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  1. Barakon-King
    OOC: Gonna adopt a color to my posts, mine were looking too dull lol.

    Matthew looked at the girl's face and frowned, it was obvious she'd been crying. He couldn't blame her, he had been through the same thing. He looked her up and down and noticed just how underdressed she was. He chuckled quietly and then a little more audibly, figuring he should lighten the mood. "Well first, I'm Matthew...Mandolin, and you don't have to be self-conscious about how you're dressed. These are like pajamas to me," he said jokingly, gesturing to his elegant clothing. It was then Matthew made a decision. He decided that he'd hold off on telling Trisha about the accident until it was absolutely necessary. This way there was at least a chance of her being friendly with him. He did his best to make a tiny smile, probably weird looking on his depressed face, and continued the conversation. "So what's your name?"
    Post by: Barakon-King, May 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Barakon-King
    The sports car turned smoothly into the hospital's parking lot and stopped at least two parking spaces away from Trisha's car. Matt looked out of the passenger window and took short, shaky breaths. He was nervous. He wasn't that great at dealing with people and really didn't know how to handle the situation. "Hey," his uncle said, putting a hand on Matthew's shoulder. Matt finally pulled his gaze from out the window and looked to his uncle to see what he was going to do.

    "I'm gonna go in and see about the parents, how about you see how the daughter is? I think that's her car there." Frank said, pointing to Trisha's car. "Just try to comfort her the best you can, okay? It'll be fine. Here, I'm gonna leave the keys, be careful." And with that, Frank left the car and shut the door, heading into the hospital. He breezed through the halls in search of the hospital room, running past Sienna and Scott, wondering what they looked scared about.

    Matthew sighed and looked at his hands, he really didn't feel like being left alone, but he didn't want to have to meet a new person either. He remembered how he felt after losing his parents though. It's an unbearable feeling, no matter how many people are around you, it still rips you apart on the inside. However, the right person to talk to could make the times a little less dark. With that thought Matt took the keycard and turned off the car, exiting and shutting the door. He took a deep breath and walked over to Trisha's car.

    Matt had also just remembered he was way too dressed up for a hospital. There was a photoshoot earlier and he was still dressed in expensive clothes. He had on a snow white dress shirt, a red tie, red suspenders, and black dress pants. He usually liked to hide his presence in public, but it was dark though...maybe she wouldn't recognize him. The young man leaned forward and tapped her window, barely getting out, "H-hi..." He didn't really know what to say. He couldn't just come out and say, 'Oh hey, I think my driver plowed into your parents and almost killed them!'
    Post by: Barakon-King, May 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Barakon-King
    OOC: I plan to post, Arch/Firion/Machina! :D

    The Grand Hotel, the pinnacle of comfort in the city. The average customer's room was already huge and the hotel had seen fit to make sure the future CEO of the Mandolin brand had a comfortable stay. They had given Matthew the “Grand Penthouse”. It was on the top floor and consisted of a large main living room, three full bedrooms with king-sized beds, a fully stocked and equipped kitchen, and enough parking garage space for six tanks. Matthew wasn’t a snobbish person, but none of this impressed him. Sure, it would have when he was a child…when his mother and father were there. Since the accident Matthew had fallen into the custody of his uncle, Frank, who had also gained temporary CEO status of the brand until Matthew decided he was ready.

    However, his uncle was good to him. He always asked Matt what he thought of a decision, trying to prep Matt for the job. But Matt didn’t want the job, he never had even as a child and he was still confident in pursuing science. Frank tried to become the father figure Matt was missing, but that’s just the thing. A figure. Matt’s real father was long gone.

    Currently, Matt sat quietly in his darkened master bedroom, lying on 10,000 thread count silk sheets on a pillow hand-stuffed with geese feathers under a blanket made of 100% authentic alpaca fur. Several books on Chemistry, Physics, and modern scientific theories were scattered across the bed. An orange prescription bottle of pills sat next to him on the nightstand. The teen halfheartedly played the PS4 the room came equipped with, his eyes barely focused on the 128 inch flat screen. This was mostly to satisfy his uncle who was in the room on the phone, watching him. His uncle hated to see him depressed so occasionally he’d ‘spend some time’ with him.

    “We’re a business wear and dress attire company, there’s no need for a summer line,” Said Frank into the phone, “Is that all everyone’s concerned with these days, money? My grandfather used to sew and hem these damn pants together for two dollars in his day, and by God he did it with integrity!” Frank cringed when he noticed he was yelling and offered a smile to Matt. The uncle looked at his watch and pointed to the bottle of pills, making a silent swallowing motion. Matt took the hint and took one of the capsules and tossed it back, swallowing. His life had become so systematic, go here, smile and take a picture here; his parents had went off and did that themselves, Matt was left to be a child.

    The youth had finally felt himself relaxing when his uncle’s tone changed, “She’s hurt? Okay, where is she? Alright, I’m on my way.” Frank closed his phone and put on his coat, heading out. “Our driver, Bonnie got in a car accident with a man and a woman, their daughter’s there now and I need to go settle things. I’ll be back…or did you want to come?”

    “Y-yeah, I guess…” Matt muttered. After getting dressed, he stuffed his bottle of pills into his pocket and followed his uncle down to the parking garage and entered the throwaway Lamborghini they had brought with them, speeding off to the hospital.
    Post by: Barakon-King, May 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Barakon-King
  5. Barakon-King
    OOC: Sorry I took so long to post this, I just got my computer back. Hope everything's copasetic!
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Matthew Mandolin
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Personality: Matt prefers to watch and study over taking action. When speaking, he’s careful with his words and when silent, he‘s breaking things down in his head. Though he has a thin physique, Matthew is in very good shape from practicing Karate since he was a toddler. Matthew’s father also had a fondness for hunting so Matt was taught how to shoot.
    Bio: Matthew was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father, the illustrious Robert Mandolin, was the founder of the premium clothing line, Mandolin men’s formalwear. When he was young his parents moved from France to America to broaden their line. In America, Matthew’s parents struck oil and nearly quadrupled their income. Busy with all their ventures, Matthews’s parents began to neglect him. So instead of family time, Matthew found comfort in studying science. Matthew always had an affection for all things logical and chemistry intrigued him more than anything else. He was even planning to pursue a career in science instead of taking over his father’s company. Everything was on the right track for Matthew up until 13...
    While in Africa on vacation, there was a local tribe uprising at the safari compound Matthew’s family was at. When his parents left the room to check things out, they never came back. Left in the room for hours, he was later retrieved by armed military personnel. On the way out to the chopper, Matthew saw his parent’s bodies strewn on the ground, blood riddled and bullet holed. The memory still haunts him. Matt was told he was a high priority rescue because of his family’s net worth and is now the heir to the Mandolin fortune.
    Specialty: N/A
    Weapon: A wooden Louisville Slugger, crudely wrapped with barbed wire.
    Other: Matthew is mentally unstable. After witnessing both his parents death in front of him at 13, he suffers severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and occasionally has breakdowns.
    How will I die?: [Leave blank. I‘ll fill this out for you to read for your amusement.]
    Post by: Barakon-King, May 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Barakon-King
    Profile Post

    It's been a while...

    It's been a while...
    Status Update by Barakon-King, Nov 19, 2011
  7. Barakon-King
    Pft, I'm not impressed. (Is jealous of your skills.) <_<
    Post by: Barakon-King, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Barakon-King
  9. Barakon-King
    Username: B-K
    Name: Victor Bilinski
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: Victor
    Bio: N/A
    Class: Hunter
    Weapon(s) : A RED bow.
    Abilities: Volley and Puncture
    Other: Magi

    Health: 1
    Attack: 1
    Defense: 2
    Speed: 2
    Spirit: 3

    Username: B-K
    Name: Erik Corsair
    Gender: Male
    Age: 26
    Appearance: Erik
    Bio: N/A
    Class: Vanguard
    Weapon(s) : Two Katanas.
    Abilities: Double Cut and Backhand Blow
    Side: Immortals
    Other: Erik wears a Mask to hide his face from other humans, because he is ashamed of his choice to join the Immortals.

    Health: 2
    Attack: 1
    Defense: 3
    Speed: 2
    Spirit: 3
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Barakon-King


    Zarrid let out a breath and flipped the coin in his hands. It wasn't a regular coin, however. One side had an image of the sun, radiant and red, and the other of the moon, bright and blue. It landed on the moon and Zarrid sighed once again. "Dark times are coming..." He mumbled to himself before he saw Dante hop up from his seat. He followed suit and sauntered over to the entrance. He put on a smile and waved to Carmen, "Hello, Carmen, I trust you've had a safe trip, the earthquakes have gotten pretty bad!" He opened his eyes and then widened them. His mouth fell open and he let out a small moan of confusion. Thankfully, Dante had already asked the question of who the children were. He straightened up and readjusted himself when Carmen said they were guests of honor, here to end the war. He nodded on the outside but on the inside he scoffed. Here to end the war? Pft. If anything these kids will get in the way... He smiled, hoping that with his size and stature he looked intimidating to the young group. After a beat he nodded again and smiled. "Well, let's be good hosts and make sure our guests are fed. They have big things ahead of them!"
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jun 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Barakon-King
    Guess who's baaaaaaaaaack?
    Status Update by Barakon-King, Jun 4, 2011
  12. Barakon-King
    For me it's a tie between Lemonade Mouth by Mark Peter Hughes and Happyface by Stephen Edmond. Lemonade Mouth was really cool but Happyface spoke to me more and just felt more real. And the art was awesome.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Mar 11, 2011 in forum: Literature
  13. Barakon-King
    The boy listened intently to Aiden as he explained what was going on. Joseph's eyes widened in amazement as he took in this new information, and then narrowed again as he immediately rejected them. "Soldiers, abilities?" He scoffed in disbelief.

    Reginald watched the group converse from above. While doing so, he reached into one of the pockets of the Kevlar vest he wore and removed a small smoke grenade.

    "That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever-" Just then he had remembered, the running on walls, clearing tall fences, and overall evading that soldier. That wasn't him. Joseph's greatest athletic acheivement was staying out of the way of the bigger kids in peewee football. "Wait," he continued, "you may be right. I've never done anything like that before. W-when I got away."

    Reginald pulled the pin and tossed it aside. There were five seconds until the grenade would release a fine cloud that would shroud his attack. He dropped it from the rooftop and after two seconds leapt after it.

    Joseph thought for a moment. Over a week of this? Why can't I remember any of it? Or anything before that?! Ugh! I'll figure that out later, but for now I should try and just survive. He nodded in acceptance and then looked to Crystal. He took his weight off of the wall and staggered a few steps forward. "Yeah, but just barely. I don't think I'll slow us down too much..." He stopped when he a clank! and then a loud Csshhhh! White smoke slowly surrounded him.

    Rage burst through the smoke cover with his pistols held in a melee position and landed in a perfect battle stance in front of Joseph. "Huh! Huh!" He grunted as he threw two perfect wide arc slashes at the young man.

    It took Joseph a while to realize what was happening. Out of nowhere he saw a figure erupt from the smoke and land before him. The first slash made contact with his "bandage" and reopened the wound, some blood spray coated the wall beside him and he called out in pain, "Agh!" As he prepared for more punishment something strange happened. He felt that feeling from before. That energized feeling. He swayed perfectly out of reach of the second slash and backed up. The feeling went away. As he backed up and put his left arm out for mercy, he tripped and fell into a puddle.

    Reginald stepped forward following the boy. Joseph had fallen and had basically just killed himself. Sure he'd won, Rage spun his right pistol and aimed it at Joseph. He pulled back the hammer this time, ready to fire, and aimed the left pistol at Joseph's companions. "Since I'm a nice guy, I'm going to shoot this one and let you scatter. That is...if you start now."

    Joseph's heart pounded rapidly. He didn't know what to do, he had already had a close brush with death earlier and didn't know how to react. He couldn't get up, all he could do was beg for mercy. He shut his eyes tightly and hoped for a miracle, when all of a sudden he felt something. It was a surge of pure energy, running through his veins. He opened his eyes to see sparks of electricity crackling, and pulsating from the hand that rested in the puddle through his arm and on to his outstretched arm. What's this power? I feel it coursing through me...I have to do something or he'll kill me! He thought. The boy balled up his hand into the tightest fist he could make and released, and from his hand shot a bolt of lightning that hit Reginald directly in the chest, sending him flying over the fence Joseph had jumped over.

    Reginald readied himself for the killing blow, when suddenly Joseph started to spark. Electricity covered the boy and settled on his left arm like a lightning rod. Joseph sent out a sharp beam that hit Reginald square in the chest. He flew backwards and over the fence, but in a move of pure athleticism he did a midair backflip and braced himself, landing expertly on his toes in a crouching stance. The specially made Kevlar had absorbed the lightning, but he wanted to keep an element of surprise and appear defeated. For now he retreated to the shadows again.

    OOC: Sorry I had to do a whole "RPing with myself" thing. I just really wanted to keep things moving and go ahead and let Joseph discover his power.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Feb 20, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Barakon-King
    "My name? N-name...ugh." Joseph muttered as he clutched his head and leaned against the wall. Hair, he had hair. Just then he remembered he didn't know what he looked like, let alone his name. What's my name?! Why can't I remember anything?!! He thought, all the while shaking his head while holding it with both hands. Jerry, Jake, Jason, Jeff, Joe?! He drew blank again but he knew he was close so he calmed down and replied. "I'm not entirely sure, but I think my name is Joe. You can call me that if you'd like. Wish there were better circumstances, but nice to meet you."

    He looked to where Aiden was looking and tried to calm himself down when he spoke. "I lost the soldier that was following me. I don't know what it was, it felt like I was Superman. I was running on walls and leaping through the air until I crashed." He smirked again when he thought of that feeling of freedom he had. "What's happening here? Why are there all these soldiers?"

    A figure stood on a roof, resting his foot on top of a ledge and watching the world below in a very Batman-esque way. The man wore a hood that casted just enough shadow to shroud his face and sheild him from heat. He was holding his custom pistols in each hand, taking his thumb on and off of the safety panel, ready for action. A communication headset craned around his cheek and a small microphone sat a good two inches from his mouth. It was always on because he only ever really spoke if it needed to be heard by everyone. His eyes danced and flickered across the landscape as he took in everything. Different squads were mobilizing, there was a Horseman in pursuit of some girl, and there was a small group of teenagers exiting some building. He focused in on the group, laying his eyes on Joseph. Seems to be injured. Looks like easy pickings. "I have sight of a group of Awakened, will fire once I have a shot." He said sharply into the microphone before crouching down and further studying the group.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Feb 13, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Barakon-King
    Joseph took a deep, shaky breath standing up. He struggled to keep his eyes open, the loss of blood and fatigue from the actions he had just performed had hit him. He shook himself to stay awake and heard Aiden speak. "Huh? Oh..." He hung his head as he struggled to remember what had happened. Flashes of him running, knocking over trash cans, and hiding ran through his head. Another flash, this time of a soldier firing his gun at him, then just blank. "I-I can't remember completely, but I think I was shot..." He held back another vomiting episode and looked to Crystal. "Well, my makeshift gauze is done for and I just banged my ribs up against that dumpster," He pointed behind him to the evil waste-dispoal bin, "but other than that I'm just tired." He said, forcing a small smile.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Feb 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Barakon-King
    There was a noise. Someone had just walked out of the building he was next to. Joseph moaned in pain, trying to be as quiet as he could in fear of soldiers, and peeked out from behind the dumpster he had collided with not too long ago. He doesn't look like a soldier...maybe he can help me! He stood up and stumbled forward a bit, clutching his side, but his legs gave out underneath him and he fell. "Ugh..." He continued to crawl forward until he reached Aiden's foot and grabbed his ankle. "" The torn sleeve wrapped around his arm was now nothing more than a blood covered rag, along with the rest of his tattered clothes.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Feb 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Barakon-King
    Joseph’s eyes fluttered open slowly. They were a magnificent bright orange hue, a color brought on by some contacts he had purchased with his friends. Worth at least $500 per eye, the contacts are lifetime guaranteed and are self-hydrating. Of course he didn’t know that now. He opened his mouth but then closed it. Tears welled up in his eyes and his chest tightened. What the- huh? Breathe! The boy took his inner advice and opened his mouth, letting in a gulp of air. Joseph sighed and groaned, he felt a sharp pain in his left arm. He looked to the left to see his left shirt sleeve was ripped off and wrapped around his arm, soaked with blood. It was a Mandolin Original men’s white dress shirt. He didn’t know that either.

    He felt something strange in his right hand. He opened his palm and looked inside, a bloody bullet laid there. The young man went into a short shock before looking back at his arm. Apparently, he had been shot and removed the bullet himself. The boy looked down to see his shirt was stained with blood also. He pushed himself off of the ground and looked around to see he was in an alley, a helicopter passed overhead. The sound of the chopper blades disoriented Joseph and made him lean against a wall. He felt something strange. Something was coming up. He clutched his stomach and leaned over, opening his mouth and spewing out some “leftovers.†It was funny because he couldn’t remember the last time he ate. Eating, something you do with food, it was coming back slowly.

    The young man wiped his mouth with his still-intact right sleeve and up righted himself. He put his right leg forward to take a step, but doubled over quickly. He breathed heavily and turned his head, spitting up again. He coughed a few times before he caught his breath and sat up. Dammit! he thought. He realized he had forgotten how to...wait, what had he forgotten? Walking. Yes, he had forgotten how to walk. The boy got up again and used the wall for support. He put one foot forward at a time, slowly regaining control. He reached the end of the alleyway and looked around the corner. What the hell? he thought again. The boy saw a squad of soldiers guarding what appeared to be a borderline. He must have had his head around the corner too long because one of the soldiers caught sight of him.

    “Hey! Dammit, I got one!†The soldier clutched his machine gun tightly and ran over to the alley, ready for contact. Joseph was not. “Don’t run and I’ll make this quick and painless!" The man turned the corner ready to fire but saw…nothing. He looked up just in time to see a figure bound over a fence. He took the opportunity to fire, getting off a few shots before he turned around and headed back to his post.

    Ahh! Ah! ****! Joseph thought as he ran. Who is he and what does he want with me?! He saw a fence in front of him and immediately thought he was done for. Jump damn it jump! He nodded to himself and leaped over the obstruction. Wind blew through his hair as he soared. He turned his head slightly to look behind him, but saw a bullet in its flight path of death whiz past him. He landed from his jump and kept running. He didn’t know how he was doing all this, his body seemed to be working on its own. He jumped over a toppled trash can and ran along a wall to avoid a pile of trash, from the wall run he jumped over another fence. He felt so free, so fast, it was exhilarating gliding through the air. The boy looked back and saw the soldier had stopped pursuing him so he slowed down.

    “H-how did I do that?†He asked himself. He turned his head just in time to see another fence. He wasn’t quite high enough and his foot banged against the top of it, sending him over and onto a dumpster. “Ack!†A groan of pain escaped his lips as his torso slammed into the dumpster and he toppled onto the ground. “S-somebody help me…†He said with almost all of his breath. Good thing he remembered to breathe.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Feb 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Barakon-King
    OOC: <_< Just gonna leave this here.

    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Joseph Marolin
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: Before the disaster Joseph originally grew up in a wealthy family. His parents were the owners of the Mandolin French Winery brand and Mandolin formal wear clothing brand. When he was young, his parents moved from France to America to broaden their line. In America, Joseph’s parents struck oil and nearly quadrupled their income. With all the money, Joseph’s parents began to neglect Joseph, taking dropping money on him as a substitute for spending time with him. In place of family time he lived a fantastic rich boy life up until the disaster happened. Now all he has is a picture of him and his family in front of their mansion, and a wallet full of money he can’t remember how to use.
    Personality: Joseph has a overall depressed and indifferent attitude. Loss of memory has hit him particularly hard, as sometimes he will suddenly forget simple motor control, like how to walk etc.
    Power(s) : Joseph can control electricity, the electricity has in turn given him the ability to go into a state where all his senses are supercharged and he is overall more effective.

    (Sorry if this one is a little long, I really wanted to develop him.)
    Username: Barakon-King
    Name: Reginald “Rage†Telkoff
    Gender: Male
    Age: 29
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: Richard is originally from Russia. Born into a heavily militarily involved family, it wasn’t a matter of choice to get training, it was more of a when. At the age of 9, Richard was sent to a child fighter factory and trained in worldwide fighting style, tactics, and over twenty-seven different languages, not including dialects. Released at 20, he was immediately put into Special Ops spy groups and sent on missions all over the world, easily getting his name spread around and earning him worldwide recognition. Now, he has been called by The Military to serve.
    Personality: Richard is an all business man. He’s definitely frustrated with the fact that he’s more on border patrol than frontline action but still will die for his orders. Years of this line of work have made him cold and unfeeling toward his enemy and he won’t hold his trigger finger without a good reason.
    1 & 2: Richard uses two custom-made .45 Magnum handguns.
    Each handgun is designed with high-tech Russian Special Ops thumbprint security to protect from theft. The gun’s safety will remain on unless Richard and Richard only places his thumb on the thumbprint panel on the gun’s grip. The handguns also have more powerful hammer action than usual handguns making firing speed increase greatly. Each handgun has a short blade coming from the top of the gun about two feet long, in the style of a bayonet, making them ideal for both long range and close quarters combat. The pistols both have optional laser sighting.
    3: He also uses a custom M4A1 assault rifle.
    The rifle also uses the thumbprint technology. His assault rifle has three different fire settings: Full Auto, Semi-Auto, and Three-Round Burst, to fit his current preference. The M4 uses an electronic round counter that shows the number of shots fired total and the current number of rounds in the magazine. Richard uses the M4 only in desperate conditions because of the bullets he has created especially for use on The Awakened. He adds small mines in each bullet that are rigged to explode if they pierce a person’s skin and trace Awakened blood. However, due to the expensiveness of these bullets he rarely uses this weapon. The rifle also has optional laser sighting.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Feb 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Barakon-King
    "Hmph." Was all Hanzo said before a cocky smirk spread across his face. "Well you know what they say. When you assume...!" He cut himself short and took a more fighting stance with his blade, however he still held it with just his right hand. He'd use two hands if Masa proved a challenge. He put his right foot behind him and pushed off it, dashing toward Masa. He brought his sword up and at an angle to the right and brought it down in a diagonal slash aimed at Masa’s shoulder. Nothing too fancy, after all this was just the beginning of the fight.
    Post by: Barakon-King, Jan 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Barakon-King
    I'd really love a Toy Story world. Smacking Zerg around with my keyblade just sounds awesome.

    What I'd really really love however, and I know this will never happen, is a crossover to other networks like Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon. An Invader Zim or Billy and Mandy Endsville world would make me weep manly tears of joy. A Courage the Cowardly Dog or Tom & Jerry world would too. But, all those are KH worlds only for my imagination.