story if there are 5 more pages of post when I come back on. I don't even know what my characters are doing anymore. It's possible I'm waiting for a reply to my last post..
OOC: I think that it is more that nobody knows what's going on because some people so often (no offense intended)
I understand that I'm probably not helping the cause, but I still don't have a phone and I'm going to college this fall. I think if you explain how if you don't have one, you should be allowed to have the other. plus asking people for a phone to call home for a ride or whatever is really annoying and embarassing. I hate it.
well I'll comment our high school. Graduated this June. First off, it's a square with a stem off of it. There's a courtyard in the middle, but no one is allowed in it cause there may be the off-chance that the school could catch fire and you could possibly not get out of the courtyard. We have a really old heating system which can become very disruptive during classes. Usually it's way too cold, or way to hot. The outside walls used to be ALL windows(cept the new wing that was added few years ago), but they took out most windows leaving about two in every average sized classroom. They put panelling in instead. In the winter, it's really cold. THe panels don't insulate well. hm... Mainly this is the art hallway, by the band room. Actually right in front of it. the wall is starting to kind of.. fall off? There's actually a patch they put to cover it up. The wall seems very flimsy, so we determined if someone rammed into it at a good enough speed and force, it would probbaly come down. What's also funny is that we recently got motion-censored lights and they had to rewire the entire school in the ceilings and all, and one of the workers commented on how all the wings were nice and organized which made it easier to install the new lighting, but when they got to the art hallway, the wires were all just thrown up there and it took them a good amount of time to fix it up and install the lights. We have an issue with land apparently. First off, we have our school, there's a parking lot, 6 tennis courts, a track, soccer field, and a practice football field. The football field we use for games against other schools and marching band shows is at an elementary school (which was the Freshman school, until they decided to put them with the sophomores, juniors, and seniors, which explains that). We have to use the public baseball fields, and the fields at the middle school for things like field hockey. That's always fun. Our cafeteria is our favorite spot! It's in the basement, and it has no windows. There was no real lunch program until this last semster, and even that is kind of... bad. but it has greatly improved from no lunch program. They used to sell us things like chips and they had one cooler with milk. They'd order italians from a local restaurant. They used to make some things. Their pizza was nasty with their make-shift kitchen. The kitchen is still pretty makeshift, but the food is a lot better since they adopted that lunch program. some of our problems.. oh! our teachers actually didnt work with a contract this year. And they weren't provided tissues. Yeah... did we mention we may lose our accreditation soon? We either have to build an entirely new school, or really, really fix this one up.
I think the shirt sleeve could be a little smaller, rather then not having ruffles or whatever. uh.. everything else is already covered. maybe try to fix the keychain a little to be more proportioned?
Yeah I agree with that. I think it would make some of them much more interesting. I like the one with him facing the other way. You know, I started playing this game, but the beginning Kind of went too slow for me, and I stopped completely. I should retry sometime soon
To me, it looks alright. I mean, Aang. Is 12. I get that, but whatever. eh... Zuko needs that scar.
I dont know what to say about that. Miley Cyrus has already gone overboard. Just stop. I can't stand that. Especially "Thriller". I don't think anyone should try to do that again. It's an MJ thing only. Just... if she does, I wont even stare disney in the face. Nothing. Also, it kind of gets annoying how all the disney channel stars need to sing. Not every actor/actress needs to have a hit CD. Only the good ones. Lucas Grabeel is one of the good ones, cause he won't do that. He can produce his own songs.