or in the series, in which i mispronounced a word Quillian though it was Quillan. But I didn't do the thing that I asked about here.
^True^ Mine is Philip. It was going to be my first name but I think my mom won the coin toss or something. But if it was my first name that would've been weird cause my friend across the street is named Philip and our mothers have the same first name.
34, but only because i got bored enough to come on here
It's sad that I live in maine and havent heard of this yet. But seriously? We just decided to legalize gay Marriage.
I think it was the Organization that really destroyed themselves. (no, I'm not just talking about Vexen and Zexion). Really, they used as much strength as they could to fight Sora, and in the end their bodies couldn't hold hold their forms any longer for there was too little energy for them to use to become stronger and stay a nobody. In which case, they ended up destroying themselves with their own greed to reclaim their whole selves. Sorry if this isn't completely explanatory, but this is in addition to what people have said about the Organization's quest. Also, I don't see their actions as "evil". Their actions involved greed was all.
I honestly could only read "and" until the words were pointed out.
I saw something for this movie on "Syfy" and I saw Peter Jackson and I thought, "THat's not peter jackson!"
well, I might be on once and a while to talk on random threads or something.. I dont know really.
I graduated high school in 09 if that's what you are referring to and thanks for Bday wishes
I need a break from this site. I think I prolonged it basically because I was In roleplays, so I didn't want to just stop having a character in there or having an inactive reputation. [Not that my reputation is all that great around this place anyway.] But I posted I was going break on the more active ones. Nonetheless even if I didn't post them in certain threads, most of the people I'm roleplaying with are in the same roleplays as me anyway so i guess that makes me feel better. Well anyway the point is, I'm going away for a break. I don't know. I feel like I should. I think I'm just having a hard time with the summer transition from high school to college. I'm having a hard time with things like financial aid and i think that college is just coming way too fast. Not only that, but I feel like I'm in a short stage in which i feel disconnected with friends. More than usual. This summer seems extra lonesome, but I think I've been talking to friends more often. Or have I? Then there's also the fact that I'm turning 18 on Sunday but I don't really feel all that great about it. I haven't really done anything that helps me feel like I'm read for "adulthood". And I know that seems like a stupid thing to say, but it feels more true. My life has had good, fulfilling moments, but I don't think that there has been enough to help me feel good. I don't feel like I've done enough [Dare I do this] I guess it's kind of like the aspirations in The Sims. Fulfilling aspirations makes for a more overall happy sim. Considering I havent been in a relationship yet ever, I haven't yet kissed anyone. Prettybig aspiration on the Sims and for some reason, me. I know that this isn't specifically important, but I feel kind of left out because practically everyone one of my friends has been in at least 1 relationship since I've known them. I don't even know how close I've actually come though. But then again that also doesn't help with my sexuality, but that's not currently important either. I just want to talk to someone I'd feel comfortable talking with but unfortunatly I haven't been able to get in contact with said people as much as I would like to. I just want to at least sit back and think about things more clearly. I just want to not worry about things like this. So I'm taking a break. Need to clearsome other things that i prollydid notmentionon this site?
OOC: Hey guys I'm taking a break from the site. I guess you can get rid of my character, i dont know what I'm going to be coming back to, so I'm not sure if you want to keep my character. Someone can take control if they want i guess.
OOC: Hey guys I'm taking a break from the site. Sorry-ish? i dont know if it's such an important thing to be sorry about
I guess I shall ask to take my characters off. I decided to take a break from the site. Sorry XP
OOC: For the record I may be taking a break from the site, but since I'm the thread starter,I'm going to come on every so often and accept or decline people or whatnot. You guys can start. I'll join you soon
OOC: Hey guys I'm taking a break from the site. You can take my control of Lumaria off, in case someone would like to play as him while I'm gone.
OOC: Hey guys I'm taking a break from the site. You can take my control of Demyx and Luxord off, in case someone would like to play as them while I'm gone. Or something. BTWs, I saw reputations added and I didn't know they were there, thanks! :)
OOC: Hey guys I'm taking a break from the site. You can take my control of Roxas off, in case someone would like to play as him while I'm gone.
mine ended with me dying. That was sad. Stupid Lion. lol... someone placed their lips on my butt though. lol but then again it's just a mad-lib. Some of this doesn't make sense really sucks
Well, it depends on where it was supposedly spotted. If it was the ocean, then it would be more possible. We haven't completely been able to explore the entire ocean. Especially since some of the depths are a mile or more. (I'm not actually sure) And it's not like we can just bring the fish or whatever up because the lack of pressure would probably kill them.
you started a trend with this