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  1. Barakon-King
  2. Barakon-King
    Yes, it's been confirmed. Square Enix is making a KH game for the 3DS. That means the three games being developed now are KH3, KH Re:Coded, and the new 3DS game.
  3. Barakon-King
    Kade slowly staggered to his feet. A hangover and a new injury did not mix. "Hey you know I have a medic back at the compound where I stay, why don't you come with me and I'll get you fixed up?" He offered to the man winicing at his own injury.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Barakon-King
    "Ughhh. Where am I?" Kade rolled over and looked up a blurry vision of a man coming to his sights. "Uhhh sorry dude. I fell." Kade slowly sat up straight and moaned in pain. That hard spill just gained him a pretty large cut on his back but he still couldn't tell if that was his blood or the other man's. "Oh crap, dude did I do that to you?" He asked pointing at the gash on Alan's arm.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Barakon-King
    OOC: Long first post FTW.

    Kade's eyes flickered, closed, and blinked open slightly as he awoke. Earlier that day he went on a bit of a drinking rage and passed out in this alley. "Hangover......bummer." He sighed to himself as he slowly staggered to his shaky legs and propped himself up against a wall next to him. He took a deep breath and leaned over to grab his skateboard. The ringtone for his phone played loudly as he pulled it out of his pocket, it was the editor of the magazine. Kade had missed an important photo shoot today and was risking his job. He answered the phone with caution and tried to sound as not hungover as he could.

    "Yeah Kade you wanna tell me why you weren't at the shoot today?!"
    "Okay, I can explai-" A loud guttural noise came from his throat as he retched. "Sorry thought I was gonna puke but I didn't."
    "Ar-Are you drunk right now?"
    "No, but I was like two hours ago."
    "Dammit. You know you're this close to being fired, now tommorrow I don't want any excuses be there or be unemployed!"

    A click came from the line and he closed his phone and put it back in his pocket. He pulled up the hood on his jacket and looked around him seeing nothing but trash cans, puddles, and random empty alcohol bottles. He dropped the skateboard to the ground and put his right foot on it and used his left foot to push off the ground and send him gliding out of the alleyway. He studied the area as he was coasting along the sidewalk saw no one was around. "Perfect time to try the new trick." He uttered to himself.

    He closed his eyes and opened them again as they began to glow signaling him using his power. Time seemed to slow significantly all around him even though he was still moving in real time. A newspaper that was blowing in the wind stopped as he glided past it and used his left foot to push off the ground. The effect of his power sent him rocketing into the night and he ollied into the air, the force of which sent him at least 10 feet in the air. He set his feet for a kickflip but missed the deck with his right foot. This sent him falling off the board and flying toward the ground but no, he fell through the darkness and saw where he was going to land...right on Alan.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Barakon-King
    OOC: Where is everyone?
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Barakon-King
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Kade Simmons
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Rebel punk rock skateboarder at best. Likes to do things is own way and hates to be tied down. He tends to be friendly but will drift away if they start giving orders.
    Bio: Kade went out of the container and was taken in at a local bar where metal and punk bands would play and formed his music addiction. A few weeks later he got into a bar fight and discovered his power. He now has a job and has a a semi-normal living as a rising skateboarder for a magazine.
    Weapon: Two machetes he found in some person's shed kept in an all black Motorhead jacket.
    Power: During a fight time seems to slow down for him (still moving in real time) and he can attack with almost triple his strength. (Crush ribs, knock arms out of sockets and with his blades he can decapitate and dismember.)
    Other: His tattoo is located on his chest.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Nov 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Barakon-King
    Joey nodded and rubbed his chin. "The Yakuza might pose a threat but the Slumdogs are scattered and unorganized, they wont last." He reached into his suit and pulled out a 1930's style hat and placed it on his head. He then slung over his tommy gun and toyed around with the laser sight. "So we about to take care of this or not?"
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Barakon-King
    "That was really obvious..." Joey said facepalming himself and shaking his head. "Azura is this this girl's first mission or something?"
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Barakon-King
    Joey got up and every so gently slung his tommy gun over his shoulder. He walked up to Azura and Hoshi. "As always I won't fail you. So what is this master plan Azura?" He then looked over to Hoshi and gave a gentle smile to her.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Barakon-King
    OOC: Sorry I waited so long.

    Joey sat on the bridge of the docks next to a rusted cruise ship and a suitcase full of money. He sat on the dock cleaning and loading his tommy gun. He made sure he put every piece just right. He cleaned each and every bullet and minor scrap making the gun look more like a beautiful antique then a weapon of destruction. He put the last piece onto the gun and cocked it aiming at the ship with the laser sight of the gun. "Sometimes I wonder if this was the right choice..." He said silently under his breath.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Barakon-King
    I edited it.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Barakon-King
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Joey Milanni
    Age: 25
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Mafia Family: Foxes of the Bloody Sand
    Mafia Family Status: High Member (If you go by original Mafia rankings he's an Enforcer.)
    Powers: Fire
    weapon choice: An upgraded Tommy Gun that is Joey's most prized possession.
    Bio: Joey comes from a family involved in the Mafia over the years. Instead of coming to terms with the future he still does thing the old school 1930's Mafia way which is why he uses a Tommy Gun from the actual 1930's that he kept and upgraded over the years and a baseball bat.
    Preview Post: Joey sat in his car with his foot almost crushing the gas pedal. He was chasing down another car in front of him as part of hit he received from his leader, Azura. Apparently the man he was chasing was a Yakuza informant who was on their turf. He finally rammed the car in the back sending it spinning and making the man get out. Joey got out of his car holding his baseball bat and wasted no time giving a heavy swing to his face sending blood and a few teeth everywhere. "You really thought you could muscle in on our territory and get away with it? No don't worry I won't kill you I'm gonna send you back as a message to your group of chumps!" Joey began to mercilessly beat the man until he was sure the man was choking on his own blood. He finally threw him back in his car and started to smoke a cigar while straightening his suit "I hope you didn't get any blood on me, I got a date tonight."
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Barakon-King
    Name: Blake Narkityle
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Electric Demon
    Personality: Blake is a joker at best who tends to make enemies quicker than friends. With this personality he is classified as a Grade A+ Smartass, an achievement he's quite proud of.
    Bio: Blake was forced into the school by his father who wanted him to stop his lifestyle of skating and scamming his way through life after his mother died.
    Power: Control Electricity
    Weapon: Bladed skateboard and a custom made all-red .45 Pistol with electrically charged bullets
    Other: Gravity
    Preview Post: Blake sat in his first hour class bored beyond comprehension. All he could think about was leaving, skateboarding, and doing all the things he does best like scamming people and goofing off. He looked at the teacher finally starting to pay a little attention. But something was wrong the more Blake payed attention the more he noticed. There was something wrong with this room...this smell, it didn't smell like old books and cheap floor wax, no it smelled like bleach and glass cleaner. This wasn't his first hour class at all. Oh no the worst had happened....he fell asleep in the Janitor's closet.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Barakon-King
    I remember the first one too epic fail lol. You're in spunk.

    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Barakon-King

    Barakon City

    TAKE TWO Biznitches!!!!!!

    Hello and welcome to Barakon City. I am your mayor Barakon-King. We are located in Baja California. For all you stupid people thats at the little pointy tip. Now then we have just opened a brand new house block. So come on and see if you can reserve one. Here are some locations of this city.

    House area: This is where everyone who doesn't live in the dorms in the college stays here. There is a limit maximum of four to a house.

    Barakon Community College:
    This is where all residents in school go to study, work, ...and goof off with the fear of being expelled or suspended. For those of you that don't prefer a house you can stay at the dormitory area. There is a limit of 3 to a dorm.

    Slice O' Heaven:
    The local teenage hangout. It serves world famous pizza, subs, pasta,and more. Their coffee is also known to be so good it doesn't need like 20 [bleep] sugars to taste good >> *cough* Starbucks. There are employees here even during school hours to serve you skippers and dropouts. This place also is known for its arcade and pool hall. So come give me all your cash..err I mean have fun. :D

    Dormitory Area:
    This is where all college students who don't live in one of the houses stay. They are split up into three sections. Male, Female, and Co-ed. Co-ed is only available to couples and others who personally request it.

    Local Baramarket:
    I did not say Wal-Mart. I said BARAMARKET. Here is where you go to buy food when you get tired of pizza and snacks. It also has every WM would have an maybe even more.

    Regular College Student Character Sheet:
    Year in College: (freshman,sophomore,etc.)

    Regular Employee at Slice O' Heaven: (you can be in school just add job into your sheet)
    SOH Jobs: (2 max)

    Regular Employee at Baramarket: (you can be in school just add job into your sheet)
    BM Job: (Only one)

    Jobs for Slice O' Heaven:
    Pizza maker
    Basic Snacks (stuff like nachos hot dogs French fries and popcorn)

    Jobs for Baramarket:
    Customer Service

    School hours:

    College: 7:30A.M to 2:30 P.M.

    Classes: (you can choose which ones you take make sure you pick 7)

    College: 1. Arithmetic 2. Biology 3. Lecture 4. Psychology 5. Modern Literature 6. Philosophy 7.Period Pause 8. Computer Science 9. Mechanics 10. Business 11. Anatomy 12. Creative Art 13. Spillover 14. Biology 15. Medical Studies (Period Pause is always 4th hour)

    Keep outside the dorms and houses PG-13
    You can cuss but keep it at the above ^ level anything above use the ****ing *.

    Classes work like this in three simple posts: Going to class -> In Class -> Leaving Class

    Romance is allowed, but if it's anything like 'knocking around' it must be just like classes. Or like someone I know >> you can do it through PM

    Current Characters:

    Year in College:Sophomore
    Classes:Arithmetic,Philosophy, Psychology,Period Pause,Mechanics,Spillover,and Creative Art
    SOH Jobs:Pizza maker,Pasta
    Personality:Joey is usually a friendly person and is quick to test the rules of a place.

    Name: Dean Charleston
    Years in College: Dean
    Personality: He is probably the strictest person you will meet.

    Name:Rachel Wong
    Age: 27
    SOH Jobs:Manager,Salads
    Personality: Mood Swings....Nuff Said

    SOH Jobs: Pizza maker, Subs
    Personality:He is only nice when he either has had a few drinks or has had something great happened to him. Other than that he is very gruff aggressive.

    And last but definitely not least
    Username: ....Who else a ****ing Oreo?
    Age: 31
    BM Jobs: He is the Mayor!!! Manager of Baramarket for sh**s and giggles
    Personality: He is barely seen around but when he is you will know with the swarm of ladies and his glow. He is a very cool person for his age and will often fit in just like one of the students.

    Regular College Student Character Sheet:
    Username: Spunk Ransom
    Name: Hayden Stewart
    Age: 23
    Year in College: Sophomore
    Classes: Photography, Programming, Nutrition, Writing, Digital Design, Period Pause, and Creative Art
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Bubbly, likes meeting new people. Usually is nice but has her harsh moments.
    Thread by: Barakon-King, Jun 13, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Barakon-King

    Name: Jason "Fanged Slayer" Beldevere
    Age: 24
    Male/Female: Male
    Vampire or Human: Vampire
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Biography: When Jason was 8 his mother was murdered by a large group of vampires due to her love for a human man. This made him begin to hate his own people and vow to kill as many as he could. Jason began practicing martial arts from that age and now he works as a vampire slayer.
    Weapon: Karate but when forced, Dual Katanas, and dual pistols with each bullet filled with a small clove of garlic.
    Other: From the trauma of his mother's death Jason sometimes goes into a fit of rage while fighting. Also due to his mother's death Jason was forced to keep himself sane by entertaining himself so he has become an extreme smart-ass.
    Post by: Barakon-King, May 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Barakon-King
    << *Police Tapes post*
    Post by: Barakon-King, Apr 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Barakon-King
    Yo momma's so stupid she tried to drown a fish.

    Yo momma's so ugly Jabba the Hut said Damn!

    Yo momma's so poor that I walked through her front door and was in the backyard.

    Yo momma's so fat the only time she lost weight was when I threw a twinkie and she ran to get it.

    Yo momma's so fat she masturbates to cookbooks.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Apr 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Barakon-King
    OOC: Arch like died or something....*hides bloody knife* <<

    Mark walked into Cliff's hospital room holding a clipboard and a tray of food. "Second ****ing time this week I had to this." He was wearing blue scrubs and eyeglasses. He looked up and smirked, "Okay seriously how often do you people get put in the hospital? You tryin' to steal my job?" He set down the tray and looked at the clipboard.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Apr 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home