I grew up with Andy. It was a great finale of the movie. Though I do really wish I knew what happened to those other toys. I almost cried. I knew that Spoiler the aliens had to save them before they were burned alive. which is why I didn't want to cry. And then seeing it a second time takes away the emotion. I want to hypnotize myself into forgetting what happened so it would be fresh every time. I also wonder. At the end of the first movie... Didn't Molly get the Mrs. Potatohead? So wouldn't that make #2 and 3 kind of strange for her to be in Andy's room?
"Should we meet up before we go then?" Piero asked
"I don't see there being a problem with going, he seems to know good places to be. I think we should go." Piero always seemed adventurous. He had never been there before, for some reason. He never really suspected anything suspicious from that building, so he never bothered to check it out.
Name: Rex Age: 18 Appearance: Thin, short blond hair in a mohawk, wears a navy blue vest over a regular white t-shirt and has black shorts. Fair skin. hazel/green eyes. Gender: Male Personality: Figuring it out Abilities: Has the power to manipulate tempurature, along with his Kusari-Gama to help him fight. Civilian or Warrior: Warrior Location in the world: Japan history: When he was born, his village in Europe was destroyed. He was found by a traveling merchant that was on his way to Eastern Asia. While there, Rex became lost and he soon was accidentally mistaken as a passenger of a ship that had recently docked there. He traveled up to the province of Hokkaido and was left there when he learned that the ship was not traveling back to across the ocean. He traveled very far, and eventually came across a training ground for warriors. After relaying his story to the master, he was accepted to train there until the age of 18. He learned about the war soon to come, due to rising tensions. He has traveled southward, eventually eastern-bound, where he met a new friend, named Eiko. Text colour: Navy Blue Name: Eiko Age: 18 Appearance: Bob cut hair, with dark brown eyes. She wears a forest green bow in her hair along with wearing a short-sleeved maroon shirt and jeans. Gender: Female Personality: Figuring it out as well. Probably naive Abilities: She has the ability to make copies of herself, or anyone else, even though only one if physically real. Due to this, she can also throw her voice. Civilian or Worrior: Civilian Location in the world: Japan history: Just a common-girl raised in a small village. She was raised in a good home, but she has an incredibly bad devious side. She constantly makes copies of herself and steals from other villagers. One day, she is caught by a boy named Rex, from Europe, and she agreed that she would travel with him if he did not say a word to her family and bring dishonor. Since she is of age, she didn't have to deal with a lot to get out of her household. She was given crescent blades, which she will use as a last line of self defense against anyone or anything. The two will soon be traveling to the east. Text colour: Dark Green
Xigbar snickered. It's not often the others make good jokes. "Well I say we should just rustle up that grub we've been talking about. Any takers? Yes? No?" He hoped that he would get out of here as soon as possible. This place was crawling with too many monsters. It was starting to get a little uncomfortable. After a long amount of silence he played his acting card, "PLEASE! I'll do anything! Anything! I'll bite off my own head! Wait I can't do that.. I'll chew off my foot. Sound fair to you? I just need to get out of here!" He curled up in a little ball hoping that someone would suggest to leave. Luxord watched with disapproval. I just want my regular body back. Though making use of my newly acquired wings might be fun... OOC: I feel incredibly rusty in the roleplaying area of life. Give me some posts and I'll do some better things.
OOC: Sorry, I haven't replied yet, I wanted to read the previous posts first, and I just now had the time to do so. And I'm confused about the place where the Organization was. It is like a secret hideout for them? I assume yes and I'm going to go along with it, and I'll edit my post if I have to in order to fix life. XD BIC: Roxas had just gotten back from his trip to the river. The river and the fireflies always helped him clear his thoughts. After his dispute with fellow member Vexen, he knew he needed to clear off some steam. Luckily the river was close and he wouldn't risk getting caught in case something were to happen. Though often times he wonders what has become of the man and his son that had taken care of him soon after he was released from testing and just before he was recruited into this place. He was so humble, but he had no sure-fire explanation of why he always seemed troubled. He shrugged it off, that's for next time. He left his horse in its pen and went inside to sleep, seeing tracks left by more horses. "What could they be up to this late?" commenting to himself and he went inside. Piero looked to Bill. "Tough time today?" Piero had grown a liking to most of his troop mates, even if he seemed to do exceptionally better than them. "I know it seems strange, but once we rid the world of the refugees, everything will be much easier." He put his hand on Bill's shoulder. "Rest up. Tomorrow we get to do it all over again!" With his fake enthusiasm he went off to his bunk.
Piero came from behind them, listening in on their conversation. It's not like they didn't know him. He's just always been one of secretly listening in. He didn't really care though. It wasn't of much importance. "Yes, because every clique in school is a bunch of werewolves. Geez." He crossed his arms. Which makes me wonder. I've been through so many different schools. Why do I have to continue doing this? Then he remembered. One of his favorite pass times as a werewolf is shredding documents. With no proof of graduation, I'm automatically sent back. If I only looked older. Damn it.
OOC: Woah. That was unexpected. Still thinking up here... I think I will allow anyone to control good characters that are secondary (such as possibly that girl from traverse town, or Merlin, because no one is going to be playing merlin. Probably.) Just so your characters can get some interaction while the organization is still at wherever they're at. I also snagged Luxord. BIC: Xigbar walked by the group. His new heightened sense of hearing made it possible to hear when gatherings happened within the area. Especially if it were about the possible changes that had occurred. "What's all the hubba?" He leaned against Axel. "Having trouble with you're new shapes?" He saw himself in the mirror. "I think mine is quite nice, if I do say so myself." "That's because you look the same right now." Luxord was above the rest of them, with many feathers on his person. " I still don't know the best way to deal with this." "Hey! I have increased senses now. And my ears are slightly higher than before. I think that is a good transformation. What're you supposed to be?" "A Harpy."
OOC: Sorry about the late response. As it seems time passed by way before I could reply. Can I ask that we don't continuously reply to each other so soon after another? BIC: "Davor" he said. He watched the girl walk away. Something about her smelled interesting. When he turned around to walk again, he ran into a police officer. "Again? Sorry about that officer." "Not a problem. Just be careful. You wouldn't by chance know who lives in that house over there do you?" "I do." This led to Davor making up a story about visiting his brother the night before and he just arrived back and he was going to pick up some things before he returned home.
Davor ruined his house as much as he could while doing so quietly, making use of his knives and all to make it look scratched so that he could pretend that his house was broken into. He also took dirt from the plants and put it in the open window in the back so that the police would know where to look in case they barged in. He escaped through the back door, and he made his way around to avoid the police. Before he turned his head, he accidentally ran into a girl heading off to school. "Uh.... sorry." OOC: Just to be clear on this, does the small old town, or wherever we may be have a mix of werewolves and not-werewolves? I feel like it's necessary.
OOC: I feel like some control should be necessary to distinguish the good from bad. Just an opinion. BIC: Davor wakes up from an unsettling sleep. "Another day gone by." He Slowly works his way to put on some new clothes. I wonder what kind of havoc I caused last night. He looks out the window. Before he could open it to feel the nice breeze along his face, he noticed something. Tracks were on the ground being investigated by local authorities. They led straight to his house. "Aww hell."
OOC: haha! Ok I'll fix it. You can start any time. I'ma still thinking up an OC
OOC: Not a problem. Is there any place specific you would like me?
I will accept the hold on Roxas. Though I do wish that they not be together 24/7. 24/6 is fine. :P Everything else is accepted!
The Organization went on a group mission to find a spell book. This book held powerful spells that made Xemnas hope that their conquest would soon be over. The book remained in a temple far from most worlds. When the organization found their way to one of the lower levels, Vexen and Zexion worked on translating when Maleficent found the entire Organization in the temple. She planned to use the book for herself. When Heartless began to attack them, the group started to panic and tried to hurry while they defended themselves. Through a mistranslation, the word "night" was mistranslated as "heart". With the high promise of retrieving their hearts, they believed they had found the correct one. Xemnas then recited the spell: "Ish too balaa en hiemosta inglishe waq pioza en tra nubre." This in fact wasn't supposed to turn them into "creatures of the heart", but into "creatures of the night", transforming all the members into different kinds of monsters. After the completion of the spell, the organization, Maleficent, the heartless, and nobodies brought about the destruction of the temple through fierce combat, and the book became buried in the rubble. Without the correct spell, the organization is trying to create their own spell, before their new personalities settle into their bodies and remain monsters forever. Though trying to find a spell is very hard with many distractions such as Sora and the Gang. Rules: 1. No Godmodding. 2. I really don't think this is a time for romance, but whatever keep it PG-13. 3. No Power Play 4. 4 characters max. Though 2 max are Organization 5. If there happens to be a couple of people online, don't "spam" the RP with 10 pages of interaction between two/three characters. 6. Three Strike rule. Third time- out. If rules are broken 7. Posts should be legible. and hopefully in some form more lengthy than one line. 8. After an alotted time, players will be deleted if inactive. I will notify you if you are in danger of getting booted. 9. I'd prefer to keep this more as an action-y type RP. WIth breaking of course. 10. I have the right to add new rules or edit them as long as you are notified. If they should come up. Character rules: Even though the Organization were the only ones infected, they can spread to other characters. (infections can vary if the monster can't traditionally transform others. PM for that as well.) Please pick a font color, you can double up. I just like color. First Infected Organization Xemnas Xigbar- Werewolf (Rexyggor_thenewmember) Xaldin Vexen Lexaeus Zexion Saix Axel- Were-Dragon (9Kairi9hearts) Demyx- Nix (Flamedancer) Luxord- Harpy (Rexyggor_thenewmember) Marluxia Larxene Roxas - Sasquatch (9Kairi9hearts) Xion (though I don't know if she should be infected, because... she's technically not real. Player: PM me with your thoughts.) Second Infected Anyone else (will list as the characters are chosen. Basically anyone. Be careful with any animal characters for some things might not work well with them. A Were-duck? No.) Cid Highwind OCs Tuesday Nightshade (Flamedancer) Etain (xxxLatiasxxx) OC Form (No Organization) Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Weapon: Personality: (Optional to the fact that we can figure one out during play) Bio: (optional)
OOC: Backdoor Slaughters. Not to be that guy but how can we post that before our first post? Lol. Sorry. Can I try Roxas? (with a text color of orange And with that, would I not be allowed a Keyblade? Or would I just have a sword or something to that effect? Name : Davor Age : 36 Appearance : Tall, tanned skin, buff, Short brown hair which is usually messy. Green eyes Gender : Male Personality : clueless, but caring Soldier/Refugee(group-please list)/Refugee(loner)/Civilian : Civilian Location in the world : Western America Other/history(optional) : Just a civilian in a small town that does not get much action. He made the mistake of getting his girlfriend pregnant at an early age, and she left him with the baby. Davor immediately started to see his son's intelligence and recommended he join the military. Davor works as a butcher, mainly preparing meats to bring to the butchery. Though when one day a boy was abandoned in the city, he decided to take him in. It was uncertain of the boy's origin or anything about him.Father of Piero. Text colour : Sienna Name : Piero Age : 18 Appearance : Lighter skinned, slim, shortish blond hair which is neatly combed, usually wearing a uniform. Gender : Male Personality : hesitant Soldier/Refugee(group-please list)/Refugee(loner)/Civilian : Soldier Location in the world : Western America/ depends where he's shipped Other/history(optional) : When he turned 18, he joined the military and he seemed to excel much more than many of the others in his troop. He was then promoted to a secret service which was to get rid of the refugees. Text colour : Dark Green
OOC: I have the biggest inkling to roleplay a werewolf, though my last attempt on here (last summer?) didn't work because no one played. So I can hope. Is there a character limit? I take it that it's two. And a question being if they all transform on their own will or not. Name: Piero Age: 49 Gender: Male Allignment: Evil Personality: Immature, smart, blunt Appearance (Human): http://content.clickbooq.com/700/photos/dc29da9366.jpg Appearnace (Werewolf):http://thewordwielder.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/1165441340_werewolf.jpg Name: Davor Age: 93 Gender: Male Allignment: Good Personality: Cunning, Crafty, scared. Appearance (Human): http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3900000/anime-boys-anime-guys-3910891-374-550.jpg Appearnace (Werewolf): http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3800000/unchained-werewolves-3893539-440-500.jpg
I'm pretty sure they're Polish. _______________________________________________________________- I'm pretty sure that is true. I need a life.
Then you can pretend you found it in the wild and it's a land version of a starfish which rarely moves.
So... it is dead... and you were thinking of cooking it? And it smelled? I feel like that's unhealthy