Hanzo took a deep breath and looked at his arm. The wound that was there slowly closed as steam rose along where it was closing. "Thank you...Beast..." He sighed outstretching his arms, and getting up from his place on the floor. I've drained enough energy today to heal you. Besides, if you die, who will feed me? Hanzo nodded silently to his zanpakuto and looked around at the previous war zone. The room definitely looked like a huge battle had just taken place here. I can't wind down just yet. That boy almost got the best of me. I have to brush up my skills. He thought, referring to Hatsuharu. He turned his head and let his eyes rest on Masa. Him. He held his own against the boy. Perhaps I could spar him. Almost instantaneously he flash-stepped over to Masa and placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword. "I want you to spar me. The rules are simple. We'll fight to first blood and no releasing your zanpakuto. That way we'll see who has the better swordsmanship." He said quickly and cockily as if he had already won. He unsheathed his zanpakuto and spun it once, the speed of the twirl kicking up some dust. "So, do you accept?" He said, only half-asking. He'd probably still attack even if Masa said no.
Saris offered a nod to the young man, all the while his eyes still closed and replied, "Correct you are. And I believe you're Alek, the master has spoken of you before. He says you show promise, let's not disappoint him." He opened his eyes lazily and looked to the girl again. "I haven't seen or heard of you before. What is your name?" OOC: Let's hurry and do it then!
Daris half-smiled at the Master accepting his offer to accompany him. His eyes fell on the detonator that was handed to Hana. It's a good thing I did go with him...I couldn't handle that responsibility. He thought before following after Cin. Saris took off his hood for the first time that day and looked at the two, nodding his head in agreement. "That's true but in a way secrets protect people. If everybody knew everythng that was going on in an operation they wouldn't have any need for Masters." He then turned his attention to Iris replying, "Well then that makes three of us, ever since I ascended to the rank of Lord I haven't had a chance for any personal interaction...but don't underestimate the Jedi. They may not be as brutal as us but they definitely have tricks up their sleeve, so be on your guard." He closed his eyes in thought. I'm waiting for you, brother.
The young man took in the information about the mission nodding his head but stopped when he heard him ask who wanted to come with him. Daris looked around befuddled for a moment at the lack of straightforward answers. He listened and thought to himself, It'd probably be good for me to get to know the others...but on the other hand if I go with the Master it'll give me a chance to ask him about my dreams... The young man raised his head and answered, "If no one else can give a straight answer, I'd like to go with you, sir." He waited for the immediate disapproval of his peers. Saris smirked briefly but it was hidden by his hood. "Don't disregard Master's speeches, they hold great knowledge." His smirk disappeared at the mention of Jedi, "I can feel your need for vengeance. And I assure you, if we do indeed suffer loss from Jedi today they will suffer the Revenge of the Sith. He sat up straight in the chair and looked towards the girl who had entered. "I presume this is your first real mission as well?" He said more of a statement than a question to Iris. OOC: Lol, my own movie humor.
The youth turned over in a deep sleep mumbling softly. He was on some strange planet...covered in lava. He walked forward until he saw a hooded figure standing on a rock. The same recurring dream for the past week. "Who are you..." He whispered softly. The figure turned around and started toward Daris. He wanted to find out who it was but the hood shrouded his face. Daris began walking to meet the man but immediately felt himself being stopped, in a flash the figure had dashed towards Daris, activated his lightsaber, and made a clean stab through Daris's gut. Daris looked up to the man and in a final effort grabbed his attacker's arm with his left hand and pulled the hood off with his right. What he saw was terrifying to him, the man looked exactly like him. "Who are you?" He whispered one more time. The man simply replied, "It's been a long time brot-" The alarm of Daris's iPhone awoke him before he could receive his answer. He sat straight up and took a deep heavy breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He scrambled to look around to make sure he was really awake, he saw the same small room, the small cot he slept on, and his phone on the counter next to his bed. He stopped when he saw the phone, it was his last momento of the past, of Earth, his family and friends. He shook his head and got up and dressed himself, slipping into his new Jedi outfit, it was his first time wearing it and he already felt official. He grabbed his lightsaber and slid it into the sort of strap made for it on his outfit. He walked to the "door" of his room which split down the middle and opened, allowing him through. While the young man walked he woundered if he should ask the Jedi Master about his dreams and what they meant. He shook the thought away and continued down the hallway. He finally reached where everyone was and nodded a greeting to Cin and Hana before bowing before the Master. He opened his mouth to wish him good morning but all that came out was, "Morning." His dream was still fresh on his mind. The Sith opened his eyes quickly, another vision had just hit him. He saw his brother on Thaven and stabbed him but Daris woke up and severed the connection. The man had grown used to these visions and dreams and now shook them away as if they never happened. He trudged forward through the heat of the planet towards an earthy building. "Today...reunion." He said to himself as he pulled up a little on his hood to avoid some dust kicked up by a hot wind. The man walked inside and craned his neck to look at Alek. "Is this your first mission?" Saris asked the boy, pulling a chair towards himself from across the room with Telekinesis and stopping it just behind him to sit down.
Hanzo readied himself for battle but was tackled before he could launch an attack. He rolled over and got up right before Sanosuke's barrier appeared. "Damn you!" He ran towards the barrier and slashed about three times, each time exerting more energy than before making his the blades whir out of control and saw against the barrier to no avail. He pulled back just in time for his mask to break and fall to the ground and to watch his enemies disappear. Another day, Hanzo. For now seal me...I'll eat again soon. "This isn't over, you *******s!" He yelled out to the emptiness before he pulled his arm back and in a mighty slash, shattered the barrier. He sealed his blade and replaced it in his sheath, leaning against a wall before sliding down and breathing deep, resting himself.
Hanzo still had his zanpakuto released when he heard heavy footfalls and looked over to see Ryo running towards him. Don't hold back Hanzo. "Hmm." Was all he said to his zanpakuto before he looked down at the corpse of the girl he just killed and stabbed his blade into her to gain more Spiritual Energy, draining her till she was empty. His mask began to vibrate as he yelled, "Come on, don't be shy!" He tore his blade out of the cadaver and slashed upwards through the ground, yelling "Hitokuchi!" Once again bringing forth the spikes of earth towards Ryo. There were more and bigger spikes this time from the hollowfication. ~Hollowfication Post 3/5~
Hey I edited, if it's okay then fantastic and if it's not...then I will do everything in my power to make it to your liking sir!
Hanzo stopped just as he felt his blade make contact with Kyo's. As if the sword knew its owner's commander the teeth on his zanpakuto stopped moving and he planted his feet on the ground in full stop. "Yes sir!" He replied to Kyo before seemingly disappearing again and standing in the middle of the battleground scanning for opponents. Her! Kill her! The one who just entered...haha her friend just got slaughtered, she should be easy pickings! Kill her and feed me! Almost automatically Hanzo craned his neck towards Yuki, his eyes narrowing in satisfaction. He darted towards her with more force than ever, a small wind left behind him. He blew past Masa in a flash. "You killed the other, this one's mine!" He said cockily before stopping in front of Yuki bringing up loose earth with his sudden stop. Yes, kill! Kill Kill Kill! Hanzo smiled insanely and found himself chanting along with his zanpakuto. "Kill..." He said softly before he pulled back his sword quickly and grabbed the hilt with both hands. His tongue hung out of his mouth, he was dying for contact. "Eat! Eat! Eat!" Each time he said this the teeth of his zanpakuto moved faster and faster, whirring loudly. He whooped loudly and pushed the blade forward with all his power, stabbing straight for her gut. At first the contact was rough, what with the blade's teeth sawing away at her flesh. But then it was smooth and easy, like wet tissue paper. He tore through her gut and pulled the sword back out, causing a nice spray of blood and other..."chunks". He pulled back again and thrusted stabbing her again in her chest. Her spiritual energy flowed into him quickly and blood coated the blade. He pulled the sword out once more and flicked it off onto her corpse, the blade once again being clean. "That was fun wasn't it?" He said to Masa, tilting his head. ~Hollowfication Post 2/5~
Username: Barakon-King Name: Saris Natar Gender: Male Age: 28 Side: Sith Appearance: Spoiler (On the left) Bio: Saris was born on a space trading station along with his twin brother Daris. However, shortly after birth Sith attacked the port and in a rush his brother was sent off to Earth in the last escape pod. As most inhabitants of the station were slaughtered, one of the Sith Lords saw potential in him and brought him to a base where he was put into training, starting at 8. He was taught brutality in the worst ways: no mercy, kill or be killed, and show no emotion except for hate. At nineteen, he was sent on his first field assignment where he killed his first man, he enjoyed it thoroughly. He loved the rush of killing, the feeling of someone else's life in your hands for you to do with as you please. Saris currently is a Sith Lord and is in command of his own base and small army. Personality: Completely cold and uncaring. Saris lives with a permanent scowl and a chip on his shoulder. He doesn't show any sort emotion except for pure hatred and the occasional enjoyment of ending someone's life. However, due to him being more of a commanding type now and not on the frontlines he doesn't get to kill as much. He only seems to show slight interest in his twin brother whom he was separated with. Lightsaber Color: Red Specialties: Form IV-Ataru and Form V- Shien/Djem So Force Powers Level 2: Force Rage Level 2: Force Lightning Level 3: Force Maelstrom Level 3: Telekinesis Other: Due to a Force connection of some type he sometimes has the same dreams or visions as his brother. Username: Barakon-King Name: Daris Natar Gender: Male Age: 28 Side: Jedi Appearance: Spoiler (on the right) Bio: As far as Daris can remember he was an orphan that was adopted by a rich family. Daris has always been in the lap of luxury, sent to the best schools with the biggest house and the best friends. Daris got everything he ever needed in life and definitely what he wanted. He only had one problem...every now and then he would have these dreams...dreams of somewhere dark and strange...somewhere not on Earth. He would dream of one person in particular but something was definitely weird, the person looked exactly like him. He was just getting ready to succeed his father as the head of a leading scientific study corporation when the "rock" hit and changed his life. All of his family had died during this time and he was alone on the Saber. However, having no family has allowed him to focus more on his training with the force...although the dreams occur more than ever now. Personality: Mostly silent, Daris likes to let his actions speak for him in both combat and just human interaction. He maintains an almost carefree attitude but always focuses when it comes to training or fighting. Lightsaber Color: Blue Specialty: Form 3- Soresu Force Powers Level 2: Telekinesis Level 2: Pyrokinesis Level 2: Force Push Other: N/A
OOC: Sorry I haven't been on, been enjoying my week off from school. Hanzo caught himself in the air shortly after the throw but didn't have enough momentum and remained upside down. He looked towards Hatsu just in time to see the Cero headed for him. Damn it! He's faster, he must have Hollowfied! Don't just sit here, counterattack now! Hanzo nodded to his zanpakuto and brought his hand to his forehead yelling, "Cero!", before extending his arm just in time for his own red beam to meet Hatsu's. The clash blew Hanzo back into a wall, mostly from the force of Hatsu's hollow powered blast. He fell from his place in the wall back to the ground, causing a nice cloud of rubble to come forth and surround Hanzo. He slowly got up, his clothes now torn and ragged and scratches all over him but nothing too serious, and took a deep breath before speaking. His voice was different than before. It had an almost growl to it, as if he were an animal. Hanzo slowly felt himself losing his grip on humanity, his primal instincts were taking over. The cloud of dust settled and revealed an almost ape-looking mask on Hanzo's face. It was at that moment Hanzo felt a pang of emotion, hate, he wanted to tear Hatsu apart, no, he needed to. "Well damn boy, you've driven me to the edge! Don't stop now! Come at me with all you've got! He grasped his sword tightly in his right hand and pushed off of his left foot towards Hatsu leaving the ground crumbled in his wake. He was faster than before and as if he just teleported was a few feet from Hatsu when he pulled his arm back and slashed horizontally with new-found force at the boy. ~Hollowfication Post 1/5~
OOC: Like mixt said it's a zanpakuto ability that allows my blade to take elements from the surroundings and use it as an attack. Hitokuchi means bite and it's almost like it's taking a bite of the ground. Lol, hope that makes sense. Hanzo smirked back at Hatsu as he felt himself regaining Spiritual energy. "Yes, eat Beast! Eat!" He yelled out. At this call the jagged edges on both ends of the sword started to move. The front edges moved downwards, while the back ones moved upwards just like a chain. The edges on the blade began to move incredibly fast just like a chainsaw, making sparks fly from the blades grinding against Hatsu's own sword. "Still cocky now, boy?" He laughed maniacally, sparks flying past his face. He pushed his arms out, unlocking the blades and breaking from Hatsu's embrace. Hanzo then used his back foot once again to push off of the spike and follow after Hatsu, this time launching his right leg to kick Hatsu.
Don't just stand here like an idiot, you won't last long just watching! Hanzo's zanpakuto boomed into his head. But who do I fight, ugh! He felt the drainage once again, it was killing him bit by bit. Go after the weak one! Hanzo looked at Hatsuharu, immediately taking him for the aforementioned "weak one". Hatsu was holding his own with Masa but looked as if he was struggling. The outside interference from Kyo certainly didn't help his cause. Kyo's cero was magnificent, wide enough to threaten two opponents, powerful, and not a bad shade of red either. He used his back foot to push off and sprinted forward towards Hatsu, his already released blade crying for contact, and swung in a rising arc yet again slashing through the ground and yelling, "Hitokuchi!" The same wave of spikes shot out of the ground and this time he jumped on the second spike and rode it towards Hatsu slashing horizontally with wicked force, so Hatsu would have to dodge the first spike and his attack.
Hanzo laughed loudly and obnoxiously at Arashi's comment. He unsheathed his sealed zanpakuto with his right hand, flourishing it as he did so, swirling it in a perfect circle then holding it in a reverse grip. "Have you ever been hungry captain?" He tilted his head slightly to accentuate his insane-sounding voice. "Not simple hungry but on the edge of dying hungry...well right now my zanpakuto is dying for sustenance and I won't allow it to starve." He flourished his blade again and this time held it traditionally. "Hanguribisuto, Eat!" Hanzo called out, causing the skull's eyes on the katana's hilt to glow a bright red and causing the blade of the katana to jut out at both ends becoming sharp and jagged, they were now Beast's teeth. He felt the first bit of drainage from his zanpakuto, it wasn't much but he would have to begin the fight soon. "I have an idea. There are now six of us," He said motioning to Masa with his left hand. "How about three on one for each of you?" He looked down at his blade smiling wickedly, he could feel Beast pulsating, vibrating, shaking with hunger. "Unless of course, by Soul Society standards that would be unfair?" He didn't wait for an answer, "Hitokuchi!" he slashed his sword against the ground in an upward arc sending a wave of uprising earth spikes at Arashi.
Great, now Bieber's made zombies gay too. First, Stephanie Meyers with vampires, now this...
Hanzo heard the deep roar in the very depths of his soul. His zanpakuto screeched at him So I don't get to eat? You idiot, you were too slow! "Calm yourself Beast," He replied. "I have the feeling you'll eat very soon." He turned around on the branch and quickly followed Masa, vanishing behind him and flashstepping to Sohma's room.
Hanzo gave a knowing, silent nod to Masa letting him know he knew to lay low. He studied Daichi and the others, his eyes quickly moving to scan them. 'One's a captain...he's either not as strong as he looks or he's hiding his spiritual pressure, the girl seems to have some underlying strength, and of course...Daichi.' Hanzo thought to himself as he looked the group over. He was waiting for something...he didn't know what, but he could feel the tension. They were getting closer and closer to Kyo's battle, maybe today wouldn't be so boring after all.
Hanzo leaned back upon the tree whose branch he was resting on. Los Lobos had been similar to his Soul Society experience except for one detail...he did more in the Soul Society! He hadn't been assigned any particular objective, just don't interfere with Kyo. At the same time it gave him a sense of freedom. When will I eat again? The voice was of course familiar. It was demonic and guttural yet loud in his head, like a thousand voices all compressed into one. "When the time comes, Beast." The silence was broken again as the zanpakuto spoke, If you don't feed me I'll have to drain you. "Calm down Kurt Cobain, we both know you can't drain me unless you're released." He closed his eyes for a moment but opened them up again quickly, he sensed someone just passing him. He turned his head to just barely see Masa and even farther, Daichi and the others. Is it feeding time? "Not necessarily...but it wouldn't hurt to do some reconnaissance..." he replied. He slowly stood up on the branch and stretched, he put one foot forward and flash-stepped a few yards behind Masa simply observing.
I'm reading, but a quick recap would help.
Username: Barakon-King Name: Hanzo Takonari Gender: Male Alliance (Soul Society or Los Lobos): Los Lobos Age: Looks about 25 Appearance: Spoiler Division: 3rd Rank: 3rd Seat Bio: Hanzo had always been the villain in life from being a bully on the playground when he was a kid to stealing from stores as a teen. He allied with the Soul Society for a short while, finding their way of life too tame and lackluster. He joined Los Lobos just to regain his status as an antagonist. Personality: Hanzo is definitely brutal and calculating. From training his eyes when he was young he can see things from up to 200 frames per second allowing him to analyze his environment and study people in short amounts of time. He seems to care little for anyone elses well being but his own and loves to take fights to their extreme. Other: Hanzo has a strong connection with his zanpakuto, and at times has conversations with it. Zanpakuto Name: Hangurībīsuto Sealed Appearance: Hungry Beast Spirit Appearance: http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq238/songohan87/01876530911/2ND ANIME OF 2010/cyberwolf.jpg Release Command: Eat. Shikai Appearance: Shikai Shikai Power: The blade becomes toothed and starts to saw like a chainsaw or "eat" when it makes contact with another zanpakuto while stealing spirit energy from Hanzo's opponent and adding on to his. The longer Hanzo fights with the sword in shikai state it starts to drain him of his spirit energy which is why it has to be "fed". The blade can also be fed by making contact with living objects such as plants and the earth itself. Bankai Name: N/A Bankai Appearance: N/A Hollow Mask: Mask