The giant hand crashed down onto the ground with a strong quake, shaking the foundation underneath Boris. The Viking fell onto one knee, struggling to maintain stability. Slowly, he got up and stumbled forward before regaining his balance and shaking himself. He gripped the sword's hilt tightly and looked up to gaze upon the horizon. This was...nothing like the Earth he had left behind. Surely this is just new snowfall? The warrior attempted to tell himself. Boris followed the lead set forth and eased off the hand, sitting on the edge first and tenderly lowering himself down. He landed on the ground with a solid Clop!...which confused him. He stomped his foot a few more times and noticed that the ground was akin to solid stone. Boris studied his surroundings and saw little more than sand scattered on the ground. This planet had truly been twisted into something perverse. The purity, the life of Earth had vanished and was replaced by stoneworks. The lush greens and trees Boris was used to were nonexistant. It was was maddening. ", this is impossible! This isn't Earth! Who could do this..." The large man boomed as he stomped around angrily, causing loud Clunk! noises to bounce off the stone ground. "I'm going to rip out each of their skulls and beat them with it." He muttered to himself, turning away from the group and leaning upon the stone hand.
Name: Han "Viper" Mazokani Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Weapon: A katana that carries his family's crest on the hilt. The katana has been upgraded to better combat Deadmen with a vibrating blade that saws away at flesh as it makes contact. + A plain pistol. Bio: Han comes from a long line of assassins that dates back to the period of ninja. It was expected of him to follow the legacy, but it was not his wish. On his 21st birthday, he was forcibly made to complete a hit. Needless to say, he became hooked on the thrill of killing. However, his enjoyment of the job made him become sloppy. While on a mission with family, he was blinded by his bloodlust and killed his father and two cousins. After a near-sentence into DW, it was decided that because of his skill he would do better as a Undertaker.
Swearing can definitely be used to convey emotion in songs. It just doesn't make sense if your talking about some cheating-whore girlfriend and you say, "DARN YOU!" It's just not human. But a loud, raspy **** always gets the point across. There are times when cursing is overused though. For instance, I'm an avid fan of OFWGKTA. There are PLENTY of curses that get thrown around in their songs. Sometimes they get they're used for a reason, other times just because. But, curse words bring out emotions in you. When someone yells out a curse, your blood flows and your adrenaline rushes. It's another layer of music that entices the listener. But...that's just me. As for swearing showing a lack of vocabulary, that's a common misconception. That may be the case with your average everyday person, but with a musical artist things are a little different. MF DOOM, Aesop Rock, Mos Def, and Nas are lyrical geniuses that have some of the broadest vocabularies in hip-hop, hell music, and they accentuate their songs with cursing because it's familiar. You want to have your listener following your words, but you want to make a greater point. You don't want to say useless lines, but you don't want to ailienate your fans. It's a trade-off that, in turn, makes better music. It's smart and relatable. Welp, I've rambled enough.
A sadistic grin creeps onto Hanzo's face as he hears Kyo's command. It wasn't a special mission, but whatever he was being assigned was important as well. "As you wish, Master!" He said, barely containing himself. His spiritual energy fluctuated again at his excitement and Beast roared within him. "The time is upon us Hanzo. My- no...our sustenance is just around the corner." The animalistic entity growls in Hanzo's head. Hanzo nods in response to his zanpakuto and immediately takes off in the direction of the Dungeon. Hanzo reaches the Dungeon in practically no time, entering right after Ryu who saw fit to kick open the doors. "The urge, the hunger, rages within you too, doesn't it?!" He half-shouts as he walks in.
I agree with this comment. Nintendo does have a different focus. They don't have the "computer" mentality of Sony and Microsoft. Sony and MS focus on pushing hardware specs to in turn have nicer looking and better playing gaming experiences. Nintendo has always thought about how they could give you an "original" experience. The Wii itself was more about more different and intuitive experiences than being shiny. Not that it's a bad thing on either side, it's just that Nintendo does deserve to be its its own generation.
But Ultraviolence has a totally different meaning nowadays. Ultraviolence means extreme, or glorified and glamourized, depictions of violence. This generation is being steadily desentisized to deeper levels of subject matter and violence. What was once ultraviolence is commonplace now. For instance, in the 1980s if they saw the blood splatter from headshots in Call of Duty, given how realistic the game looks, it'd be ultraviolence. That's somewhat tame now. Now take a game like, Afro Samurai or the soon-to-come Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. That is considered ultraviolence now and back then would most likely be banned. Ultraviolence isn't simply something that can't be stopped. It's, believe it or not, an artistic and sometimes stylistic choice that game designers make. Stifling them would be stifling art. Also, the games are rated M. That's like saying, "You can't curse in this R-rated movie!" If the games get into the hands of minors, that's either a parent's or a negligent employee's fault.
Since I'm depressed, or at least sad, often I usually zone out to some Mastodon. Either Blood Mountain or Leviathan. Enough power to get me out of my funk, yet technical and smooth enough to soothe me. That or I just jam B*stard by Tyler, The Creator. I can relate a lot to this album so it makes me feel better that I'm not all alone.
OOC: I just got all the way caught up and found out...not that much has actually happened. Yay! :D Captain Sohma was in Espada's grasp. The ball was definitely in his allies' court so Hanzo assumed the Soul Society would be mounting an attack sooner or later. He loved the idea of fighting them. Not just fighting, but winning. He could feel his murderous urge rise again. He wanted to rip them into tiny pieces, incinerate those pieces into microscopic ashes, and then...wipe the ashes up with Handi-Wipes so there wouldn't be too much of a mess. Hanzo came upon Kyo and the others as he strolled and sped up his pace. "But you aren't leaving me out of the fun are you?" Called out Hanzo as he walked towards Shinjiro, Masa, and Kyo. The Espada grinned and licked his lips at the thought of real combat. Hell, at the thought of something to actually do. Waiting around with a captured captain for an invasion with no exact date wasn't exactly exciting. But the former Soul Reaper could feel the eagerness build within him again. The hunger, the STARVATION! He felt his spiritual energy pulse for a second and then waver, resting a hand on his zanpakuto's hilt to soothe Beast if only momentarily. Hanzo would definitely need to train with his zanpakuto more. However, he shook the thought and stopped as he stood beside the other men and awaited Kyo's orders.
Boris smirked at Elias' response and studied the rest of Heaven's forces. I suppose when the time comes I'll see their true colors. He thought to himself. After a moment, Lucifel appeared and began talking. At the mention of Micheal's Rings, Boris looked to the fingers and took a step towards one. The reality of the task had just hit him. He was getting ready to fight an enemy he had never even dreamt of. It didn't matter, a fight was his specialty and he was sure that he could overcome and obstacle he came to. When the sword appeared in Boris' hand he immediately felt calm. He was now in his element. He held the sword high overhead and brought it down with great force, splitting the ring cleanly. With a flourish, he spun the sword in his right hand, brought it around his back and into his left hand and stuck the blade into the stone ground. Despite his serious attitude he couldn't hide the grin on his face. "Got one." He muttered.
Anyone else cream their jeans when they heard about this? Hopefully there's another all-out news team brawl.
He's definitely dope, definitely. You new to rap though? Cause he hasn't been on the scene that long and you say he's your favorite lol. I heard about Hopsin from his Tyler, the Creator diss and decided not to be a fanboy (I'm a huge OF fan) and checked out his other music. He's good, just relies on dissing too much to build publicity.
Yes, yes, God yes. Buy the game now. Why are you still reading this post? Go buy the damn game.
It looks pretty ****ing sweet. I wanna see how combat is though. It'd kinda take me outta the whole "you're in an episode of South Park" feel if there were a bunch of menus and button prompts.
I thought "Concept of Love" was from JSRF? Then again, I never played the first one. Hoping to pick it up on PSN.
[Double Post]
Is it too late in the RP for me to make an Espada character? If not, here's the sheet! :D Username: Barakon-King Name: Hanzo Takonari Gender: Male Alliance (Soul Society or Espada): Espada Age (you can just put how old they look): 25 Appearance: Spoiler Division: 3rd Rank: 3rd Seat Bio: Hanzo had always been the villain in life from being a bully on the playground when he was a kid to stealing from stores as a teen. He allied with the Soul Society for a short while, finding their way of life too tame and lackluster. He joined Espada just to retain his status as an antagonist. Personality: Hanzo is definitely brutal and calculating. From training his eyes when he was young he can see things at up to 200 frames per second. This allows him to analyze his environment and study people in short amounts of time. He seems to care little for anyone else’s well being but his own and loves to take fights to their extreme. Other: Zanpakuto Name: Hangurībīsuto Sealed Appearance: Hungry Beast Spirit Appearance: Release Command: Eat. Shikai Appearance: Shikai Shikai Power: The blade becomes toothed and starts to saw like a chainsaw or "eat" when it makes contact with another zanpakuto, while stealing spirit energy from Hanzo's opponent and adding onto his. However, the longer Hanzo fights with the sword in shikai state, the more his zanpakuto begins to drain him of his spirit energy. Which is why it has to be "fed". The blade can also be fed by making contact with living objects such as plants or the earth itself. “Hitokuchi”- Meaning “bite”, Hitokuchi allows the zanpakuto to use the environment and launch projectiles of different elements it comes into contact with. For instance, when slashed along the ground spikes shoot up. Or when the sword is swung through flame, a fireball is shot. This all uses spirit energy, so depending on how much Hanzo has been doing, the projectile could be little more than an earthen molehill or a small spitfire. Hollow Mask: Mask
The former Viking watched Elias and Sapphira plummet underneath the mist and frowned. Now Boris was not a man of fear. No, no, if anything he was too confident. However, the giant beast of a man still had to look to the ArchAngel, Barachiel, before jumping after him. "I assure you, you will be fine, Boris." The Angel said, his voice comforting Boris. He was like Boris in many ways. His attitude and thoughts always seemed to reflect the warrior's own. With a firm nod of his head, the angel gestured toward where Boris would make the jump. After an assuring look, he steeled himself over, stepped forward, and jumped. The air rushed upward and the gust blew his long, golden hair every which way, but the fall was not long and the large man landed squarely in the palm of a stone hand with a solid Thunk!. "Decent drop..." Boris mumbled to himself, admiring the architecture of the hand. The Viking looked over at Elias and looked him up and down. The lad looked as if he was still wet behind the ears and not yet experienced in the ways of combat. The mission they were undertaking defintely required some knowledge of it. The man then looked upon Sapphira, and after a moment he closed his eyes and shook his head. A clergyman and a young least this isn't all the forces of Heaven have to offer... He thought. "Do you think you're prepared, priest?" Boris called out to Elias, smirking slightly, it was a joke but given his naturally serious tone Elias might take it the wrong way.
"Oh...uh, well I came here to...fill up my prescription," Matthew said, thinking on his toes and flashing the orange pill bottle from his pocket. "And I saw you in your car crying and thought I should come talk to you." He looked at her with saddened eyes and sighed. The boy already wasn't used to holding conversations and he definitely didn't like lying. Despite this, Matt kept talking to her, determined to comfort her like he wished someone would've when his parents died. "You know, my uncle used to tell me," He said, taking a stretch and putting a hand on Trisha's shoulder, "You shouldn't be afraid to cry, because for every tear that falls, you wash your sadness away."
Gotcha, made the changes. So you'll tell me when I need to RP as Baraqel or do I use him from the start?
Someone played El Shaddai? :D Also, about the whole Fallen Angel thing. Can I pick one and control them like a regular character? If so, can I have Baraqel? Username: Barakon-King Name: Boris Gender: Male Age: 29 Appearance: Spoiler Bio: Boris lived during the time where the warrior was revered all over the world. Hailing from the land of the vikings, many times Boris has killed and pillaged, all for the glory of Odin. Despite his violent life and worship of other Gods, Boris was otherwise pure of heart so his ascension into Heaven made sense. Yet he secretly harbors a resentment, he would've preferred an eternity in Valhalla. Personality: On the exterior, Boris is cold and unapproachable. With his huge stature and bravado-filled speech, many men feared Boris and for good reason. Boris knows his way around a fight much moreso than any other individual and will attempt to make a winning situation out of a bad one. However, on the inside he is caring and gentle, always trying to ensure his comrades' safety. Guardian Angel: Barachiel Power: Detection Other: [Optional.] Username: Barakon-King Name: Seth Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Cruel and sadistic. Seth hosts a terrible bloodlust, enjoying and prolonging any fight he gets times with other Nephilim. He follows the will of his father to the letter and believes the human race are scum who should be crushed for attacking the tower. He believes he is the only one of his father's children who is worth something and is quick to say so. Father: Baraqel Abilities: Seth has reptile senses (smells, sight, and reaction time) and a pair of razor-sharp claws. Other: N/A