I thought of posting a thread like this too. It's kind of funny
That's what I hate about some threads. I acidentally bumped a thread, but it wasn't that old. it was probably a week. possibly two. In between there. (but then I also double posted cause I'm a noob and don't know how to post, but not post at the same time. But either way it would've been bumping) But yeah, Lexaeus. He didn't seem interesting to me at first, but when I started to try and notice him, I started to like him more. I was planning to write a fanfic about him and some other stuff. Kind of confidential. I'm trying to be original, but it's how he receieved his title. Did anyone really notice how his title is just... out there? The Silent Hero... whatever. But yeah, there was Lexaeus, Vexen, and Luxord, and Xaldin seem to be the general least popular.
well, Kairi wasn't exactly the same as her... wait.
Luxord released his heartless and had ordered them to stay put. "Even though it may be gamble, could we leave Demyx here to attract the heartless that may be sent here?" Luxord went to the building. Demyx on the other hand wasn't feeling too hot. He enjoyed that he was being useful, but being out of the plan again? He sighed. He continued, hoping that the superior would allow him to take part in the meeting that was about to take place..
Dominic watched the feud. He also watched as Miyuki left the room, and then as Ienzo left as well. "But... I thought... We just got here!" Dominic followed Ienzo out. Tapirmon on the other hand wasn't sure what to do. He figured he should follow because he didn't want to lose his tamer again. But he followed instead of leading the group.
My reply here is.. Yes, I felt it is getting quite annoying that practically all people are getting keyblades. It's annoying me because getting a keyblade is supposed to be special. Certain people are supposed to have keyblades. Sora, because he's the main character and was the second-choice for the keyblade. Riku, because he was the original chosen one for the keyblade. Mickey, well considering he's totally bad@$s in the games, and that he's the lead spokes-mouse for the Disney company. So, that makes sense. Roxas makes sense, Xion makes sense[XP], and then I dont know about others cause I do not meet the proficiency of playing BBS. Kairi with the agument that she is a part of Sora's heart or whatever, makes sense. But she never really received one. But to me, I just hope it doesn't turn into season 3 of digimon where every child character obtained a digivice and had a digimon partner. Cause that was annoyinga nd really turned me off when I watched th season. Yeah, my brother, he has completely immursed himself in the game [and I haven't], or I believe that he has. But he told me that whoever was planning to change KH into more of a Final Fantasy series. I don't know if that is specificaly true, but it's possible. But lightsabers was a completely different concept. To my understanding, lightsabers were the trademark that Jedis had come to passage to make their own lightsaber. All Jedis will become full jedis when they are able to make their own. Generally, jedis in training get old lightsabers passed down or whatever... But the fact that the lightsabers were supposed to show the passage from student to teacher, and the Jedis themselves were a special group of people. but i don't want a huge special group of people that can weild keyblades.
But I'm not completely sure 18
yes but wouldn't Xemnas have needed to have at least a sample of Sora's memories?
i think that's why this is a diamond edition 16
But what if they do know what they're saying?
OOC: I swear I posted here... I Swear it. Oh wait, I did... :laughing-smiley-004:xp::imslow::huh::sweat::sweat::sweat: Saix stopped and slowly turned around to see Roxas that began to speak to him. He blinked his eyes at the boy, it seemed he was trying to startle him... It did not work as he had a straight face like usual. "Nothing really" Saix said calmly, "as for you?" With his left hand he then brushed back some of his hair that was starting to get into his golden eyes. [/QUOTE] Roxas's smile kind of disapated, but he continued, "I'm here to deliver my report on my sector." {Refer to post at 9:01 pm yesterday, for this part.} Roxas went back to Saix, "Well, you seemed a little snoopy to me." He said as he scratched the back of his head. Lance had looked at the guy he had encountered before... So he answers to the person that appears out of nowhere, but not the one that could possibly seem to live here with a normal life.. Of course Lance wasn't a human.. He was a heartless. His gaze lowered and he started to look disappointed. Dominic always stayed deep in the alleys of the city in Hollow Bastion where no one can find him. If anyone were to see him out on the streets, they'd have to turn him in, as order of the ORganization. He didn't always hide, but he couldn't help it. When he first arrived he didn't fear of showing the keyblade and slashing heartless, but when the Organization gave the orders to turn in anyone who seems to be a traitor, and that included the keyblade master, Dominic knew he was in trouble. In fact, as soon as the command was given, he was ambushed at his home one day and he almost didn't escape. He was close to being in the ORganization's hands, but if it weren't for him finding a new keychain for his ordinary keyblade, he wouldn't have been able to fight his way out. He liked the new form his keyblade took. But for now, Dominic hid in the shadows, waiting, and keeping an eye on the city in case his brother were to stop by to look for him. His brother would be looking for him, it's just a matter of Lance being so overprotective. Just.. when was he going to show up?
i thought so too, but no one seemed to notice that remark
That makes a double negative!
Out of curiosity, have they already pulled the "post up to 299" and then they post? 9
179 yup. There
not only that but she ruins the whole Organization XIII thing. Spoiler considering she's not a nobody, and she's the 14th member of a group of 13, which doesn't change their name. Considering that she joined before KH2.
I'm currently rereading the PEndragon Book Series
Roxas heard the comment. He immediately went into a panic. sort of, "Superior!" He said while kneeling, "I wanted to report that my sector has stayed keyblade free since my last visit." He quickly said this before Xemnas disappeared. Lance looked and pointed to himself, "Me? No.. Unless there is something I dont know about myself."
"Our plan is simple. You will attract the heartless with a song. I'll trap them within my cards." Demyx nodded in agreement. One drop of water flew down from the sky and landed in Demyx's hand. The drop expanded quickly and transformed into his trusty sitar. He started playing a tune. It was something that had come to mind while sitting there. He was completely improvising. Slowly, more and more heartless appeared. It was Luxord's turn. He took out his cards and started trapping heartless left and right. He had quite a few decks, but he had to order Demyx to stop playing so that Luxord could make sure that he could capture them all. The idea hit him like a nail on the head. "Demyx, play that to where we need to meet." Demyx nodded again, and disappeared. Luxord grabbed as many heartless as he could. He was a few cards short, but had quite a few hundred heartless captured. He looked around quickly, and then decided it would just be easier to get rid of them. Only about another deck-full of heartless were there, but he decided it wouldn't hurt too badly if he vanquished a few. He needed to let off a little anger about being stuck in this place. He threw dice at all the Heartless and they instantly disappeared. He made his way back to where Demyx was.