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  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Chopped Liver

    Why does the world turn?
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 24, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I was thinking this was a good place to put this(I continuously have that problem xD), I know it wouldn't end up on here for long though. It's jsut a question, but it can take some different answers to find the one I want.

    I really want to start a dream journal, but I'm not sure how I want to set it up. I mean, yes, there is the just "write what happened" but it's hard to keep going when you say, "We went into my kitchen" when it really wasn't your kitchen, but your dream said it was and your dream-self believed it. I also have a hard time depending on how possibly saying that I describe my kitchen, but it's really out of context of what I was writing. I don't know if I should comment on how they were different on the side, or after the record of events, but I was hoping that maybe some members on this site had something that they could share as a possibly format I could use.
    I was thinking of putting it on computer so that I would save trees, and all that junk, but then again, if I leave it on Computer, then there may be a lapse of me forgetting it while I'm going through my day or the time it may take to start my computer in the morning.

    Also, I'm not entirely technology-awesome, so if you suggested to maybe input something that would later be able to click on which would make a note appear or something... but I know I can learn, but I'm just a little unsure of what I should do.

    Plus I'm not entirely sure if I should use a computer as stated before. Though i feel like it would be a good idea for organizing instead of just writing it out and then dealing with whatever happened.

    My format was probably going to be something with a:

    Dream Events
    Dream Location(s) {+ differences}
    Any additional info

    (I feel like the Recurring comment could actually be a section of my journal because then I could just write how it was possibly different that time..

    Anyway, if anyone could help, it would be much appreciated.
    Thread by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 24, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Well, I assume we just use "XX" and "XY" for the determination of biological gender. (Though life creates with mistakes and then a male could have a "XX" chromo. and a female can have a "XY" chromo. but I still don't understand how that works.

    It is to my understanding that there are technically three different types of chromosomes, but I haven't had much exposure, because that third one doesn't specifically matter, considering it will always be an X. So it's technically XXX, XXY, or XYY.
    Um... it's in my notes for my intro to psych class I downloaded off on a powerpoint he posted at my college last semester.
    All that was really noted was that there is an XXX(super-female), XXY, and XYY (super-male). We didn't really go over much, but I would assume that was because we were in a psychology class, and not biology. But the XYY thing does happen, and it tends to be that most of those people who are XYY are aggressive, etc. and most end up in jail. At least that's what he said, though I do not specifically believe that. But there is something to do with that.

    But using just two... I am kind of annoyed how females can't make up Ys because men can make Xs.

    Though it's really hard to use opinion in here, but I think that sperm carry those two different kinds of chromosomes, and then the third one is provided by the female ova.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 24, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  4. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I would personally love to have some sort of Disney college, even if it meant that I would have to prepare the entire time to clean up by the tea cup ride.

    My dream freshman year of high school was to work for Disney in some way, which I still think would be awesome.

    This thread kind of excites me, and I'm sorry if this technically has no relevance to the current conversation.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 24, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  5. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I love how we have nothing that's specifically important during our lives so we have to do this so many times, four goodness sake
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    OOC: I know it's a little late, but would it be ok if I joined? I feel like original characters would be best to include.

    True Name: Nicholas
    Fixed Name: Loxinasch
    Gender: Male
    Home World: Volcinar (A volcano-based world. Almost everything is based on power from a volcano)
    Title: The Molten Knight
    Element: Lava
    Personality: Strict, loyal, clear. (usually) Sometimes rash to make decisions
    Wepons: Double Axes NOTE: I do have it set for a different kind of nobody, but it's more.. different. I mix up my names, weapons, and powers a lot. The symbol at the top of the blades is going to be red, The two axes do come together like shown at the bottom of the picture.
    I am bad at linking things. The weapons are Here
    Possistion: XVI
    Nobody: Creeper
    Apperence: Short, spikey Red hair, muscular build, 5' 11", gray eyes. Wears jeans, and a dark green polo over a maroon long-sleeve shirt. (Picture Asap)
    Bio: He grew up as a very obedient boy, though he always longed for a care-free life. He lost his heart at around age 19, due to his home being attacked. He ended up running to the Saint Volcano and praying, where he was attacked and his body fell into the lava as a heartless phased through him to snatch his heart during the fall. Sadly, the heartless was not exactly a smart one and forgot to teleport and then also burned in the lava)
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    [I took a shot in the dark with where to put this one because I wanted it to be an intelligent discussion, though it is Anime-based, which most of the topics here are not. ]

    I am very serious about this discussion. As my explanation will prove why:

    Time and time again, I've been bombarded with people who happen to bring up Digimon or Pokemon, and then somehow the counterpart gets slipped in there and then I take the side of Digimon while the other person chooses Pokemon. And since everyone that I've talked to have been very unwilling to listen to what I have to say, I've become, sort of angered. I just want to try to get all the feelings out of the way and write down all my reason for why I think Digimon is better, and then I want to actually discuss it.

    That's my reasoning behind that.

    Ok.. I was on Formspring and someone asked me: "Why is Digimon better than Pokemon?"
    So obviously my opinion is based on me thinking that Digimon is exceedingly better. Though I try to keep an open mind, but please someone tell me how Pokemon is superior. I don't get very good arguments, and I will post what I responded to the question below. So I'm going to quote what I wrote, and then I guess it will just have to be answered as we hopefully go.

    Answer to my question (with edits):

    OK, I will answer, but in order for you to understand this opinion, you must retain a clear mind, and try to be as impartial as possible when reading this.

    A lot of opinions on this topic are biased. Obviously mine is biased, but when I try to explain it, people shut down when I mention Pokemon because it’s obviously their favorite. Try to keep the open mind. I know I try, but no [Pokemon]arguments go deep [So far], so I’m not won over.

    I also take a very different approach to this. I actually think critically about the subject. I just don’t go, “Well it obviously surpasses Pokemon in every single way.. For this is a very long answer, and I probably have a hell of a lot more to say.

    Where should I start?

    Well first off, Digimon doesn't specifically follow the same storyline. Yes, the "same" storyline is "save the digital world" or in some cases, the real world. But at least the writers are smart enough to come up with different situations. With Pokémon, the storyline is the same: “I have to collect all the badges, and become a Pokémon master by {not} catching all the Pokémon I can!” by Ash, and Pikachu.
    We’ve gone through... Kanto, Orange Islands, Jhoto, Hoenn, the new one… at least and it’s been the same.

    Generally, the tag-a-long characters are different, but at the same time they aren’t all that interesting. If the episodes maybe featured the others working toward their dream a little bit more, maybe then it wouldn’t be as boring, but when there have characters in the story that have completely different dreams than the main character that we’re following, it’s kind of stupid.

    “Let’s follow Ash, even though I want to be the best Gym Leader, but I can’t do that if I don’t battle… wait. Let me rethink this… nevermind.”

    At least all the characters in Digimon have the same target goal along with other side goals which are explored (though for a kids’ show, not enough/very general. But ok)

    Another thing that it doesn’t get is respect. It doesn’t usually receive a chance considering it’s: “Copying Pokémon”. If anyone watched it, it obviously contrasts Pokémon in a number of different ways.

    1) Not everybody has 100% access to receiving to receiving a partner. In Pokémon, anyone can go out and catch a Pokémon, if they’re lucky, or you know, really Boss and can kick a Pokémon’s Ass. Digimon is more of selective in their Digi-destined. At the end of the second season, it was mentioned that anyone could receive a digimon partner (because they were meant to be).

    2) Pokémon can have many partners, Digimon, generally one, unless you are exceedingly special.

    3) When Pokémon evolve, they can’t go back. I mean yes, it makes them stronger and sometimes cooler, but when I played video games, I never wanted my Charmander to evolve. I don’t like Charmeleon or Charizard. Digimon could revert back to their original states and become stronger, and it was possible for them to actually stay in evolved states, which is cool.
    a. Also someone used the argument that you can pick your digimon partners. That is onlyin games such as Digimon World 3, because obviously they can’t do what they do in the show. Pokemon: Pick whatever pokemon you like, your team, your rules. Ex: Any Pokemon Game (Pick your starting Pokemon, generally, whichever one you like the most/what is most useful to you) Digimon: Your Digimon reflects a sense of self in you. Ex: Mimi and Palmon. Palmon was also a very materialistic digimon in attitude and thought.

    4) As stated before, the storyline isn’t recycled like it is in Pokémon.

    5) Digimon aren’t necessarily… “natural”. Yes, they are, but that is due to the fact that Digimon are pieces of deleted data from computers and such. I think. I know it has to do with being old/disregarded/deleted. So in theory it makes a lot of sense when there are new Digimon. Different and new kinds of data can create different kinds of Digimon.
    a. Oh and it’s totally awesome how Digimon can become real, even though they are made from data.

    6) I find that there is actually a background to Digimon that does goes a lot deeper than the background of Pokémon, they actually comment on the history of the digital world and all that and Pokémon is.. As far as I know, not like that at all. I know there are “Ancient Pokémon” but that’s not the same as an actual history. The history and such that I mention includes the crests (which are NOT the same as Badges).

    7) Digimon has a story of Good vs. Evil. Pokémon… No.

    Nobody can give me that “Pokémon is obviously better because it is more popular” crap because a lot of that is from the individual stating how Digimon “copies” Pokémon. Or at least that’s what I believe. No person that I have ever talked to has told me, [their defense states] how Pokémon is more popular, which is a completely different viewpoint because it takes the form of his or her “general argument” vs. my “personal argument”[: meaning the popularity is not the argument I'm making and do not plan to go into depth about it, though I will if challenged.]
    I try to look deeper into the two so that it is more likely to find an answer that actually makes sense.

    And due to the fact that Pokémon is more popular, for whatever reason, there is more show. They’ve come up with I think 6 seasons (?) (I don’t care enough to know [there are too many for me to keep count and follow]/ I count Orange Islands as a season because they marketed new Pokémon in the Jhoto series, but it was not the Jhoto season) There are also more games, because it was made more popular by the general public. And when the first set of games became popular, obviously, the next set should be too. And etc.

    This next part will require some knowledge of the Digimon and Pokemon fighting stages.

    Don’t give me the Pikachu can kick any Digimon’s Ass. Considering, it is very hard to determine where Pikachu is on the Digimon latter of strength and vice versa, we can’t really determine that. Though, if I was to fix that up, I definitely believe that there would be few Pokemon as the equivalent of an Ultimate Digimon, let alone Mega. It doesn’t have to do with size, or any of that, it just makes sense. But, again, the issue of trying to interpret the different strength structures comes into play, with I don’t know how the Pokemon would fit into the Digimon one.
    My assumption is that in the average Pokemon, Mew, Articuno, Ho-oh, Deoxys, etc. would be considered Mega Digimon. Pokemon like Snorlax, Gyarados, NidoKing/Queen, Gengar, Alakazam, etc. would be considered Ultimates. Pokemon like Charizard, The Eevee evolutions, Scyther, Butterfree, etc. I would consider Champions. And Pokemon like Pikachu, Charmander, Lickitung, Dratini, Sunflora, etc. I would consider the Rookie set of Digimon.

    I do know that part of the problem here is that I could be saying that Caterpie is an In-Training Form, or maybe… Nidoran (Male/Female) could be Champions. I don’t really consider the level in the Pokemon World, because then there would have to be an extra step between Rookie and Champion for Pokemon like Charmeleon. So I’m trying to focus more on how the strength works in Pokemon rather than their stages of evolution (It is very hard to classify).
    Also, with THE Pikachu, being supposedly “very very strong and very rare” I would consider having more of a Champion strength than Rookie.

    Now these are just some of the reasons I can currently think of and mention. If you have any specific questions, please ask them. This is the site to do so. And I will try my hardest not to get mad at you. Understanding my reasons for believing Digimon is superior is part of the open-minded-ness of what I asked beforehand. I mean you can ask me questions that are specifically biased, but I can’t promise I’ll be nice.
    You asked, I answered the best that I could.

    That was that. I do want everyone to know that i do have a lot of exposure to both Digimon and Pokemon, shucks, I have a a video of me naming 1 - 161 Pokemon. I just increasingly enjoyed Digimon much, much more.

    I would love to hear what you guys think.
    Thread by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Ok.... well a lot of my main arguments will be Disney. (I don't have much more to go off of).

    Well... In my opinion, all the villains have to have some intellectual smarts, though it depends on how they approach the situations. I feel someone such as Jafar was very crafty in his ways, but Ursula was not. She was pretty straight forward. Yzma didn't seem to be all that crafty either.
    Granted that he's a lion and such, Scar looked a lot cooler than Simba. And then the other "evil" guy in the second movie wasn't so witty and looked a lot shaggier like he should have been.

    I mean I figure that the "beauty" would depend on the approach that those villains used.

    I mean yes this kind of does agree with the whole villain's beauty depends on how smart the character is. Though Gaston was pretty dumb and apparently handsome.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Ok that's starting to not sound lame.. Which is good.

    I may be interested. I didn't technically finish the third season, or the fourth (i think I barely started it too) So I kind of lost touch with their new aspects and whatnot. But I'm happy they are continuing the series. Though it gets more and more toward the back burner as time goes on and when it stops Pokemon will rule the world... I can't believe I just said that.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I bet this is probably a suggestion that is "complete" but..
    I know that in some of the topics, there are lists of what threads there are, but I feel like this needs to be spread to the entire forum (where posts count especially). I mean there is really no reason for that to be in the Spam Zone, but The RPs could use it, and the Debate corner might be a good place for it.
    Though I haven't been on here for a little bit, U believe that there may or may not be one for the RPs, I know there is one in the Anime and Manga section, but I didn't see a thread mentioning the debates. Unless I'm blind.

    I also think that it shouldn't be everywhere, because obviously places where different kinds of fiction are posted by members, that list may get very long, but in places like the Debate corner where it is kind of essential I feel it should go there.
    And I really hope that this isn't already resolved kind of thing. But I was hoping it would be more strict in the sense that I will know what topics are where when they are important.

    I also have one quick question. Is there a place where we can start a thread in which we can just spit out random spats of logical thought? I mean I have these thoughts about simple things and I kind of want to just post them, but starting a thread for each individual one that will probably end up as a 2 post thread before it's shut down is kind of pointless. Of course there would be some discussion for how the logical processes may or may not occur. One of my examples would be snapping fingers and how that may or may not work. If there was a place where the forum could have one singular thread about that. It could possibly require a lot of updating, but I think it would be cool.
    Thread by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    I'm just going to input two cents.

    I am told with the state of Maine (which is where I live) it didn't pass for a lot of reason, but some of that came from the fact of destroying the true meaning of marriage, and the gay couples wanted the rights of a marriage. Well, some of my friends thought it would be a pretty good idea if we (as I am gay) received marriages without calling it a marriage, but basically just gives the rights and binds the two together. Therefore, the sacred tradition of marriage would be kept as well as the word remains the same.

    I mean yes there are probably problems with this theory, but I think it was pretty good when I heard especially because it was well more thought out than a forum post xD. Plus I know there are probably important concepts I'm not remembering.

    I try.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, May 19, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    But he always applied it?

    In a sense I know what you're saying, but that also makes me think that saying when to apply curiosity is when his knowledge takes shape.
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Oct 15, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Yes I am going to go there. I have this aspect of Digimon I was never really quite sure of.. It will hopefully be quick.

    Ok so in the firsts season of televised Digimon, the 7/8 kids found their crests and activated them one by one eventually allowing their digimon to digivolve into an ultimate form.

    In order to activate their crests and let them "glow", they have to go through some sort of mental transformation. That's highly exaggerated. I guess the right words to use would be some sort of "right of passage."

    I never understood Izzy's. The Crest of Knowledge for those of you who might need a refresher.

    I mean, I understood others, like Joe's and then Tk's and Sora's. Those were probably the most spelled out in the series. Along with Matt (a hundred times) and Tai's.

    I recently rewatched it and I still couldn't see Izzy's actual development. I just don't understand his tranformation allowing the Crest of Knowledge to glow.

    The basic understanding of it for was that he let go of his curiosity and then he found it, and took it back. So... in my head, he took a big step backwards, and then eventually ended up right back where he started meaning that his crest should've already been able to glow before he met Vademon.

    Help me on this?
    Thread by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Oct 14, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Rexyggor_thenewmember
  15. Rexyggor_thenewmember
  16. Rexyggor_thenewmember

    It's ok I found it. It's called Rappin' N' Rhymin'
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Sep 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Rexyggor_thenewmember
  18. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Hey ok. SO.. I was on youtube and I came across some fun educational videos. Most are about dinosaurs, but one was about a "video-sitter" and she taught you things and sang to you a lot. Her name was Vitsie.

    The other dinosaur things
    I always thought this song was pretty kick @$$

    And then the ending to this video is awesome about 50 seconds before the end is a good place to start if you dont want to watch the whole thing

    If you remember any of this i think it would be cool to say so.

    Also one thing I'm having the biggest trouble with. I remember a video I can't remember the name of. It has something to do with Rapping Rhymes. I dont know. But it was a real life video. Two main characters. I think one was named Darren? But the rapped/sung songs about educational things. I remember distinctly them doing songs about numbers, the [funky] zoo (elephants, sparrows, monkeys, walrus, kangraroos...) a sort of... rhyming one with three especially little kids. (bake=cake)
    There was also a song about confidence with do-re-mi s.
    A song about feet.
    And then there was a really long song that was probably the first "updated" Cinderella story but it was rapped again. I don't remember the name of it or any of the songs so i can't find them on youtube. Help me?

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that the video i was talking about also included random video clips from the Flintstones and Yogi Bear for some reason
    Thread by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Sep 18, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    While at the statehouse one man said how we are using the same excuses for interacial marriage. It's basically the same concept on how if two people love each other, then why should they be denied the right of a marriage?
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 18, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  20. Rexyggor_thenewmember
    Other way around?
    ... you fixed it before i quoted...
    Not to mention how uncomfortable it may be. I don't have experience on either end, but I'm assuming it might be a little uncomfortable.

    Plus you don't have to, you can just avoid it like my parents did
    Post by: Rexyggor_thenewmember, Aug 15, 2009 in forum: Current Events